On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Red is good for beets yes?



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
No pictures of the area from '86 -2006? I assume dead trees would be part of the no-go zone. Flooding the contaminated areas with hemp might even speed things up, till the roof falls in and then you have that pseky cloud if brand new dust.

Oh it was a mess in 1986! Geez. All kinds of crazy pictures back then. Molten metal, concrete rod containers on the ground, the Red Pine Forest.

Now the area is flourishing.


Japan know now you only have to rinse it off and it's good to go.

Ummm... ok?

Seeing Japan 'survive' 6 'bombs' will make the 60 (planned)dropped on Iran almost a 2nd page news story. Just stay upwind of the damaged areas

WHAAAAAT! Japan survived 6 Bombs.... Atomic Bombs?

60 Planned Bombs for Iran?

Now you're just getting silly. Just plain silly.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Iternallly and externaly are two different things. Just like Quebec fronts it's own party in Canadian gov. Did you miss that line? I can quote it. Did you listen to the the nuclear tourist yet?

I read the article you posted. I did not listen to anything.

Now I am sure that the Tourist Part is for those who are interested in that stuff. I am sure that many Europeans will opt for Benidorm Spain for the Holiday Season over Pripyat.

Other than that... Ukraine became independent in 1991. Look it up.

Want a bowl of borscht from Pripyat beets?

I don't want anything from a beet grown in Pennsylvania never mind the Ukraine.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Oh it was a mess in 1986! Geez. All kinds of crazy pictures back then. Molten metal, concrete rod containers on the ground, the Red Pine Forest.

Now the area is flourishing.

New word for the day?

Ummm... ok?.
Seriously, forget what station had it but that was the local advice to the locals. I think I would wash and then peel some off and then eat.

WHAAAAAT! Japan survived 6 Bombs.... Atomic Bombs?

60 Planned Bombs for Iran?

Now you're just getting silly. Just plain silly.
True enough, probably closer to 100. No radiation deaths but an awful big increase in heart attacks.

Would it be the way it was if the leaks had lasted twice as long as it did, in Japan's case 6x as long? (just a probability number, not a prediction)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
New word for the day?

Yes indeed.

True enough, probably closer to 100. No radiation deaths but an awful big increase in heart attacks.

We dropped 100 Atomic Bombs on Japan?!?!

Ah... so they can't prove radiation deaths so they just say heart attacks are now caused by radiation.

Gosh I love when the left keeps digging holes for themselves. It is SO important for guys like you to weigh in on these discussions MHz and I do thank you for your participation.

Would it be the way it was if the leaks had lasted twice as long as it did, in Japan's case 6x as long? (just a probability number, not a prediction)

I wish I knew what you meant.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I read the article you posted. I did not listen to anything.

Now I am sure that the Tourist Part is for those who are interested in that stuff. I am sure that many Europeans will opt for Benidorm Spain for the Holiday Season over Pripyat.

Other than that... Ukraine became independent in 1991. Look it up.

I don't want anything from a beet grown in Pennsylvania never mind the Ukraine.
Oh come on you eat sugar beets. You should have listened to the interview and learned that it's nothing like you thik as a tourist destination.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh come on you eat sugar beets. You should have listened to the interview and learned that it's nothing like you thik as a tourist destination.

I'd have to say that beets have never been on the menu.

I started but it is about an hour long. I am sure that this guy says everything you want him to say. The land is devastated, people are impovershed, etc. But you also have to take into account that it is in the Ukraine and he wasn't driving through the suburbs of Vancouver.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The sky is falling...

It hit me on the head!

Indonesia tsunami was for the wrong-doers: the enthusiastic and associaters among Muslims, which are not worse than the atheist and associaters among Christians and Jews.

If you were on the beach in Indonesia that morning... would you have lived?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Don't be so naive. The Jews are the bankers.

Not so much anymore. Now they are white, conservative christians from the Poison Ivy League schools.

Indonesia tsunami was for the wrong-doers: the enthusiastic and associaters among Muslims, which are not worse than the atheist and associaters among Christians and Jews.

Errr...I don't think the tsunami stopped to check their religion before it swept them to their deaths...


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Not so much anymore. Now they are white, conservative christians from the Poison Ivy League schools.

Whoa, whoa.

White Conservative Chiristians... in Ivy League Schools?!?!?!

Like Harvard, Columbia, Princeton?

Do you think it is 1860?

I live smack in the middle of the Ivy League... White Conservative Christians NEED NOT APPLY.

Errr...I don't think the tsunami stopped to check their religion before it swept them to their deaths...

He'll have an answer for that as well.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Mar 29 12:52

Japan nuclear crisis: workers 'losing race' to save reactor

Workers at Japan’s earthquake hit nuclear plant lost ground in the battle to save the plant from meltdown after the radioactive core of one reactor appeared to have melted through the bottom of its containment vessel.

DB( maybe yes maybe no but if there's plutonium being measured either the spent rods have been exposed or the reactor s got a hole. I think that's certainly very dangerous to have the worst poison known to man loose in a wide dispersal.)DB

The sky is falling...

It hit me on the head!


You wouldn't be the first.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Japan may suffer of the consequences of its earthquake and tsunami, may be for ten years or more.
In most Japanese houses there the idols are erected and the idolatry is practiced.
Bla, bla, bla.......
300 years ago a tsunami hit what is now Vancouver Island and wiped out most of the indigenous people there. It was long before any of them had heard of Jesus or Allah. What could they have possible done to incur the wrath of god? Before Jesus was born a volcano erupted in Italy and wiped out all the inhabitants of Pompeii. Which god got pissed at them? Your belief is silly. Allah will be sorely lonely as nobody is going to live with him using your ideals as judgment.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
What could they have possible done to incur the wrath of god?
Or Haiti or the ones in the Indian Ocean. When God is involved 2/3 of the world dies in a single afternoon. That isn't something that can be missed, ... by anybody.

This current event still has the possibility of getting much worse. Along the lines with, "Cheer up things could be worse, so I cheered up and sure enough things got worse."


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How much more obvious than leprosy does it have to be? Besides long drawn out things either exceed expectations, like Mt St Helens, or are anti climatic, like the Y2000 scare. It's good for the moral of the Japanese to see that North America is 'unafraid'. I doubt anybody is adding Japan to their holiday plans.
It would be nice if the various compounds would fall to earth in a color coding fashion so identification was quick and easy. As it is we already know not to eat yellow snow.