More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
I'm tempted to become an illegal immigrant in Laos and purchase a five bedroom home for its' real material value of $20,000. There are also a constant flow of British, Scandinavian and German tourists coming into Vaing Vieng and Laung Prabang - so finding a partner would be simple.

Unfortunately, the Laotians are smart Communists and they know allowing in Farangs will conflict with their means of subsistence. I would give myself five months before I am deported or "desposed" off in a firing squad. The 2,000,000 for a home would probably sustain me for a lifetime in an undeveloped country.

How ironic... Canada is the only country in the world where we give residence rights right away and citizenship under 3 years, and Laotians can come here all they please, but I am not entitled to the same equal right in Laos. What ever happened to equal human rights?! Mr. Harper? Ignatieff? Layton?!

Canada is pretty much the only country in the world with "open borders", it takes a few more hoops to jump through to get into the United States and the E.U. countries.

One rule for us Canadian slaves and another rule for everyone else! Why do I swear; because of U.S. and Canadian wheat being thrown on the international market for free (subsidization), that we are enslaving ourselves for the entire planet?

Canadian population is hardly growing at 1.2 fertility rate but the Loatian people increase a million per year. I've been to Laos and all the young people there seem to have their own houses but I don't. Most of Generation I is either living with parents or in a condo.

I hope Gerald Celente is right that the protests will come to America and Canada, I'll camp out in Robson Square with a six pack of Molson!

I wouldn't mind seeing Ignatieff in a Gaddafi dress and talking all "Ghetto" about revolting youth.

Harper can join his buddy as well:

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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Don't worry Trotz, the way the economy is going, Vancouver will be in the same situation as Detroit in a few years and they will pay you to move into your new free home.


House Member
May 18, 2010
In Canada, we should be encouraging the immigrants to build a new, self-sufficient economy (like the block settlements of my ancestors) - instead of being allowed to settle in a pre-existing community. Why were the East Indians settled in Surrey; when they could have instead minimalized the conflict and settle and build a new community in a place like Aldergrove?
Both Richmond and Surrey are just plain horrible examples of Canadian multiculturalism, where fully built cities that were White majorities were transformed within decades into ethnic enclaves.
Well I'm not sure about new block settlements for immigrants, I think we want to encourage immigrants to mix into existing settlements so they can learn about our values and adapt to our culture. Immigrants who come here in large numbers always have gravitated to settle where their own kind live.
And this has probably worked ok when we had lower immigration levels or when a large number of immigrants were from european or US where they could assimilate easily.
But now with EI and Chinese combined with the fact that such large numbers come here, it is going to be difficult to prevent them fro
Building/ developing their own communities within an existing community.
This unfortunatley will prevent them from assimilating and adopting our type of culture. They will advance there own culture in their own sub-communities which means they will bring with them many of the undisabable traits of their culture.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
LOL! As we discussed before on this forum, it is the Christian right wingers in the USA who love pornography, have higher divorce and domestic violence rates, and generally live more sinful lives than those they criticize.

Wow... you just descibed the Kennedy Clan! Only you left out statutory rape, rape, and murder.

Not to mention high drug and alcohol use.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
''Shouldn't the right wing be pro-Muslim?
Their women are modest, do not have sex before marriage, follow biblical dietary laws, et al.''

LOL! As we discussed before on this forum, it is the Christian right wingers in the USA who love pornography, have higher divorce and domestic violence rates, and generally live more sinful lives than those they criticize.

Now for the drum roll - personal bias - or could you provide some stats to back that up?????????????????????

Otherwise your post is pure drivel.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
They were in block settlements in rural areas because for one reason, there was plenty of land to farm and Canada needed farmers on a vast empty prairie. In those days they were expected to stay separate, they were considered inferior because they weren't British. The Canadian identiy was not in flux and open to discussion like it always is now with multiculturalism. They were brought in for a job and the idea of them getting govt assistance was not considered. They were so fricking busy working amd trying to survive they didn't have time to worry about keeping their culture. Because they had no plan at all to return home.

Oh, the population fear. I think it's totally bogus. Like the constantly "looming" labour shortage. It's never now, its always coming. Fear fear fear. Think about it, we need third world labour to survive as a country? Maybe if we didn't have seven levels of EI, then a few more jobs might look inviting to people not inclined to work.

I remember one population forecast years back that our population would be zero in a few centuries without immigration. Total BS. Yet the media keeps repeating this nonsense over and over again. A big lie is being produced here.

Now the immigration issue might be bigger because after only three years Canadian citizenship can be acquired. This is not a commitment. Five to ten years is a commitment. Plus people travel outside Canada and we can't tell because they enter the USA where they can go anywhere. Unless you live in Canada for an extended period you are not a Canadian.

You missed the point of my post, which was that in spite of being placed in the equivalent of ghettos all of these immigrant groups (including the Chinese and Japanese who were not Block Settled) eventually merged with mainstream Canadian society. You also appear ignorant of the fact that all of these cultural groups kept a good deal of their identity. It is one of the reasons why Canada has such a varied culture compared to many other nations.

As for the population problem, you have apparently overlooked the fact that Canada's population has not declined precisely because of immigration. In other words those who predicted an aging and declining population were right; only immigration has kept it in check. Take away the several millions of immigrants that have arrived in Canada in the last few decades and Canada would suffering a population crisis exactly in the way predicted.

As I mentioned before; the only thing needed to turn any immigrant group into a part of mainstream Canadian culture is time. I am old enough to remember many East European immigrants still dressed in their traditional costumes, just as we see a few Muslim immigrants dressed in their traditional garb. Today you don't see anyone of Ukrainian or Polish descent wearing babushkas or dresses that reach down to their ankles. Likewise, many Asian and African immigrants have abandoned their traditional clothing and dress pretty much the way most Canadians do. Give immigrants one or two generations and miraculously they turn into Canadians.


House Member
May 18, 2010
As I mentioned before; the only thing needed to turn any immigrant group into a part of mainstream Canadian culture is time. I am old enough to remember many East European immigrants still dressed in their traditional costumes, just as we see a few Muslim immigrants dressed in their traditional garb. Today you don't see anyone of Ukrainian or Polish descent wearing babushkas or dresses that reach down to their ankles. Likewise, many Asian and African immigrants have abandoned their traditional clothing and dress pretty much the way most Canadians do. Give immigrants one or two generations and miraculously they turn into Canadians.
Hmmmm, no, I don't think I agree with you that time helps people come into the mainstream. The people that you mention like the Poles and Ukrainains and other eureopeans almost all had a common religion, christian.
But others who came later to Canada have not shed their religious garb like the Sikhs as we can see they have not integrated very well. Only where they see a personal benifit.
As we see many Muslims reject the western way of life and do not want to integrate. They want to build their own communities within a western community.
The advancement of these type of communities will prevent them from integrating for a long long time.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Hmmmm, no, I don't think I agree with you that time helps people come into the mainstream. The people that you mention like the Poles and Ukrainains and other eureopeans almost all had a common religion, christian.
But others who came later to Canada have not shed their religious garb like the Sikhs as we can see they have not integrated very well.

You expect new immigrants to dump their religious beliefs?

I'm still waiting for your clarification on what a LLL is.


House Member
May 18, 2010
It's roughest on the first generation as the kids try to fit into two societies.
But it doesn't help when the parents don't want to accept the western way of life, ie tell their kids not to sing the National Anthem, no sports etc etc

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Hmmmm, no, I don't think I agree with you that time helps people come into the mainstream. The people that you mention like the Poles and Ukrainains and other eureopeans almost all had a common religion, christian.
But others who came later to Canada have not shed their religious garb like the Sikhs as we can see they have not integrated very well. Only where they see a personal benifit.
As we see many Muslims reject the western way of life and do not want to integrate. They want to build their own communities within a western community.
The advancement of these type of communities will prevent them from integrating for a long long time.

I expect you don't know any Sikhs or other Asian Canadians. As a teacher I came into contact with them all the time and so far as I could see except for their skin colour and a few other ethnic characteristics there was no difference between them and their classmates. I also taught with staff members of Asian descent - once again I noticed little difference in their attitudes or modes of dress. For the most part these second and third generation immigrants spoke and acted like other Canadians. I have also had the pleasure of meeting and being with some of my son's Asian friends; particularly a delightful young woman he dated for four years. Once again I find there seems to be little difference between these children of Asian immigrants and other Canadians. As I said before time is the most important factor in integration of immigrant communities.

It might interest you to know that there has not been an immigrant group that has arrived in Canada that has not been condemned by someone for not being able to fit in or being a danger to Canadian society because of their differences; and that includes groups like the Irish, Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and so on. In fact, so far as Ukrainians immigrants are concerned, many of them were not even considered European. In Winnipeg, for example, Ukrainians were referred to as "Jacks" while the English majority called themselves "Whites." You can't get much more racist than that; and the attitudes toward Asian Canadians were much worse, and yet the Japanese and Chinese that came to Canada in the 19th century are now fully integrated.


House Member
May 18, 2010
I expect you don't know any Sikhs or other Asian Canadians. As a teacher I came into contact with them all the time and so far as I could see except for their skin colour and a few other ethnic characteristics there was no difference between them and their classmates.
Well your perceptions are one thing, actual facts are another thing.

Let's look at the facts;
-Muslims, Sikhs and maybe other minorities do not contribute to the bone marrow transplant in the same porportion as the Canadian population in general ( even tho this was set up by Canadians which specifically help those ethnic groups).
- they do not contribute to the Red Cross in the same proportion as Can.. In general
- they do make donations to help other Canadians in proportion etc etc

These are Just some of the facts that are available in the public domain.

I participate a lot in fund raising runs and walks. In my observations on my walks and runs, I see the oriental people are usually well represented in these events, I don't see too many south Asian people and I almost never see middle eastern people.

So, you should try to look at this issue more objectively rather than just looking at your narrow environment and inferring you see it all.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Well there's a difference between an Ukrainian 1880's FOB (fresh off boat) in animal skins and not knowing a word of English and than a Chinese-Canadian; whose ancestors have been in Canada since the 1850s, and can be identified just on the basis of their appearance (hence visible minority).
Such a visiblity in difference cannot work in regards to hypenated communities. In the United States, they've had the reconstruction and the great society and the end of segregration - yet, "Black People" and "Afro American" are still hypenated and not considered "American" and this division is reinforced by everyone

Even in that regard, Americans of Latino background like Charlie Sheen have assimiliated better into the American enthos than African Americans have.

Even myself, everyone assumes I am Irish Canadian when I am in fact Ukrainian and Finnish.
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