Sex selection abortions

Are you for Gender or sex selective abortion?

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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Why do you think they do not record that. Not hard to figure it out now is it.You asked for 1 and it was provided.Stay in denial. More comfortable than the reality of abortion on demand.

Hospitals cannot deny any women the right to an abortion for any reason. The political uproar would be tremendous. But you can stay in denial,.
I asked how many we're that weren't for serious complications . You provided not one iota of evidence of one.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
The fact that we're even having this discussion makes me ill. When I had my babies, I didn't want to know what gender they were - I just wanted them to be healthy. When I was single I had a roommate that preferred abortion to birth control and it made me so angry - I thought about how selfish she was - taking a pill seemed to be a lot easier to my way of thinking then getting an abortion. She was very blase about it. She had had at least 3 last I heard. I'm afraid that I just don't get it and I never will.

Late term abortions are particularly disgusting to me and should be abolished. If you can't decide within the first 6 weeks or so, too bad!



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I asked how many we're that weren't for serious complications . You provided not one iota of evidence of one.

No one wants to keep accurate stats- they do for everything else. From heart attacks to flu cases.
Abortion is untouchable for accurate stats. Ask yourself why.

Those opposed to abortion rights have portrayed women as having late term abortions out of
"selfish convenience" or because they "suddenly can't get into a bathing suit." This
misrepresentation of women’s decision making with regard to abortion is always inaccurate, but
especially so in cases of late term abortion. Most women who terminate their pregnancies after
20 weeks wanted to have a child, and were forced to consider abortion for medical reasons.
Other women may be in desperate social circumstances, such as an abusive relationship, or they
may be very young teenagers who have delayed abortion care because they were in denial about
the pregnancy.
ARCC-CDAC Position
In Canada, women do not have to provide a reason to obtain an abortion, since abortions are available upon request. Also, being pro-choice means supporting a woman's right to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy for whatever reason, even if one personally does not agree with her reason. Most people, including those in the pro-choice movement and those who work in abortion clinics, are personally uncomfortable with sex-selection abortions, particularly since cultural biases seem to be the motivating factor behind these abortions.
However, it is important to remember that we cannot restrict women's right to abortion just because some women might make decisions we disagree with.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I asked how many we're that weren't for serious complications . You provided not one iota of evidence of one.
Ask and thou shall receive ..........
Late-term abortions in Canada - get the facts

Margaret Somerville, a prominent ethicist at McGill University, recently surveyed available statistics on Canadian abortions. She discovered that "it's known that at least 400 post-viability abortions take place in Canada each year and the actual number is most probably more than twice that."[SIZE=-1](3)[/SIZE] Statistics Canada, which claims that "providing statistics is a federal responsibility," told Somerville when she inquired about late-term abortion numbers that, "they were instructed for political reasons not to collect statistics on the gestational age at which abortion occurs". However, they explained that "hospitals must report the number of abortions and about 45 per cent had continued to report gestational age."

Statistics Canada reported in 2005 that at least 534 abortions were performed after 20 weeks. Since the gestational age is reported by less than half of hospitals and clinics, the number of post-viability abortions is likely doubled.

I would guess that you take it to mean that over 1000 women had to have a late term abortion because their life was at risk???:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Oh and again you are pushing your morality, culture, and views of choice upon a woman who does not want to have a girl. Which is exactly what is going on.

A woman has a right to choose aborting a girl and the pro-choice movement won that right for that woman.

The parents may want a boy and not a girl though. Keep your hands out of their wombs. Its their choice.


absolutely, i'm for children coming into this world, 'wanted', that is my love for the child, it isn't
their choice to be conceived,then dragged into the world many times suffering, and in many parts of the
world starving and dying, and in the western world, full of drugs, and many other hurtful things that
are pushed upon the innocent. There is more than one way to look at this whole issue, so don't be so
holier than thou in your attitude, it isn't that holy to begin with, just satisfying to you, just as
my approach is satisfying to me.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
No one wants to keep accurate stats- they do for everything else. From heart attacks to flu cases.
Abortion is untouchable for accurate stats. Ask yourself why.

Those opposed to abortion rights have portrayed women as having late term abortions out of
"selfish convenience" or because they "suddenly can't get into a bathing suit." This
misrepresentation of women’s decision making with regard to abortion is always inaccurate, but
especially so in cases of late term abortion. Most women who terminate their pregnancies after
20 weeks wanted to have a child, and were forced to consider abortion for medical reasons.
Other women may be in desperate social circumstances, such as an abusive relationship, or they
may be very young teenagers who have delayed abortion care because they were in denial about
the pregnancy.
ARCC-CDAC Position
In Canada, women do not have to provide a reason to obtain an abortion, since abortions are available upon request. Also, being pro-choice means supporting a woman's right to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy for whatever reason, even if one personally does not agree with her reason. Most people, including those in the pro-choice movement and those who work in abortion clinics, are personally uncomfortable with sex-selection abortions, particularly since cultural biases seem to be the motivating factor behind these abortions.
However, it is important to remember that we cannot restrict women's right to abortion just because some women might make decisions we disagree with.
Why would you restrict women from making their own decisions? They handle their reproductive issues quite well. Much better than the old white haired guys want you to believe.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
More comfortable than the reality of abortion on demand.

We don't have abortion on fact one of your pastes above clearly made the point, which I'll include below:

Canadians For Choice
Despite what some may believe about the availability of late-term abortion services in Canada, Statistics Canada has reported that less than 1% of abortions take place past 20 weeks gestation.[1] The fact remains that nearly 90% of abortions in Canada take place before 13 weeks gestation. The belief that a woman makes the choice to have an abortion easily and without giving it much thought is especially inaccurate in instances of late-term abortion. Many women who have an abortion after 20 weeks originally wanted to have a child, but chose to have an abortion after discovering that her foetus was severely or fatally impaired, or upon the discovery that her own health or life is endangered. Other women need to access abortion services past 20 weeks because of extremely long wait-times or, especially in the case of young teenagers, because they were either not aware that they were pregnant or were in denial about being pregnant until the symptoms were no longer unavoidable. Whatever the reason a woman seeks to have an abortion past 20 weeks gestation, Canadians must know: abortion services in Canada are not uniformly accessible and late-term abortions are much more rare and difficult to access than abortions that take place within the first trimester of pregnancy.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
We don't have abortion on fact one of your pastes above clearly made the point, which I'll include below:

Canadians For Choice
Despite what some may believe about the availability of late-term abortion services in Canada, Statistics Canada has reported that less than 1% of abortions take place past 20 weeks gestation.[1] The fact remains that nearly 90% of abortions in Canada take place before 13 weeks gestation. The belief that a woman makes the choice to have an abortion easily and without giving it much thought is especially inaccurate in instances of late-term abortion. Many women who have an abortion after 20 weeks originally wanted to have a child, but chose to have an abortion after discovering that her foetus was severely or fatally impaired, or upon the discovery that her own health or life is endangered. Other women need to access abortion services past 20 weeks because of extremely long wait-times or, especially in the case of young teenagers, because they were either not aware that they were pregnant or were in denial about being pregnant until the symptoms were no longer unavoidable. Whatever the reason a woman seeks to have an abortion past 20 weeks gestation, Canadians must know: abortion services in Canada are not uniformly accessible and late-term abortions are much more rare and difficult to access than abortions that take place within the first trimester of pregnancy.

I read what I posted - Read all of the posts cuts and paste that I just made.
What is your opinion on why Hospitals who track everything do not do so for abortions.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
It's about radiologists disclosing the gender. It's crazy to even ask why let alone judge whether or not the reason is good enough.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Probably because its none of their business.

Now you can do better than that- Only reason is political- Jesus- they track flu- broken fingers- yet Nope on abortion- Political minefield- We both know that.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Now you can do better than that- Only reason is political- Jesus- they track flu- broken fingers- yet Nope on abortion- Political minefield- We both know that.
Even Roe V Wade noted the privacy right. No one will want to bow down to a bunch of politicians, just because they are naive and should be in a museum.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Even Roe V Wade noted the privacy right. No one will want to bow down to a bunch of politicians, just because they are naive and should be in a museum.

Roe v Wade- US decision- Wrong country. Still avoiding my question. Not your style to avoid a direct question for an opinion.
Reason why I enjoy your posts.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I notice they don't measure how many come from another planet too. Perhaps your sampling is so small it doesn't register on anyone's radar.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
What is it that you want me to say, that its a vast left wing conspiracy?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
absolutely, i'm for children coming into this world, 'wanted', that is my love for the child, it isn't
their choice to be conceived,then dragged into the world many times suffering, and in many parts of the
world starving and dying, and in the western world, full of drugs, and many other hurtful things that
are pushed upon the innocent.

So clearly some want a boy to come into this world so they can love him but a girl not so much.

There is more than one way to look at this whole issue, so don't be so
holier than thou in your attitude, it isn't that holy to begin with, just satisfying to you, just as
my approach is satisfying to me.

Where did I say I was more holier than you?

Now you can do better than that- Only reason is political- Jesus- they track flu- broken fingers- yet Nope on abortion- Political minefield- We both know that.

Indeed... and the rise of sex selection abortion. Oh boy do they want that supressed. Just look at some of the forum members.

"Everyone shut your mouths! Stick to the old white men and religious right schtick!"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Why do you think they do not record that. Not hard to figure it out now is it.You asked for 1 and it was provided.Stay in denial. More comfortable than the reality of abortion on demand.

Hospitals cannot deny any women the right to an abortion for any reason. The political uproar would be tremendous. But you can stay in denial,.

Actually that is not quite true. Or wasn't a couple of years ago. Comox hospital is run by the catholic church and they do (didn't) not do abortions.

So clearly some want a boy to come into this world so they can love him but a girl not so much.

Where did I say I was more holier than you?

Indeed... and the rise of sex selection abortion. Oh boy do they want that supressed. Just look at some of the forum members.

"Everyone shut your mouths! Stick to the old white men and religious right schtick!"

Look at the bright side. The world is overpopulated and if the breeders are eliminated humans will be on the endangered species list. In the meantime there will either be a huge demand for brothels or being gay will become a lifestyle choice instead of just genetic predisposition.