A National Shame?


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
It sure is easy to be a horrible person to complete strangers online, huh Gerry? Never mind that we are all people with real lives and thoughts and feelings. But that's ok, we're all anonymous online...
we're all anonymous online...
That's the only way they can function Joffen ....anonymously .
Face to face .....there is only one word _"pathetic"


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
An MRI should be part of the health cost in a national system, these managed health care
companies have been ripping people off for years. In Canada we do have a mix of the
private and public sector in many areas and this is not all that bad as long as there is a
national approach where universal coverage is there. Medicare today around the world is
part of a civilized society, and unfortunately our neighbours to the south are subjected to
the same twisted truths the slaves were, in distorting the truth about certain subjects until
they merely dismiss them out of hand. No one should lose their home or go without the
health care they need because of preexisting conditions or a total lack of money for an
operation. I cannot believe how backward some thinking is, however that is America and
far be it for me to tell them how to conduct their business. I am just happy I am not an
They are about to see the chickens coming home to roost. They have saved money on
everything. Now of course the repairs need to be done, and the bills will be coming due,
The only problem is these folks were not richer than they thought and there is no money to
do much of anything. Down there roads, bridges airports and infrastructure is in a badly
needed state of repair. Municipal, State and even the Federal Government's are scrambling
for money. In fact some of these administrations are nearly bankrupt. California and other
States are a mess. This guy comes on our sites and talks about a National Shame in
health care. Good God they have more problems coming down on them than they can handle
and he talks about our health care. Clearly he does not understand the magnitude of the mess
they created going all the way back to Ronnie Reagan, and yes that include Bill Clinton he was
no better. Their is no more left or right in America there is only incompetence and greed
I fully understand the problems America faces. We have spent too much money on social programs that the government had no right in creating. The government's job is to fix our roads and build bridges and pay for our military. It's not ensuring that there's a chicken in every pot. That's called socialism. Government has focussed so much on social issues that it now can barely afford it's intended job.

Americans believe in the 'ethic of individual rights' not the 'ethic of the common good'.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
gerryh; gerryh said:
Hey dummy, we don't need to prove anything. It's you talking trash about Canada. You do the proving. Which you can't.
Joffen doesn't have to do any proving ; you are the obvious IT.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
That's why we have health insurance. We aren't expected to pay thousands of dollars for health care if we have insurance. One point I would like to make: America is not a socialist country. We aren't committed to the 'common good'. You might call it 'every man for himself' and 'selfishness' but we call it 'individualism' and 'freedom'.

You are on a land mass with a bunch of people. If only a small percentage of those people are actually 'free', then your freedom is clearly bull**** so wake up.

Off hand, we can cite a few blatantly obvious values of freedom where America is truly behind..

gay rights? (finally got around to passing that law this year did we? Welcome to the rest of the world.)
religious tolerance (hahahahaha!)
marijuana (still trailing behind us 'confined socialists')
prostitution (see marijuana)

American freedom.


We're not perfect, but do not even go there. The rest of the civilized world's 'socialism' has brought them more actual freedom in modern times, than the version of freedom you believe is the only version that counts.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
That's why we have health insurance. We aren't expected to pay thousands of dollars for health care if we have insurance.

Insurance is a socialist concept, by the way. You are paying a little bit of insurance premium, so that you can collect whatever health treatments you need. The idea is that hopefully enough healthy people pay premiums to cover the costs of the unhealthy people. The insurance company dictates to the doctors what treatments you are allowed to receive, and what they will pay for it.

Substitute 'government' for 'insurance company', and 'taxes' for 'premium', and you have a description of the Canadian system.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
One word... Apathy!, I am Canadian, and I truly believe we as Canadians , love to complain but we don't do anything about it .. I have been talking to lots of people about our sky rockteting Hydro prices and it makes me so angry to hear people say " There is nothing you can do about it................. DEFEAT ists
it makes me so angry to hear people say " There is nothing you can do about it

There is hope for you


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
So you equate pot-smoking and having sex with prostitutes as real freedom? Figures. You don't know what true freedom is. Your country isn't even able to have an election without the consent of the Monarchy. That's not freedom. I have more freedoms here than you can possible imagine. I have more freedom of speech. I have the right to own a gun. I have the right to protect my family and property. Government power comes from the people. Man is born free.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
So you equate pot-smoking and having sex with prostitutes as real freedom? Figures. You don't know what true freedom is. Your country isn't even able to have an election without the consent of the Monarchy.

Your country can't elect a President without the approval of a College.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
But the USA is B R O K E...the city with the worst crime in the US just recently laid off 1/2 it's patrolling officers.

Oh hey and apparently 1/3 it's fire dept too.

How do you pay more for healthcare with frozen wages or no job especially when employed in essential services where rate of injury is off the scale?

I agree! We can't pay for it.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
So you equate pot-smoking and having sex with prostitutes as real freedom? Figures. You don't know what true freedom is. Your country isn't even able to have an election without the consent of the Monarchy. That's not freedom. I have more freedoms here than you can possible imagine. I have more freedom of speech. I have the right to own a gun. I have the right to protect my family and property. Government power comes from the people. Man is born free.
Good.... Why don't you allow us the freedom to not listen to you whine about things you're no longer a part of.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
True, but the College can't prevent us from holding an election. The Queen can prevent you all from having an election.

We can hold an election, manually count the ballots, and know the results that night.

You guys have to use machines, and you still need the supreme court to figure it out, and it takes weeks.

I'd say you guys don't really have a grasp of elections, but in the end, it's not the election that determines your President anyway.