Tell me this isn't wrong!!!!!

Should the Resturant be Boycotted?

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That's what conservatives and many in the GOP are fighting for. Most especially the Tea Party. They aren't anti-people as you (politely) called them.

But shouting about rights of Canadians... Canadian jobs for Canadians first... well those are the same sentiments that conservatives call for down in the US. To which we are oft times labeled as racists and cruel.

It sure is. And now they have employees that will work more for less and complain less. $$$$$$

Because you do! Fair is fair and it is black and white. But nevertheless that type of talk is attacked unfairly as being racist.
well don't know about how this issue is viewed down south, only that we have a three with members of all three parties and we are united and I still do not see this as a political debate...the Feds will step in here and strong arm it...and it wouldn't matter which party it was.

Damn... you people are just being born again.

ICE raided meat plants all over the mid-west a few years back. Rounding up all illegal aliens. They were doing jobs Americans didn't want to do. However when the company had to hire US Citizens to stay afloat... the lines stretched forever for Americans trying to get these jobs.

That is TRUE! Temp workers... LOL. Fat chance!

Yes you better fix it and hope it is not too late!

I'm not picking on you Sal. I feel your pain and frustration.

I bid you Welcome!
no worries Eagle I don't feel picked on... you're just saying what your experience has been.

Oh, O.K. I hadn't heard the employer's response! -:)
it's right there in the story...the response was soft...they are fuked three ways to Sunday

Indeed. Multiple exclamation marks really annoy me.
really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
well don't know about how this issue is viewed down south, only that we have a three with members of all three parties and we are united and I still do not see this as a political debate...the Feds will step in here and strong arm it...and it wouldn't matter which party it was.

no worries Eagle I don't feel picked on... you're just saying what your experience has been.

it's right there in the story...the response was soft...they are fuked three ways to Sunday

really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
Don't worry eagle no one is trying to deport these temporary workers . If someone was then the political divide will return in full swing .


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
well don't know about how this issue is viewed down south, only that we have a three with members of all three parties and we are united and I still do not see this as a political debate...the Feds will step in here and strong arm it...and it wouldn't matter which party it was.

Do you think the Feds will step in and strong arm this pizza place?

It would be amazing if this wasn't a political debate up there and all parties were united in keeping Canadian jobs for Canadians. It would be something that I would be envious of.

no worries Eagle I don't feel picked on... you're just saying what your experience has been.

Good. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Do you think the Feds will step in and strong arm this pizza place?

It would be amazing if this wasn't a political debate up there and all parties were united in keeping Canadian jobs for Canadians. It would be something that I would be envious of.

Good. ;)
if it can't be rectified yeah I think they will...we were chatting about this at coffee today... but it may get fixed before it reaches that place..everyone knows about it...everyone is upset

Don't worry eagle no one is trying to deport these temporary workers . If someone was then the political divide will return in full swing .
maybe not


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
TFWs don't pay into pogey or CPP because they can't collect it. They do get all the other benefits Canadians do like getting a health card.

$12 an hour is a lot better than minimum is it not?

They pay TFWs $13 in SK for Mc D's. Is that too little too?

That sounds like a fairly good wage for the Service industry, mind you I'm not sure what one could expect in the way of tips from Mickey's.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That sounds like a fairly good wage for the Service industry, mind you I'm not sure what one could expect in the way of tips from Mickey's.

It's enough to survive. 20-25% more that others get doing harder work at minimum.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
it's right there in the story...the response was soft...they are fuked three ways to Sunday


Yeah, there's not enough information in that story to draw a satisfactory conclusion. It seems that half the employees are local hires. We haven't been told what Ms. Nelson's work ethic was like or the foreigners replaced her. I was in Timothy's a couple of months ago and there was one employee there who was making some movements, but was absolutely fricken useless, like couldn't clean a table properly - so you just can't never tell! -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Yeah, there's not enough information in that story to draw a satisfactory conclusion. It seems that half the employees are local hires. We haven't been told what Ms. Nelson's work ethic was like or the foreigners replaced her. I was in Timothy's a couple of months ago and there was one employee there who was making some movements, but was absolutely fricken useless, like couldn't clean a table properly - so you just can't never tell! -:)

For me there is enough information. They let people go and hired on temps...that is illegal. It's very clear cut.

As I said above, if there were employee issues (and there may have been) they should be dealt with, this is not an acceptable way to deal with employee problems, to fire someone in this manner especially after 26 years of service is unjust.

If there is some employee standing around with their finger up their bum then that is a management problem. That is where I'd be starting.

The company's response was careful and pale. They are messed. They have broken the law and not only have they been caught, it has gone national.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
For me there is enough information. They let people go and hired on temps...that is illegal. It's very clear cut.

As I said above, if there were employee issues (and there may have been) they should be dealt with, this is not an acceptable way to deal with employee problems, to fire someone in this manner especially after 26 years of service is unjust.

If there is some employee standing around with their finger up their bum then that is a management problem. That is where I'd be starting.

The company's response was careful and pale. They are messed. They have broken the law and not only have they been caught, it has gone national.

Which points to another problem which was quite clear 20 years ago when I was still in the work force. Too many people are being promoted to managers who don't have a clue how to manage and that could be part of the problem here. If a person is at all salvageable then it's cheaper in the long run to salvage him than to have to start from scratch with someone else..............up to a point. Sometimes a person with 26 years in is just simply burnt out - like "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
if it can't be rectified yeah I think they will...we were chatting about this at coffee today... but it may get fixed before it reaches that place..everyone knows about it...everyone is upset

maybe not

Man...if we could only be as conservative as Canadians. Sounds like there is a Tea Party member in each and every one of you! ;)

It's enough to survive. 20-25% more that others get doing harder work at minimum.

Petros... Dey took yer jerb!

For me there is enough information. They let people go and hired on temps...that is illegal. It's very clear cut.

As I said above, if there were employee issues (and there may have been) they should be dealt with, this is not an acceptable way to deal with employee problems, to fire someone in this manner especially after 26 years of service is unjust.

Yes indeed. 26 years of service at this place. Plenty of Temp Workers available for cheaper wages. Here's your check!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Which points to another problem which was quite clear 20 years ago when I was still in the work force. Too many people are being promoted to managers who don't have a clue how to manage and that could be part of the problem here. Sometimes a person with 26 years in is just simply burnt out - like "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" -:)

nah, I disagree with the adage "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". You can if the the rules of the game are clear, and the proper technique is used...that's why you pay management more, they are there to motivate, coach and support staff.....that's what drives profit.

As for too many being promoted without a clue as to how to manage I would again disagree. When I began managing I didn't have a fuking clue how to manage. I was promoted because I was a hard worker, a fast learner I was trustworthy and I would put the time in. I didn't know anything about how to motivate others, how to negotiate, I had to learn that. And it wasn't always a smooth road for me or for those under me. By the time I was promoted beyond that it was exactly because I could manage people well and handle volitile situations resulting in a postive for all.

Now these young pups are coached from the get go.

If a person is at all salvageable then it's cheaper in the long run to salvage him than to have to start from scratch with someone else..............up to a point.
quite true...

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I don't know if it is a "big" business thing. It seems like every time I hear about temporary foreign workers, it is a small business. Lots of franchise businesses and small independent businesses seem to be getting into trouble.

Any company large enough to have an HR department would at very least be better at hiding this stuff.

Huh? Not many small business types write government policies....

Countries ... companies ... reading glasses?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Man...if we could only be as conservative as Canadians. Sounds like there is a Tea Party member in each and every one of you! ;)
for stuff like this, I gotta say, you are dead on right... :D

Yes indeed. 26 years of service at this place. Plenty of Temp Workers available for cheaper wages. Here's your check!
yeah, that's a long service and my experience with that type of worker is they feel like they own the place...they never want to let anyone down and they go above and beyond.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
for stuff like this, I gotta say, you are dead on right... :D

That's what happens when this stuff hits close to home. For the US I believe it is far too late.

So in this case the government of Canada needs to make the person who was replaced by the foreign worker dependent on the government for their means of living. Make it comfortable enough so she doesn't have to work nor has the desire to work and BOOM... another large class of voters! That is what Mitt was talking about Sal!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That's what happens when this stuff hits close to home. For the US I believe it is far too late.

So in this case the government of Canada needs to make the person who was replaced by the foreign worker dependent on the government for their means of living. Make it comfortable enough so she doesn't have to work nor has the desire to work and BOOM... another large class of voters!
she is not old enough to retire yet so that won't work here...

I don't think it is too late for you's just gonna take about 10 times more effort since there is 10 times the pop... not to mention... our imports here usually leave after the work period...our weather sucks... pick the apples and head home


New Member
Nov 11, 2011
Beside Ron in Regina
I read this article today and I was ready to blow my stack. Now this is not to say it happens everywhere but this just made me see red... Please read this article and tell me that you don't see a problem here.

Waitresses in Saskatchewan lose jobs to foreign workers - Saskatchewan - CBC News

I know I will never set foot in that restaurant again and if anyone I know does, they need a good swift kick in the behind.

I see the need for foreign workers, but at the cost of CANADIANS losing their jobs over it? I think the owners of the restaurant should be paying these employees for the next 10 years as punishment and to make an example of the people that twist the act.

Please take the time to vote. Maybe we can send this to Capitol Hill and get things changed.


Just a quick note... Was on my homepage news section today.... - CBC News Saskatchewan

This is receiving a LOT of attention and not just locally.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Just a quick note... Was on my homepage news section today.... - CBC News Saskatchewan

This is receiving a LOT of attention and not just locally.

I'm thinking in a small town like Weyburn the situation will mainly be sorted out by the citizens, especially where a local worker who has been doing a good job has been wronged, as it's likely a substantial portion of the patrons are locals.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
'temporary' foreign workers.


what the fuk does that mean then.

bitches work here 4 months and we fuk them back to the pimple nation they came from?

seems like not.

time to sort this sh!t out.

That's an interesting attitude.

Temporary doesn't automatically mean some bean picker from a third world nation.

In order to work in Canada and most other nations, you need to apply and pay for a Visa. There are many types of Visas but in regards to Temp Visas, you have a Work Visa and a Work/Holiday Visa.... and there's of course Work Permits.

Each one of these have certain conditions applied when you decide to work in Canada and while these type of Visas can last for 1-3 years or so, depending on the type of Visa you have, you can only work in one job for 3-4 months before you have to find another job to do. Just because some Temp Worker from another country only works at a specific job for a couple of months, that doesn't mean they'll automatically be shipped off on the banana boat back to whatever backwards country they came from.

They just moved onto another job because they had to by law and under the agreements of their Visa. And while I am on the side of Canadians being employed first for a job over foreigners, those who filled out all the paper work, paid the expensive fee to have their Visa processed (Which goes to the government and they keep it even if your application was rejected) and approved and paid for the travel to Canada (or any other nation) they too have every right to work in Canada. The Visa entitles them to this.

For those who do not go by the books, work illegally, stay beyond their Visa / Work Permits allowed or are willing to work below minimum wage in order to get a job that was taken by a Canadian.... they should be deported immediately and stricken from working in Canada again.

In regards to the threads poll, I can't and won't vote simply because:

#1 - It is so biased in its options it basically guilts others with a differing view into not voting, thus would obviously have a swayed result.

#2 - As we know nothing about the finer details of the case linked in the OP beyond what these two former employees told the media and the standard public statement from the business, it is not logical to jump into a lynch mob mentality simply because a couple of older women had pictures taken while they sobbed to the media..... anybody can do that.

Devil's Advocate:

Maybe that lady decided that she was going to retire in that company, and maybe the company told her that her job was assured to remain while they ran the business.... and maybe because of this she started to slack off (Which some people do) and was becoming far less productive and efficient as the "Temporary" employees that took over their positions.

A business is a business and while employees have various rights and protections, businesses need to have protections too. A job is not some charity and you are only employed so long as you can prove your value to the company. Just because you worked 5, 10, or 50 years doesn't mean you can get a free ride, slack off & drift the rest of the way to retirement. Yes you devoted a lot of time and effort into your job.... but you were paid for your services and that doesn't automatically give you special privileges because you worked for a certain amount of time.

My last job in Canada before I left for Australia, we had one sales rep who was with the company for a long time and in the last two years before he retired, he slacked off a lot.... everybody knew he was, he even stated he didn't really give a crap and just drifted. Nobody wanted to cause an issue because in a few months, he'd be retired and it would have been mean to drop him right before he did, so people just put up with it and had to pick up the slack he couldn't be bothered to carry. The problem is, doing this costs the business a lot of money when someone who gave a damn could do the job 3x better and bring in more clients than what he was doing.

Maybe she did her job well up until her departure from the business.... and maybe she didn't, none of us know.

Her employers (formal) stated:
"All obligations to any employee are taken seriously. This includes the protection of personal information."

AKA: They are not going to divulge any information to the public or media surrounding these women's situations and why they were not recalled back because that information is between the employee, the employer and any officials investigating the situation.

Some have said that if they weren't doing their jobs well, then management should have taken them to the side and discussed the situation with them to help resolve the problem.

Who's to say they hadn't already done that?

In regards to the temporary workers?

It sounds more like they're being made the scapegoats for these women losing their jobs. They got called back and replaced these other women's positions, so it must automatically mean that the company is pulling some shady stunts.

Maybe they are and maybe they're not. Let the investigation look into it and figure things out.

I'm sure someone would be asking soon enough how I would feel if this happened to me.

I could be working for a company for 10-15 years, but a job is a job... I do my job as best as I can and to get the job done better than others as much as I can in order to assure my salary that supports my life and my family. The moment I start costing my company money and not being as productive and effective as someone else they could hire, then they have every right to replace me and I will go find another job. My efforts and time spent working with my employer does not grant me any special privileges from this situation and if I was in their shoes, I would do the exact same thing to any employee who wasn't effective, costing my business money and was slacking off compared to the money I am paying out for their position. To me, that is just grounds for dismissal after repeated conversations about the issue with them in order to resolve the problem before it got to that point.

All I see in the OP's report are two women pulling the "Immigrants Took my Job" argument in order to get a public reaction against their former employers.

So to the Thread Title: "Tell me this isn't wrong!!!!!"

I'm not going to tell you it is or isn't wrong. I'm just going to tell you not to jump to conclusions and let the official investigators sort it out to come to some valid conclusion.

Then I can tell you if it is wrong or not.

Yes, some businesses pull this sort of stunt to hire temp workers for lower pays and other shady things.... but not all businesses do this and one can not automatically assume this to be true just because someone pulls the foreigner card.
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