More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
All recent immigrants from Austro-Hungary; including Austro-Germans, were put into internment camps. It wasn't an act of xenophobia but a concern for national security. We had the same policies during WW2 to a similiar extent.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
The historic Mexican-American communities in California and Texas; long considered assimilated, were destroyed through an influx of Mexican immigrants. The same happened in British Columbia with the Chinese community. Even in Canada, I would imagine allowing 6 million Ukrainians to come overnight would have a similiar affect.

IIRC, the policy stated that anyone who had came from Austria from within 5-10 years before 1914 were supposed to be confined.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The historic Mexican-American communities in California and Texas; long considered assimilated, were destroyed through an influx of Mexican immigrants. The same happened in British Columbia with the Chinese community. Even in Canada, I would imagine allowing 6 million Ukrainians to come overnight would have a similiar affect.
Maybe you never knew this but those "Mexicans" are Native Americans driven off their land into Mexico. If they want to come home then by golly they are more than justified.

The historic Mexican-American communities in California and Texas; long considered assimilated, were destroyed through an influx of Mexican immigrants. The same happened in British Columbia with the Chinese community. Even in Canada, I would imagine allowing 6 million Ukrainians to come overnight would have a similiar affect.

IIRC, the policy stated that anyone who had came from Austria from within 5-10 years before 1914 were supposed to be confined.
Like my great uncles who were locked up unlike my grandfather who manged to bull**** his way out of it because he spoke 4 languages?


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Like my great uncles who were locked up unlike my grandfather who manged to bull**** his way out of it because he spoke 4 languages?

Then go pester Harper for reparations. Even though Harper's wife; Laureen Harper, probably had relatives who were also interned. Who didn't have a relative in Western Canada that wasn't interned?


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada were Aztec?

Aztec were just Mesoamerican.

Mexican Empire is a whole different thing and the Mexican Empire elites were mainly Criollos (Spaniards) and even then, Mexican control over California and Texas were just for 2-3 decades and the inhabitants were not Mexican but First Nations' tribes (i.e. the Navajo) who had nothing to do with the Aztec Empire.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Who didn't have a relative in Western Canada that wasn't interned?
Anyone English or French.
My family doesn't need reparations. We got what we want long long ago and then again in 1982.

Aztec were just Mesoamerican.

Mexican Empire is a whole different thing and the Mexican Empire elites were mainly Criollos (Spaniards) and even then, Mexican control over California and Texas were just for 2-3 decades and the inhabitants were not Mexican but First Nations' tribes (i.e. the Navajo) who had nothing to do with the Aztec Empire.
And who do you think it was who got stuck seperated from their tribes and homelands as the new borders were drawn? The Congolese?


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Anyone English or French.

Well considering what's happening to Britain and France; we don't have to worry about revenge. Western Europe continues to slide down the drain while my Eastern Europe and Finland is doing quite well.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well considering what's happening to Britain and France; we don't have to worry about revenge. Western Europe continues to slide down the drain while my Eastern Europe and Finland is doing quite well.
Taxation through immigration in France and GB was a political mistake not a societal one. We don't need more heads to tax we need more labour. If the darkie boogieman is what it takes to drive the xenophobes to the good jobs then that is what it takes. The Bourgeois will never learn.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Maybe you never knew this but those "Mexicans" are Native Americans driven off their land into Mexico. If they want to come home then by golly they are more than justified...

They can have their land back, but first they have to get out of Minneapolis, Omaha, Boston, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Miami, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, and Missoula. Notice that none of those cities was ever included within the land subject to the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo that settled the Mexican-American War.

Those folks are not immigrants. They're either colonists or expatriates.

Taxation through immigration in France and GB was a political mistake not a societal one. We don't need more heads to tax we need more labour. If the darkie boogieman is what it takes to drive the xenophobes to the good jobs then that is what it takes. The Bourgeois will never learn.

The Darky Bogeyman is welcome if he assimilates. If not he can get the hell out.

Here's multiculturalism for you:

Scientist Imam threatened over Darwinist views - Home News, UK - The Independent

It reminds me of the story of Galileo. But Galileo lived about five hundred years ago, and we live now. Multiculturalism is hopeless.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Although IIRC, there are indeed radical Aztland who claim all of North America. Despite the greviances that certain First Nations' have in Canada, they wouldn't look forward to learning Spanish and losing their existing legal rights.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
The Darky Bogeyman is welcome if he assimilates. If not he can get the hell out.

Tatars are a foreign people in Eastern Europe and; despite them numbering in the millions, receive nowhere as much attention as a few thousand illegal Chechens in Moscow. The same could be said for the descendents of Moors; who converted to Catholicism and have remained in the Iberian peninsula and Sicily for almost 600 years.

The Chechens receive a lot of flak in Eastern Europe; because like the Chinese or E. Indian in Canada, they are displacing a pre-existing urban community and are commiting crime in previously safe neighbourhoods. Moscow was; during the 1970s, considered to be the safest city in the world and overnight is now considered the most violent.

In Canada, we should be encouraging the immigrants to build a new, self-sufficient economy (like the block settlements of my ancestors) - instead of being allowed to settle in a pre-existing community. Why were the East Indians settled in Surrey; when they could have instead minimalized the conflict and settle and build a new community in a place like Aldergrove?
Both Richmond and Surrey are just plain horrible examples of Canadian multiculturalism, where fully built cities that were White majorities were transformed within decades into ethnic enclaves.
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Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
True, this sort of speculation is not limited to the Chinese but in Vancouver it's definately common among them. A lot of them made their fortune through connections in mainland China; i.e. through the Communist Party, and by paying their employees 10 cents a hour, than they bring their millions here and dump it into our real estate market - usually never moving into the homes.

While not supporting the exploitation of people in China by Chinese entrepreneurs, I have to agree with Durry that there seems to be very little difference between them and other foreigners from countries like the USA, Britain, and so on who made their money in the same way. In fact, it would be very difficult to find any foreign investor who has not made his, her, or its fortune without harming someone; especially large transnational corporations. Should Canada ask Walmart, EXXON, Cargill, etc. to leave due to the fact that they may have exploited people elsewhere in the world?


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
You are wrong on several counts. During the 19th century many immigrants, notably the Germans, Ukrainians, Poles, Norwegians and others were deliberately settled in what were called "Block Settlements." This is the origin of many Prairie communities with ethnic names, such as New Norway, Bruderheim, Thorsby and so on. The idea was to make it easier for new immigrants to Canada to fit in to their new country. True, it did result in a certain amount of insularity, but over time the descendants of these settlers integrated fully into Canadian society. The same is also true of immigrants who were forced into ethnic ghettos like the Chinese and Japanese. Eventually these people became as Canadian as anyone else. All that is required for full integration into Canadian society is time.

You are also wrong about immigration levels. Limiting immigration to just 100,000 people per year would actually result in a net decline in the population. This will become especially critical as the population ages, creating a shortage of workers and lowering the base of those who pay taxes. Currently Canada's natural population increase is about 3/1000. However, this number will continue to fall as the number of women of child-bearing age continues to drop. This is a trend that has already created an aging and declining population in nations like Japan, Russia, and Germany.

There is nothing new in this tread. Hostility toward immigrants has existed from the early part of the 19th century and the arguments directed toward them were identical to those in this thread. Those who opposed immigration in the 19th century on the grounds that immigrants would never fit in and would undermine Canada's culture have been proved wrong again and again. I have little reason to doubt that they will be proved wrong again.

They were in block settlements in rural areas because for one reason, there was plenty of land to farm and Canada needed farmers on a vast empty prairie. In those days they were expected to stay separate, they were considered inferior because they weren't British. The Canadian identiy was not in flux and open to discussion like it always is now with multiculturalism. They were brought in for a job and the idea of them getting govt assistance was not considered. They were so fricking busy working amd trying to survive they didn't have time to worry about keeping their culture. Because they had no plan at all to return home.

Oh, the population fear. I think it's totally bogus. Like the constantly "looming" labour shortage. It's never now, its always coming. Fear fear fear. Think about it, we need third world labour to survive as a country? Maybe if we didn't have seven levels of EI, then a few more jobs might look inviting to people not inclined to work.

I remember one population forecast years back that our population would be zero in a few centuries without immigration. Total BS. Yet the media keeps repeating this nonsense over and over again. A big lie is being produced here.

Now the immigration issue might be bigger because after only three years Canadian citizenship can be acquired. This is not a commitment. Five to ten years is a commitment. Plus people travel outside Canada and we can't tell because they enter the USA where they can go anywhere. Unless you live in Canada for an extended period you are not a Canadian.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010

The key to understanding population growth among our population is the Malthus concept combined with our means of subsistence - which amounts to 2.1 kids, an automobile and a suburb home - none of which is attainable to most people under 30 and this denial is compounded through the existence of skilled migrants competing in our housing and job markets.

No, no, I'm just plain wrong and Generation I (Generation Internet) are just a bunch of lazy brats who are paid $16 a hour and don't work hard enough to afford the typical $2,000,000 five bedroom home in Vancouver.

Give us our means of subsistence and there will be another baby boom that would pale the boomer's generation. Come on, we only have 30 million people in a country larger than Western Europe, Mr. Harper, Ignatieff and Jimmy Patterson need to start sharing some of that gold!

Controlled opposition socialist Jack Layton isn't any help either - he cares more about vote splitting the liberals and his union buddies than the Canadian people. Gerald Celente's Mickey Mouse is starting to sound good at the moment.
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House Member
Jan 18, 2005

The key to understanding population growth among our population is the Malthus concept combined with our means of subsistence - which amounts to 2.1 kids, an automobile and a suburb home - none of which is attainable to most people under 30 and this denial is compounded through the existence of skilled migrants competing in our housing and job markets.

No, no, I'm just plain wrong and Generation I (Generation Internet) are just a bunch of lazy brats who are paid $16 a hour and don't work hard enough to afford the typical $2,000,000 five bedroom home in Vancouver.

Give us our means of subsistence and there will be another baby boom that would pale the boomer's generation. Come on, we only have 30 million people in a country larger than Western Europe, Mr. Harper, Ignatieff and Jimmy Patterson need to start sharing some of that gold!

Controlled opposition socialist Jack Layton isn't any help either - he cares more about vote splitting the liberals and his union buddies than the Canadian people. Gerald Celente's Mickey Mouse is starting to sound good at the moment.

The average price of house in Richmond is $1 miillion. A deal, half the price of Vancouver. Seems like the rich are declaring war on the middle class. Pave the way for rich foreigners to come to Canada and bid up properties. Locally owned wealth by ordinary people isn;t enough to live in cities any more, which has most of the good jobs and those jobs aren't good enough any more when competing with the richest of other countries.