A National Shame?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
So more government control then, hm? Never mind the fact that the government prodded banks to lend to poor and minorities in the hopes of "fairness". Sorry, it's not as simple as you'd like to believe.

This was rule they discussed putting in place.....simplified.

The lender should be sure that the borrower has enough capital and resources to pay back the lender.

This has to be written?

What a joke you douche bags are.

Guess I better learn to speak Chinese.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
This was rule they discussed putting in place.....simplified.

The lender should be sure that the borrower has enough capital and resources to pay back the lender.

This has to be written?

What a joke you douche bags are.

Guess I better learn to speak Chinese.
Canada would have more in common with the Chinese anyway.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Brain surgeons must be making a fortune down south.

Hate to say it but the entire medical profession is a fraud here in the States. Walk into a quack's office and you get charged $100 even if it's just for a one minute chat. No kidding now - these idiots will force you to come into their office to discuss something that can readily be settled over the phone. Then they charge you even though nothing of any significance was discussed.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Are you insane? Your medical system is going bankrupt!

You better hope we're not going bankrupt. Who's going to take care of you? "The United States has been taking care of Canada ever since the British stopped." - Hank Hill

Say that next time you fill up your tank with our oil.

I always thought Canada and the US were partners and friends with the longest unprotected border with billions in trade.

It's a symbiant relationship.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Hate to say it but the entire medical profession is a fraud here in the States. Walk into a quack's office and you get charged $100 even if it's just for a one minute chat. No kidding now - these idiots will force you to come into their office to discuss something that can readily be settled over the phone. Then they charge you even though nothing of any significance was discussed.
It's a bit like that here except they bill the Province for the chat.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Has anyone read Mark Steyn's "America Alone"? It will scare the crap out of you. The population ratio for a country must be at 2.1 to keep a population steady. Otherwise that country's population begins to decline. U.S. is steady at 2.1, Spain is 1.1 that means in a generation the population of Spaniards will be cut in half. Canada is at 1.5 That means Canada's population is in serious decline. What does that mean for a country? Well, no babies equals no future workers. No future workers means no one to pay the taxes. No one to pay for the elderly on Medicare (I forgot what the program is called in Canada), and no one to pay for the Canada's health care system. Look it up.

Yes, we exploit you for your natural resources. This is true.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Has anyone read Mark Steyn's "America Alone"? It will scare the crap out of you. The population ratio for a country must be at 2.1 to keep a population steady. Otherwise that country's population begins to decline. U.S. is steady at 2.1, Spain is 1.1 that means in a generation the population of Spaniards will be cut in half. Canada is at 1.5 That means Canada's population is in serious decline. What does that mean for a country? Well, no babies equals no future workers. No future workers means no one to pay the taxes. No one to pay for the elderly on Medicare (I forgot what the program is called in Canada), and no one to pay for the Canada's health care system. Look it up.

Yes, we exploit you for your natural resources. This is true.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Here's a story that hit the wires today about just how fuvcked up the local medical profession is here in the Twin Cities:

Nurse tells patient before surgery to 'man up' after taking his medication for herself, according to complaint

Nurse tells patient before surgery to 'man up' after taking his medication for herself, according to complaint - TwinCities.com

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Nurse tells patient before surgery to 'man up' after taking his medication for herself, according to complaint

By Tad Vezner
Updated: 02/09/2011 10:05:19 PM CST

Sarah May Casareto, 33, of Forest Lake, was charged Wednesday with one count of theft of a controlled substance, a felony. (Photo courtesy of the Hennepin County Sheriff's Dept., via WCCO-TV)

When you're having your kidney stones removed, it helps to have a little something for the pain.
Instead, a patient at Minneapolis's Abbott Northwestern Hospital was told by a nurse to "man up here and take some of the pain" while the nurse shot up with some of his medication herself, according to a criminal complaint filed Thursday.
During the subsequent procedure, the patient felt pain on a level of "nine out of ten... enough to just about bring (the patient) off the table," the complaint added.
While the patient was "screaming and moaning," the nurse — described by colleagues both as "bubbly" and "falling asleep" — told him to "go to your beach... go to your happy place."
She resigned that same day after being confronted by suspicious colleagues, and was later arrested.
Sarah May Casareto, 33, of Forest Lake, was charged Thursday in Hennepin County Court with theft of a controlled substance, a felony.
Casareto could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
According to the complaint, an Abbott doctor assured the patient — identified in the complaint only as L.V.K. — on the day of his Nov. 8 surgery that he "would not feel pain during the surgery."
Later, nurse Casareto walked up.
Casareto had signed out 500 micrograms of Fentanyl, a controlled pain reliever, the complaint said. But she told the patient, "you're gonna have to man up here and take some of the pain because we can't give you a lot of medication,

you're going straight into surgery." Go straight into surgery he did — and by the time it was all over, L.V.K. received just 150 micrograms of the powerful pain killer. He later told Minneapolis police he had "never felt pain so severe," that someone leaned on his back to hold him down and he heard an assistant ask the doctor whether he should be restrained.
The doctor, identified only as "S.I.", later told police that L.V.K. acted "unusual" as an incision was made into his back and "an instrument placed into the kidney."
Nurse Casareto acted suspicious throughout the procedure, multiple colleagues told police.
The doctor described Casareto as "distracted," "disoriented," and at one point saw her "knock medication to the floor." A nurse manager — called to the scene by a suspicious technician — said Casareto was "facing away from the patient and not attending to him," dropped a syringe, and was "slow" and "bubbly." A technician also saw Casareto flush her eyes — red "from swimming," the nurse said — with a syringe. After that, the nurse used "grand gestures," spoke very loudly, and couldn't place EKG leads or a blood pressure cuff on the patient, the technician told police.
The technician later told police she "had never seen a patient in as much pain." She refused to sign a medication sheet after she and Casareto argued over the medication count, and two empty, unlabeled syringes were found in the nurse's pockets.
The sheet showed that L.V.K. had been given 150 micrograms, 300 had been "wasted" — and 50 micrograms were unaccounted for, the complaint said. It was not clear from the complaint how, exactly, the medication had been "wasted."
After the nursing manager went to human resources to make a report, they paged Casareto. She showed up appearing "intoxicated," slurring her speech and rocking back and forth. They found four more empty syringes in the pockets of her scrubs, which the nursing manager told police she believed, based on a partial label, "had been Fentanyl syringes."
Casareto resigned after refusing to take a drug test.
She has an appearance today in Hennepin County District Court.
The nurse later told police she had once been dependant on pain medication, having once been prescribed Percocet, Vicodin, and Suboxone. The police investigator then called several prior prescribers, and "learned (Casareto) was identified as exhibiting drug seeking behavior."
The investigator stated in the complaint that they believed Casareto "intentionally took and used Fentanyl intended for L.V.K."
In response to the complaint, the hospital issued a brief written statement: "Due to confidentiality we cannot discuss current or former employees. She no longer works at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. Patient safety is our primary concern."
If convicted, Casareto faces up to 10 years in prison.

Twenty years would be preferable.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Sheila Nunn, a Kitchener woman suffering seizures, was told by her doctor that she urgently needed an MRI scan. She was also told she would have to wait three months to have it done locally. Nunn, who had been suffering blackouts, memory loss, confusion and seizures for two months, decided to take action: She paid $1,100 to have the MRI scan done in Michigan.
“Seizure patients face long MRI waits, group says,” The Kitchener-Waterloo Record, By Anne Kelly (June 15, 2007) (Subscription Required)

Vince Motta, 23, died of a severe asthma attack after he was airlifted to Rockyview Hospital following appendix surgery at High River hospital. Motta and his mother had waited at both Rockyview and Foothills Hospital, but eventually left due to the long waits.
“CHR review clears hospital in death of Calgary teenager; Parents of boy ‘disappointed’ with finding,” The Calgary Herald, (June 13, 2007) (Subscription Required)

Rally Levy, a breast cancer patient in Montreal, was denied eligibility for the drug Herceptin. Where she lives, the drug is only available to women with advanced breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. “If I started my chemo a month ago, I would have been on the trial group that was eligible,” said Rally Levy. “They have realized it is a good pill. Why can’t I get it?”
“Speed up cancer drug availability, critics urge,” CBC News (June 21, 2005) CBC News - Health - Speed up cancer drug availability, critics urge

Lindsay McCreith, 66, was told he had a brain tumor but that he would have to wait four and a half months to obtain an MRI to rule out the possibility that it was cancerous. Unwilling to risk the progression of what might be cancer, Mr. McCreith obtained an MRI in Buffalo, which revealed the tumor was malignant. Even with this diagnosis in hand, the Ontario system still refused to provide timely treatment, so Mr. McCreith had surgery in Buffalo to remove the cancerous brain tumor in March, 2006. In Ontario, Mr. McCreith would have waited eight months for surgery, according to his family doctor. Eight months is enough time for a cancer to worsen, spread and progress to an irreversible stage. Had Mr. McCreith not paid $26,600 for immediate care, he might be dead today.
“Ontario man featured in U.S. health-care debate,” The Toronto Star, By Tim Harper (February 22, 2008) Ontario man featured in U.S. health-care debate - thestar.com


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Joffen lists three cases of people who died years ago. By contrast, 45,000 Yanks die every year from lack of health care insurance. It is only because I took care of myself that I was not one of them.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Joffen lists three cases of people who died years ago. By contrast, 45,000 Yanks die every year from lack of health care insurance. It is only because I took care of myself that I was not one of them.
Oh, there's more. Trust me.

Jordan Johanson, 18, died at Rockyview Hospital in late March. He died following a 12-hour wait for surgery on his appendix. Darcy Johanson, the boy’s father, said “Young kids shouldn’t be dying like this. If something can be done to fix it, they should get on with it.”
“Teen dies after appendix ruptures,” The Edmonton Sun, By Bill Kaufman (April 19, 2007) http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Alberta/2007/04/19/4078502.html

Diane Nesenbrink, was goofing around as a teen when her jaw locked open. That incident, 27 years ago, marked the beginning of the Stratford, Ontario, woman’s lifelong ordeal with jaw joint problems. Ms. Nesenbrink jaw joint needed to be surgically replaced. But patients who need a new hip or knee have been deemed a political priority and are guaranteed joint replacements within nine months – the “medically acceptable” wait for consultation is no more than three months and the subsequent wait for surgery no more than six months. Ms. Nesenbrink’s doctor, Dr. Baker said, “The jaw joint is an important joint as well, but we’ve been forgotten.” In fact, his patients wait an average of more than two years for surgery. Even critical cases – where patients suffer excruciating pain and are unable to move their mouths – wait at least three months. “We see patients who are in dire straits: Talking, eating, chewing, smiling are all difficult, if not impossible,” Dr. Baker said.
“A jaw-dropping wait time for surgery; While people who need new hips or knees get action within nine months, jaw joint patients can wait more than two years,” The Globe and Mail, By Andre Picard, (May 22, 2007) Jaw-dropping waiting time for surgery - The Globe and Mail


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
While you're doing the research make a note of the 17,000 children who die every year from lack of health care insurance thanks to the ''pro life'' {sic} Republicans.

You indicated 6 Canadian deaths in the past 4 years. You need about another 180,000 to match the number who died in the USA.

Keep trying.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
While you're doing the research make a note of the 17,000 children who die every year from lack of health care insurance thanks to the ''pro life'' {sic} Republicans.

You indicated 6 Canadian deaths in the past 4 years. You need about another 180,000 to match the number who died in the USA.

Keep trying.
You have a link to back that up?
Here's more horror stories of socialized medicine:

David Malleau, a 44 year-old truck driver suffered a devastating car accident in 2004 that forced doctors at Hamilton General Hospital to remove a fist-sized piece of bone from his skull to relieve pressure on his brain. Once the swelling subsided and he was ready for surgery in March 2005, Malleau was sent home and placed on a waiting list. Three months passed. Then six. He waited at home, a prisoner unable to leave the house for fear something would hit the exposed side of his brain - for him a potentially fatal incident. In the end, it took nearly a year before he could get skull replacement surgery.
“You can’t fight the hospital; Man forced to wait a year for skull surgery had no official advocate,” The Toronto Star, By Tanya Talaga and Robert Cribb (May 22, 2007) http://www.thestar.com/article/216280

Branislav Djukic, an Ontario cab driver, faced a difficult choice: Wait more than 14 weeks for cancer surgery, or travel outside of Canada and purchase the lifesaving operation. Ultimately, Djukic returned to the country he fled in 1995, the former Yugoslavia. In Belgrade, he underwent surgery to remove a portion of his left kidney at a cost of $5,000.
“Long wait forces cancer patient to buy operation in land he fled; Patient’s choice: Wait 14 weeks or pay $5,000,” The Globe and Mail, By Lisa Priest (January 31, 2007) Home - The Globe and Mail (Subscription Required)

Beverly Green, 45, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. Initial tests indicated she would not benefit from hormonal drug treatment, but retesting at Mount Sinai Hospital in 2005 found that her initial test results were incorrect. Green testified at a public inquiry in March 2008.
“Angry patients testify at breast cancer test inquiry” CTV.ca News (March 19, 2008) http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080319/breast_cancer…

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Did somebody say no to you or something? If you've gone born-again, what in hell does it matter to you how broke Healthcare or anything else in the country you learned in then ran away from (Didn't leave a Student Loan behind, did you?) is going - in your opinion?


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Did somebody say no to you or something? If you've gone born-again, what in hell does it matter to you how broke Healthcare or anything else in the country you learned in then ran away from (Didn't leave a Student Loan behind, did you?) is going - in your opinion?
As I've explained earlier, my family still lives in Canada and has to deal with Canada's crappy system. So it affects me personally, I therefore have every damn right to complain about it. I'm bitter, sure. My mom is dying of kidney failure. She also has psorotic arthritis and is in constant pain. She must wait until May to see a dermatologist.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Joffen has now gone way back to 2001. This means that 450,000 Americans (including 170,000 children) have died since that year from lack of health care insurance. That's more than the amount killed by Hitler and Hirohito. But I suppose that is of no consequence to Joffen who seems obsessed with pointing the finger at Canada.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
hey joffen, as has been pointed out, since you don't live here, what the hell do you care what our health system is like. Worried about your family that still lives here? Get em to move to the states, either that or we can hope they die soon so they aren't a drain on our system.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Gerry's got you there, Joffen -- if you feel Canadian ''socialist'' medicine doesn't work, bring your family here and put up your money to have the capitalist system cure them.