Tories take backseat to NDP and Wildrose in Alberta


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
The thing I hate is not real socialism- Socialism means everyone working for the common good- what we call "socialism" is the people who feel like it working for the common good.

"Real" socialism is the common ownership of private property and the co-operative management of industry. It isn't "working for the common good" per se, but workers keeping the wealth they generate and maintaining a society beneficial to all. Social Democracy (the NDP), an ideology you seem to confuse with lazy people getting handouts, is about maintaining the capitalist system that funnels wealth from wealth-creators (workers) to the rich, and then redistributing that wealth back down to the lower classes after the fact. Social Democracy recognizes the inequalities in the system and seeks to alleviate them, whereas socialism wants to replace that system.

Of course, you know all this, don't you Comrade JLM? Didn't you tell me you were a socialist for 30 years?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Well the election mask got pulled off the old Lone Ranger
The polls were right NDP up Tories destroyed, Wildrose
won more seats but lost a lot of popular vote.
Young people made the difference and the older ones joined
because of budget cutting that might effect medicare and
pension money. Prentice was an arrogant fool in the end he
couldn't handle going to opposition benches to see what its
like. I am also impressed with Notley and Mr Jean for that
matter they both have my respect at the moment


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nobody was/is going to cut pensions or medical care.

What we will see is the AB Crown getting into the oil business incurring big debt without first planning a huge push and achieving west coast pipelines and ports.

SK investments in BC ports was the key to the potash boom. Next stop NB. 5 new massive mines being built and expansion of all the others = cha ching in 5 years


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Nobody was/is going to cut pensions or medical care.

What we will see is the AB Crown getting into the oil business incurring big debt without first planning a huge push and achieving west coast pipelines and ports.

SK investments in BC ports was the key to the potash boom. Next stop NB. 5 new massive mines being built and expansion of all the others = cha ching in 5 years

A great irony being that around 25 yrs ago, under Don Getty's "stewardship" the Alberta gov't started to sell off Alberta Energy Company, which had large stakes in the natural gas industry, the 2nd largest share of Syncrude, owned the pipelines bringing oil sands synthetic crude south, and large reserves of heavy oil in the Cold Lake/Foster Creek region...


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
"Real" socialism is the common ownership of private property and the co-operative management of industry. It isn't "working for the common good" per se, but workers keeping the wealth they generate and maintaining a society beneficial to all. Social Democracy (the NDP), an ideology you seem to confuse with lazy people getting handouts, is about maintaining the capitalist system that funnels wealth from wealth-creators (workers) to the rich, and then redistributing that wealth back down to the lower classes after the fact. Social Democracy recognizes the inequalities in the system and seeks to alleviate them, whereas socialism wants to replace that system.

Of course, you know all this, don't you Comrade JLM? Didn't you tell me you were a socialist for 30 years?
Way more fun throwing around undefined terms that basically mean "stuff I don't like."


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A great irony being that around 25 yrs ago, under Don Getty's "stewardship" the Alberta gov't started to sell off Alberta Energy Company, which had large stakes in the natural gas industry, the 2nd largest share of Syncrude, owned the pipelines bringing oil sands synthetic crude south, and large reserves of heavy oil in the Cold Lake/Foster Creek region...

Back when interest rates were 15% and oil $20 a bbl?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Real" socialism is the common ownership of private property and the co-operative management of industry. It isn't "working for the common good" per se, but workers keeping the wealth they generate and maintaining a society beneficial to all. Social Democracy (the NDP), an ideology you seem to confuse with lazy people getting handouts, is about maintaining the capitalist system that funnels wealth from wealth-creators (workers) to the rich, and then redistributing that wealth back down to the lower classes after the fact. Social Democracy recognizes the inequalities in the system and seeks to alleviate them, whereas socialism wants to replace that system.

Of course, you know all this, don't you Comrade JLM? Didn't you tell me you were a socialist for 30 years?

Well I voted for the Socialists for 30 years mistakenly thinking they were for the working man. What a mistake that turned out to be. You live and learn. Actually whatever it is you wish to pursue in life, I think doing it via any politician is a mistake. :)


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Well I voted for the Socialists for 30 years mistakenly thinking they were for the working man. What a mistake that turned out to be. You live and learn. Actually whatever it is you wish to pursue in life, I think doing it via any politician is a mistake. :)

I don't think I've ever seen a "socialist" party on an ballot. Of course, I am a lot younger than you. Which socialist party are you referring to?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well I voted for the Socialists for 30 years mistakenly thinking they were for the working man. What a mistake that turned out to be. You live and learn. Actually whatever it is you wish to pursue in life, I think doing it via any politician is a mistake. :)

What "socialists" did you vote for? What Country were you living in for 30 years?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't think I've ever seen a "socialist" party on an ballot. Of course, I am a lot younger than you. Which socialist party are you referring to?

Nope they just put the candidates names in alphabetical order. Well, I was referring to the N.D.P. (which is a misnomer) but they morphed out of the old "C.C.F." party in the late 50s. (Everybody is younger than me) :)

What "socialists" did you vote for? What Country were you living in for 30 years?

I've lived in Canada for over 70 years, Sonny.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Nope they just put the candidates names in alphabetical order. Well, I was referring to the N.D.P. (which is a misnomer) but they morphed out of the old "C.C.F." party in the late 50s. (Everybody is younger than me) :)

I voted for the NDP in BC from the 70's on up and at no time, during that time, could they have been considered "socialist".


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Nope they just put the candidates names in alphabetical order. Well, I was referring to the N.D.P. (which is a misnomer) but they morphed out of the old "C.C.F." party in the late 50s. (Everybody is younger than me) :)

The NDP are social democrats not socialists. CCF was more socialist than the NDP. It's not a misnomer. The NDP's existence is a concerted attempt to soften the left leaning bents of their predecessors.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Then, obviously, you didn't vote NDP. Who did you vote for those 30 years?

Just while they were professing to be socialists! :) If the party was correctly named it would be the N.U.P. :) :)

Number one cause of poverty is having children out of wedlock, i.e. single moms.

That might be one of the causes but the #1 is definitely not having a job or other source of income- but preferably a job.

The NDP are social democrats not socialists. CCF was more socialist than the NDP. It's not a misnomer. The NDP's existence is a concerted attempt to soften the left leaning bents of their predecessors.

I never did see too much democratic about them.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I voted for the NDP in BC from the 70's on up and at no time, during that time, could they have been considered "socialist".

Probably not but they considered themselves socialists- I was a card carrying member for several years.

The NDP are social democrats not socialists. CCF was more socialist than the NDP. It's not a misnomer. The NDP's existence is a concerted attempt to soften the left leaning bents of their predecessors.

Where does the democrat fit in?