Use of the term '"retard"


Jan 6, 2007
We have been told that we can not use the term to describe people with mental disabilities, right?


Because it has become an insult.

So, it's being used as an insult.

I don't want to sound insensitive, but, I think society really has bigger issues than the fact that we like to tease one another about being mentally deficient.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
We have been told that we can not use the term to describe people with mental disabilities, right?


Because it has become an insult.

So, it's being used as an insult.

I don't want to sound insensitive, but, I think society really has bigger issues than the fact that we like to tease one another about being mentally deficient.

Maybe it has more to do with the connotation of the word than the meaning. "Retarded" has taken on the connotation of "stupid" where as the definition used to be "delayed" or opposite of "advanced", Like on an engine we used to advance or retard the spark. I've always been of the philosophy that words are just that...............words. But I guess today people who don't differentiate between words are "retards"-:)


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
The use of the term Retard is quite descriptive. Would you agree?

Are you posting an opinion as individual, or as a writer who feels that this could restrict a writers choice.
Both could be contradictory at times. I will leave that to you as a writer do you encounter conflict in the use of such phrases.

I believe all language should be protected and context be taken into account.

Me, more than willing to listen to both.
I was once berated by a woman on a forum for using the term retard to describe somebody that used to raise the Ire in Unforgiven, but whose name is not too be spoken. Her name was Babe_n_Boxers and it turned out that she was a complete fraud after it was discovered that.
A) She did not have a grandchild with learning disabilities due to a daughters drug addiction and;
B) She was no Babe, let alone in Boxers.

She along with Unforgiven and that other guy, THE RETARD, have all moved on.

I am referring to the whitewashing, wow could be something there, in the attempt to whitewash Mark Twains writings and the use of certain words like Ni66er and Injun. Most only think of Ni66er due to lack of exercising their respective brains, and forget or are not interested in the term Injun.
This is why we need to abolish the language cops. I've been called a Baby Killer, with great affection I might add, by Gerryh. Bear calls me a cracker, I bust Bears chops about bowing down to his conqueror and do you think he gives tiddler wink? No, because when using colourful language the only ones who become offended are those who want to shut you up.

As for whitewashing books. Well heck, or should I say Huck? What's next? Book burnings? Guys in Jackboots kicking in your door.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I'm not offended by it but I also don't need the added stress at work lol


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I have no problem with any insults be it retard, *******, idiot or the like. People that use them only use them because they are unable to effectively argue a point so they use the last option they have available and that is to personally attack their opponent.

That said, personal insults are against the forum rules and do tend to lower the maturity level of any discussion.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I have no problem with any insults be it retard, *******, idiot or the like. People that use them only use them because they are unable to effectively argue a point so they use the last option they have available and that is to personally attack their opponent.

That said, personal insults are against the forum rules and do tend to lower the maturity level of any discussion.

Again to make it clear- I am not, and was not referring to the use on the Forum. That was not what drove the OP.
And on other occasions you have to remind a member that a village is missing one.
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Again to make it clear- I am not, and was not referring to the use on the Forum.

I was but the same could be said with regard to off line activities. In the real world, I wouldn't call people idiots and retards if I were unable to dispute what they were saying. The anonymity of the internet just makes it easy for some people. I personally don't talk to anybody here any different than I would if they were sitting across the table from me.

The point about forum rules was simply reminding some people that need the occasional reminder


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I have no problem with any insults be it retard, *******, idiot or the like. People that use them only use them because they are unable to effectively argue a point so they use the last option they have available and that is to personally attack their opponent.

Hee hee hee haw haw hee hee haw haw haw - Hypocrite!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I have no problem with any insults be it retard, *******, idiot or the like. People that use them only use them because they are unable to effectively argue a point so they use the last option they have available and that is to personally attack their opponent.

That said, personal insults are against the forum rules and do tend to lower the maturity level of any discussion.

That's the most retarded opinion on the subject thus far in the whole thread.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I have no problem with any insults be it retard, *******, idiot or the like.

It's an honest to goodness pleasure to find another that shares the same viewpoint. Yes, almost a kindred bondingship brotherhoodish Kinsman thing I suppose. A closeness and sense of being that part-of. Like discovering another handsome man that wears Old Spice just as well as you do. Eery stuff. I have goosebumps right now.

People that use them only use them because they are unable to effectively argue a point so they use the last option they have available and that is to personally attack their opponent.

I would have to disagree old chum. I'm in life for the lulz. Best loosen our sphinx-ters whilst we can. Death is not that far away. Make 'em laff, make 'em laff, make 'em laff. I find it degrees more enjoyable to play that funky music white boy than develop dry mouth whilst floundering and prancing during intramural debate team practice, slim.

That said, personal insults are against the forum rules and do tend to lower the maturity level of any discussion.

Perhaps you're just doing it wrong billy.

Have a nice day. A really really nice day.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I was but the same could be said with regard to off line activities. In the real world, I wouldn't call people idiots and retards if I were unable to dispute what they were saying. The anonymity of the internet just makes it easy for some people. I personally don't talk to anybody here any different than I would if they were sitting across the table from me.

The point about forum rules was simply reminding some people that need the occasional reminder

In real life, on the rare occasion I have had to inform a person they were an idiot and to fuk off.
They did not grasp the pleasant phrases I used at the beginning.
Then they understood.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Who's the Sofa King and who's Todd? I get wee Todd did= retarded, but the point is wasted on me because I'm challenged .

OK cancel that question I finally got the rest of it. Geesus I need help.