Palestinian - Why Mahmoud Abbas’s U.N. statehood bid is great for Israel -- and the U


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Yes it does, how many decades before you accept it?
"26 Jan 2006 , ‘Hamas Wins Landslide 76 Seats’"

Are you saying I support the nations listed below over Canada?
,,,,Arab nations, Iran, Russia, and Turkey,,,,,

I asked a simple question were they free and fair - Pick your standard - according to Western Standards- UN Standards- Or that UN group that monitors elections in many countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Mmmmm Turkey

With all the t*******'s
Press attacks- jail sentences- corrupted courts- The repression of the Kurd's . Not all the t*******s but some for now.
I may bring more t*******s but off to bed now as I am up way to freaking early for work.
How in the world did t.r.i.m.m.i.n.g.s get asterisks.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I asked a simple question were they free and fair - Pick your standard - according to Western Standards- UN Standards- Or that UN group that monitors elections in many countries.
Look it up then, everybody here already knows and pointed it out to you but you must believe they are lies or the issue would be settled by now, so look it up yourself. (and don't forget to post your findings)


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Which part of " In January 2006 the Palestinian Authority held legislative elections which international observers agreed to be free and fair" didn't you understand?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I wasn't surprised that zealous Hamas beat the corrupt Fatah in free and fair elections. I was surprised that the US and Israel allowed free and fair enough elections.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
With all the t*******'s
Press attacks- jail sentences- corrupted courts- The repression of the Kurd's . Not all the t*******s but some for now.
I may bring more t*******s but off to bed now as I am up way to freaking early for work.
How in the world did t.r.i.m.m.i.n.g.s get asterisks.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I was surprised that the US and Israel allowed free and fair enough elections.
Considering how their own elections are run (where the 'opposition' actually has an 'opposite' platform) you could say neither the US or Israel even has an election where political policy is the whole agenda.
What kind of over-site can fix that?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Democracy In Training.
Some Scenes May Be Graphic.
Viewer Discretion Is Advised.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Canada is one of six nations at the UN that voted against a General Assembly motion calling on Israel to open its nuclear facilities for inspection. The motion passed 174 to 6. Besides Israel and the US, Canada joined Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and Palau.
Has Canada become just another client state?
Question: was the delegation from Nauru in the bathroom?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Question: was the delegation from Nauru in the bathroom?
He missed the Thursday express canoe to Palau to use "the" fax machine to vote on time.

He missed the Thursday express canoe to Palau to use "the" fax machine to vote on time.
Shhhhhh! They are trying to hide the nuke program so the Russian military don't find out (which when the wall came down had many of it's Officers and nuke fizzixists move to Israel and join their military).


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Canada and a few other better start recognizing Hamas as an authority and you can bet the ranch that the 'right to return' will be right neat the very top of their list. Abbas might be looking to retire before he gets to sign anything on the behalf of the citizens. Referendums are the rule when Britain gives a colony sovereignty over themselves.

It's going to be justice when Herper loses power because of his blind support for a Nation that the citizens don't blindly support also.

All of these zionist supporting Canadian government officials have obviously been assured that they will noT face criminal courts after the dust has cleared. They speak like they know something we don't but should. This country is run and overrun with zionist spys and agents. It was always the same, hundreds of years of crap and lies and dead sons and daughters so the elite may wallow in the blood. ****THEM ALL EVERYONE OF THE DIRTY TRAITORS.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I wasn't surprised that zealous Hamas beat the corrupt Fatah in free and fair elections. I was surprised that the US and Israel allowed free and fair enough elections.

One of your links did not work- the other I had to look thru pages of documentation. Next time do not post a book without a reference point for the answer. Makes it easier to locate.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace Efforts in Mideast

By Scott Wilson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, January 27, 2006

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Jan. 26 -- The radical Islamic movement Hamas won a large majority in the new Palestinian parliament, according to official election results announced Thursday, trouncing the governing Fatah party in a contest that could dramatically reshape the Palestinians' relations with Israel and the rest of the world.

In Wednesday's voting,
Hamas claimed 76 of the 132 parliamentary seats, giving the party at war with Israel the right to form the next cabinet under the Palestinian Authority's president, Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of Fatah.

Fatah, which has dominated the legislature since the previous elections a decade ago and the Palestinian cause for far longer, won 43 seats. A collection of nationalist, leftist and independent parties claimed the rest.

Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia, another Fatah leader, resigned his post along with his cabinet early Thursday, as reports of Hamas's victory began to circulate. Although the cabinet would have been required to step aside even if Fatah had retained its majority, Qureia acknowledged in submitting his resignation that Hamas had earned the right to form the next cabinet.

"This is the choice of the people,"
Qureia, a member of the party's discredited old guard who did not run for reelection, told reporters here. "It should be respected."

Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace Efforts in Mideast

But it wasn't. The US and Israel armed the election loser's bid to become dictator triggering a civil war.

The Gaza Bombshell
After failing to anticipate Hamas’s victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and current U.S. officials, the author reveals how President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving Hamas stronger than ever.

The Gaza Bombshell | Vanity Fair

Abbas was so grateful for Israeli and American support he was willing to generously sell out right of millions of Palestinians to return home as per UNSC resolutions and the terms Israel agreed to in order to get UN recognition as a state back in 1948.

The details of Abba's enemy collaboration were revealed in the Palestinian Papers:

PA relinquished right of return
Palestinian negotiators are engaged in talks that they know have ceded almost every Palestinian right.

The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English

PA offered to concede almost all of East Jerusalem, an historic concession for which Israel offered nothing in return.
"The biggest Yerushalayim" - The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English

Minutes of negotiations at the US State Department in Washington DC indicate that Erekat was willing to concede control over the Haram al-Sharif, or Temple Mount, to the oversight of an international committee. The highly controversial issue of who controls the Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary), home of the Al Aqsa mosque - Islam’s third holiest site - has been a major sticking point during decades of negotiations between Israelis and the Palestinians. Israel calls the Haram al-Sharif the “Temple Mount” because Jews believe it was the site of the Second Temple destroyed during Roman times. In recent years, Jewish settler groups – some with close ties to the Israeli government – have advocated building a “Third Temple", which would necessitate the destruction of the existing Muslim holy sites.

Erekat's solution for the Haram - The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English

Palestine Papers: Why I blew the whistle
The mislabeled "peace talks" were instrumental in creating divisions amongst Palestinians, compelling me to speak out.

My strong motives for leaving my position with the NSU and my assessment of the "peace process" were clearly detailed to Palestinian negotiators in my resignation letter dated of 9th November 2008.

The "peace negotiations" were a deceptive farce, whereby biased terms were unilaterally imposed by Israel and systematically endorsed by the US and EU capitals. Far from enabling a negotiated fair end of the conflict, the pursuit of the Oslo process has deepened Israeli segregationist policies and justified the tightening of the security control imposed on the Palestinian population as well as its geographical fragmentation. Far for preserving the land on which to build a State, it has tolerated the intensification of the colonisation of the Palestinian territory. Far from maintaining a national cohesion, the process I participated in, albeit briefly, proved to be instrumental in creating and aggravating divisions amongst Palestinians. In its most recent developments, it became a cruel enterprise from which the Palestinians of Gaza have suffered the most. Last but not least, these negotiations excluded for the most part the great majority of the Palestinian people: the 7 million-Palestinian refugees. My experience over those 11 months spent in Ramallah confirms in fact that the PLO, given its structure, was not in a position to represent all Palestinian rights and interests.

Palestine Papers: Why I blew the whistle - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
For most of them it is a life-long appointment thanks to the IDF. It is still shorter than the traitor has been in power.

(in part)
But a quick solution to the Palestinian divide seemed unlikely and Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said the Western-backed Abbas, who has served as president since 2005, lacks the legitimacy to make such a call.

Hamas rejects Palestinian Authority call for election | Reuters
Traitor because he renounced violence
Traitor because he realized that the right of return would never be accepted by Israel or many other countries in the Quartet.
Traitor is not the term you should be using.

Hamas did win a majority- then they cemented power in the same way that the Bolsheviks did.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Traitor because he is a stooge to the West like Arafat was in his final days. What 'leader' in their right mind would give away the tight to return and land? Those are ICC types of decisions and his over-stay in office could make all the 'deals' null and void. Perhaps the rope is waiting for him in the Hauge.

"Traitor is not the term you should be using. "
Well ****tard gets edited nor is it a term the ICC cares about..