Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The decision has to based on something.

Make your list of valid reasons that aren't vanity or social pressure based.
I don't need to make any reasons, I'm not judging people for their personal decisions. My list is short. If the woman feels she needs to terminate her pregnancy she is in a better position than me or anyone else to make that decision. End of story.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't need to make any reasons, I'm not judging people for their personal decisions. My list is short. If the woman feels she needs to terminate her pregnancy she is in a better position than me or anyone else to make that decision. End of story.
Why would she feels she NEEDS to terminate if there is no pressure?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Why would she feels she NEEDS to terminate if there is no pressure?
There is pressure in anything in life. You have the magic pill to stop pressure? That is miracle work. Get a patent.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
That was not the question.
That's because the question connot be truthfully answered without contradicting his/her point of view.

Two years ago I had to travel to Toronto to have some eye surgery done by a plastic surgeon that specialises in eye plastic surgery.
I had entropia of the lower eyelid. OHIP paid for it and also a Northern travel grant paid for transportation.
While I was in the waiting room with a temporary patch over my eye waiting for my ride........ (surgery was a simple out-patient type with quickert stiches and the whole thing was probaly a couple thousnds billed to the province)......This woman in her fifties, was waiting for the secretary to book an appointment to get rid of baggy skin under her eyes and she was Pissed because it was gonna cost her five thousand to get the plastic surgery done.......simply because, and you probably guessed it, the condition didn't impair her vision.....mine did.
Leaving all other ethical reasons aside.... that alone would be my view, (for sex selective abortions at least) if you don't need it for medical for it yourself...!
I'm sure that the woman I met, was probably depressed because she didn't like the looks of her baggy eyes, but she still had to pay for it herself.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There is pressure in anything in life. You have the magic pill to stop pressure? That is miracle work. Get a patent.
There already is a pill that nearly eliminates the odds pregnancy and being pressured by society into killing the unborn.

I'm surprised you've never heard of "the pill".


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
There already is a pill that nearly eliminates the odds pregnancy and being pressured by society into killing the unborn.

I'm surprised you've never heard of "the pill".
There is far more pressure on women to have kids than not have kids.

Who cares about the pill, it has nothing to do with being pregnant.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
There is far more pressure on women to have kids than not have kids.

Married - in long term relationships - women- Yes
The odds are stacked against a single female with a baby - You know it as do I. The question is why this is so.

Who cares about the pill, it has nothing to do with being pregnant.

The ones who choose to not get pregnant care.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There is far more pressure on women to have kids than not have kids.

Who cares about the pill, it has nothing to do with being pregnant.
Is there another biological purpose for a woman?

Who cares? Hellllllooooooo!!! If you don't want a child doesn't it make more sense to prevent pregnancy than take a human life later?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
So you're finally admitting it isn't free choice?
It's free choice unless you meddle in other people's affairs.

Is there another biological purpose for a woman?

Who cares? Hellllllooooooo!!! If you don't want a child doesn't it make more sense to prevent pregnancy than take a human life later?
If you don't want her to be in control of her body after pregnancy don't get her pregnant.