Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When someone gets a vasectomy they don't have to have their thoughts reviewed.
Any request for a surgery that alters the body or a fucntion permanently, will be followed by questions of why you want to do and if you are 100% sure you want to do it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The laws some idiots in parliament are trying to strike up. That was this is about, some naive belief that you can wrap this up into a measure of knowledge and thought on the pregnant woman.

I voted conservative last time but if they go down this path I will never again for them. I will campaign loudly against them.

So you are for abortion right up to and including before delivery. No health issues for the mother or the baby- not the fetus - the baby. Would that be correct.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So you are for abortion right up to and including before delivery. No health issues for the mother or the baby- not the fetus - the baby. Would that be correct.

You have that right. He is one of those people that are too much of a coward to stand up and say that killing a baby is wrong. Period.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
So you are for abortion right up to and including before delivery. No health issues for the mother or the baby- not the fetus - the baby. Would that be correct.
Yes, for the simple reason that they know what`s better for their situation than you do.

You have that right. He is one of those people that are too much of a coward to stand up and say that killing a baby is wrong. Period.
You`re an arrogant prick who thinks he knows more than the people seeking treatment. What a dumb jerk.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
It is not a baby until it is born so where do you see him saying it is ok to kill babys?

Yup, usual dehumanizing.

You`re an arrogant prick who thinks he knows more than the people seeking treatment. What a dumb jerk.

No, the arrogant prick and dumb jerk would be you. The one coming up with excuses as to why it's ok to kill an innocent.

btw, pregnancy is not a disease or an illness. Therefore "treatment" is not necessary.


Jan 6, 2007
Id suggest youve both made your points and are aware of how the other feels about you. Quit now.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Yup, usual dehumanizing.

No, the arrogant prick and dumb jerk would be you. The one coming up with excuses as to why it's ok to kill an innocent.

btw, pregnancy is not a disease or an illness. Therefore "treatment" is not necessary.
Why would anyone listen to a brainwashed righteous jackass like you? Stuff it where the sun don't shine.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Murderers and those that support them don't discuss anything.

You and I share roughly the same opinion on abortion, Gerry, but you can't deny others the right to their opinions, wrong as they may be. On the happier side I really think that 90% of those who back the right to the opinion, would do the right thing when it comes to the crunch.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why would anyone listen to a brainwashed righteous jackass like you? Stuff it where the sun don't shine.

Fraid not, you no longer have the power to shut me up because you don't like the light that I shine on you. The most you could do is put me on ignore.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I just wrote to my Tory MP (someone I have voted for many times) to express my disgust for this kind of politics. It will be the last time he gets my vote if this keeps up.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
You and I share roughly the same opinion on abortion, Gerry, but you can't deny others the right to their opinions, wrong as they may be. On the happier side I really think that 90% of those who back the right to the opinion, would do the right thing when it comes to the crunch.

JLM, each person or couple will do what they think is best for them, and to assume it would be what you want
to happen is wishful thinking, there are many many troublesome stories out there, stories that we wouldn't
want to have to deal with ever, and for us to push our beliefs on any of them, isn't right, so what is
right for one, may not be right for the next person.
And, for us to decide that 90% of them would choose what you would, is also wishful thinking.
Reality is reality, the world isn't a bouquet of roses for many, none of us really have a clue, but
we like to think we do, because our lives probably run a course that is ,as we would like to think, 'normal'.

I am in favour of abortions for certain situations, for the sake of the woman and the embryo, I don't
consider anyone a murderer at all because they made that choice, that is judging every woman who
becomes pregnant, when we don't know anything about the individual situations.
Many young girls are raped by a person who knows them or is related to them, girls as young as 12
and up, that is just one situation of many.

I am not going to presume that 90% of people in those situations would do 'what' I want, it is their
story, their situation, and for me or anyone to stand by, call them murderers, and expect them to
do what I say they should do, is arrogant.

It is so easy to judge, we don't have the right to do that.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Many young girls are raped by a person who knows them or is related to them, girls as young as 12
and up, that is just one situation of many.


More bullshyte from the morally bankrupt. Any bullshyte excuse to support and justify the killing of innocent baby's.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM, each person or couple will do what they think is best for them, and to assume it would be what you want
to happen is wishful thinking, there are many many troublesome stories out there, stories that we wouldn't
want to have to deal with ever, and for us to push our beliefs on any of them, isn't right, so what is
right for one, may not be right for the next person.
And, for us to decide that 90% of them would choose what you would, is also wishful thinking.
Reality is reality, the world isn't a bouquet of roses for many, none of us really have a clue, but
we like to think we do, because our lives probably run a course that is ,as we would like to think, 'normal'.

I am in favour of abortions for certain situations, for the sake of the woman and the embryo, I don't
consider anyone a murderer at all because they made that choice, that is judging every woman who
becomes pregnant, when we don't know anything about the individual situations.
Many young girls are raped by a person who knows them or is related to them, girls as young as 12
and up, that is just one situation of many.

I am not going to presume that 90% of people in those situations would do 'what' I want, it is their
story, their situation, and for me or anyone to stand by, call them murderers, and expect them to
do what I say they should do, is arrogant.

It is so easy to judge, we don't have the right to do that.

You'll notice, I said "roughly" the same opinion, I've also stated many times there is an exception to every rule..........the exception in this case being the life of the mother in jeopardy and possibly in a situation where the fetus could never be a viable human being, the worst extreme being the case where there is no brain. Where it's for the convenience of the mother (and in some cases the father) then I'm with Gerry 110%.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
More bullshyte from the morally bankrupt. Any bullshyte excuse to support and justify the killing of innocent baby's.
Maybe the human killers should compile a list of VALID reasons for abortion that aren't for vanity or because of social pressures?

How long do you think the list would be?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Maybe the human killers should compile a list of VALID reasons for abortion that aren't for vanity or because of social pressures?

How long do you think the list would be?

Not as long as you'd have to wait for it.-:)