This summer may see first ice-free North Pole


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The density is irrelevent, it's all about the displacement volume. :smile:

Yes I know that, in fact that's kind of the point. The density of water in the atmosphere is irrelevant when there is a similar force acting in the same direction as buoyancy gives to a ship. So long as there is a strong enough updraft created by warm air meeting cold air, the water droplets as well as water vapour will remain airborne.

Hence why I told DB to expand his scope.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
In a recent press release, scientists from the Weizmann Institute and the Goddard Space Flight Center announced that a mysterious zone of previously undiscovered particles fills the airspace around clouds.
Oh, damn. I forgot to phone them and tell them I sneezed.

Holy crap! It's the end of global warming. The ice is starting to pile up! Oh wait, ain't winter around the corner?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Oh, damn. I forgot to phone them and tell them I sneezed.[/FONT][/FONT]

Holy crap! It's the end of global warming. The ice is starting to pile up! Oh wait, ain't winter around the corner?

NO NO that is just weather. Climate change is only when summer comes.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Nice! my old workmate at Sabina gold followed his dream of staying as a conservation officer in the far north and continually sends me awesome pics and what he has seen in a day as he is in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.

He sent me this today.

was a pretty cool day! saw narwhals, bowheads, caribou and over 30 polar bears!

My ears in the arctic.
He says they are not drowning and are incredible swimmers.

His office.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Nice! my old workmate at Sabina gold followed his dream of staying as a conservation officer in the far north and continually sends me awesome pics and what he has seen in a day as he is in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.
These peeps are in Nunavut too...

Representatives from Nunavut Tunngavik, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Kivalliq Inuit
Association, Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Inuit Tapirasat of Canada, Nunavut Planning
Commission, Nunavut Impact Review Board, Department of Indian and Northern Development
and Government of Nunavut also participated in the conference.

· Winters are getting shorter, summers are getting longer.

· We are losing the ice in our glaciers and fiords. Permafrost is melting. We see
vegetation growing where ice used to be.

· The sun’s rays are increasing, Inuit need stronger suntan lotion.

· We now see birds and wildlife that we have never seen here before. Ravens are
everywhere, Snow Geese are too numerous.

· Heavier winds can be dangerous, be cautious. Because of Global Warming we could
become subject to catastrophes like hurricanes.

· Caribou meat tastes different now and there are concerns about contaminants and
diseases. We send samples out to labs but never get results back. Caribou hides are

· More Inuit are dying from cancers, including skin cancers. We have to find out if this is
from mining or contaminants or from climate change.

· Fall ice forms later and may not be safe to travel on until Christmas

· If trends continue, Hudson Bay (and other areas) may never freeze over. The impact on
wildlife will be tremendous.

· Inuit have to be prepared for the impacts of Global Warming.

· Water levels are getting lower

· Isostatic rebounding

· The floe edge is receding faster

· More ships are traveling through the Northwest Passage, due to the lower ice coverage in
recent years.

From the 'peeps' that live there...


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Nice! my old workmate at Sabina gold followed his dream of staying as a conservation officer in the far north and continually sends me awesome pics and what he has seen in a day as he is in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.

He sent me this today.

My ears in the arctic.
He says they are not drowning and are incredible swimmers.

His office.

This picture is from right now? This week at least? All that snow is still there?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Sorry you two,I promised the mods I would ignore you.Go play somewhere else.
You will never ever get a response out of me on any post you post.
Your not really worthy of one as is your lil fan club.

I just saw your posts one right after the other,I dont waste my time reading you twos "well calculated,searched out and googled" responses because I get a better kick out of knowing I just wasted another bit of time out of your life.
Too funny!
Last edited:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Sorry you two,I promised the mods I would ignore you.Go play somewhere else.
You will never ever get a response out of me on any post you post.
Your not really worthy of one as is your lil fan club.

That's one way to post your bullshyte and not get called on it.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I guess the rules are not for everyone. How does someone get into the old boys network and be exempt from these rules?

Please refrain from PERSONAL ATTACKS and keep this thread ON TOPIC!!
We don't want to moderate your post or ban you, but we might have to if you can't follow the forum rules!

Hope it dont bother you ger I dont read your posts or yer buddies.



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I guess the rules are not for everyone. How does someone get into the old boys network and be exempt from these rules?
Why are you asking us?

Rule #1. Not to post any material that you know, or in our judgment ought to know, is false...

You break that rule all the time.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I guess the rules are not for everyone. How does someone get into the old boys network and be exempt from these rules?

Hope it dont bother you ger I dont read your posts or yer buddies.


obviously you are reading and replying to my posts. Just not doing it on topic like you are supposed to be. I asked a simple question in my reply to the snow bound office pic. No attack, no derision. The only one doing that is you.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
obviously you are reading and replying to my posts. Just not doing it on topic like you are supposed to be. I asked a simple question in my reply to the snow bound office pic. No attack, no derision. The only one doing that is you.

It kind of surprised me, Gerry, most of the land in the arctic is frost free from mid June until early August, and in most areas of the arctic precipitation isn't abundant at any time, but as I've always said, "there is an exception to every rule". :smile:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Sorry Tonn,I told you a few times allready,I wont respond to those on my ignore list,if they use you to try bait me to respond then that is just too funny,You responded very fast,and once again....too funny!

The deletions and edits are also funny,lots of losers here to deal with and frankly I dont have the time,ta ta boys!
Money to make!