Christmas 1, Holiday Tree 0


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island

Ave DCup and all fellow Roman citizens.
Of course I'm serious. Is not this forum thread about flaccid accommodation and capitulation?
Have not our legions spread our pax romana, our gods and civilisation to distant lands to the very fringes of the known world? Certainly there is some push back from from the barbarians; but, the gods willing, our armies will swiftly and mercilessly deal with those terrorist-led rebellions! Barbarian tongues, cultures, and beliefs be damned! A few crucifixions will put them in their place.
To many fellow citizens' horror, after all our armies' sacrifices, there is talk in the Senate (But not we trust from Caesar) to allow foreign beliefs to exist side-by-side with our gods, our hard-won civilisation, our divine truth. Some senators even suggest that we quietly observe our festivals, especially that of Sol Invictus this solstice, without demands on these foreigners. In our glorio's past, we would have put dissenting believers to the sword.
There is even a movement from Palestine, based loosely on the words of a crucified mendicant preacher, that is spreading in our Empire. To my understanding, his followers believe he is one of their gods, of which there are three principal deities and a host of others whom they call angels and daemons. they even claim his virgin birth like Mithras.There is talk, again by weaker senators, of allowing this Palestinian heresy to celebrate his birth on the feast of Sol Invictus.
Ours is not a secular empire! Fight back citizens! Spread this message.