ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Well considering we have the world s 3rd largest oil reserve, it's going to be awhile before we run out. By then, technology will have improved, and other sources will be viable. Right now, that's not the case and so the greenies better get used to it. Besides, Alberta oil is the oil that is most demand and we need market prices so that everyone can benefit. Until I see people who are so anti-oil throw away their phones, go bare feet in winter, refuse to fly anywhere, get rid of their computers and either get a horse or donkey to travel, they are simply being hypocrites of the worst kind. Our country has thrived on oil and gas and will continue to do so for many, many years. So lets get reasonable: get rid of foreign money that is supplying the protesters so that they can get real jobs and lets get that pipeline built. That's the bottom line


The 'everyone can benefit' schtick just isn't working. We're at a point where this is no more than biting the hands that feeds them.

As far as the hypocrites go, all you need to do is look to Horgan and his whining to trudeau about capping gas prices but refusing to actually increase their capacity (and supply) by TMPL... He's an idiot.. All the ecoweenies are hypocritical idiots

Go yell at both nests of traitors.

Did you get the mini van all set for the grand invasion?

PS - Don't forget all the sharp pointy sticks!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The 'everyone can benefit' schtick just isn't working. We're at a point where this is no more than biting the hands that feeds them.

As far as the hypocrites go, all you need to do is look to Horgan and his whining to trudeau about capping gas prices but refusing to actually increase their capacity (and supply) by TMPL... He's an idiot.. All the ecoweenies are hypocritical idiots

Did you get the mini van all set for the grand invasion?

PS - Don't forget all the sharp pointy sticks!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The 'everyone can benefit' schtick just isn't working. We're at a point where this is no more than biting the hands that feeds them.

As far as the hypocrites go, all you need to do is look to Horgan and his whining to trudeau about capping gas prices but refusing to actually increase their capacity (and supply) by TMPL... He's an idiot.. All the ecoweenies are hypocritical idiots

Did you get the mini van all set for the grand invasion?

PS - Don't forget all the sharp pointy sticks!
Or Horgan could reduce some of the fees , taxes and levies his government takes from every litre purchased .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
As far as the hypocrites go, all you need to do is look to Horgan and his whining to trudeau about capping gas prices but refusing to actually increase their capacity (and supply) by TMPL... He's an idiot.. All the ecoweenies are hypocritical idiots
Horgan is in a bit of a precarious position right now. He made a bunch of stupid promises to the wrong people to secure enough votes to dump Christy. And then somehow someone bought the bull shit that 42 seats trumps (ooh bad word) 44 seats and 3 seats trumps 44 seats. He totally blew the bridge tolls by removing them (again appealing to the wrong people) and then his impossible promise re Site C fell apart, so now he's really scrambling to keep the 'environmentalists' on side by opposing the pipeline and totally pissing off the people who want jobs and cheaper gas. And then there's his promise to provide $10 day care (WTF is going to baby sit for 8 hours for $10?)- No problems, the taxpayer will fund it. Now he's really on tenterhooks in fear Andrew Wilkinson will give the rug a yank! Kind of makes me think of an old song from the 30s..........."My time ain't long".


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Well considering we have the world s 3rd largest oil reserve, it's going to be awhile before we run out. By then, technology will have improved, and other sources will be viable. Right now, that's not the case and so the greenies better get used to it. Besides, Alberta oil is the oil that is most demand and we need market prices so that everyone can benefit. Until I see people who are so anti-oil throw away their phones, go bare feet in winter, refuse to fly anywhere, get rid of their computers and either get a horse or donkey to travel, they are simply being hypocrites of the worst kind. Our country has thrived on oil and gas and will continue to do so for many, many years. So lets get reasonable: get rid of foreign money that is supplying the protesters so that they can get real jobs and lets get that pipeline built. That's the bottom line


It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. We can gradually deter fuel consumption without outright banning it.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So you want to separate from Canada so that you can have more money. The richest part of the country demands more, more, more, or else! Greed over love of your country ...


The worst kind of grasping, snivelling traitors, too.

Apparently you can't read. Where in my opinion do I say I want to "separate". You see, that's the problem now-a-days. People continue either not to listen to each other or read into something that isn't there. It's extremely frustrating to try and have a civil conversation with these issues. And no, separation is not the answer to Alberta's problem; it's ideology and politics that are Alberta's problem and all of Canada's for that matter.


Apparently you can't read. Where in my opinion do I say I want to "separate". You see, that's the problem now-a-days. People continue either not to listen to each other or read into something that isn't there. It's extremely frustrating to try and have a civil conversation with these issues. And no, separation is not the answer to Alberta's problem; it's ideology and politics that are Alberta's problem and all of Canada's for that matter.


LMAO - apparently I can't read either - I thought you were commenting on what I wrote. Humble apologies.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Apparently you can't read. Where in my opinion do I say I want to "separate". You see, that's the problem now-a-days. People continue either not to listen to each other or read into something that isn't there. It's extremely frustrating to try and have a civil conversation with these issues. And no, separation is not the answer to Alberta's problem; it's ideology and politics that are Alberta's problem and all of Canada's for that matter.


LMAO - apparently I can't read either - I thought you were commenting on what I wrote. Humble apologies.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! How utterly ABSURD! LIE-berals spinning in circles like turds in a flushed toilet! And vile Pierre Trudeau rolling over in his grave and howling "You GO BOY-BRING ON MY NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY PART TWO"!

Our Pet did not like how political power was shifting as Alberta oil began to be developed- how can a good son of Quebec ensure that
Ottawa would remain focussed entirely on Quebec needs if Alberta economic influence grew along with the oil patch?

Even worse- how could LIE-berals fight off attacks from western "intruders" into Ottawa? People like Preston Manning and Harper? The LIE-beral party sees itself as the natural ruling Even worse- much of that Cdn oil was and still is fueling the Yankee economy and Our vile Pet HATED Yankees- just as his idiot son Justin does! So how better to hurt ALL enemies of LIE-berals than to keep the oil in the ground?

Hence- the Trudeau National Energy policy that nearly broke the entire Cdn oil patch! Trudeau policy was to put up so many road blocks to Cdn oil patch development that oil companies would give up and go some place else- and does that not sound EXACTLY like what Our idiot Boy |Justin is doing with his Kinder Morgan dance? Our idiot Boy states the pipelines WILL GO AHEAD- just as soon as all the new LIE-beral environmental assessments have been completed- but they CANNOT be completed before the next federal election so the matter will DIE! Which is what LIE-berals WANT! If pipelines are built then desperate LIE-berals might lose votes to Greens and LIE-berals NEED EVERY VOTE they can scratch up as their policies are so fully in disgrace with main stream Canada!

LIE-berals and their airhead NDP competition are in a three way fight with Greens- and all of them sucking and blowing at the same time!

Look at Ontari-owe LIE-berals and their federal idiot cousins who are burning the midnight oil to devise ever more creative ways to FORCE us to buy their crappy electric toy vehicles and yet LIE-berals have just grandly announced they will put contribute $240 million dollars -half from Queens Park and the other half from Ottawa - to the expansion of the Ontari-owe Toyota plant that will be building gas guzzling SUV`s! But HEY- Cdn auto workers were BOUGHT long ago by LIE-berals and those votes are NEEDED NOW with LIE-beral backs to the election wall!

And now LIE-berals are burying the Cdn oil patch in Fake News as they plot and scheme in desperation to save their privileged seats on the filthy rich govt gravy train!

LIE-beral policy is collapsing in all directions and the hypocrisy being spouted about pipe lines and good jobs in the oil patch and auto industry producing gas powered cars is burying us! How can LIE-berals possibly create good jobs in industries they ARE SWORN TO CLOSE DOWN AND DESTROY?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Apparently you can't read. Where in my opinion do I say I want to "separate". You see, that's the problem now-a-days. People continue either not to listen to each other or read into something that isn't there.

You got that right, Dixie. C.C. can be a riot with his 'enlightened' views. Perhaps he should study first and speak second. :lol:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The real question comes down to this; What are you receiving from the Fed gvt in exchange for the taxes you pay to Ottawa?

At this juncture, the individual provinces are acting unilaterally in their own best interests and the Feds stand by idly watching. That said, the scenario right now is that you have multiple jurisdictions acting as if they are independent nations so, why contribute cash to the Feds for no apparent reason?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The real question comes down to this; What are you receiving from the Fed gvt in exchange for the taxes you pay to Ottawa?

At this juncture, the individual provinces are acting unilaterally in their own best interests and the Feds stand by idly watching. That said, the scenario right now is that you have multiple jurisdictions acting as if they are independent nations so, why contribute cash to the Feds for no apparent reason?
Yes , The Canadian idea is unraveling before our eyes . If we as a country cannot have a separation of federal and provincial powers the union will dissolve .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The real question comes down to this; What are you receiving from the Fed gvt in exchange for the taxes you pay to Ottawa?

At this juncture, the individual provinces are acting unilaterally in their own best interests and the Feds stand by idly watching. That said, the scenario right now is that you have multiple jurisdictions acting as if they are independent nations so, why contribute cash to the Feds for no apparent reason?

Where would GST cheques and oil tax subsidy credit incentives come from? Whow would save us from ourselves? Who else would borrow money from you for a year then give it back minus administration costs? Who would stop criminals from entering the country illegally? Who would correct the way you think, act and talk? Who would tax you on gasoline to fix roads but keep the money?

We need them dearly.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yes , The Canadian idea is unraveling before our eyes . If we as a country cannot have a separation of federal and provincial powers the union will dissolve .

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! A SEPARATION OF federal and provincial powers is a good thing you say? That concept was KILLED OFF by Pierre Trudeau about 40 years ago!!!! And the current crop of LIE-berals are energetically burying the corpse!

What do you think all those federal and provincial fund transfers are about?

Too bad LIE-berals do not want to recall that Ontari-owe premiers LIE-beral David Peterson and NDPer Bob Rae so enraged the public that they put Mike Harris into power!

Harris became so popular that he got the BIGGEST voter mandate ever given a Cdn premier!

LIE-beral prime minister Chretien had hit the debt wall and was desperate to reduce govt spending so he cut back on transfers to Ontari-owe- first- because federal gravy is just that- its for FED politicians and not for some provincial upstart that is making LIE-berals look bad!

And second- by cutting federal transfers- Chretien made a huge hole in Ontari-owe funds and HURT a lot of Harris supporters! Federal transfers HAD been paying 57 percent of Ontari-owe health care bill- and after the Chretian tantrum- federal funding only paid 17 percent of Ontari-owe health funding- take THAT you sick Conservative supporters!

Cooperation between govts is the latest CRAP LIE-beral phrase! Just look at the latest announcement from premier Wynne-bag- she has just told us- a month before she rides into political oblivion- that SHE WILL- SUDDENLY- be able to offer money for Toronto transit after all!


Bait and switch is classic LIE-beral policy!

Our LIE-beral govrts now have responsibility so nicely sliced up they could get work at a really class Sushi Bar as a second career! Govt NOW HAS NO RES:pONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING!

Toronto affordable housing is falling apart- because other govts wont help!

Toronto transit has not been improved because Toronto Silly Hall could not get its act together and meet the federal or provincial time restraints- use the offered money in a limited time or LOSE IT!

Toronto homeless shelters are at crisis point because they are full of illegals.

Federal LIE-berals are unable to deal with those teeming swarms of illegals because Cdns are systemic racists and Islamophobes and the bigots INSIST that all those illegals should be run through proper security channels. LIE-berals are OFFENDED that we do not trust them to do what is BEST- FOR LIE-berals!

Ontari-owe LIE-berals are deeply hurt that we are angry at them because they only create goof jobs- FOR LIE-BERAL FRIENDS- while the rest of us starve!

LIE-berals are deeply hurt that primitive white bigots think that building pipelines will be good for the country as a whole- but the white bigots do not understand that LIE-berals NEED to kill off fossil fuel use for their own selfish reasons- that have NOTHING to do with the environment- and have EVERYTHING to do with LIE-berals clinging to power at any price - and allowing LIE-berals to continue playing with their gas guzzling toys out in the sunshine while the rest of us live in govt shelters under the watchful eye of Social Jurtice Warriors!

Cooperation between levels of govt means LIE-beral politicians band together to SCREW THE PUBLIC!

Them against US! Its why Our idiot Boy is working so very hard to destroy Cdn democracy with his electoral reform crap, his efforts at proportional representation in which seats in parliament are reserved for women regardless of what the public votes for! And as we have scorned his previous efforts to subvert our democracy he has fallen back on that old standby- "vouching" so he can send a pack of ringers into critical ridings in hope of STEALING the next election!

This is NOT democracy in action- rather it is a slow moving LIE-beral political COUP! Our idiot Boy is demonstrating a respect for democracy worthy of a third world dictator!


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
If I lived in Alberta I would certainly join a separatist movement.

Confederation could have worked but gutless & corrupt feds have castrated it.

The recent free interprovincial trade decision by a SCC was either moronic or corrupt.

It hurts me to see my country reduced to the status of the planets most Northerly comic- opera banana republic.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
If I lived in Alberta I would certainly join a separatist movement.

Confederation could have worked but gutless & corrupt feds have castrated it.

The recent free interprovincial trade decision by a SCC was either moronic or corrupt.

It hurts me to see my country reduced to the status of the planets most Northerly comic- opera banana republic.

The big flaw in our Confederation right now is a relatively small nest of traitors in the West who's big motivation is greed.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The big flaw in our Confederation right now is a relatively small nest of traitors in the West who's big motivation is greed.

Don't limit yourself, son. You can join an Albertan separatist movement from whatever Canuck garbage dump you live in!

It's the power of the internet, don'tcha know.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well, that was before we peacefully and voluntarily pulled up sticks and headed west, happy to give you our land in exchange for the Good News.

And smallpox.

No, the original inhabitants of this place were totally wiped out. By the time the White settlers turned up here, it had been repopulated by iitinerant Ojibwa from up North.

Those guys own a massively successful casino called "Casino Rama" these days ... finally took up scalping White Men.