How much is the gst hike going to be ?
maybe they'll make a fort.
maybe they'll make a fort.
Hey- Did you NOT hear him? It's 2015!
maybe they'll make a fort.
I think Trudeau believes he is invited to the State Dinner because he is aristocratic and worthy of hobnobbing with the elite. How smug he must feel!
Let's assume there are other reasons for his invitation. Let's wait and see. Or will we ever know what the real agenda is?
Obama might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer by he's certainly not as stupid as Trudeau. It is unlikely that he expects to learn anything from our 'Boy-Who Would-Be-King'.
...ah, you're one of those.
Well, so far, it appears that this Cabinet is spectacularly equipped to take on the executive government of the country. You did not seem terribly concerned about the merit of the previous Government's ministerial appointments, and some of them were pretty embarrassing.
And recognizing that all genders should be involved in political leadership together is not "PC," it's common sense.
Any flavor as long as it's............What flavor of kool aid do you prefer? Cherry or Lime?
FiveParadox;2223205 And recognizing that all genders should be involved in political leadership together is not "PC said:No, gender has f**k all to do with it, except for possibly Minister of Women's issues. You put the person in the job who is best able to perform the job. There's altogether too much of this equality sh*t these days in areas where equality is not an issue. Equality is excellent when you are serving cake at a birthday party.
What flavor of kool aid do you prefer? Cherry or Lime?
No, gender has f**k all to do with it, except for possibly Minister of Women's issues. You put the person in the job who is best able to perform the job. There's altogether too much of this equality sh*t these days in areas where equality is not an issue. Equality is excellent when you are serving cake at a birthday party.
I think that people from different genders approach issues with different perspectives, informed by their socialization, and the unique challenges and barriers that those genders face. It makes perfect political sense to have a gender-balanced cabinet (and a cabinet that otherwise reflects the diversity of the country) so that discussions at the cabinet table include perspectives that are broadly representative of the people of Canada.I don't understand the need for women to represent women, minorities to represent minorities, etc. Don't men and women talk, exchange ideas, understand each other's wants and needs? Don't minorities talk to their representatives, male or female and explain what they need and want? If they don't it's their own damned fault if they get short shrift!
Well, since the federal government services citizens in both official languages, it is a basic competence that should be required for some positions. For example, members of the Supreme Court of Canada should have to be functionally bilingual, as there are nuances in language, when a case is being argued, for which a translation service simply cannot do adequate justice.This is the same PC nonsense that prevents well qualified candidates from rising politically if they can't speak French. Does speaking both official languages somehow guarantee intelligence and competence?