Inauguration Day For Trump


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
what ever don't kill you only makes you stronger

Not to mention adversity builds character! :)

I hope part of that soul searching includes a hard look at their pathetic electoral system. Truly, the US appears always to be in election mode and it really wears on a person. Shorten the campaigning, fix the ridiculously outdated voting system and put the guy in office ASAP, please.


Absolutely agree! Limit campaigning to two months, maximum. After the election, three weeks maximum to inauguration. I'd bet the money saved alone would feed all the poverty stricken in the country for at least a month!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Well I made it through all the balls and all the dances and now I am trumped out. I end this night by saying that he has one hell of a fine family - nicest looking bunch since the Kennedys ruled the roost. He was back to his old self tonight asking the guests at one of the balls if he should keep tweeting - unfortunately he got a resounding YES. Should be one of the most interesting terms I will ever witness.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
well Mo, those tweets are one of his most effective, straight out to the people, right from the horse's mouth type tools.
I understand the Chinese stay up all night just waiting for the next one, so they can get right on it when it is fresh.

..and now that he has everyone's attention, lets see how he does
it's trial by fire time for sure


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well I made it through all the balls and all the dances and now I am trumped out. I end this night by saying that he has one hell of a fine family - nicest looking bunch since the Kennedys ruled the roost. He was back to his old self tonight asking the guests at one of the balls if he should keep tweeting - unfortunately he got a resounding YES. Should be one of the most interesting terms I will ever witness.

Well, I suppose the Kennedys may have been good looking to some! I thought they were about average.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Well, I suppose the Kennedys may have been good looking to some! I thought they were about average.

Rating good looks, I don't think any First Lady ever could hold a candle to Melania. She is one elegant lady!
Laura Bush would have come a close second.
Jackie Kennedy was okay; maybe 3rd place.
Not that looks is all important but I'm sure it helps.
And the Pence family are no slouches ether in the looks department! Mike Pence is the handsomest, most dignified and sophisticated gentleman I have seen in government for a long time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Rating good looks, I don't think any First Lady ever could hold a candle to Melania. She is one elegant lady!
Laura Bush would have come a close second.
Jackie Kennedy was okay; maybe 3rd place.
Not that looks is all important but I'm sure it helps.
And the Pence family are no slouches ether in the looks department! Mike Pence is the handsomest, most dignified and sophisticated gentleman I have seen in government for a long time.


More so than Justin?? Surely not! :) :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'm not so sure real women like the metrosexual types gettin' out of the friend zone
They usually smush them into the boards around the blue line


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
... another one who posts all day long. Don't any of you Libertarians work for a living?

Another one who persists in making stupid f**king comments! I never posted anything until after I'd been retired for several years! Get used to it dummy!

I thought Jackie Kennedy was pretty,

I wasn't thinking of the spouses. Ted Kennedy had a beautiful wife, but he f**ked that up!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
stupid is as stupid does
he doesn't get the
"retired and only work when I feel like it, because I enjoy it, not for the money, cause everything is paid off" life we lead
because he can't ever see that happening in his owe n life

I'm lucky I had a heart attack last year and decided its time to enjoy what I have while I still can.

he also doesn't get the concept of having a computer in the shop so I can take breaks and kick his butt around while paint or glue dries
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
When I look at the crimes committed by the bushes and clintons et al, and obama a CIA creation, whose mentor was a communist pornographer - frank marshal davis...
I really have serious doubts about the sanity and integrity of anyone who could support any of them

Trump well either make like a good beer and have all kinds of friends, or make like a rope and end.
obama had his chance as did the others, and he blew it majorly

If the fake news tards, and the poll tards can't give Trump the same chance, the other presidents had, they don't deserve one either
simple as that

and memes are some one else's thoughts
not your own...not much to get exited about there, for just that reason


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The oh-so tolerant Lefty liberals - oh-so tolerant of everything apart from democracy (when it doesn't go their way) and anyone who disagrees with them - have (temporarily) stopped trying to get the Brexit result overturned in order to try and get the American election result overturned. Today, thousands of dopey birds are taking to the streets of British cities to protest the fact that a democratic protest didn't go the way they wanted it to go...

BREAKING NEWS: Thousands of men today awoke to no breakfast as their wives and girlfriends were busy protesting somebody else's president

Thousands of women and men have gathered for a global 'solidarity' march in the wake of the inauguration of US President Donald Trump. The Women's March on London event is being held in conjunction with others taking place in cities across the world to promote women's and human rights. It kicked off at midday on Saturday outside the US Embassy in London. A throng of people across all ages and genders have descended on the streets holding a rainbow of witty placards with slogans such as 'We shall overcomb' and 'Because I want to march forwards not backwards'. An aerial view shows the crowds in central London. In Berlin, marchers mocked up posters that showed women wearing the American flag as a headscarf and in India a demonstrator held a placard saying 'I march for my sisters' right to choose' in reference to fears Trump will roll back abortion rights.

Protesters outside the American Embassy in London in a march to promote women's rights in the wake of the US election result
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Clinton's at least had enough class to attend the inauguration . What I found even more surprising was the respect given to old Bob Dole by the ex presidents of both sides . And the congressional leaders from both aisles . I thought he was more of a controversial figure .

I was just reading that several Canadian idiots trying to cross the border to join the women's march to be held in Washington tomorrow, were turned back once the guards found out they were anti-Trump - yeah, they were actually asked that and obviously did not give the correct answer. Didn't take long for the Trump effect to take place.
Yup , what is the purpose of your visit ?
We are going to join in a protest against your new president , every one is going .

Sorry we don't allow foreigners into our country to protest . See ya wouldn't want to be ya.