I'm sure he is. All I asked was when the pic was taken. Your implication was that it underscores your contention that there is no warming in the arctic.
My pics imply nothing,they are just pics taken from the arctic,it,s easy to tell when they were taken by the sunlight and amount of it or you can just go by the norm,winter = end of September and spring in late june like clockwork.
Some new pics of the polars he was talking about.
Lots of bears!
As for melting,it was allways late june before the ice melted from the inside of my cab in the cat I was building ice roads with.
Funny how the arctic gets warmer and colder With the extreme periods of daylight in the summer and darkness in the winter.
Also see how the tundra is red? That is the indicator I mentioned before that the natives use that means one more month of not bad weather.
No, it's not. Year to year variability is higher than the long-term signal in magnitude. Over long time scales the variability plus and minus a long term trend scrubs out. That's the very nature of an average in a time series with a trend plus noise. Some years will be above the average, some below. The longer view removes the chaotic elements related to weather.
A pie chart for you bud.
Hope you got your crop of winter wheat in before the snow flys so you can harvest before spring breakup.

Also please dont plan any winter snowmobile trips to Cambridge bay untill you figure out where it is.