Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
If I fall off my ski doo and die then I took a risk and that's how my choice played out.
If I am shot then some f&cker murdered me and needless to say I didn't choose it.
Do you not perceive a difference between the deaths?
I think not. You blindly defend guns for no logical reason and when presented with an argument that makes sense you ridicule like you are 7th graders.
Although I'm sure I 'just don't get it' so carry on gunning.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If I fall off my ski doo and die then I took a risk and that's how my choice played out.
If I am shot then some f&cker murdered me and needless to say I didn't choose it.
Do you not perceive a difference between the deaths?
You forgot to throw in these scenarios...

What if I drive my ski doo into a car as I cross a road and kill the driver?

What if I'm whipping across the lake a out drive my head light, run into an ice hut and kill the family inside?

You blindly defend guns for no logical reason and when presented with an argument that makes sense you ridicule like you are 7th graders.
No, I defend my right to possess weapons, for hunting, sport of protection.

All logical reasons.

I ridicule people who think that they aren't logical or reasonable reasons.

Although I'm sure I 'just don't get it' so carry on gunning.
Remains to be seen.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You get shot or run over by a car or someone pushes you in front of a subway train....are you any less dead??? and the one who killed he any less a killer?


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Hunting I get. Protection? From Americans with their guns I guess?
Oh I guess I could have shot the person before they pushed me in front of a subway train. Then I'd be less dead.
There is no logic in this thread.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If I fall off my ski doo and die then I took a risk and that's how my choice played out.
If I am shot then some f&cker murdered me and needless to say I didn't choose it.
Do you not perceive a difference between the deaths?
I think not. You blindly defend guns for no logical reason and when presented with an argument that makes sense you ridicule like you are 7th graders.
Although I'm sure I 'just don't get it' so carry on gunning.

Ahhhh....we were specifically talking about gun shows. And non-fatal ones at that.

Read back.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008

Asinine reply!! As I have repeatedly pointed out, I do not want to take away guns from responsible people, but I, as well as all thinking persons, want their use controlled. Since guns are produced to kill, why should they be treated any differently than other items that can be misused?? Pools should have fences to keep out children, ski hills have beginner trails, and it is recommended one have some lessons. Cars owners must take tests to make sure they understand the rules of the road, yet some gunowners, feel they need no rules, that in some cases they should be able to shoot those persons that scare or annoy them.

Civilized societies have laws, and they serve the purpose of taking some of the risk out of life. People die from being struck by lightning, in floods, tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes and even by skiing into trees. Nothing we can do about natural disasters or stupidity. If the law had been followed, in Quebec, that sixteen year old would not have been killed by his twelve year old brother.

In my opinion, those who laud the freedom to own a gun without proving they are competent, and sane enough to use them are uncivilized dolts, who should be confined together on a desert island, with their guns of course. To allow access to weapons by anyone who can pay for it, as exists right now here, (US) is the height of stupidity. It puts society's weakest in jeopardy. It is the lack of feeling for the lives of others that separates the psychos from the sane.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

You don't like the laws in the U.S.???? winter in guns there except for the army????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Asinine reply!! As I have repeatedly pointed out, I do not want to take away guns from responsible people, but I, as well as all thinking persons, want their use controlled. Since guns are produced to kill, why should they be treated any differently than other items that can be misused?? Pools should have fences to keep out children, ski hills have beginner trails, and it is recommended one have some lessons. Cars owners must take tests to make sure they understand the rules of the road, yet some gunowners, feel they need no rules, that in some cases they should be able to shoot those persons that scare or annoy them.

Civilized societies have laws, and they serve the purpose of taking some of the risk out of life. People die from being struck by lightning, in floods, tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes and even by skiing into trees. Nothing we can do about natural disasters or stupidity. If the law had been followed, in Quebec, that sixteen year old would not have been killed by his twelve year old brother.

In my opinion, those who laud the freedom to own a gun without proving they are competent, and sane enough to use them are uncivilized dolts, who should be confined together on a desert island, with their guns of course. To allow access to weapons by anyone who can pay for it, as exists right now here, (US) is the height of stupidity. It puts society's weakest in jeopardy. It is the lack of feeling for the lives of others that separates the psychos from the sane.

We already have more than enough rules to live by. So do many US states. And all the rules in the world are still not going to prevent criminals from using guns. For some reason that no one can explain criminals just don't feel the rules apply to them.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
After seeing a guy nuts himself on a firehydrant and another walk out into traffic, or the uncountable number of people who almost ran into my truck while texting or gabbing, I'd say cell phone users need to take safety tests and be licensed.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Hunting I get. Protection? From Americans with their guns I guess?
Oh I guess I could have shot the person before they pushed me in front of a subway train. Then I'd be less dead.
There is no logic in this thread.

Well that whole molitov cocktail incident in Markham called for some firearm protection.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Biathlon? Probably none.

Do you have any idea how may people pay off driving examination jackazzes or flirt to pass? If I show my t!ts can get a restricted weapons license?

Oh, so we should just abolish the rule of law, because a few try to circumvent it??

We already have more than enough rules to live by. So do many US states. And all the rules in the world are still not going to prevent criminals from using guns. For some reason that no one can explain criminals just don't feel the rules apply to them.

Yes, we do have enough rules,and isn't it time to demand they be enforced??

As far as the US goes, I suspect Obama will have the support of the people, he needs to bring in and enforce the sensible ones he proposed. The Republican Party is quite intent on shooting itself in the foot (figuratively speaking) by their obstruction to everything Democratic.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008

You don't like the laws in the U.S.???? winter in guns there except for the army????[/QUOTE)

Rather a silly statement!! I like my neighbours, and the majority of people I meet up with. I am really tired of hearing about shootings of children, young mothers and grandmothers,teenagers, every single day. If I intend to live in a place, pay taxes there, shouldn't II have the right to express my opinion. I have had a full and interesting life and since some of my relatives are American, I would like to see the younger generation have the same chance at such a life.

I quite like a great many of the laws here, just not the gun laws. I know many friends & relatives that have been to Cuba. Some quite like it and some didn't. Personally it was nice to visit,but not to spend 5 months there.

A few? Do you drive?[/QUOTE0

Yes, I do. I great deal. I did not bribe to get my license either. No points off my license, and no accidents for many years. For many years now, I make the trip from Quebec to Florida, mostly by myself and back again. And your point is??


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yes, I do. I great deal. I did not bribe to get my license either. No points off my license, and no accidents for many years. For many years now, I make the trip from Quebec to Florida, mostly by myself and back again. And your point is??
Great, I think that is wonderful. Have you noticed how many people are on the road who can't drive? Have you every said to yourself or to someone else "how the hell did they get their license"? Admit it. It's almost everytime you get in your car and drive isn't it?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I don't particularly like hearing about people getting shot either. But what do you think the newsmedia would focus on; people getting shot (a very small number in comparison to the total number of people dying), or people dying from vehicle crashes (a massive number)? The newsmedia picks shootings because it's sensational.
More people get killed in knifings than get shot, does the media pay as much attention? Nope.
You hear vastly more focus on gun-related incidents than anything else except drunkdriving-related incidents.
So it seems to be that you don't mind too much if a huge amount of people are killed by knives or drunk drivers, but if someone gets shot? You're on a rant.
Face facts: there is at least 1/3 the amount of guns in Canada as there are people, even more per capita in some places (like Switzerland, for instance) and yet the homicide by firearm rate is quite small in those places;
criminals simply don't follow laws;
a large fraction of people die in shootings from shock, not bullet damage (same thing for knifings);
guns by themselves are not the cause of deaths, it's nutcases with any weapon that is the biggest problem;
But I expect you'll continue ranting based upon your habit of tarring the entire planet with the same stuff you hear about the USA in terms of guns
Canadians, the Swiss, etc. simply aren't Americans.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Great, I think that is wonderful. Have you noticed how many people are on the road who can't drive? Have you every said to yourself or to someone else "how the hell did they get their license"? Admit it. It's almost everytime you get in your car and drive isn't it?

:Yep, after cell phone use while driving I think tail gating is the next worse offense, but I NEVER see any cops checking for that. With electronic equipment it shouldn't be too hard while checking speed to check proximity to other vehicles. I think I'm going to email the local authorities about this.