The story goes that she stopped dead on the highway in a curve and got out to shoo the ducks away. The motorcyclist came around the corner at highway speeds and didn't have time to stop or swerve.
Braking to save ducks leads to highway carnage and criminal trial - The Globe and Mail
I didn't see anything in that report noting she was on a bend/curve where she wasn't visible, but I'm not saying that wasn't the case.
Even without the two deaths, Ms. Czornobaj could have been faulted for breaching Section 384 of the Quebec Highway Safety Code, which says that no one can stop a vehicle on a roadway where the maximum speed is 70 kilometres per hour or more, “unless in case of necessity.”
Her lawyers will most likely challenge the "Necessity" part of that where she attempted to avoid her own accident. Hitting one animal like a Raccoon or Porcupine is one thing, but hitting a few birds at ground level might be a bit slippery on the wheels and veer her off into the median or in other lanes.... if she tried to compensate too much this way or that at a high speed, she could have flipped.
.... Just being the devil's advocate.
However, if she was out of her car and being a wank trying to shoo the birds off the freeway rather than go around them and keep going, then that's just stupid and she thus caused a whole other accident.
And at the same time, the people on the bike should have had more than enough breaking distance and should have been viewing ahead of them to see what was in front of them.... even in a bend in the road, highways, especially four lane highways, are not that sharp of a bend that you are cut off of view from what's around the corner. If it was, then there should have been signs noting for you to reduce speed and even then if there wasn't, it should be common sense that you slow down around a bend anyways, especially when your view up ahead is obstructed.
You don't just race around a bend on a freeway without a care in the world which results in you smashing into another car at full speed to produce death. If they were going fast enough that they had no decent time to slow down or switch to the next lane, then that would suggest they were speeding or they themselves weren't paying attention and thus.... just as careless.
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