I'm tempted to become an illegal immigrant in Laos and purchase a five bedroom home for its' real material value of $20,000. There are also a constant flow of British, Scandinavian and German tourists coming into Vaing Vieng and Laung Prabang - so finding a partner would be simple.
Unfortunately, the Laotians are smart Communists and they know allowing in Farangs will conflict with their means of subsistence. I would give myself five months before I am deported or "desposed" off in a firing squad. The 2,000,000 for a home would probably sustain me for a lifetime in an undeveloped country.
How ironic... Canada is the only country in the world where we give residence rights right away and citizenship under 3 years, and Laotians can come here all they please, but I am not entitled to the same equal right in Laos. What ever happened to equal human rights?! Mr. Harper? Ignatieff? Layton?!
Canada is pretty much the only country in the world with "open borders", it takes a few more hoops to jump through to get into the United States and the E.U. countries.
One rule for us Canadian slaves and another rule for everyone else! Why do I swear; because of U.S. and Canadian wheat being thrown on the international market for free (subsidization), that we are enslaving ourselves for the entire planet?
Canadian population is hardly growing at 1.2 fertility rate but the Loatian people increase a million per year. I've been to Laos and all the young people there seem to have their own houses but I don't. Most of Generation I is either living with parents or in a condo.
I hope Gerald Celente is right that the protests will come to America and Canada, I'll camp out in Robson Square with a six pack of Molson!
I wouldn't mind seeing Ignatieff in a Gaddafi dress and talking all "Ghetto" about revolting youth.
Harper can join his buddy as well:
Unfortunately, the Laotians are smart Communists and they know allowing in Farangs will conflict with their means of subsistence. I would give myself five months before I am deported or "desposed" off in a firing squad. The 2,000,000 for a home would probably sustain me for a lifetime in an undeveloped country.
How ironic... Canada is the only country in the world where we give residence rights right away and citizenship under 3 years, and Laotians can come here all they please, but I am not entitled to the same equal right in Laos. What ever happened to equal human rights?! Mr. Harper? Ignatieff? Layton?!
Canada is pretty much the only country in the world with "open borders", it takes a few more hoops to jump through to get into the United States and the E.U. countries.
One rule for us Canadian slaves and another rule for everyone else! Why do I swear; because of U.S. and Canadian wheat being thrown on the international market for free (subsidization), that we are enslaving ourselves for the entire planet?
Canadian population is hardly growing at 1.2 fertility rate but the Loatian people increase a million per year. I've been to Laos and all the young people there seem to have their own houses but I don't. Most of Generation I is either living with parents or in a condo.
I hope Gerald Celente is right that the protests will come to America and Canada, I'll camp out in Robson Square with a six pack of Molson!
I wouldn't mind seeing Ignatieff in a Gaddafi dress and talking all "Ghetto" about revolting youth.

Harper can join his buddy as well:
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