Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario

Just like Christianna's It also isn't our fault if men aren't taught self control comment, isn't it love? Except rather than being derided as being sexist, she was given three green-plusses.

As I thought, you're still taking the quote out of context as she was directly referring to the OP.

Typical of you to do so, but sad that you must always cherry pick in order to make even a lame point and rationalize you're own ignorant statements.

You can stand by what you like darling. You're still wrong.

Sorry cupcake but I'm not. At least not about you.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
As I thought, you're still taking the quote out of context as she was directly referring to the OP.

I don't care who she was referring to. She's still proven herself to be the misandrist that she is.

Sorry cupcake but I'm not. At least not about you.

I'm afraid you are, love. You're wrong, and you always will be, no matter how many times I try to show you the constant errors of your ways.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I don't care who she was referring to. She's still proven herself to be the misandrist that she is.

Good grief you are thick! Subtlety and innuendo exist about 12 feet above your head.:roll:

I'm afraid you are, love. You're wrong, and you always will be, no matter how many times I try to show you the constant errors of your ways.

"No I'm not, you are."

Wow, you're not even really that interesting to argue with.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.

As we see , age has nothing to do with wisdom or simply common sense.............



Nominee Member
Dec 28, 2013
[/QUOTE]Blackleaf;1847152] Not originally, they didn't. Adam was created first, and he created Eve out of his rib.[/QUOTE]

Before I begin, a disclaimer on two counts is in order and I do hope you read through to the end, sorry it is longer than planned:

First: I respect men and women and believe they are created to collaborate & compliment their strengths and attributes. Nor do I claim to know exactly how the first humans came about. However, male and female should ideally work together because both can't live without the other gender on earth. (Although that is an actual debate in itself, as I will bring into this argument the scientific evidence of female mammal cloning.

Second: I have great respect for the ancient manner of putting some thoughts and words on parchments telling a story of an ancient peoples - scriptures, Hebrew, Christian, Jewish or otherwise ~ in addition to admiration for those peoples from all ancient times who managed to live in harsh environments and still find ways to rise above adversities. And I do not wish to enter a huge debate that has been expounded upon by scholars, biblical and otherwise for over 2000 years as so much as been said, refuted, clarified or found wanting or missing and again scrutinized to the nth degree with many side stories and theories. That topic is inexhaustible (obviously) and not the type of in depth discussion for casual forum.

So you appear to say that Adam was first and woman came from man as if this proves, closes and refutes the statement that men come from women.

  • Why did God alter his beautiful and miraculous design of a womans body and the order of Creation in Genesis Chapter one to authors changing the story centuries later in Genesis Chapter 2? ~ which gives a huge fable about Adam being the "birth" person of human life? A full grown human woman no less, out of his side rib.
  • But facts of human physiology or archeology up to this very day will prove that a man never birthed a whole woman, nor did a woman birth a whole adult woman, much less a man birthing a baby.
  • We all know where babies are formed and come from!
  • Gen 1 states that male and female were created in OUR image and they would rule over all else.
  • God/Higher power or form apparently designed women to birth the human races from the beginning and for all time. No manner of tampering will ever change that truth ~ which chapter Gen 2, 3 serve to denigrate and subjugate women. No amount of tampering with words or annihilating women has changed the FACT that women birth babies (ergo all humans). Ergo men come from women, not the other way around.
  • Why did god only perform this feat of a man birthing a whole woman one time only?
  • Further, the Adam story is still a contradiction to Gen 1 regardless due to the order of creation. God creates male and female in OUR image and likeness after animals etc and tells them to rule over all. The second chapter totally changes the order of creation leaving adam in a barren land and god creates animals after? 1st creation story says God creates all things first and male and female are last. So there is a big mix up and to be highly questioned there alone.
  • It seems God changes minds over who will birth babies? or what?
  • Sadly, those ancient ignorant fables kept women bound to men in unhealthy ways for the most part.
  • And many men and laws (not all men for there are many good men) have been abusing/using/justifiying those words to control women ever since.
  • Even Moses (a revered prophet and guidee of much goodness) commanded killing off innocent women and children and commanding virgins be captured, and hence captured to be wives by force and violence- hence rape. Numbers 31 tells that story of the lack of value for girls or women. Many more like it in the OT.
  • So, without getting into huge treatise, which has been said and done and one can discover, study and discern for themselves -
  • Would you agree that women form babies in their WOMBS and birth babies? and then do those babies in turn grow into adult men or women? (takes about 18 years and sometimes some never really mature to adulthood - another topic).
  • For further points of interest.
  • Cloning proves that females can reproduce themselves without the aid of male sperm.
  • Funny how that bible fable turns tables in that a female bone dna can recreate another life. Again this debunks the male bone rib theory quite neatly.
  • Now God/higher power made that design of a female physiology and mind, body, spirit and if God made perfection, then why did God change his/her mind from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 (which by the way was written centuries later when the middle eastern tribes were warring with the peaceful primarily female led agrarian societies) circ. 6000 bc. Etc.
  • Further, Jesus never directly names the first humans as Adam and Eve, nor does Jesus refer to Adams superiority over Eve.
  • Nor does Jesus mention that a woman is a "helpmate" or a kind of afterthought to help out a man.
  • You have provided no proof that a man/male skeletal or otherwise birthed a whole human woman - which was pulled out of his side.
  • So it cannot be used in a debate about male superiority being Gods will., nor can one say that Adam came first or that woman came from man.
  • Ideally a Christian looks to the OT as a form of historical wanderings and learnings of ancient people discovering nature versus God ~ a lot of myths and fables form a part of those ancient bronze age writings and thoughts. (The NT is more advanced but still axial age impressions).
Ergo, the statement stands unrefuted, unless you can provide some solid evidence to indicate otherwise:
Male (babies) who become men ~ come originally from WOMBAN (WOMAN) not the other way around.

It does appear a self evident truth, but at same time we leave it up to true life, experience and research for each individual to discern. :)
Side note: A Christian ideally should look only to what JESUS says on this matter. (Note, I did not refer to Paul, or anyone else, only Jesus because Jesus is the final authority according to Christians). Caps mine.

Instead Jesus says. Mark 10:6-9
"Jesus replied. 6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male AND female.’[a] 7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8 and the two will become one flesh.’[c] So they are no longer two, but one flesh."

I believe that hypotheses has been widely accepted as being Bullsh*t!
You are so much more to the point than I am! :)


Jan 6, 2007
Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too.

You don't have to make up excuses for why you stick with men. It's okay.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The fission or self-splitting of the nuclei of tiny cells into two halves to reproduce life portrays the grander operations in the heavens and proclaims the universality of the law.
The first verse of Genesis, then, states this initial event, the passing of life from uni-polarity to bi-polarity. Life must first bifurcate into subject and object. The statement must be taken, however, as purely philosophical, with abstract significance only; it does not refer toNew Lectures on the Ancient Wisdom--No 7. Let There be Light on Genesis



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.

Sal- The man is just plain dumb and ignorant - A rare combination but self evident from his posts.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Funny that you jump on her sexism as the 'first', when she was replying to the OP' sexism. Bit blind to it when men do it are we?

Ahem- Karrie
They warned BL,if he did it long enough he would go blind.


Nominee Member
Dec 28, 2013
The fission or self-splitting of the nuclei of tiny cells into two halves to reproduce life portrays the grander operations in the heavens and proclaims the universality of the law.
The first verse of Genesis, then, states this initial event, the passing of life from uni-polarity to bi-polarity. Life must first bifurcate into subject and object. The statement must be taken, however, as purely philosophical, with abstract significance only; it does not refer toNew Lectures on the Ancient Wisdom--No 7. Let There be Light on Genesis

Is supposed to be your response to saying Adam - a man had a whole woman pulled out of his rib? and this proves that a woman comes from man? or what are you saying? Genesis 1 is actually quite a beautiful expression of the possible beginning of earth and life on earth. But Genesis 2 is to be debunked and debated due to the damages it has caused. The claim that a man birthed a woman out of his rib and hence justified the denigration and subjugation of women for millenia.
Your link to a scientific fascinating explanation - still does not refute that the inherent design of male and female is that man comes originally from woman in our earthly realm.

The fission or self-splitting of the nuclei of tiny cells into two halves to reproduce life portrays the grander operations in the heavens and proclaims the universality of the law.
The first verse of Genesis, then, states this initial event, the passing of life from uni-polarity to bi-polarity. Life must first bifurcate into subject and object. The statement must be taken, however, as purely philosophical, with abstract significance only; it does not refer toNew Lectures on the Ancient Wisdom--No 7. Let There be Light on Genesis

Sorry, perhaps I am mistaken and you are on another topic regarding Genesis and creation. I am still referring to another posters claim that man came from woman with reference to Adam and Eve as proof.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Is supposed to be your response to saying Adam - a man had a whole woman pulled out of his rib? and this proves that a woman comes from man? or what are you saying? Genesis 1 is actually quite a beautiful expression of the possible beginning of earth and life on earth. But Genesis 2 is to be debunked and debated due to the damages it has caused. The claim that a man birthed a woman out of his rib and hence justified the denigration and subjugation of women for millenia.
Your link to a scientific fascinating explanation - still does not refute that the inherent design of male and female is that man comes originally from woman in our earthly realm.

I intended only to suggest that we come from and because of each other. Unless a man fertilizes a woman normally that woman will be barren in our earthly realm. To make a new basket for life both bifurcations of the one must be one again, and that initiates a fusion event resulting in a baby.

Is supposed to be your response to saying Adam - a man had a whole woman pulled out of his rib? and this proves that a woman comes from man? or what are you saying? Genesis 1 is actually quite a beautiful expression of the possible beginning of earth and life on earth. But Genesis 2 is to be debunked and debated due to the damages it has caused. The claim that a man birthed a woman out of his rib and hence justified the denigration and subjugation of women for millenia.
Your link to a scientific fascinating explanation - still does not refute that the inherent design of male and female is that man comes originally from woman in our earthly realm.

Sorry, perhaps I am mistaken and you are on another topic regarding Genesis and creation. I am still referring to another posters claim that man came from woman with reference to Adam and Eve as proof.

Don't be sorry be happy enjoy the nutty conversations. Miscommunications are the best.


Nominee Member
Dec 28, 2013
I intended only to suggest that we come from and because of each other. Unless a man fertilizes a woman normally that woman will be barren in our earthly realm. To make a new basket for life both bifurcations of the one must be one again, and that initiates a fusion event resulting in a baby.

Don't be sorry be happy enjoy the nutty conversations. Miscommunications are the best.
Ah, excellent. However, there still remains ponderings and gives rise to more questions.

Male and female were created in OUR image in Genesis 1. Which is fascinating and implies that God is not just one male entity, but a combination thereof of male and female or separate Gods or as you kindly provided the science on one point that splitting of cells from one go back to one. A good explanation of a "Godly form" or Universal power beyond our understanding in reality.

In the end, though, we have male and female. Males on earth are all formed and born originally from the womb of women. That is what is the truth and cannot be denied so far.

The other interesting, but scary note: cloning does prove that the female form is capable of replicating itself given the right environment ~ taken and implanted from dna cells from her own body. We would not want to see human experiments that cap the already proven Dolly the Sheep et all mammals from cloning.

However, in this no sperm required, which lends a whole new Universe of exploration and thought as to the real origin of humans which brings us to your findings about cell splitting and oneness. Always learning new things. Thanks.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
God created woman last because she is the crowning glory of its creation.

Blackhead, you are so full of it. Go back to your your circle jerk with your poofter boy friends.


Nominee Member
Dec 28, 2013
I intended only to suggest that we come from and because of each other. Unless a man fertilizes a woman normally that woman will be barren in our earthly realm. To make a new basket for life both bifurcations of the one must be one again, and that initiates a fusion event resulting in a baby.

Don't be sorry be happy enjoy the nutty conversations. Miscommunications are the best.
Ah, well it is a very interesting conversation!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Male and female were created in OUR image in Genesis 1

No, they weren't. O

Man - Adam - was created in GOD'S image.

Woman - Eve - was not a direct creation of God but rather an aside taken from Man - Adam's rib - and therefore Woman is in the image of Man, not God.

Adam lived alone amongst the birds and animals and plants of the Garden of Eden before Eve was created.

1 Corinthians 11:7 - 9

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover [his] head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.
9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

In the end, though, we have male and female. Males on earth are all formed and born originally from the womb of women. That is what is the truth and cannot be denied so far.
It takes both males and females equally to produce a child. Did nobody teach you the birds and the bees?