Big Explosion in Oslo


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
*kills dozens of Norwegian children*

Genius at work!

What's disturbing is that many on here have the same visceral hatred for Muslims.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Here is his manifesto....

2083 A European Declaration of Independence By Andrew Berwick

What I find disturbing is I've heard all this before right here on these forums in tidbits from several different people.

Here is his reading list....

1. What you need to know, our falsified history and other forms of cultural Marxist/multiculturalist propaganda (Book 1)
History, Marxism and Islam – What your government, the academia and the media are hiding from you. Revisionism based on appeasement and anti-European thinking
1.1 Historical revisionism (negationism) 45 [Taken and substituted from Negationism in India - Concealing the record of Islam, By Koenraad Elst]
1.2 General characteristics of European Islamic Negationism 50 [Negationism in India]
1.3 The Failure of Western Universities 58 [Fjordman]
1.4 Review 1: Religion of Peace? Islam’s war against the world - Islam 101 66 [Islam 101]
1.5 Al-Taqiyya – Religious/political deception 78 [Islam 101]
1.6 Naskh - Quranic abrogation 86 [Islam 101]
1.7 Review 2: Islam – What the West needs to know 108 [Islam – What the West needs to know]
1.8 European Slaves, Arab Masters 129 [Andrew G. Bostom]
1.9 Hindu Kush, the largest Genocides in the history of man 138 [Shrinandan Vyas]
1.10 Additional info - Hindu Kush 143 [Negationism in India]
1.11 What the Crusades Were Really Like 144 [What the Crusades Were Really Like, Thomas Madden]
1.12 The Crusades and today 147 [What the Crusades Were Really Like]
1.13 The factors that led to the Crusades 150 [Lúcio Mascarenhas]
1.14 Modern Aftermath of the Crusades 151 [Robert Spencer]
1.15 History of the Islamic Ottoman Turkish Empire I (1299-1876) 154
1.16 Jus Primae Noctis - Institutionalised rape of Christians under the Ottoman Empire 164 [Part comes from The Failure of Post-Communist Political Arrangements in Former Yugoslavia, Heather Field]
1.17 Jihadi Genocides of Christians in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey - The Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides 166 [Part from The Legacy of Jihad, Andrew G. Bostom]
1.18 Turkey: Back to the Future? 181 [Andrew G. Bostom]
1.19 The fall of the Christian state of Lebanon 197 [Fouad Abi-Esber BA MA]
1.20 Battle of Poitiers (Battle of Tours) – First Islamic Wave – Year 732 226 [Wikipedia - Battle of Tours]
1.21 Battle of Vienna – Second Islamic wave – Year 1683 242 [Wikipedia - Battle of Vienna]
1.22 European Crusader heroes, champions, legends 247 [Various sources]
1.23 Western vs. Islamic Science and Religion 251 [Fjordman]
1.24 Historically - Bosnia is Serbian Land 260 [Various sources]
1.25 Who are the 'Bosniaks'? 263 [Various sources]
1.26 Historical Islamic demographic warfare in Kosovo 270 [Mostly from an old Wikipedia article, I believe]
1.27 Myths and Politics - Origin or the Myth of a Tolerant Pluralistic Islamic Society 273 [Bay Ye’Or speech]
1.28 Palestine for the Syrians? 281 [Daniel Pipes]

2. Europe Burning (Book 2)
In this book we review and analyse Europe’s current problems. We will also look at possible solutions
2.1 EU’s Eurabia Project (The Eurabia Code) - Documenting EU’s deliberate strategy to Islamise Europe 287 [Fjordman]
2.2 The Eurabia Code – 2008 Updates 315 [Fjordman]
2.3 Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union 320 [Fjordman]
2.4 Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon 329 [Fjordman]
2.5 Boycott the United Nations! 336 [Fjordman]
2.6 The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg is a cultural Marxist controlled political entity 345
2.7 Waiting for Churchill or Godot? 346 [Fjordman]

The name of the devil: cultural Marxism, multiculturalism, globalism, feminism, emotionalism, suicidal humanism, egalitarianism - a recipe for disaster
2.8 The Failure of Western Feminism 350 [Fjordman]
2.9 How the Feminists’ 'War against Boys' Paved the Way for Islam 351 [Fjordman]
2.10 Feminism Leads to the Oppression of Women 360 [Fjordman]
2.11 What is the Cause of Low Birth Rates? 363 [Fjordman]
2.12 The Fatherless Civilisation 366 [Fjordman]
2.13 The Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist intellectual elite – who are they? 371
2.14 Labour wants mass immigration to engineer multicultural UK, says former Blair and Straw adviser. 372 [Tom Whitehead]
2.15 The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us 375 [Melanie Phillips]
2.16 Why the discipline of Sociology must be completely removed from Academia 377
2.17 The psychology of cultural Marxists 380 [Taken and substituted from the Unabomber’s manifesto]
2.18 Democracy and the Media Bias 383 [Fjordman]
2.19 a. The EUSSR/USASSR Media hegemony 387 [Taken and substituted from The Western Media - ]KryssTal : The Western Media
2.23 Understanding the fundaments behind multiculturalism; From Titans To Lemmings: The Suicide of Europe 397 [Reconquista]
2.24 Ignorance and Multiculturalism must be destroyed 407 [D.L. Adams]

Globalised capitalism – another reason for the Fall of Europe
2.25 Is Capitalism Always a Force for Freedom? 410 [Fjordman]
2.26 Big Business, a Driving Force behind Immigration 412 [John Laughland]
2.27 Migration has brought ’zero’ economic benefit 414 [Philip Johnston and Robert Winnett]
2.28 What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe? 415 [Fjordman]

Modern Jihad
2.29 Current and recent Jihads in Asia and Africa 424 [Various sources]
2.30 Overview of Jihadi terror attacks 430 [Various sources]
2.31 Muslim Persecution of Christians 437 [Robert Spencer]
2.33 Fighting for their survival - A Christian Exodus from the Arab World 454 [Amira El Ahl, Daniel Steinvorth, Volkhard Windfuhr and Bernhard Zand]
2.35 Text book Jihad in Egypt 461 [Andrew G. Bostom]
2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe 463 [Evan F. Kohlmann]
2.37 Justification of Muslim crime against non-Muslims 482 [GOV]
2.38 The Real Roots of Muslim Hatred 483 [Andrew G. Bostom]
2.39 The ongoing Civil War in Europe – Muslims want autonomous territory, not better integration 486 [The Brussels Journal, 10.2006]
2.47 Europe’s Wahhabi Lobby 512 [Stephen Schwartz - 10/06/2005, Warsaw]
2.48 Leaving Islam – interview with an ex-Muslim 514 [Mohammad Asghar/Jamie Glazov]
2.50 Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims 527 [Fjordman]
2.51 Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? 536 [Fjordman]

Europe today
2.54 Europe’s Decline – Hurrah! We Capitulate! 595 [Fjordman]
2.55 Jihad Destroys the Swedish Model 596 [Fjordman]
2.56 Islamisation and Cowardice in Scandinavia 601 [Fjordman]
2.57 Our Offensive National Flag 605 [Fjordman]
2.58 Will Netherland Survive the 21st Century? 606 [Fjordman]
2.59 The Spanish and the Portuguese — Once and Future Dhimmis? 611 [Fjordman]
2.60 Collusion between British Government and Muslim Terrorists 614 [Mister Fox]
2.62 The Norwegian Inquisition - Sunset in the Land of the Midnight Sun 621 [Fjordman]
2.63 The Anti-Racist Witch-Hunts 624 [Fjordman]
2.65 ANTIFA/Labour Jugend – State sponsored Marxist lynch mobs 630 [Fjordman]
2.68 How the West Lost the Cold War 645 [Fjordman]
2.71 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded for Appeasement of Jihad… again 654 [Fjordman]

Because our survival depends on it
2.81 The Strategy of Western Survivalists 683 [Fjordman]
2.82 Christianity, Pros and Cons 684 [Fjordman]
2.83 The Church – Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution? 686 [Fjordman]
2.84 Thou Shalt Hate Christianity and Judaism 691 [Fjordman]
2.85 A future Christian identity for Europe? 694 [Kyle Spotswood]
2.86 Conflict avoidance and how to avoid it 698 [Brett Stevens]
2.88 Democracy not working 705 [Fjordman]
2.90 Suggestions for the Future 708 [Fjordman]
2.91 What Do We Fight For? 716 [Fjordman]
2.92 Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies - The Cost of Historical Amnesia 720 [Fjordman]
2.93 A European Declaration of Independence 727 [Fjordman]
2.95 Islamisation of Europe – possible outcomes 734 [Daniel Pipes]
2.96 From the death of Multiculturalism 734 [Fjordman]
2.97 Europe heading for Civil War 736 [Fjordman]
2.99 The Self-Defeat of the United States 747 [Fjordman]


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I saw some headline that said most of the manifesto was taken from what the Unabomber had 'published'.

(in part)
They don't question how he was able to secure what looks like an official police uniform. Nor do they point out that his alleged manual includes parts of which, by some accounts, are lifted verbatim from the infamous Unabomber’s Manifesto. But most importantly, they never include among the list of potential culprits with compelling motives to attack Norway, the chief suspect among them.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I saw some headline that said most of the manifesto was taken from what the Unabomber had 'published'.

(in part)
They don't question how he was able to secure what looks like an official police uniform. Nor do they point out that his alleged manual includes parts of which, by some accounts, are lifted verbatim from the infamous Unabomber’s Manifesto. But most importantly, they never include among the list of potential culprits with compelling motives to attack Norway, the chief suspect among them.

Norway: "We will not be Naive" - A Watershed Moment | Wake Up From Your Slumber
If Kaczynski was a European I might agree. Read it for yourself. I posted a link.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Did he yell out "Christ is Great" before he started the shooter in Fort Hood yelled "allah akbar"?????

Only then should you feel free to blame Christians.....


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Do Heebs yell out "Moses is Great" when they do terrorism?

Maybe or maybe not but in '09 when we discussed Nidal Malik Hasan and the fort hood massacre, and he did yell out allahu akbar, we never saw you condemning islam the way you ar now condemning Christians.....which should tell everyone a lot about you.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Did he yell out "Christ is Great" before he started the shooter in Fort Hood yelled "allah akbar"?????

Only then should you feel free to blame Christians.....

Not even then...that's just retarded.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
How did this turn into a muslim hate fest when everyone should be expressing their shock of 87 dead people by a ****ing Christian lunatic.?

****ing screwball Christian and you are all going off about Muslims. For **** sakes.

Noooo Christians don't kill at all.
**** that colpy.

We've been warned about violent right wing Christians for years....I guess those who were warning were right and we're going to see a lot more shortly.

"Being trained to be in God's army".....says one kid.

I've found several. Right here in this thread.

Indoctrinating so called Christian kids to fight a holy war is absloutley ****ed in the head and it goes on daily across North America.

It's just fine and dandy for born yesterdays to raise our own radicals right under our own noses?

When this creep fesses up tomorrow and gives his reasons what do you think he is going to say? Who do you think he'll say God told him to kill these children in support of?

Did he yell out "Christ is Great" before he started the shooter in Fort Hood yelled "allah akbar"?????

Only then should you feel free to blame Christians.....

Not even then...that's just retarded.

Pls note that not once did I call him retarded


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The death toll is at 92 , 7 died in the bombings in Oslo.
Really shows how dangerous visceral hatred towards Muslims can cause irrational actions from the mentally crippled.
The ironic thing was this man made a statement about how terrorism is inherent in Islam blah blah, and he goes and commits a terror act himself. He wasn't very bright .

Visceral hatred against anyone based on their religion is lunacy, and hatred of a person is always dangerous.

Hatred of a philosophy is something altogether different.

This guy is a twisted, psychotic sociopath looking for a podium from which to preach...............they should have shot him on the spot.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Pls note that not once did I call him retarded

I didn't call anyone retarded; I called the notion-that a catch phrase is justification to blame an entire group of people for something one loser does-retarded.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
But this thread is about dead kids slaughtered by a Christian zealot.

Incorrect. From page 1307 of his manifesto:

"If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. That makes us Christian."

Breivik writes that he is NOT RELIGIOUS, HAS DOUBTS ABOUT GOD'S EXISTENCE, DOES NOT PRAY, and even though he asserts the primacy of Europe's Christian culture, he also shows pride in his own PAGAN Nordic culture.

Breivik also HAILS CHARLES DARWIN, whose evolutionary theories stand in contrast to the claims of the Bible, and affirms:

"As for the Church and science, it is ESSENTIAL THAT SCIENCE TAKES AN UNDISPUTED PRECEDENCE OVER BIBLICAL TEACHINGS. Europe has always been the cradle of science, and it must always continue to be that way. Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I'm not an excessively religious man. I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe."

Breivik also points out that his association with Christian cultural values is one of POLITICAL EXPEDIENCE RATHER THAN RELIGIOUS COMMITMENT OR FAITH:

"My choice has nothing to do with the fact that I am not proud of my own traditions and heritage," he explains. "My choice was based purely pragmatism. All Europeans are in this boat together, so we must choose a more moderate platform that can appeal to a great number of Europeans – preferably up to 50 percent (realistically up to 35 percent)."

Breivik also claims membership in the Freemasons, which is an OCCULT organization that again CONTRADICTS the teaching of the bible. More specifically, he calls himself a Justiciar Knight and explains what that means insofar as belief in Christianity:

"As this is a cultural war, our definition of being a Christian does not necessarily constitute that you are required to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus," he writes. "Being a Christian can mean many things; That you believe in and want to protect Europe's Christian cultural heritage.

"So no, you don't need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy (Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter))."

A "Christian atheist"? No such thing!

Over and over again, Breivik goes out of his way to make clear to readers of his manifesto that he is NOT MOTIVATED BY CHRISTIAN FAITH:

"I'm not going to pretend I'm a very religious person, as that would be a lie," he says. "I've always been very pragmatic and influenced by my SECULAR surroundings and environment. In the past, I remember I used to think: 'Religion is a crutch for weak people. What is the point in believing in a higher power if you have confidence in yourself!? Pathetic.'"

The bottom line is that he thinks asserting the primacy of Europe's "Christian culture" makes him Christian, but that's NOT what makes you a Christian. One has to be born again - you simply must have Christ in your heart which Breivik clearly doesn't.

Breivik is not a Christian, he is in fact as Godless as any atheist or agnostic person.

‪BREAKING! Norway Shooter Is an EVOLUTIONIST/PAGAN - his own words! Not a Christian! MSM Humiliated!‬‏ - YouTube



Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I see that many are interested in what materials he gathered to make bombs ... this is what he listened to while he planned mass murder: ‪Helene Bøksle: Heiemo og nykkjen‬‏ - YouTube

‪Helene Bøksle - Mitt Land (My Land)‬‏ - YouTube

The right wing ideology seems to be similar to what Hitler wanted, and indeed even what the people in Israel want ... a pure race and culture. In Japan too. I guess with multiculturalism, there is something to be said for cultural integrity. Of my three brothers, two married someone from a different race. When my son and his cousin took a class from the same high school teacher, the teacher suggested that my son was fibbing when he claimed that they were first cousins. He let it go rather than educate the teacher about interracial marriages. I have to admit that I can understand the fear of an invasion from within such that in 2083 Norway may be predominantly Islamic. Killing children attending a Labour Party summer camp is in a way targeting to youth in the same way that Hitler targeted youth ... Hitler brainwashed them, this guy shot them because he thought they were brainwashed.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few years ... whether more people gravitate towards the right wing ideologies, or towards that ever so politically correct view that it is inappropriate to do anything that protects the integrity of a culture and people through exclusion of all others. I do have to agree, though, that it does seem like a bit of an oxmoron to have people with polarized religious views living side by side. Throughout European history, we see that people with common ideologies grouped together ... probably for several obvious reasons, such as making day to day life that much smoother.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I was wondering when Goodwin's Law would come into play here.....

That isn`t Godwin`s law...Godwin`s Law doesn`t apply when there is a direct comparison between ideology. In fact this is exactly the example Godwin himself said would be robbed of meaning by people comparing George Bush or Obama to Hitler. Here we have a man and ideology that would fit very well within Nazi party literature...


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
That isn`t Godwin`s law...Godwin`s Law doesn`t apply when there is a direct comparison between ideology. In fact this is exactly the example Godwin himself said would be robbed of meaning by people comparing George Bush or Obama to Hitler. Here we have a man and ideology that would fit very well within Nazi party literature...

Your opinion.....
Notice the right wing ideology comparison right at the start of the post I was answering.....It is a common tactic of the left to use race or nazism to stifle the opposition in an argument....political correctness be damned:smile: