That depends on whose translation you believe.
The fact is that only Man is created in God's image. He was around BEFORE Woman, and he was created in the image of God in EVERY way, including gender. When God made an image of himself iN EVERY way - including the gender he sees Himself as - what did he make? A MAN.
When God showed himself to the people 2000 years ago he showed himself in His image - as a MAN, NOT as a woman,.
A woman's womanness means she CANNOT be an exact image of God. If she was an exact image of god a woman would be a man, but clearly she isn't.
Did you start with Chapter One of the bible yet, seems you missed a huge section of creation. Remember our grammar school lessons of humankind always refers to humankind as man. That is implied for it is a male dominant and patriarchal writing, but that both men and women are part of humankind, which gets shortened to the term "man" in most historical writings.
Gen 1 "26 And God said, Let us make man in OUR IMAGE after OUR LIKENESS: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Gen 1" 27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; MALE and FEMALE created he them.
So a contradiction exists even there.
Further, God says OUR image and OUR Likeness which immediately is followed with MALE AND FEMALE at the same time. humankind when the word "Man" is used for indicating both male and female populations. You would realize this from grammar school.
God says no name and no image exists, yet men have painted God in only a mans image and forgot that God and claimed God was a he. Whereas, we do not know and obviously if God created humans in OUR image, it means God is both male and female. Females are not some after thought or else you would not exist.