I don't think the data were fabricated. I think the statistics were manipulated in a way to bolster their viewpoint. That's what I mean with the GCMs (general circulation models)--tweak a number here or there and you can get what you want. I don't think we really understand the role of water vapor and cloud formation very at all, and that is simply critical to the whole exercise.
That's why I just rely on the physics of the heat transfer. Much more robust, time-tested model. It predicts about 1 deg for each doubling of CO2 (logarithmic relationship). IPCC predicts around 3 deg for each doubling due to positive feedbacks "predicted" by GCMs.
Was it Mark Twain who said? "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics."
Global Warming Science Boat May Be Trapped For Years In Non-Existent Ice | Real Science
It just gets better and better!!!!
That is true. There is a lot at stake. Like our economy and lifestyle. I expect to provide a better standard of living for my grandchildren than I have and if we went along with the climate change hoax and the truthers plans that simply would not be possible. Except possibly for some government employees.
There's more to life than money.
You can also use: "Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics"
SUch as?
Well for one, you can't eat money. For another, we, in Canada, are rich beyond the wildest dreams of probably 60 or 70% of the rest of the world's population. Be grateful for all the things that you have, insetad of envious of the things that others have.
And that seems a good segue to wishing all CanCon regulars a Healthy, Peaceful and (yes) Prosperous New Year!!!
Ever try getting anything from the grocery store without money? Or gas for your car? Or even a place to live? It all takes money. Most of us work for all this while the freeloaders that are so quick to protest development live off the taxes we pay.
Ever try getting anything from the grocery store without money? Or gas for your car? Or even a place to live? It all takes money.
Yes, and the fact that you have a computer and the lesiure time to post here indicates that, globally speaking, you have lots of it. Are you hungry? Are you homeless? I'm guessing no. Most of us earn far more than we need to feed and house our families. The rest is just things we want--nice cars, better homes, fancy electronics. Probably half the stuff the kids of Canada unwrapped on Christmas morning will be sitting in a landfill the next time Santa rides by.
Its called planing for the future. I've been poor before and it is NOT going to happen again. Not planing on downgrading my lifestyle much after retirement either.
Yes, and the fact that you have a computer and leisiure time to post here indicates that, globally speaking, you have lots of it. Are you hungry? Are you homeless? I'm guessing no. Most of us earn far more than we need to feed and house our families. The rest is just things we want--nice cars, better homes, fancy electronics. Probably half the stuff the kids of Canada unwrapped on Christmas morning will be sitting in a landfill the next time Santa rides by.
The reason he and you have leisure time and fully bellies is because of me and my 613HP T9 tractor and GMO crops.
You see TS... you make/made too much money. Why should you have all that money?