Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Maybe the human killers should compile a list of VALID reasons for abortion that aren't for vanity or because of social pressures?

How long do you think the list would be?
They are valid when the person getting one decides to. That's easy, unlike the righteous hypocritical exception lists. "All life is holier than thow, except under the laundry list of do gooder circumstances".


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
And the right meddling is just another scare tactic of the left.....



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
More bullshyte from the morally bankrupt. Any bullshyte excuse to support and justify the killing of innocent baby's.

someone should give you a smack side of the head, cause your needle is stuck, has been stuck for as long
as I remember reading your posts, you have no vision, the narrowest of tunnel vision I have ever witnessed.

you gather all womeninto the same discription, and talk on the subject as though there are no men
in the world at all.

you are so transparent, we all know what you are going to say, repetition, nothing constructive to
add to the subject.

your next post is easy to read before I ever get it, name calling, big red words, how artistic, but
no meat to your posts at all.

You'll notice, I said "roughly" the same opinion, I've also stated many times there is an exception to every rule..........the exception in this case being the life of the mother in jeopardy and possibly in a situation where the fetus could never be a viable human being, the worst extreme being the case where there is no brain. Where it's for the convenience of the mother (and in some cases the father) then I'm with Gerry 110%.

then you are saying you would force a 12 yr old, or even 14 to go to term with a pregnancy, after being
raped by her uncle george. They are also children, did nothing wrong, were violated, and you would
punish her more, then probably force her to give up her child, or be a mother, as a child.

As her mother or father, I would support her terminating the pregnancy as quickly as possible, and
continue the support afterward to help her move forward, so she could continue growing up, and
someday become a mom, when she chooses.

These circumstances happen much more than anyone would care to find out about, and that is only
one story starting the list of many sad and miserable circumstances in the life of a girl, or
young woman.
They should 'not' be judged by anyone outside the personal circumstances, no one is qualified.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
and what is your vision old lady? You looking forward to the day when ALL pregnancy's end in abortion? What's next after that? Kill all kids under 10? Give everyone the "right" to kill whomever they feel like killing?

I have never been able to understand how there could be so many useless pieces of skin in this world. Usless bodies that have so little regard for life, and especially so little regard for the innocent.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
someone should give you a smack side of the head, cause your needle is stuck, has been stuck for as long
as I remember reading your posts, you have no vision, the narrowest of tunnel vision I have ever witnessed.

you gather all womeninto the same discription, and talk on the subject as though there are no men
in the world at all.

you are so transparent, we all know what you are going to say, repetition, nothing constructive to
add to the subject.

your next post is easy to read before I ever get it, name calling, big red words, how artistic, but
no meat to your posts at all.

then you are saying you would force a 12 yr old, or even 14 to go to term with a pregnancy, after being
raped by her uncle george. They are also children, did nothing wrong, were violated, and you would
punish her more, then probably force her to give up her child, or be a mother, as a child.

As her mother or father, I would support her terminating the pregnancy as quickly as possible, and
continue the support afterward to help her move forward, so she could continue growing up, and
someday become a mom, when she chooses.

These circumstances happen much more than anyone would care to find out about, and that is only
one story starting the list of many sad and miserable circumstances in the life of a girl, or
young woman.
They should 'not' be judged by anyone outside the personal circumstances, no one is qualified.

You make a good point there, that I'm inclined to go along with, of course one can't use the same guide lines with children as with mature women. I WAS thinking mature women.

and what is your vision old lady? You looking forward to the day when ALL pregnancy's end in abortion? What's next after that? Kill all kids under 10? Give everyone the "right" to kill whomever they feel like killing?

I have never been able to understand how there could be so many useless pieces of skin in this world. Usless bodies that have so little regard for life, and especially so little regard for the innocent.

In all fairness Gerry, when Talloola mentioned 12 year old girls, I would say she showed a lot of regard for the "innocent".


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
and what is your vision old lady? You looking forward to the day when ALL pregnancy's end in abortion? What's next after that? Kill all kids under 10? Give everyone the "right" to kill whomever they feel like killing?

I have never been able to understand how there could be so many useless pieces of skin in this world. Usless bodies that have so little regard for life, and especially so little regard for the innocent.

The law says a "person" is only a person after birth but the law can't change the fact that the unborn are 100% human from the instant of conception.

It's Orwellian double speak.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Excepting the instances I've just mentioned I don't really want to get into more abortion discussions, over the years we've pretty well beat it to death. It's a highly polarized topic, some concerned with fetus some with the host. Let's let it go at that.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Excepting the instances I've just mentioned I don't really want to get into more abortion discussions, over the years we've pretty well beat it to death. It's a highly polarized topic, some concerned with fetus some with the host. Let's let it go at that.

Then don't discuss it. Stay out of the thread, or any other thread that concerns abortion. Simple really, no one is forcing you, or any one else, to read or discuss any of this.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Based on the woman deciding if she needs one. Period. That's all that matters. The rest of the debate is bullshyt bafflegab.
Women get pregnant all by themselves?

If a man wants a baby regardless of the sex the woman can kill it simply because she wants a boy instead of a girl?

The man has no say?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Women get pregnant all by themselves?

If a man wants a baby regardless of the sex the woman can kill it simply because she wants a boy instead of a girl?

The man has no say?
None at all. Unless he can carry the baby to term, he is SOL.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
None at all. Unless he can carry the baby to term, he is SOL.
Then why is DNA used to prove paternity by courts to make men pay for children women want if the man doesn't?

She wanted it, she can pay for it herself right?

Is she SOL?

Why the double standard?

Can the DNA of an aborted embryo be used to determine paternity?

What is the legal definition of a person?

What is the legal definition of a human?

P.S. my reasons against abortion have NOTHING to do with religion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What is the legal definition of a person?

What is the legal definition of a human?

Back in the day it wasn't necessary to have one, but I guess with some of the monstrosities you see wandering around these days maybe one is necessary.-:)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
More bullshyte from the morally bankrupt. Any bullshyte excuse to support and justify the killing of innocent baby's.

One more prime example of a raving loon cult troll.
Like all trolls no respect for other peoples opinions if they don't mesh with his narrow minded bigoted view.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
One more prime example of a raving loon cult troll.
Like all trolls no respect for other peoples opinions if they don't mesh with his narrow minded bigoted view.

And what cult would that be? The one that claims to be pro life yet supports the killing of its fellow man through capital punishment and wars? I'm afraid not. You can't pidgeon hole me that easily. Support for the killing of children, or support for killing period, is not an opinion. We're not talking about whether or not winter is better than summer, we are talking about the killing of another human life, for the most part, for no other reason aside from selfishness.

You own the thread, Gerry? -:)

You're the one whining about it.