Atheism: The reasons for it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Have you never been interested in your family roots? Don't you want to know where you started so to speak (aside from the womb). Both my husband and myself are very interested in our family roots. We go back several generations to people we could never have known and never will know (until we get to heaven :) that is)(I just couldn't resist that last tidbit). It is so interesting to go back and see where your family lived and where they came from. Gives you an idea of why you are where you are at.

I studied my family roots for about two years, learned all kinds of interesting things, and it
brought all of them much closer to me, there is always a connection to the past, 'they'
were here, just like we are, walked this earth before us, we won't forget them, they have
a place in our hearts.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
I went a little further than that and found that my ancestors were from South Eastern Scotland. My clan is `Lauder`. I had the clan coat of arms made into a ring which I where to this day. `A male lion on its hind legs facing to the right (North Sea)`

I also on my mother's side have a lot of family in Nanaimo under the name of Rigets.

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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Have you never been interested in your family roots? Don't you want to know where you started so to speak (aside from the womb). Both my husband and myself are very interested in our family roots. We go back several generations to people we could never have known and never will know (until we get to heaven :) that is)(I just couldn't resist that last tidbit). It is so interesting to go back and see where your family lived and where they came from. Gives you an idea of why you are where you are at.
I do know some of my history, somebody other than me did a record search some years back. I already knew things as far back as my grandfather. He ditched most of the 'old ways' when he landed in Canada, some sort of foolishness about adopting the ways of this country over the way things were run 'back there. lol What new life if all the old baggage was still attached? Most people settle in with their ethnic clans, how much does that not make for the same-old, same-old. I concede that some groups do place value on knowing who was alive 1,000 years ago. The guy walking down the sidewalk has more influence on your life today than does anything those ancients did. His history might be more important (to this meeting)than yours if it doesn't goes further back than breakfast.
You have to admit the royals (and others like them)around the world take this to a level that is beyond normal.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
I do know some of my history, somebody other than me did a record search some years back. I already knew things as far back as my grandfather. He ditched most of the 'old ways' when he landed in Canada, some sort of foolishness about adopting the ways of this country over the way things were run 'back there. lol What new life if all the old baggage was still attached? Most people settle in with their ethnic clans, how much does that not make for the same-old, same-old. I concede that some groups do place value on knowing who was alive 1,000 years ago. The guy walking down the sidewalk has more influence on your life today than does anything those ancients did. His history might be more important (to this meeting)than yours if it doesn't goes further back than breakfast.
You have to admit the royals (and others like them)around the world take this to a level that is beyond normal.

Your `roots` are of importance to only you. They made you what you are, but that's a question of comprehension.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Atheism: The reasons for it.


Although we all are guilty of pride now and then, including Christians, this is a major reason why people won't accept God into there lives.

If you wish to stop putting yourself first, and make something else rule over you life, shouldn't that thing be the one true God who is so powerful that he created the whole universe, gave you free will to choose him or reject him, AND created a wide open door to him and heaven?

The door is heaven is wide open. Cast away your pride, and walk through the door. God will rejoice like how the Father of the prodigal son rejoiced when his lost son came back! In fact, the word says all of heaven rejoices:

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. -- Luke 15:7


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
What a bunch of tripe. I can't believe in something I don't believe in, it's so simple
even my dog understands it.
Can't you people get it into your heads that everyone doesn't believe in a god, it's
OK, we are who we are, and not all the same. Get a grip.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
...make something else rule over you life...
Why would I want to do that? My life's been pretty satisfactory so far with me running it, I don't see any value in surrendering control of it to some fictitious sky pixie. Atheists are atheists because they are unconvinced by the evidence believers offer for their beliefs. Pride has nothing to do with it. It's about understanding things as they are, not as we might wish them to be.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Are you practicing to be a TV Evangelist? Sure sounds like it. Just don't get caught in the men's room at an airport trying to pick up guys when you get rich.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008

Are you practicing to be a TV Evangelist? Sure sounds like it. Just don't get caught in the men's room at an airport trying to pick up guys when you get rich.

Why not, Cliffy? I understand the money is good, babes are aplenty and you can live high on the hog on tax free money. I wouldn’t have minded if my son had decided to become a TV evangelist instead of a doctor (though I would have advised him to salt away a few billion dollars in an overseas bank and take a powder when things got too hot).


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Freedom: The reasons for it.


Although we all are guilty of pride now and then, including slaves, this is a major reason why people won't accept slavemasters into there lives.

If you wish to stop putting yourself first, and make something else rule over you life, shouldn't that thing be the one slavemaster who is so powerful that he created the whole slave trade, took your free will to choose him or reject him, AND created a wide beautiful door for his villa?

The door to slavery is wide open. Cast away your pride, and walk through the door. The slavemaster will rejoice like how the father of the prodigal son rejoiced when his lost son came back!

I totally find this convincing.