Tropical Arctic during the Late Cretaceous. Of course the continents drift...but when someone refers to a Tropical Arctic, that is generally understood as tropical conditions in the Northern polar zone on Earth...and yes it was volcanically active.
It matters not we are going to have an ice age and global warming
according to different scientist. They are all putting out survey and
studies to come to a conclusion cause someone hired them. The
information to support the group that commissioned it will use the
material to make more money spreading doom and gloom. I on
the other hand expressed an opinion that gains or loses me nothing.
Big difference. as for where I am on someone's imaginary political
scale I would have to say somewhere between a New Democrat and
a Liberal with many Conservative tendencies. Depending on the
issue of course.
Given the scale of economics invovled I think there are a lot more people being paid to put the notion of global warming to rest than are getting paid to push the idea.
Which is what this is all about... $$$.
Alarmist want to get paid.
It would appear that all the missing ice from the North pole went to the south pole for the summer.
Oh look... Zip is having a tantrum. Reality is slapping him about again.
Lovely... LOVELY
Deniers won't pull their heads out of their butts until the water level reaches their testicles.Just pointing out the logical inconsistency in your argument. You assume that only those opposed to your belief want to get paid. Confirmation Bias 101.
Just pointing out the logical inconsistency in your argument. You assume that only those opposed to your belief want to get paid. Confirmation Bias 101.
Deniers won't pull their heads out of their butts until the water level reaches their testicles.
Deniers won't pull their heads out of their butts until the water level reaches their testicles.
Put that post of yours in your DUH Column.
Alarmist want to get paid... others see this as it is... a scam... wealth redistribution.
Climate Alarmist wanting to raid nations (Western nations) and businesses bank vaults because they feel "entitled" to steal.
Are you clear now?
You still buying that AGW horsesh*t Cliffy?
.. Aren't you a little old for fairy tales?
I think there is a lot of money being spent on the denier side of things as well. Understandably so, as there is a lot at stake.
So are you a little clearer now? Is your temper tantrum over?
There are thieves lurking about and they want to take what isn't theirs. So measures are being taken to ensure the that the thieves don't get it.
Understand the difference between alarmist wanting to get paid and others not wanting to pay them?
The politics of it dosn't interest me that much. It's pretty clear we do not have the ability to anything about it. All that solar and wind business is just scribbling in the margins. Oil is the blood of the world economy.
In the case of AGW/Climate Change (still don't know what 'climate change' is really supposed to mean) - politics is everything... The fact that the UN and East Anglia were in cohoots and caught red-handed on fabricating the data (East Anglia) upon which a global tax (UN) was to be based tells the clearest story of all
I think there is a lot of money being spent on the denier side of things as well. Understandably so, as there is a lot at stake.