Jews: Get the Hell Out of Europe.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Work harder to end anti-Semitism - May

18 May 2015
BBC News

The UK must redouble its efforts to "wipe out anti-Semitism", Home Secretary Theresa May has said.

She also said: "I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community would say they do not feel safe in this country."

Mrs May was speaking at a service held to commemorate the Jewish people who died during the terror attacks in France.

The BBC is reporting this story, but the BBC is one of the institutions we need to look at in the quest to end anti-Semitism after its shenanigans in the wake of the anti-Semitic attack in Paris.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Israel is desperate for colonists and the rise of European anti-semitism are a complete coincidence and not planned and or executed by zionist actors at all. It's completely and inconcievably evil to even think that who benifits could be who incites.

Work harder to end anti-Semitism - May

18 May 2015
BBC News

The UK must redouble its efforts to "wipe out anti-Semitism", Home Secretary Theresa May has said.

She also said: "I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community would say they do not feel safe in this country."

Mrs May was speaking at a service held to commemorate the Jewish people who died during the terror attacks in France.

The BBC is reporting this story, but the BBC is one of the institutions we need to look at in the quest to end anti-Semitism after its shenanigans in the wake of the anti-Semitic attack in Paris.

Why not start with the ending of Palestinian Semite genocide?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I thought the headline a few days ago was Israel calling them to come home? Was that anti-Semitic also?

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Muslims shouldn't be allowed to immigrate to Europe or any other Western county, their entire belief system is contrary to the three pillars of Western Civilization. They probably realize that when they arrive and try to change it to conform to their ways. Keep them out, problem solved.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Muslims shouldn't be allowed to immigrate to Europe or any other Western county, their entire belief system is contrary to the three pillars of Western Civilization. They probably realize that when they arrive and try to change it to conform to their ways. Keep them out, problem solved.

The trinity of western civilization. What do you think these three pillars realy are?

sex drugs an rocknroll?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Why not start with the ending of Palestinian Semite genocide?

What's that got to do with Jews in Europe? What the Hell has whatever is going on in Israel and the geographical region known as Palestine (which is also occupied by Jordan) got to do with British Jews?

Work harder to end anti-Semitism - May

18 January 2015
BBC News

Theresa May: "We must all redouble our efforts to wipe out anti-Semitism"

The UK must redouble its efforts to "wipe out anti-Semitism", Home Secretary Theresa May has said.

Mrs May said she "never thought I'd see the day when members of the Jewish community" would be "fearful" of staying in the UK.

She was speaking at a service in London to commemorate those killed in the terror attacks in France this month, including four in a kosher supermarket.

Police say there is "heightened concern" about risks to Jewish people.


Mrs May said the attack on the supermarket in France was "a chilling reminder of anti-Semitism, not just in France but the recent anti-Semitic prejudice that we sadly have seen in this country.

"I know that many Jewish people in this country are feeling vulnerable and fearful and you're saying that you're anxious for your families, for your children and yourselves.

"I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom would say they were fearful of remaining here in the United Kingdom."

The Met has increased its patrols in areas of London with large Jewish communities

On Friday Met Police assistant commissioner Mark Rowley, the national policing lead for counter-terrorism, said a security review was being carried out in the UK in the aftermath of the France attacks.

He said police were holding talks over "more patrols in key areas" after "anti-Semitic rhetoric from extremists".

A total of 17 people died in a series of attacks by gunmen in Paris over three days, including four men at a kosher supermarket on 9 January.

It began with a massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by militant Islamists, during which eight magazine staff, a visitor to the magazine and a caretaker also died.

The UK's threat level remains severe, which means a terrorist attack is highly likely.

'British identity'

In a letter read out at the service, London Mayor Boris Johnson said: "In London we continue to do all we can to tackle anti-Semitism so the Jewish community can continue to live their lives free from persecution.

"I've set a clear expectation that the police treat all harassment and hate crime offences very seriously."

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles, who spoke at the service organised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, described anti-Semitism as "a cancer" and said the government would do everything it could to combat it.

He said education, youth groups and charities were the way to tackle anti-Semitism.

"We know that in Paris a pensioner, a rabbi's son, a teacher and a shop assistant were wiped out because they were Jewish," he said.

"And if history tells us anything, we need to be constantly vigilant."

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles

Meanwhile, Mr Pickles has written to Muslim leaders urging them to help "explain and demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity".

"We must show our young people, who may be targeted, that extremists have nothing to offer them," he said.

"We must show them that there are other ways to express disagreement, that their right to do so is dependent on the very freedoms that extremists seek to destroy."

BBC News - Work harder to end anti-Semitism - May


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Greek Philosophy, Roman Law and Christianity

God, guns n' guts.

Here's an American hero for ya, son. . .

Koran-burning preacher’s pulpit of defiance and chili cheese dogs

By Anne Hull January 17

BRADENTON, Fla. — As the week began, there was Terry Jones, infamous burner of Korans and the No. 2 target on an al-Qaeda hit list, in plain sight at a Florida mall. Around the world, millions were mourning victims of the massacre in Paris who included another target on the hit list, the editor of Charlie Hebdo, but Jones was at the food court in DeSoto Square running his french fry stand.

The canned music, the display at Vitamin World — this was the landscape of America’s most brazen offender of Islam, working the counter at Fry Guys Gourmet Fries with a 9mm strapped to his ankle.

“Crispy fries,” Jones said to his employee, surveying the less-than-golden spuds beneath the heat lamp. “We want our fries good and crispy.”

The 63-year-old preacher has faced hundreds of death threats. He’s got a $2.2 million bounty on his head from the Islamist group Jamaat-ud-Dawa. But until the attacks in Paris, few knew he had just opened a business at a struggling mall on U.S. 41 in Bradenton. When fears of global terrorism were once again stoked, Jones moved back into crusade mode. Fry Guys became a strange pulpit of defiance and chili cheese dogs, and people came to see him for both.

“Burning the Koran, that’s not radical,” he said during a lull. “I can understand if you don’t agree with so-called burning someone’s holy book. But I don’t know how you can agree with sharia. You don’t see Mennonites going around chopping people’s heads off.”

A woman with white-blond hair appeared at the counter — Mary Reiter, 62, petite, high-heeled sandals, a pink pedicure, fresh off a yoga class. “We’re with you,” she told Jones. Usually, Reiter shops at the other mall with the Macy’s, but she brought her husband and son and a friend to support Jones and have lunch at Fry Guys.

“I give you credit for standing up for your beliefs,” she said, looking up at the white-haired preacher.

“Thank you,” he said.


“I’m a history buff,” Reiter continued. “The same thing happened in Nazi Germany. People didn’t stand up and fight. Aren’t you proud of Americans?”

More at link:

With heroes like this, the future of America is secure!
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
He's exercising (maybe exorcising) his right to free speech, a concept alien to you I gather?
And I'm exercising my right to call him a f*cking idiot.

The concept is quite familiar to me, though you seem to be having trouble with it. Free speech goes both ways, son. Calling Cletus a moron is not denying his right to speak.

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
And I'm exercising my right to call him a f*cking idiot.

And I would agree with you, actually I'm of the opinion he is rather insane.

The concept is quite familiar to me, though you seem to be having trouble with it. Free speech goes both ways, son. Calling Cletus a moron is not denying his right to speak.

I have no trouble with free speech, especially the kind that irks a group of people that apparently are overly sensitive.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
What's that got to do with Jews in Europe? What the Hell has whatever is going on in Israel and the geographical region known as Palestine (which is also occupied by Jordan) got to do with British Jews?

No connection at all. Jew haters just gotta hate. And have orgasms whenever a Jew is slaughtered.