B.P.'s Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Thread (it's all here).....


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
True Reporting Gulf Oil Spill


The oil slick on the beaches is literally being covered up, plowed under the sand and pollution warning signs are being removed for the weekend.
Just like BP using corexit to keep the bulk of the oil from reaching the surface, it's all about cosmetics and perception. Anything to keep the dumb masses coming and spending their dollars, who cares how many will die from cancer. Here, have some Goo Gone. Of course people should know better and learn to think for themselves but public safety is still the primary job of the government and the authorities. How to maintain business as usual seems to be their only concern. Guillotines!


CATEGORY 5 ALERT! Katrina-Trained FEMA Planning Forced Evacuations

Tuesday, 29 June 2010 09:43

'It has been reported that our well-oiled government is planning mass evacuations of Gulf coast cities. Sources close to the government like investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported: “Plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula".
Council on Foreign Relations member, Matt Simmons, was quoted on June 23rd in the Washington Post, “We’re going to have to evacuate the gulf states. Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought".'
Read more: CATEGORY 5 ALERT! Katrina-Trained FEMA Planning Forced Evacuations
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
If it were his National Guard, he wouldn't need to file a request with Washington.

The Feds shouldn't be paying for BP's mistakes. BP should be paying for that.

So, 25 days ago is recently? He is using not even 1/5th of the National Guard troops at his disposal, and he's had more than 3 weeks. Then the Feds stopped Louisiana because it was creating one ecological disaster to avoid another. The Feds gave them one week to dredge sands from the Chandaleur Islands while the pipelines Louisiana said it needed to dredge from elsewhere were constructed. That time has come and gone. People need to be accountable when they say something is going to be done. There is none of that. Jindal even vetoed it.

So, again, what is he thinking.

Not even 20% of the National Guard are being utilized.

Get real Jindal...

He just followed protocol, unless the national guard is federalized they are under the command of the governor. He asked and asked, they delayed and delayed, he acted. The Fed is responsible to repay the states anytime they are used at their request. They will collect from BP. Those temporary barrier islands are being put in place as we chat, it takes a lot of equipment and experienced manpower to do this. They do not need all those National Guard Troops running around doing nothing. Jindal is doing ok. How about Obama get real and just order the oil well capped no matter what it may do to future recovery of oil from the well. (Bury it.)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
'It has been reported that our well-oiled government is planning mass evacuations of Gulf coast cities. Sources close to the government like investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported: “Plans are being put in place for the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Hammond, Houma, Belle Chase, Chalmette, Slidell, Biloxi, Gulfport, Pensacola, Hattiesburg, Mobile, Bay Minette, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, Crestview, and Pascagoula".
Where are they going to go? One of the FEMA concentration camps built by Halliburton?

Camp sounds kinda nice doesn't it?

Campfires and marshmallows for all!


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Oh that will definatly insure President Obama a victory in 2012, where will those millions of people go? No plans yet for any mass evacuations, although people are moving out now on their own,


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
They do not need all those National Guard Troops running around doing nothing.

Maybe you missed it (not quite sure how) but that is exactly what is happening. There is work to do, and he's not utilizing the National Guard that he has allocated to his State.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Your information was a few days old. (June 3, 2010)

GRAND ISLE (June 9, 2010) - Today, Governor Bobby Jindal highlighted the Louisiana National Guard’s “Vacuum Barge” operations and called on the Coast Guard and BP to scale-up these efforts across the coast as another tool to fight the oil spill. The Governor traveled to East Grand Terre – near Grand Isle – to view one of the National Guard’s operations, where they have placed oil suction equipment on barges that can transport vacuum pumps into marsh areas to remove the oil. Governor Jindal emphasized the effectiveness of the operations and said these operations should be scaled up immediately across Louisiana’s coast.


The Louisiana National Guard is very much active in the clean up effort.

Norfolk, Virginia - A ship billed as the world's largest oil-skimming vessel is making a Virginia port-of-call before heading to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The oil-gulping ship "A Whale" arrived at Norfolk International Terminal on Thursday, and is scheduled to sail to the Gulf Friday. This might just help since all we have collected so far in total is about 600,000 gallons.


Hopefully this can put a dent in the problem.


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Then what hubby said isn't patently false. The large amount of effort is only true for SOME companies.
I can't think of any car company that doesn't constantly try improving its safety measures.

Car companies, if left on their own, really didn't worry about safety. Ford considered the cost of litigations cheaper than the cost of changing its Pinto gas tanks.

Sorry... As we were...


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Car companies, if left on their own, really didn't worry about safety. Ford considered the cost of litigations cheaper than the cost of changing its Pinto gas tanks.

Sorry... As we were...
If it wasn't for Ralph Nader, the US government would still be allowing the US auto makers to produce exploding cars. Where is Ralph now that we need him to straighten out the oil companies?


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Biologists find 'dead zones' around BP oil spill in Gulf

Thursday, 01 July 2010 07:19

Methane at 100,000 times normal levels have been creating oxygen-depleted areas devoid of life near BP's Deepwater Horizon spill, according to two independent scientists

Read More: Biologists find 'dead zones' around BP oil spill in Gulf


Whistle blower to testify on oil spill worst fear:BP deliberately sinks oil with Corexit as cover up

In a shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.
McCallister said, “Everybody in Europe, where the standard practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads, and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added, “Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Concealing this scam may be why Obama waited so long to allow other nations to send in assistance! This is indeed America's Chernobyl!



I am looking at cameras 8 and 9 in this display and it seems pretty obvious that the amount of oil leaking out from the top of the blowout preventer is increasing.
We now know that both the drill pipes and the well casing were destroyed in the original "kick", and debris from the drill pipe blown up into the BOP is what kept the pincher system from working. We knew that the well casing was breached from the failure of the top kill and the seepage coming up from cracks in the surrounding sea floor.
So, it appears that the oil is blasting up through the drilled bore hole without the protection of the drill pipe or the well casing. Inevitably the flow has to be eroding the sides of the bore. Which means the hole is enlarging, slowly, but still enlarging.
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House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Allegations Emerge BP Is Dumping Sand To Cover Oil

Friday, 02 July 2010 09:34

'Yesterday, I contacted a friend of mine, C.S. Muncy, who is a photojournalist currently raising all kinds of hell down in southern Louisiana. C.S.'s original goal was to gain access to some of the areas being guarded by BP contractors and deemed "off limits" to reporters, but yesterday he, along with Save Our Shores's Judson Parker, made an unexpected discovery. They believe that BP has been dumping sand on the beaches in order to cover up oil.'
Read more: Allegations Emerge BP Is Dumping Sand To Cover Oil


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Oh No, It Just Can’t Be – Gulf Disaster

July 2, 2010 by Mark Sircus
Filed under Featured Content


I received this note: “Thanks for the Gulf update! But you forgot one important recommendation – MOVE OUT OF THERE IMMEDIATELY! Pack up your wife and kids and get the heck out of there NOW!!! Many already in those Gulf States are being slowly poisoned, but now with the new storm or anyone storm yet to come they will get well oiled and gassed with many, many VOCs from the heavy rain and wind. People need to get out of there! Curious don’t you think that with all they know, all the articles and news about people getting ill, crops and landscapes dying inland from the toxic rain falling there in the last few weeks, that there has been NO mass exodus of people leaving those affected areas?”
Kind of extreme don’t you think? Don’t you think it’s better to wait for an evacuation order from the government? I don’t think so because if you wait for the government to warn about dangerous toxic exposures you are waiting on an organization famous for allowing industry, doctors and dentists to expose the public to massive amounts of chemicals and heavy metals. Sorry to be a spoiler on a holiday weekend but it is really not time to party and relax; it’s time to make plans to deal with an emergency the likes of which has never been seen.
Below you will see three map overlays tracking complaints from the oil disaster since its beginnings and you can see how the effects are spreading. And it will keep spreading and spreading out as the toxic tidal situation slowly spreads its wings and takes flight in the atmosphere.

End of April​

End of May​

End of June​
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will gradually find its way toward
Europe and the Arctic to damage and endanger wider ecological areas.
Dr. Shira Kramer, an epidemiologist who has conducted research for the petroleum industry on the health consequences of exposure to petroleum, said she is concerned that the risks are being downplayed. “It’s completely scientifically dishonest to pooh-pooh the potential here when you are talking about some of the most toxic chemicals that we know.”
“Oil is a complex mixture containing substances like benzene, heavy metals, arsenic, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons – all known to cause human health problems such as cancer, birth defects or miscarriages,” said Kenneth Olden, founding dean of New York’s CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College, who is monitoring a panel on possible delayed effects. “The potential here is huge and we have to be diligent about protecting the public health and these workers.”
The greatest threat is from the poison that species-killing
storms will soon be churning over Gulf cities, pouring
degraded oil and dispersants everywhere the rain falls.
The government has not been providing the news people are looking for, and the mainstream media seems to have gone blind in recent days, airing less specific information about the crisis even as the crisis continues to expand and more and more oil and toxic chemicals are leaked into the sea, land and air. Perhaps the government is being kind by sparing its people disturbance and stress. David Ike said, “The potential magnitude of what is unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico simply cannot be overstated. It is far, far worse than is being admitted, and what we are allowed to see is catastrophic enough.”

Thermal Image of Gulf Steam Current and Possible Path of Oil Spill
Ike and, I am afraid, others are asserting that Goldman Sachs sold 44 percent of its holdings in BP, a total of 4,680,822 shares worth the best part of $300 million, in the weeks before the Gulf disaster that sent BP shares plummeting, and Tony Hayward, BP’s disgraceful chief executive, is reported to have sold his £1.4 million shares in BP a month before the explosion. Just eight days before the Gulf blow-out, Halliburton also announced that it had agreed to buy Boots & Coots for $240.4 million. Who are Boots & Coots? The world’s largest oil-spill clean-up company that also deals with oil well and gas well fires and blowouts.
Did the explosion rupture the casing for its entire length?
If that is so, then a relief well will be unable to plug the
hole. Ten relief wells would be unable to plug the hole.
What on earth is going to plug the hole in the earth?
I heard it said that if BP loses control of the flow completely, the scope of the disaster would be unfathomable. Well, no one is in control of the flow and the disaster is continuing to expand and surround the State of Florida as the oil begins its race up the east coast. Things are so out of control that today in the mainstream press they finally started talking about nuking the well. Bill Clinton at least thinks it’s a good idea and we should hope for the best.
Vast underwater concentrations of oil sprawling for miles in the Gulf of Mexico from the damaged, crude-belching well are unprecedented in “human history” and threaten to wreak havoc on marine life, a team of scientists said, a finding confirmed by federal officials. Researchers aboard the F.G. Walton Smith vessel briefed reporters on a two-week cruise in which they traced an underwater oil plume 15 miles wide, 3 miles long and about 600 feet thick. The plume’s core is 1,100 to 1,300 meters below the surface, they said. “It’s an infusion of oil and gas unlike anything else that has ever been seen anywhere, certainly in human history,” said Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia, the expedition leader.

This graphic demonstrates how the oil could interact
with the world’s major ocean currents.
On May 3rd, Dick Snyder, director of the Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation at the University of West Florida, began conducting water samples on Pensacola Beach every Tuesday and Thursday because beach and health officials were only doing visual assessments. Inrecent weeks water samples tested positive for dissolved oil. There are molecules that are dissolved in the water that you cannot see. Some of the oil will just naturally dissolve into the water so we don’t know how much of that there is. We suspect it’s a lot. What you can’t see in the water may be more dangerous than what you can see.”

People along the beach are getting sick but
public officials still have not closed the beaches.
Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri writes, “Even before the explosion, there is enough evidence(even from the New York Times) to show that this was more than an accident. Insiders sold shares before April 20. Poor-to-no management. Warnings from those on site that went unheeded. The list goes on and on. With a well this deep, on a geologically unstable seabed, there was no precaution. No emergency plans. No care. No solid science. Just an accident waiting to happen. More likely it was no accident. Just another false flag to distract us from all the financial theft and economic depression while another illegal war is planned. Greed trumps safety.”
We could smell the oil long before we saw it – the stench of garage forecourts
and rotting vegetation hanging thickly in the air. The farther we travelled,
the more nauseating it became. Soon we were swimming in pools of light
Nigerian crude, the best-quality oil in the world. One of the many hundreds
of 40-year-old pipelines that crisscross the Niger delta had corroded and
spewed oil for several months. Forest and farmland were now covered in a
sheen of greasy oil. Drinking wells were polluted and people were distraught.
You’d think that more than 20 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, scientists would know what, if any, long-term health dangers face the thousands of workers needed to clean up the Gulf of Mexico spill. You’d be wrong. “We don’t know a damn thing,” said Anchorage lawyer Michael Schneider, whose firm talked with dozens of Alaska cleanup workers following the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in preparation for a class-action lawsuit that never came. And this unfortunately is a big problem for the government and British Petroleum can continue to plead ignorance, which is just a cover for their arrogance and greed and the stupidity that breeds.

Oh No, It Just Can?t Be ? Gulf Disaster | Into the Ashes


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Thanks for wasting posting space here with news that people can get from google, Stretch. Do you mind if I tell you its winter in Oz? Is it news to you?
well dont read it then, there are others that are interested in reading it.
This forum doesnt revolve around you, ya know, or anybody else in particular.
It appears you have a dislike for me, thats cool mate, I treat everyone as a friend till they prove otherwise, or is that whats posted is such a concern to you that you dont like being reminded of it all the time........sorry.
Threads that dont hold an interest for me I dont go into.....simple.
If you dont like what I post then please feel to either go into a thread that does interest you or print off what I post and use as toilet paper, thats the beauty of a free world. :lol:

now, back to reality.............

BP and Government Misleading Public About Safety Of Florida Beaches

Sunday, 04 July 2010 14:35

'As a tide of tarballs from the BP Gulf Oil Spill assaults the Florida coast line local Florida residents, businesses and county officials are demanding action from BP, State, and Federal Government officials in charge of monitoring and responding to the spill. Local residents in Walton County, Florida demanded a Town Hall meeting to discuss the lack of response to the oil assaulting the coast line.
They are also demanding answers to other questions like why local beaches have been declared safe and remain open even though tarballs have been washing ashore for weeks in Florida and the DEP hasn’t tested the waters for hydrocarbons since May 1st.'
Read more: BP and Government Misleading Public About Safety Of Florida Beaches


BP's Oil Spill Fouls Water, Land and Air

Sunday, 04 July 2010 13:51

'Lepori described a living nightmare, reeling off a list of images, one worse than the next. “We went through an oil pool, right at dusk, when we were out looking for the dolphins, trying to make sure that they were all right,” she said. “As soon as we hit this it was like you had cut our air off.
“We couldn’t breathe, we couldn’t speak, we were all throwing up over the side,” she said. “We were all very experienced boat people... We were trying to keep an eye on the dolphins. This is a very special dolphin pod. It’s called the Friendly Dolphins pod. They have lived there for as long as anyone can remember. Essentially they were trapped.” Back in Florida, the couple was on high alert as the rolling slicks of thick gooey brown sludge crossed from Alabama to Florida.'
Read more: BP's Oil Spill Fouls Water, Land and Air


Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf

Saturday, 03 July 2010 10:07

'Illinois-based Nalco Corporation is responsible for the Corexit 9500 chemical dispersant highlighted by experts as being 4 times more toxic than the oil that is flowing into the Gulf. Scientists in congressional hearings added that the dispersant is more toxic than other similar dispersant on the market. Naturally, whenever a major disaster takes place — especially when major, society-altering solutions are being offered — one needs to follow the trail of money and power to see who benefits. Sure enough, a casual search of Nalco’s Web site reveals their company history; it leads right to the doorstep of Goldman Sachs.'
Read more: Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf


Whistle Blower to Testify on Oil Spill Worst Fear: BP Deliberately Sinks Oil With Corexit as Cover Up

Friday, 02 July 2010 09:21

'In a shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.
McCallister said, “Everybody in Europe, where the standard practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads, and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added, “Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen".'
Read more: Whistle Blower to Testify on Oil Spill Worst Fear: BP Deliberately Sinks Oil With Corexit as Cover Up

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
well dont read it then, there are others that are interested in reading it.
Really? Who are they? Have you asked if any want to read here what they can find for themselves?
This forum doesnt revolve around you, ya know, or anybody else in particular.
And it isn't for you to play regurgitate the news either. Why not just post a small summary and a link?
It appears you have a dislike for me, thats cool mate, I treat everyone as a friend till they prove otherwise, or is that whats posted is such a concern to you that you dont like being reminded of it all the time........sorry.
Don't flatter yourself, Stretch. I don't think that much about you at all.
Threads that dont hold an interest for me I dont go into.....simple.
The gulf and discussions about the leak in it holds an interest for me. I popped in here to read discussion, not to reread what I already saw elsewhere.
If you dont like what I post then please feel to either go into a thread that does interest you or print off what I post and use as toilet paper, thats the beauty of a free world. :lol:

now, back to reality.............

BP and Government Misleading Public About Safety Of Florida Beaches

Sunday, 04 July 2010 14:35

'As a tide of tarballs from the BP Gulf Oil Spill assaults the Florida coast line local Florida residents, businesses and county officials are demanding action from BP, State, and Federal Government officials in charge of monitoring and responding to the spill. Local residents in Walton County, Florida demanded a Town Hall meeting to discuss the lack of response to the oil assaulting the coast line.
They are also demanding answers to other questions like why local beaches have been declared safe and remain open even though tarballs have been washing ashore for weeks in Florida and the DEP hasn’t tested the waters for hydrocarbons since May 1st.'
Read more: BP and Government Misleading Public About Safety Of Florida Beaches


BP's Oil Spill Fouls Water, Land and Air

Sunday, 04 July 2010 13:51

'Lepori described a living nightmare, reeling off a list of images, one worse than the next. “We went through an oil pool, right at dusk, when we were out looking for the dolphins, trying to make sure that they were all right,” she said. “As soon as we hit this it was like you had cut our air off.
“We couldn’t breathe, we couldn’t speak, we were all throwing up over the side,” she said. “We were all very experienced boat people... We were trying to keep an eye on the dolphins. This is a very special dolphin pod. It’s called the Friendly Dolphins pod. They have lived there for as long as anyone can remember. Essentially they were trapped.” Back in Florida, the couple was on high alert as the rolling slicks of thick gooey brown sludge crossed from Alabama to Florida.'
Read more: BP's Oil Spill Fouls Water, Land and Air


Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf

Saturday, 03 July 2010 10:07

'Illinois-based Nalco Corporation is responsible for the Corexit 9500 chemical dispersant highlighted by experts as being 4 times more toxic than the oil that is flowing into the Gulf. Scientists in congressional hearings added that the dispersant is more toxic than other similar dispersant on the market. Naturally, whenever a major disaster takes place — especially when major, society-altering solutions are being offered — one needs to follow the trail of money and power to see who benefits. Sure enough, a casual search of Nalco’s Web site reveals their company history; it leads right to the doorstep of Goldman Sachs.'
Read more: Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf


Whistle Blower to Testify on Oil Spill Worst Fear: BP Deliberately Sinks Oil With Corexit as Cover Up

Friday, 02 July 2010 09:21

'In a shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.
McCallister said, “Everybody in Europe, where the standard practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads, and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added, “Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen".'
Read more: Whistle Blower to Testify on Oil Spill Worst Fear: BP Deliberately Sinks Oil With Corexit as Cover Up


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Pulmonary Specialist: “Never seen such enormous amounts of exposure”; Swimming in Gulf waters can cause “respiratory failure”

Pulmonary Specialist: “Never seen such enormous amounts of exposure”; Swimming in Gulf waters can cause “respiratory failure” | Florida Oil Spill Law

More bad news for BP as arsenic levels rise in seawater around the Gulf of Mexico


BELEAGUERED energy giant BP was hit with further bad news this morning as it emerged dangerous arsenic levels have been found in seawater around the Gulf of Mexico.
British scientists warned that the oil spill is increasing the level of arsenic in the ocean, and could further add to the devastating impact on the already sensitive environment.

Webmaster's Commentary:
And that asshole Florida Governor is out there telling tourists to come swim at their beaches!

Oil in Lake Pontchartrain

Metairie, Louisiana - Oil from the Gulf of Mexico washing up on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain.
July 4th 2010

Oil in Lake Pontchartrain - Welcome to The Last Outpost - Home to free-thinkers everywhere.

Hundreds of Gulf swimmers complain of illness

July 4th 2010
Hundreds of Gulf swimmers complain of illness - Welcome to The Last Outpost - Home to free-thinkers everywhere.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I NEVER READ any post by JBeee, Blackleaf and Strech, in order to preserve my sanity.
BL's kind of funny sometimes. JellyBeeeen is just the same old "I hate Yanks" crap. It's boring.
I think Stretch drove Les out of this thread. I think this is probably my last visit, too.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Gulf awash in 27,000 abandoned wells — and no one at all is checking to see if they are leaking

More than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells lurk in the hard rock beneath the Gulf of Mexico, an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades. No one — not industry, not government — is checking to see if they are leaking, an Associated Press investigation shows.

Webmaster's Commentary:
More to the point,m how many will start leaking if this lame-ass idea of using a nuke on the Deepwater Horizon site is carried out?