Tories take backseat to NDP and Wildrose in Alberta


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's no different than American, Venezuelan, Russian or Saudi oil sand which are in production.

Learn before you make more stupid claims.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Upgrading is needed for conventional heavy oil too. Refining is needed to ship heavy oil. Pipelines carry multiple refined products and crude at the same time. Any idea why?

That's not my point. Why would Suncor pull the plug on a $10 billion + project after already spending $3.5 billion ? The profitability wasn't there. That's not to say they couldn't make money at it, but they've obviously decided they can make more shipping out bitumen as they are now and leave further refining to someone else. Of course somebody somewhere is finishing off the refining process, the trick would be getting those people or someone like them to set up shop in Alberta and it's my guess they aren't doing that because they can do it cheaper somewhere else.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
So everything will be pretty much the same as it is now.. with few ripples.

I think so too. She did say that she was conscious of the difficulty current oil prices is causing, and that she would wait for the market to recover some before making any sweeping changes.

Thie Alberta election results were simply a matter of Ms. Notely playing a better politcal game than Mr. Prentiss. While he was suggesting that the rank and file taxpayers might have to take a hit to help the province through this rough patch, Ms. Notely's tax-the-rich plan obviously found greater support.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Calling that crap from Alberia oil sands is like calling the murder of innocent women and children collateral damage. It is white washing crap.

How can you insult Mother Gaia so harshly.

You sir, are an unfeeling savage without any gratitude for Ma Gaia whatsoever

That's not my point. Why would Suncor pull the plug on a $10 billion + project after already spending $3.5 billion ? The profitability wasn't there. That's not to say they couldn't make money at it, but they've obviously decided they can make more shipping out bitumen as they are now and leave further refining to someone else. Of course somebody somewhere is finishing off the refining process, the trick would be getting those people or someone like them to set up shop in Alberta and it's my guess they aren't doing that because they can do it cheaper somewhere else.

That oil isn't going anywhere... Suncor will put it on hold until such time that they can maximize their position


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Funny how so many people think we must do more refining, manufacturing, upgrading in Canada. Until there is a proposal to build said facility within 10000 miles of their house.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That's not my point. Why would Suncor pull the plug on a $10 billion + project after already spending $3.5 billion ? The profitability wasn't there. That's not to say they couldn't make money at it, but they've obviously decided they can make more shipping out bitumen as they are now and leave further refining to someone else. Of course somebody somewhere is finishing off the refining process, the trick would be getting those people or someone like them to set up shop in Alberta and it's my guess they aren't doing that because they can do it cheaper somewhere else.

Bitumen needs refined product to thin it so it can be pumped. Upgrading is just desulphurising. That's it. When it gets to the end of the line it just takes a little heat and a column to sperate the products out.

Funny how so many people think we must do more refining, manufacturing, upgrading in Canada. Until there is a proposal to build said facility within 10000 miles of their house.

No issue in Regina. Not even the plains Irish are complaining.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
That oil isn't going anywhere... Suncor will put it on hold until such time that they can maximize their position

Normally that would be my guess as well, but I watched them dismantle the site, much of it rather savagely. There was no intent of saving anything for later, it was a sharp 180 from their previous position on upgrading.

Bitumen needs refined product to thin it so it can be pumped. Upgrading is just desulphurising. That's it.

This one was a little different petros, it was an "upgrader" in the truest sense of the word, meant to convert heavy crude to light crude. The closing price gap between heavy crude and light, along with soaring construction costs led them to cancel the project. If it were just another preliminary upgrader meant to get bitumen pipeline ready I can't see them bulldozing the project with steadily increasing output planned for all their sites.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There is no converting. Its desulphurising and that's it. Trying to pipe bitumen with the sulpher and paraffin (pre-upgrading) ain't gonna happen with out refined product used as a solvent.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I don't care who's running the Government, Alberta is the best Province in Canada, and always will be. PERIOD!!

The NDP doesn't want to be a one term government and will not make to many drastic changes.. they are also aware that Alberta is Canada's economic engine.. we are not just a resourced based Province, we are also a main tourist destination.