On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Is that jealousy rearing it's ugly head?

Is that someone moving the goal posts?

Failed again eh?

Japan On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours

Japan On The Verge Of Nuclear Meltdown Within ‘Few’ Hours : Update: We have spoken to multiple experts who believe that even in the worse case scenario it would be highly unlikely that the radiation would be strong enough to extensively damage the west coast of the United States. That being said they could be completely wrong.
The Modern Survival Blog is reporting that a meltdown would cause radiation to reach the U.S. West Coast in 36 hours. No word on how powerful the radiation could be.

"You ain't one of them crazies what sees satanic motives in every warning or every utterance of concern or fear are you? " - DB



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I'm somewhat curious about whether or not you understand what happened, because your desription seems to leave out a lot of details.

What about the pools of spent rods that have no water left in them?
How do you expect the Japanese to get into the reactor to remove the fuel rods - have you looked at any of the pictures?

A detailed explanation of what happened and comparison to Chernobyl:
Why Fukushima Daiichi won't be another Chernobyl - physics-math - 17 March 2011 - New Scientist

Our news no longer informs, but deliberately fear mongers to boost ratings.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Poison Ivy Legue schools White Christian Conservatives.

The vanished tribes of South America would remember you well if there was anybody left.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The vanished tribes of South America would remember you well if there was anybody left.

I doubt they would know me at all. I've never been to South America and as far as I know none of my ancestors made it there either.

BTW... is it a few hours yet?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Define meltdown, I want to make sure you are not one of those promoting false possibilities.

The one in the Ukraine leaked down several floors under the reactor chamber. Would it have stopped if it had not mixed with that sand? Perhaps sand is the solution to long term containment. You need very free flowing sand (round and washed) and just start bailing it in but in such a way that every nook and cranny was filled. Add some dry sand, vibrate, add some water, vibrate, add some water, vibrate until you have a just packed sand. The water should firs be used to dampen the interior so it 103% dust free.

Japan would have to get that material into the same stage before it could be entombed, and then in 20 or 30 years go back and finish the job.
If the taxpayers are on the hook for the expenses they should be able to see the execs from Tokyo Power and a few heads from GE in there on the front lines.

If there was no meltdown why is there anything to clean-up? I don't see the US promoting the planting and burning of hemp as the quickest method of cleaning up the fields. Seeds should already be in the ground so the 'not really all that dangerous' material can be caught by the roots before it can sink far underground.

Disposal of the ashes might mean some weights and a very deep ocean trench that has still water. What would happen if the bottom of the Black Sea was used as a dumping site for all of Europe. That water is quite deep even after you hit the boundary where the water below has 0% oxygen and that is never going to change.

I doubt they would know me at all. I've never been to South America and as far as I know none of my ancestors made it there either.

BTW... is it a few hours yet?

Nobody in your family tree from Europe, ever? That would just mean 'brother' was a spiritual bond (AKA Christian Missionaries) then. You would be part of a tree, branch or root it is one tree.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nobody in your family tree from Europe, ever? That would just mean 'brother' was a spiritual bond (AKA Christian Missionaries) then. You would be part of a tree, branch or root it is one tree.

Sure. Ireland to Boston on one side. Then Ireland to Newfoundland to Boston on the other.

I am fairly certain Ireland and/or Newfoundland did not conquer South America. Just a hunch.

If there was no meltdown why is there anything to clean-up? I don't see the US promoting the planting and burning of hemp as the quickest method of cleaning up the fields. Seeds should already be in the ground so the 'not really all that dangerous' material can be caught by the roots before it can sink far underground.

Planting marijuana around the Japan Nuke Plant. That is your solution?


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
If you were on the beach in Indonesia that morning... would you have lived?

If God wants to save anyone, He can save him.

I don't speak for myself: I hope to be saved, I plead God Most Gracious to save me; no one can compel God to do anything; it is up to Him and every affair is by His hand (i.e. by His will).

When the punishment comes on people (after being warned of their idolatry by some warners among themselves, but the people did not listen to the advice and went on in their enthusiasm and idolatry) ... when the punishment comes, God usually saves the righteous people who devote themselves to Him alone without any other patron or associate, then the punishment will settle on non-believers.

When the Children of Israel disobeyed God's commandments and they worked in the Sabbath and went to trade and they went fishing, some people forbade them, and others were silent.
So they divided into 3 groups:
- one party worked and fished in the Sabbath.
- another party saw that, they did not themselves work or fish, but they were silent,
- the third party forbade such disobedience.

So God saved the third party only: those who forbade the disobedience.
As in the Quran 7: 165
فَلَمَّا نَسُواْ مَا ذُكِّرُواْ بِهِ أَنجَيْنَا الَّذِينَ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ السُّوءِ وَأَخَذْنَا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ بِعَذَابٍ بَئِيسٍ بِمَا كَانُواْ يَفْسُقُونَ

The explanation:
(But when they neglected [the prohibition of the fishing on the Sabbath] that they had been admonished with, We saved those who forbade evil, but We overtook those who wronged [themselves] with disgracing punishment [by their enemies], because of their trespass.

And when they turned in arrogance against that forbidding [: that they should not fish or work on the Sabbath], We said to them: "Be [like] apes: 'despised and rejected'.")

This was said to them by the tongue of the king of Elath: a righteous man: one of them.

Or if the believers are silent about the idolatry and the wrong-doing of their community --> then they will be included in the punishment.
As in the Quran 8: 25
وَاتَّقُواْ فِتْنَةً لاَّ تُصِيبَنَّ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ مِنكُمْ خَآصَّةً وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ

The explanation:
(And ward off a trial which shall surely not afflict in particular the wrong-doers among you; and know that God is Severe at punishment.)

It means: When the punishment comes it will include them all without exception.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ireland is not as bad as some of their neighbors, wouldn't red hair come from the Vikings? Can't get any more European than that. I don't happen to have a copy of their constitution handy but it seems to be pretty liberal in some areas.

Whiskey (even if it is pretty good) and politics geared by two opposing religions that will make war against each other if they can't find a common enemy. That is just the last century, if they had any balls left in this century they would be backing Iceland's play against the Banksters rather than grabbing onto the tiny tit they are offered, just enough to prolong eventual death via starvation. lol

There is nothing wrong with Boston either, at least last century.

The same Monks that came after Chris found the place. Who was that mostly, maybe 5 main players, all under the same false religion.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Ireland is not as bad as some of their neighbors, wouldn't red hair come from the Vikings?

I would think blonde would come from the Vikings, not red. I could be wrong though. If the red hair did come from the Vikings it wouldn't be from Irish raiding the Danish coast line.

Nor do I think the Viking raids made it to South America.

Can't get any more European than that. I don't happen to have a copy of their constitution handy but it seems to be pretty liberal in some areas.

Whiskey (even if it is pretty good) and politics geared by two opposing religions that will make war against each other if they can't find a common enemy. That is just the last century, if they had any balls left in this century they would be backing Iceland's play against the Banksters rather than grabbing onto the tiny tit they are offered, just enough to prolong eventual death via starvation. lol

There is nothing wrong with Boston either, at least last century.

The same Monks that came after Chris found the place. Who was that mostly, maybe 5 main players, all under the same false religion.

So I am exonerated?!?!?

I can be free of European Guilt?!?!?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I would think blonde would come from the Vikings, not red. I could be wrong though. If the red hair did come from the Vikings it wouldn't be from Irish raiding the Danish coast line.
Nor do I think the Viking raids made it to South America.

So I am exonerated?!?!?
I can be free of European Guilt?!?!?
I was thinking Eric the Red was not about a rash.

Well somebody made it down there and a whole lot of people died.

For the most part the guilt can be shed, .... but you are Irish so you must be guilty of something, now all you have to do is support Iceland rather than main land Europe, just to show you have a spine and haven't become a jellyfish of integrity.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Can we leave the Gawd wad and racial crap at the door.

It was those pesky Joos that dun it I tells ya.

I know, cuz Mhz said so!