Christmas 1, Holiday Tree 0


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I prefer the terms "coniferous" or :"spruce" to "Xmas trees."
Hmmm - Do conifers celebrate Christmas?:p Are all Christmas trees "spruce"?8O You better go back to "Christmas Trees". Much easier.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Yes, but it was Victoria and Albert that made it part of our culture.

I love these pagan aspects (trees and lights) of Christmas. They truly do represent the celebration of the return of the Sun. And, of course, call them Christmas trees during this Festival of Lights. Besides, Christmas has become a secular feast celebrating all children and every family.
"Gawd bless us, everyone!"


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I guess I don't have a good "nose". Other than the very moment a "real" tree comes into the house, I can say that I have never walked into anyone's house and been able to notice the smell of the real tree anymore than my artificial one. In 45 years, we are on our 3rd fake tree so - we're not hard on the environment. I hate the dead needles all over my house that seem to last into next summer no matter how much vacuuming you do. My tree works perfect for me. Neither my husband or myself like putting the lights on the tree and he doesn't like decorating anything. So - my fake tree, comes with lights already on it and it takes very few decorations to make it look highly decorated. When Christmas is over - hubby helps me put it back into the tree bag and he takes it downstairs to store for next year. It's no biggie. I do not believe we have either added to nor taken away from the environment in anyway. We have just done what works for us.
In regard to people claiming there are people who are against Christmas trees - baloney. People who come here from foreign places love our Christmas trees and who wouldn't? They are bright and festive. Many of them put up Christmas trees themselves. Tis the season to be Jolly!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes, but it was Victoria and Albert that made it part of our culture.

Of course Old Vicky did have some German blood through her ancestor George I from Hanover.

Hmmm - Do conifers celebrate Christmas?:p Are all Christmas trees "spruce"?8O You better go back to "Christmas Trees". Much easier.

Actually Balsam makes for one of the nicer Xmas trees. :smile:

I guess I don't have a good "nose". Other than the very moment a "real" tree comes into the house, I can say that I have never walked into anyone's house and been able to notice the smell of the real tree anymore than my artificial one. In 45 years, we are on our 3rd fake tree so - we're not hard on the environment. I hate the dead needles all over my house that seem to last into next summer no matter how much vacuuming you do. My tree works perfect for me. Neither my husband or myself like putting the lights on the tree and he doesn't like decorating anything. So - my fake tree, comes with lights already on it and it takes very few decorations to make it look highly decorated. When Christmas is over - hubby helps me put it back into the tree bag and he takes it downstairs to store for next year. It's no biggie. I do not believe we have either added to nor taken away from the environment in anyway. We have just done what works for us.
In regard to people claiming there are people who are against Christmas trees - baloney. People who come here from foreign places love our Christmas trees and who wouldn't? They are bright and festive. Many of them put up Christmas trees themselves. Tis the season to be Jolly!!!

Yeah, my wife is under the same delusion, just no appreciation for the real thing, the world is already too cluttered up with artificial garbage without adding more.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Of course Old Vicky did have some German blood through her ancestor George I from Hanover.

Actually Balsam makes for one of the nicer Xmas trees. :smile:

Yeah, my wife is under the same delusion, just no appreciation for the real thing, the world is already too cluttered up with artificial garbage without adding more.
Thank you JLM but I am not deluded. A little flaky sometimes maybe but not deluded.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Obama Couldn’t Wait: His New Christmas Tree Tax

President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.
In the Federal Register of November 8, 2011, Acting Administrator of Agricultural Marketing David R. Shipman announced that the Secretary of Agriculture will appoint a Christmas Tree Promotion Board. The purpose of the Board is to run a “program of promotion, research, evaluation, and information designed to strengthen the Christmas tree industry’s position in the marketplace; maintain and expend existing markets for Christmas trees; and to carry out programs, plans, and projects designed to provide maximum benefits to the Christmas tree industry” (7 CFR 1214.46(n)). And the program of “information” is to include efforts to “enhance the image of Christmas trees and the Christmas tree industry in the United States” (7 CFR 1214.10).

more bafflegab here:

Obama Couldn't Wait: His New Christmas Tree Tax

Oh wait a thought we meant we were gonna tax your Christmas trees? Go on, don't be silly now.

Obama Administration to Delay New 15-Cent Christmas Tree Tax

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to delay implementation and revisit a proposed new 15 cent fee on fresh-cut Christmas trees, sources tell ABC News. The fee, requested by the National Christmas Tree Association in 2009, was first announced in the Federal Registry yesterday and has generated criticism of President Obama from conservative media outlets.

The well-trafficked Drudge Report is leading with the story, linking to a blog by David Addington, a former top aide to then-Vice President Dick Cheney, at the conservative Heritage Foundation assailing the president thus: “The economy is barely growing and nine percent of the American people have no jobs. Is a new tax on Christmas trees the best President Obama can do? And, by the way, the American Christmas tree has a great image that doesn’t need any help from the government.”


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Love him or hate him, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a man who sticks by his convictions.
He started by making Wisconsin more business-friendly, then took on the public sector unions. And now, the state lawmaker that has solidified a national name for himself is taking on atheists and non-believers — over the state’s “holiday” tree.

...spokesman Cullen Werwei confirmed that the decision was intentional. “It’s a Christmas tree,” Werwei said. “In all honesty, I don’t know what more to say about it.” In the Charleston Daily Mail, Don Surber echoed this sentiment, writing, “Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin just ended 25 years of stupidity.”

more good news here:

Gov. Scott Walkers Upsets Atheists, Changes Holiday Tree to Christmas Tree |

Christmas 1, Holiday Tree 0 « Don Surber

IF I did this 'holiday" at vote would be "HOLIDAY TREE". More neutral.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's not a matter of arguing, it's a matter of standing firm on traditions that are being challenged by people who are supposedly coming to this country for a better life.

I didn't come to this country. I was born here. I couldn't care less what they call it. Happy holiday season, btw, in case I don't talk to you before now and the end of the year.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Those that want to stand firm on tradition can do so. No one is stopping them. That does not mean that everyone has the same "traditional" values .

How is the commercialism of Xmas a traditional value??? Or are "traditions" adapted according to what folks want at any given time??

Even if that is the case..... that is their choice. One thing folks cannot stop and it is CHANGE. That is the one constant in life , so one can easily see that even traditions are modified with time.

Is Xmas today the same as it was 500 yrs ago?? What was "tradition" in that era??? Does anyone know for a fact??

Folks that come to N.America for whatever reason......bring their own culture with them. How they celebrate their traditions is THEIR choice... or otherwise this continent is not the "free" place it advertizes to be.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Found something in the news and thought I would post it here. Before doing so, performed my due diligence to check for an existing thread and found this old one, which will do nicely :lol:

Scott Walker's war on Christmas:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is encouraging supporters to get into the Christmas spirit by donating to his campaign.

The Republican leader's campaign team sent out an email out last week pushing backers to give money to the Walker reelection effort instead of spending it on Christmas presents for their children.

"Instead of venturing into the cold this Black Friday, stay in and give your children a gift that will keep on giving," an email from the group, called Friends of Scott Walker, stated.

The nerve! Eff off ehh! :roll:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
First of all the Governor in my view I would not support in an election.
Public Sector unions have their place as do company Board of Directors.
On the Christmas tree issue. I agree its Christmas and its time people
started respecting the long standing traditions of our society.
There is a confusion of facts in the Christmas debate however. It is not
the immigrants who object to Christmas being Christmas. I have some
Muslim friends and a number of Sikh friends who don't understand why
they are blamed for taking the Christmas out of the holiday season as it
were. My Muslim friends point out Christ is there second most important
person in their faith. Sikhs put up Christmas trees and use it at a backdrop
to own version of the celebration. The real problem is not the immigrants.
The real problem those politically correct idiots who have no life of their
own so they insist that no one else should either. We should not be just
blaming people who come here for the actions of the politically correct
Grinch lets be clear.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Yep, there's always some f*****g A$$hole who wants to change something and generally for the worse. If they don't like Christmas they should rent a cave somewhere!

Well, it sounds like Scott Walker is the one changing a 25 year old state tradition. ;)


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
It's not a matter of arguing, it's a matter of standing firm on traditions that are being challenged by people who are supposedly coming to this country for a better life.

The article was about the US. Not this country. The vast majority of the things related to this fictional "war on xmas" seems to be in the US. For some reason people here get worked up over it too.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No couth .

It's a funny thing Petros, but quite often the people who do the most interfering are the ones who are least affected. Do you remember Bill Konyk (aka Hunky Bill) who had the Perogy restaurant on Granville St.? "Hunky Bill" was a moniker he imbued on himself, but be damned if a bunch of interfering old women didn't want the name "outlawed" because it was a racial desecration. -:)


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Actually I was sorting thinking of it the other way around. It's the entire debate over it that I roll my eyes at.

I didn't word it right, my bad. A Christmas tree is a Christmas tree is a Christmas tree. Everyone should just learn to live with it.

Quite true. It's not like it was hurting anyone by calling it a Christmas Tree. And potentially getting in trouble with an employer for wishing someone a Merry Christmas? Bah Humbug! It's not like they're suddenly going to melt, right?;)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Quite true. It's not like it was hurting anyone by calling it a Christmas Tree. And potentially getting in trouble with an employer for wishing someone a Merry Christmas? Bah Humbug! It's not like they're suddenly going to melt, right?;)

A Christmas tree is simply not a religious symbol. Nor is Merry Christmas a religious blessing. I wouldn't be put out if some said "Happy Holidays" to me, because it's the same thing basically.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
A Christmas tree is simply not a religious symbol. Nor is Merry Christmas a religious blessing. I wouldn't be put out if some said "Happy Holidays" to me, because it's the same thing basically.

I don't care what they say to me, I just respond with "Merry Xmas and Happy New Year". (Only a person who desperately wants to be miserable on Xmas Day would object to it) -:)