A National Shame?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That's when a bag of peas or chicken soup steps in. We need to start teaching kids better first aid and self diagnosis. We'd best hurry though the grandmothers that know the most are dieing off fast.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't think a "user fee" would be a bad idea- the destitute could be issued a card so no one suffers unduly- and it wouldn't hurt the rest of us to pay, say $20 up front and that would possibly deter the frivolous cases, and it would eventually soften the tax load.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Let me ask all of you: are you truly happy with the services provided by your government? Do you honestly think it is remotely acceptable that you must wait and wait and wait for medical care? Don't any of you realize how awful universal health care is?

Let me ask all of you: are you truly happy with the services provided by your government? Do you honestly think it is remotely acceptable that you must wait and wait and wait for medical care? Don't any of you realize how awful universal health care is?
Leave them alone Joffen , that's all they know .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't think a "user fee" would be a bad idea- the destitute could be issued a card so no one suffers unduly- and it wouldn't hurt the rest of us to pay, say $20 up front and that would possibly deter the frivolous cases, and it would eventually soften the tax load.
Neighbourhood Emergency clinics as well. Only traumas go to the Hosp ER. The shorter the meat wagon ride the better the results. It makes sense.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Let me ask all of you: are you truly happy with the services provided by your government? Do you honestly think it is remotely acceptable that you must wait and wait and wait for medical care? Don't any of you realize how awful universal health care is?

It would sure be nice if those of you who do "realize" it would not not bother showing up at the E.R. when you break a leg or have a heart attack, then we complacent folks probably wouldn't find the service so bad.

If our health care system is so bad, can you supply the statistics showing that the US spends less money, and a longer life expectancy?

Watch it, you are starting to sound like Sir Joseph. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
But the USA is B R O K E...the city with the worst crime in the US just recently laid off 1/2 it's patrolling officers.

Oh hey and apparently 1/3 it's fire dept too.

Redd said she was unable to secure the $8 million in budget concessions that she says she needed to save the jobs of up to 100 police officers and many of the city's firefighters.

The mayor -- who said she will continue negotiations with police and fire unions -- had been asking the workers to pay more for their health care, freeze or reduce their salaries and take furlough days.

The apparent impasse has left administrators of a city with the second-highest crime rate in the nation scrambling to figure out solutions to keep residents safe. Camden is second only to St. Louis, Missouri, in annual rankings of cities based on compilations of FBI crime statistics.
How do you pay more for healthcare with frozen wages or no job especially when employed in essential services where rate of injury is off the scale?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
But the USA is B R O K E...the city with the worst crime in the US just recently laid off 1/2 it's patrolling officers.

That in itself would probably reduce crime..............................if their cops are like some of the cops in British Columbia. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How would that reduce crime in the second worst city in USA?

Depends on who is committing the crime. A lot of crime is committed here in the process of making arrests.

Actually a little "tongue in cheek" there in case you missed it, Petros. LOL


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Depends on who is committing the crime. A lot of crime is committed here in the process of making arrests.

Actually a little "tongue in cheek" there in case you missed it, Petros. LOL
Just wait until the Harper approved private owned and run prisons open. 4000 women will be locked up very shortly. The more people in prison the more they make. It has lead to Sherriff deptments in US planting drugs and framing as many people as possible for kick backs.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
No, I assume nothing. I can only relate to you by what you say. Two observations: 1 Toronto has a very different opinion of Canada than the rest of Canada & 2. you may have only been in the US for 4 years but it sounds like you have been thoroughly brain washed by Yanky conservatism, but coming from TO, I think you may have had a head start.
(I know that might PO some other Torontonians on here, but that is my Montreal upbringing prejudices coming through - sorry).

No, that's bang on.

The pig running the show here won on the same taxes bribe that's been conning Americans for decades.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
What does an average MRI cost? In the USA
MRI cost can range between $400 to $3,500 depending upon which MRI procuedure is performed (example: brain mri vs. shoulder mri) and where you have the MRI test performed. The same exact MRI test can vary by hundreds of dollars from testing facility to testing facility. That's why it is important that you shop around to make sure you're getting the best possible price. By spending a little time and shopping around your local hospitals and imaging centers you can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars. MRI costs are broken down into two areas:
That's why we have health insurance. We aren't expected to pay thousands of dollars for health care if we have insurance. One point I would like to make: America is not a socialist country. We aren't committed to the 'common good'. You might call it 'every man for himself' and 'selfishness' but we call it 'individualism' and 'freedom'.