Atheism: The reasons for it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Pain is our the thorn in the side, no matter how good you think your life is there is pain in it, that reminds us that we are mortal.
Even the Apostles were never free from pain. I seem to recall Paul went through a few shipwrecks, I'm not sure if he would have had to fear for his life. Jesus had a mission for him that was not over so He would have kept him safe. Was that a method of keeping him humble rather than being puffed-up, "Hey look at me ,nothing can harm me!".

Even Jesus was 'leery' of death, down to sweating blood and asking if that particular cup could be taken away. God might well have wanted to, but if things were to go according to the plan laid out already, He did have to suffer death.

God certainly has a rather 'relaxed' view on death, it doesn't appear that it costs him anything, and even sending Jesus results in something that would be unlike what most parents would feel.
Ec:12:7: Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Isa:53:10: Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Atheism is true freedom.

I agree but it has come to my attention that not everyone is up to it. Apparently there are a bunch of people that are good only because they think a sky tyrant is watching them. Such people I suppose are incapable of being their own authority.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Apparently there are a bunch of people that are good only because they think a sky tyrant is watching them. Such people I suppose are incapable of being their own authority.

Scott Free,

Although I have no use for religion or sky gods, you have shown that there is a need for both. If not for the two all these people would be running amok, terrorizing all other living things. Let us praise Jeeezuz! for without him we would need protection from some other source.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Ooops! Posted too soon. The beauty of religion as a form of security is that we don't have to pay for it, the believers do.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I agree but it has come to my attention that not everyone is up to it. Apparently there are a bunch of people that are good only because they think a sky tyrant is watching them. Such people I suppose are incapable of being their own authority.
That isn't including the ones who are just even when they have no religious status. What you don't get, and might not ever, is that while you are focused on religion being the cause of strife, the real cause is draining you dry from behind. Maybe you do know it and this is why you are found on all the religious threads.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
while you are focused on religion being the cause of strife, the real cause is draining you dry from behind.


Do you mean like he is getting fum bucked by Satan? the government? Muslim terrorists?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
At this point they are more interested in your wallet, it's later that they will make you air-tight.
Why would it matter where the terrorist came from, are you hinting that Christian terrorists are not as efficient as some other group?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That isn't including the ones who are just even when they have no religious status. What you don't get, and might not ever, is that while you are focused on religion being the cause of strife, the real cause is draining you dry from behind. Maybe you do know it and this is why you are found on all the religious threads.
He is leaking Chi?

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Apparently there are a bunch of people that are good only because they think a sky tyrant is watching them. Such people I suppose are incapable of being their own authority.

Scott Free,

Although I have no use for religion or sky gods, you have shown that there is a need for both. If not for the two all these people would be running amok, terrorizing all other living things. Let us praise Jeeezuz! for without him we would need protection from some other source.

Except religion also gives these people a way to organize themselves and spread terror over the planet.

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion." - Steven Weinberg.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
That isn't including the ones who are just even when they have no religious status. What you don't get, and might not ever, is that while you are focused on religion being the cause of strife, the real cause is draining you dry from behind. Maybe you do know it and this is why you are found on all the religious threads.

I start all the religious threads because I am its victim and am sorting it out. I only ever start threads in the hope someone can add to the topic, add clarity or help my understanding.

Believe it or not MHz, I don't suppose I have everything figured out; as I have said before, I am no longer religious.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Believe it or not MHz, I don't suppose I have everything figured out; as I have said before, I am no longer religious.

Scott Free as an Atheist, you will never figure out all of it, an Atheists does not have the certainty of a Fundamentalist, of Christian or Muslim variety.

Thus, I am an Atheist, but can I say with 100% certainty that God doesn’t exist? I cannot, there is no way we can know with 100% certainty, whether God exists, whether afterlife exists etc. However, I think the possibility of existence of God is so small as to be negligible.

As to an afterlife, there is no way to answer the question whether afterlife exists, and which version of the several hundred floating around is the correct one. I take the view that when there is no way of determining if something exists, there is no way of determining its nature, shape or character even if it exists, to me, that is as good as saying that it doesn’t exist.

But with Atheism, there are no certainties. A Fundamentalist Christian is 100% convinced that he is right and those who disagree with him are bound straight for Hell. Same with a Muslim Fundamentalist. He ‘knows’ that all the Non Muslims and non devout Muslims are headed straight for Hell. You won’t find such certainties with Atheism.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Same with a Muslim Fundamentalist. He ‘knows’ that all the Non Muslims and non devout Muslims are headed straight for Hell.

and if god is taking his sweet time, they will help in speeding up the process.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I start all the religious threads because I am its victim and am sorting it out. I only ever start threads in the hope someone can add to the topic, add clarity or help my understanding.

Believe it or not MHz, I don't suppose I have everything figured out; as I have said before, I am no longer religious.
Might I suggest a comparison of the things that drove you away and w2hat the Bible actually says about it. I willingly admit there are false teachers out there, that doesn't mean the text itself is crap.

So what is the topic of this one? Cliffy brought up a good point, how do you protect yourself from the misguided followers? For me I always double check what somebody it saying, so if they give I verse I go and read the passage, That is usually as far as you have to go to see if the context and time are correct.
In any area where snake-oil can be introduced you have be wary, that doesn't mean it should be avoided or shunned completely as there is an opportunity for deception almost anywhere.

If a Christian kills you you can be pretty safe in assuming he was a liar about being a Christian.

For myself, I'm left wondering how anybody can even grocery shop from a list if words do not appear in their mind in the same likeness that they are in a printed list, now change that over to the Bible. What's usually in the cart is not even close to what was on the list. Is that by design from above or is it something that is being done intentionally by the ones who come up with the negative remarks?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If a Christian kills you you can be pretty safe in assuming he was a liar about being a Christian.

There are a lot of misguided people out there because they let other people guide them. The path is narrow, it is a personal journey. The relationship between a person and their creator is personal. One may find solace in any number of books, teachings or disciplines. None is any better or worse that the next. It is all a matter of what is right for the individual.

I think the bible is fiction. I have plenty of evidence. You think the bible is the word of god and I'm sure you have plenty of evidence. Is one of us wrong - No! Because we are only right for ourselves. The truth is only relevant to the beholder. and that as far as I can assertain is the only universal truth.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Is one of us wrong - No! Because we are only right for ourselves.
In the hopes that a little investigation might blow that up.... may I bring up a factor or two.
One object cannot prove (support) two totally opposite viewpoints.
I am with you on part of your statement,(the viewpoint we have of ourselves (to supply meaning)at any certain time, it is a variable because what holds true for us today may not be true tomorrow). If we all read the letters to the 7 churches we would pick one for ourselves that we thought best applied to us and we couldn't help but choose some as belonging in others. (human nature might find most to be in the not doing so good group).