Wokeism will DESTROY civilization… here’s how to stop it before it’s too late


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
And the Covid vaccine turns you into a magnetic 5G antenna.
Nah, just stupid games to fuck with people's lives. Saw some doctor from the WHO saying do NOT mix 'n' match vaccines. Meanwhile our idiot govt had previously told us the people who had their first vaccine could get their second one from a different manufacturer, as long as there was "informed consent". Yep, really makes me wanna rush out and get it.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Nah, just stupid games to fuck with people's lives. Saw some doctor from the WHO saying do NOT mix 'n' match vaccines. Meanwhile our idiot govt had previously told us the people who had their first vaccine could get their second one from a different manufacturer, as long as there was "informed consent". Yep, really makes me wanna rush out and get it.
The government of Canada really screwed the pooch on the vaccine rollout in literally every area.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

'Let them die!': NAACP leader blasts parents marching against critical race theory being taught at Virginia middle school - and ends up being sent on 'sensitivity training' by the state PTA for her rant

  • NAACP Vice President Michelle Leete made the inflammatory comments to a crowd at Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church, Fairfax County, Thursday
  • The crowd had gathered to counter-protest a group of parents who were holding a 'Stop CRT rally' at the school
  • Leete is Vice President of her local NAACP chapter, Vice President of Training at the Virginia state PTA and VP of Communications for the Fairfax County PTA
  • The PTA said her words 'do not reflect the values' of the group and she will be sent on 'sensitivity training' to learn about the 'impact of the words we use'
  • The incident comes as parents, schools and activists across America are going to war over CRT being taught to children

PUBLISHED: 02:14 EDT, 17 July 2021 | UPDATED: 12:41 EDT, 17 July 2021
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Court Rules California Law Requiring Nursing Home Staff to Refer to Transgender Residents by Their Preferred Pronouns Violates First Amendment

By Cristina Laila
Published July 21, 2021 at 2:24pm

Meh, okay, then if I were a patient there I'd request a new staff member to look after me. If a staff member can't be respectful enough to treat me as a patient or treat my loved one the way they should, then that staff member doesn't need to have anything to do with me/my loved one what so ever.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Meh, okay, then if I were a patient there I'd request a new staff member to look after me. If a staff member can't be respectful enough to treat me as a patient or treat my loved one the way they should, then that staff member doesn't need to have anything to do with me/my loved one what so ever.
“The law compels long-term care facility staff to alter the message they would prefer to convey,” the court reasoned, adding that the ban “burdens speech more than is required” to reach the state’s objective of eliminating discrimination including harassment on the basis of sex.
Referring to residents other than by their preferred gender “may be disrespectful, discourteous, and insulting,” Associate Justice Elena Duarte wrote on behalf of the three-judge panel. But it can also be a way “to express an ideological disagreement with another person’s expressed gender identity.”
“The pronoun provision at issue here tests the limits of the government’s authority to restrict pure speech that, while potentially offensive or harassing to the listener, does not necessarily create a hostile environment,” she wrote, adding italics to “potentially” and “necessarily.”
Transgender activists said they will challenge the court’s decision.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Wow, just got 7 days in FB jail telling people that "green tech" is lie and simply transfers the burden of destruction. The f*cking little snowflake I was commenting to took exception to his ALT-left narrative being countered and actually sent in a report, which of course the ALT-left cretins at FB decided went against their community standards. Apparently I hurt his feelings with the truth
There you have it folks. That's where society is sitting right now. If you "offend" someone with facts and truth, you get censored.

Man, that asteroid can't get here soon enough.
Well, since Serryah thinks censorship is funny, this is what I said to the little shmuck who reacted poorly upon learning about Lake Baotou.

"Gosh really? Coal slurry is bad? Thanks a bunch there captain obvious. Let's talk about lithium. When mined from hard rock the mineral is then "roasted" using..wait for it...fossil fuels, requires 500,000 GALLONS of water to produce 1 tonne of lithium and generates 15 tonnes of CO2 equivalent for every tonne of lithium produced. It produces toxic tailings ponds. When extracted from salt flats like in the Andes, you still have tailings ponds as well as farmers downstream of the mines seeing the water flow to a trickle. Meaning less food is being grown. Then there's cobalt which has been described as "uniquely terrible" and of course nickel. Nickel salts are incredibly toxic and are a byproduct of nickel mining and refining. Maybe go read the history of the Sudbury Inco Mine."

So by all means Serryah, do tell me what needed to be so desperately censored by FB there. Since you found my FB suspension so amusing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Meh, okay, then if I were a patient there I'd request a new staff member to look after me. If a staff member can't be respectful enough to treat me as a patient or treat my loved one the way they should, then that staff member doesn't need to have anything to do with me/my loved one what so ever.
If you can't decide if you are male or female, you get called what you look like. It is extremely disrespectful to insist others call you something you are obviously not.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well, since Serryah thinks censorship is funny, this is what I said to the little shmuck who reacted poorly upon learning about Lake Baotou.

"Gosh really? Coal slurry is bad? Thanks a bunch there captain obvious. Let's talk about lithium. When mined from hard rock the mineral is then "roasted" using..wait for it...fossil fuels, requires 500,000 GALLONS of water to produce 1 tonne of lithium and generates 15 tonnes of CO2 equivalent for every tonne of lithium produced. It produces toxic tailings ponds. When extracted from salt flats like in the Andes, you still have tailings ponds as well as farmers downstream of the mines seeing the water flow to a trickle. Meaning less food is being grown. Then there's cobalt which has been described as "uniquely terrible" and of course nickel. Nickel salts are incredibly toxic and are a byproduct of nickel mining and refining. Maybe go read the history of the Sudbury Inco Mine."

So by all means Serryah, do tell me what needed to be so desperately censored by FB there. Since you found my FB suspension so amusing.

Aww, but Jinny, I wasn't laughing at your being paused on FB for 7 days.

I actually agree that 'green tech' isn't all that 'green' to begin with.

I was laughing at your reaction to being put in FB jail. I'm certain if anyone else posted that they got put in FB jail you'd be all over them for complaining. Yet... here you were.

So yes, hilarious!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If you can't decide if you are male or female, you get called what you look like. It is extremely disrespectful to insist others call you something you are obviously not.

... Except that, you know, that's not how it happened. But we all know you don't respect trans people so...
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Do you respect other people when their opinion differs from yours?

It depends on how that 'opinion' is presented. If it's in wilful ignorance even after being given proof of otherwise, then no, no I don't.

Example: "Trans people aren't real."
"Trans people are real, science says so and here's x proof."
"But science of x years ago said no so no they don't, they never have."

At that point, your 'opinion' is wilful ignorance. It's not opinion anymore, so no you don't get 'respect'.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Aww, but Jinny, I wasn't laughing at your being paused on FB for 7 days.

I actually agree that 'green tech' isn't all that 'green' to begin with.

I was laughing at your reaction to being put in FB jail. I'm certain if anyone else posted that they got put in FB jail you'd be all over them for complaining. Yet... here you were.

So yes, hilarious!
No, that's just you making assumptions. If someone was suspended from FB JUST for stating demonstrable, empirical facts I wouldn't be all over them for complaining about it. Getting put in FB jail for knowingly spreading bullshit is one thing. Getting put in FB jail for stating a vicious pack of truths is called censorship, no matter who ya are.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
No, that's just you making assumptions. If someone was suspended from FB JUST for stating demonstrable, empirical facts I wouldn't be all over them for complaining about it. Getting put in FB jail for knowingly spreading bullshit is one thing. Getting put in FB jail for stating a vicious pack of truths is called censorship, no matter who ya are.

I admit, I am assuming you'd have your typical "you're a libtard" or whatever other insults to throw at someone who might be put in FB jail but I'm basing that on the fact that you rarely have anything positive to say about anyone at any point (unless they're lock step into agreeing with you, then they're okay).

But anyway, what you said isn't why I was laughing; your snowflake reaction was. :)