Tories take backseat to NDP and Wildrose in Alberta


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You don't really know what democratic means, do you.

or what a "social democrat" is.

Probably not but I always thought it meant having a choice of beliefs, freedom of movement within the country, ability to express ideas without criticism, freedom of worship, freedom of employment etc. etc. Just generally being allow to "march to a different drummer". (Maybe this is an area where Cliffy could help out) He knows more about this stuff than I do.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Probably not but I always thought it meant having a choice of beliefs, freedom of movement within the country, ability to express ideas without criticism, freedom of worship, freedom of employment etc. etc. Just generally being allow to "march to a different drummer". (Maybe this is an area where Cliffy could help out) He knows more about this stuff than I do.

and yet you are discussing it and making comments and judgements on something you now admit you don't have a clue about.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
and yet you are discussing it and making comments and judgements on something you now admit you don't have a clue about.

Aren't I allowed to discuss it and make judgments about it as far as it's affected me or are you more interested in curtailing democracy? :) :)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Aren't I allowed to discuss it and make judgments about it as far as it's affected me or are you more interested in curtailing democracy? :) :)

No, I'm more interested in discussing things with people that have half a brain, and those that don't have 2 working brain cells to rub together should really associate with others of the same limited mental capacity.


Do a little bit of fu cking research and at least TRY to learn about what you are talking about.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, I'm more interested in discussing things with people that have half a brain, and those that don't have 2 working brain cells to rub together should really associate with others of the same limited mental capacity.


Do a little bit of fu cking research and at least TRY to learn about what you are talking about.

Our views might be different Gerry but that doesn't mean you have any more knowledge. :) :)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Our views might be different Gerry but that doesn't mean you have any more knowledge. :) :)

Really? You have stated that you were a card carrying member of the NDP and yet you don't know what they stand/stood for? You have made STUPID, IGNORANT comments concerning the NDP. You really don't have a clue.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Really? You have stated that you were a card carrying member of the NDP and yet you don't know what they stand/stood for? You have made STUPID, IGNORANT comments concerning the NDP. You really don't have a clue.

Maybe in your opinion, Gerry, you're all f**ked up. I know what they told me they stood for and they were full of sh*t. :) :)

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
You really don't have a clue.

Opinion of course. Unlike your total lack of manners, which is clearly fact. :)

NDP have traditionally taken a left-of-centre position on the scale of political philosophy where Socialism and Capitalism are the extreme polar opposites. Our country could no more exist under a purely socialist government any more than it could under a purely capitalist one, the inequities at the extreme ends of the scale wouldn't accommodate our diverse make up.

As most see it, NDP generally see themselves as the workers' champions, strongly supporting trade unions, higher wages for the lower end of the earning scale, and social programs for the marginalized all in the name of moving toward social and economic equality. Typically NDP left wing governments seek to tax the rich as in big business.

Right of center on the other hand, is generally perceived to be "business friendly" on the idea that a healthy business sector leads to economic prosperity for everyone through more jobs. A typical right wing view would be to encourage a more robust business sector through tax incentives.

At least that's my take on it.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Expect debt while debt is cheap or a PST.

Or both.
Thanks for the reminder Petros,in a way I don't mind a PST,this of course comes with some expectations,such as infrastructure in health care,education,childcare and other social influences,what I will not mind or have an unappreciation of is fat cats reaping big wages and expenses at the cost of Public money,this includes political parties,such as we have seen in recent history.
The money which flows for political agendas is crazy.I have gleaned first hand account when political agendas need to be satisfied,no amount of money is out of reach,why would I pay a PST under these rules?If I had confidence in my bookeepers then the whole situation would be way more comfortable.
I don't mind a PST if I can assist my fellow man for an easier way of life,what makes me steam is when public money is not accountable or poor bookeeping,I have never seen a report on gambling revenues in Alberta and what they do with the money from revenues.
Believe me when I say I pay lots of tax,I am not afraid of more tax if the money is placed in a more evident form of visable transparency.
I don't mind sharing.

LOL Pay them only if we can fix them so they can't breed. ;)

Can't stand lazy deadbeats..
oh pretty please Boomer,please tell me what your claim to fame is???You must be successful as a person,father,son,brother,husband,volunteer,please tell me about your success,how were you made so perfect for an imperfect world?And please tell me,how many deadbeats do you really know??a number would be nice,where do you meet these deadbeats?truck stops?
i want to be just like you,so please tell me how you have become such a kind perfect person.

LOL Pay them only if we can fix them so they can't breed. ;)

Can't stand lazy deadbeats..
oh pretty please Boomer,please tell me what your claim to fame is???You must be successful as a person,father,son,brother,husband,volunteer,please tell me about your success,how were you made so perfect for an imperfect world?And please tell me,how many deadbeats do you really know??a number would be nice,where do you meet these deadbeats?truck stops?
i want to be just like you,so please tell me how you have become such a kind perfect person.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Opinion of course. Unlike your total lack of manners, which is clearly fact. :)

NDP have traditionally taken a left-of-centre position on the scale of political philosophy where Socialism and Capitalism are the extreme polar opposites. Our country could no more exist under a purely socialist government any more than it could under a purely capitalist one, the inequities at the extreme ends of the scale wouldn't accommodate our diverse make up.

As most see it, NDP generally see themselves as the workers' champions, strongly supporting trade unions, higher wages for the lower end of the earning scale, and social programs for the marginalized all in the name of moving toward social and economic equality. Typically NDP left wing governments seek to tax the rich as in big business.

Right of center on the other hand, is generally perceived to be "business friendly" on the idea that a healthy business sector leads to economic prosperity for everyone through more jobs. A typical right wing view would be to encourage a more robust business sector through tax incentives.

At least that's my take on it.

That's part of it, the other part is they also support the parasites, drones and sh*t disturbers! :)

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Number one cause of poverty is having children out of wedlock, i.e. single moms.

Your glasses are the colour of the official flower od Alberta.
that is funny Walter,you have made me smile.
it is day 2 now,I am starting to see clear again, in the mean time I like my rose coloured glasses.
I have waited a long time to wear these glasses,my bitterness is deep rooted,wearing these glasses gives me a shimmer of make bellieve hope,
this hope is important,because I have gone to the depths of alberta politics,to very dark and ugly places,with a new agenda,I can finally look forward,rather then behind,
i hold terrible knowledge.
thanks for the smile.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Thanks for the reminder Petros,in a way I don't mind a PST,this of course comes with some expectations,such as infrastructure in health care,education,childcare and other social influences,what I will not mind or have an unappreciation of is fat cats reaping big wages and expenses at the cost of Public money,this includes political parties,such as we have seen in recent history.

P.S.T. is one of the lesser obnoxious of the taxes. At least the consumer has some control over in that he/she can reduce spending on products where it applies or at times you can find people who will discount it for a cash payment. Loblaws does that periodically.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
P.S.T. is one of the lesser obnoxious of the taxes. At least the consumer has some control over in that he/she can reduce spending on products where it applies or at times you can find people who will discount it for a cash payment. Loblaws does that periodically.
lots of horse trading,
for myself,I will try to buy either American or Canadian made,(when it suites me),and will go across the line for certain purchases and get a holiday out of it,bring it on.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Opinion of course. Unlike your total lack of manners, which is clearly fact. :)

NDP have traditionally taken a left-of-centre position on the scale of political philosophy where Socialism and Capitalism are the extreme polar opposites. Our country could no more exist under a purely socialist government any more than it could under a purely capitalist one, the inequities at the extreme ends of the scale wouldn't accommodate our diverse make up.

As most see it, NDP generally see themselves as the workers' champions, strongly supporting trade unions, higher wages for the lower end of the earning scale, and social programs for the marginalized all in the name of moving toward social and economic equality. Typically NDP left wing governments seek to tax the rich as in big business.

Right of center on the other hand, is generally perceived to be "business friendly" on the idea that a healthy business sector leads to economic prosperity for everyone through more jobs. A typical right wing view would be to encourage a more robust business sector through tax incentives.

At least that's my take on it.

and in the big scheme of things, the 3 major federal parties would all be considered center or just left of center. There is no "right wing" party in Canada, and there is no "left wing" party in Canada. They are all within degrees of each other. People that make comments concerning socialism or communism when it comes to the NDP are stupid/ignorant at the least, clinically brain dead at the most.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Nice one Cliffy.

Sask. offers refuge for Alta. energy companies after NDP win | CTV News


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
and in the big scheme of things, the 3 major federal parties would all be considered center or just left of center. There is no "right wing" party in Canada, and there is no "left wing" party in Canada. They are all within degrees of each other. People that make comments concerning socialism or communism when it comes to the NDP are stupid/ignorant at the least, clinically brain dead at the most.

Perhaps misinformed. Not everything is black or white! :) :) :)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
People that make comments concerning socialism or communism when it comes to the NDP are stupid/ignorant at the least, clinically brain dead at the most.

These are purely descriptive terms terms gerryh, meant to add some distinction between the differences in the different political ideologies at play here, nothing to get your panties in a knot over.

A left leaning party, while far from purely socialist is towards that end of the scale when compared to a right leaning party which is more toward the capitalist end of the scale. Both are much closer to each other than any extreme political end of the scale.

I suppose that in essence, the further towards the right a government is, the more they would foster an economic disparity between the working class and the aristocracy or owner class. At the other end of the scale would be complete social equality, where everyone shares equal opportunities and benefits regardless of effort, education or level of intelligence. The breakdown in both extremes comes due to purely human forces of greed and sloth.