Wokeism will DESTROY civilization… here’s how to stop it before it’s too late


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I guess not peacefully looking for equal rights eh?

AMERICAN NEWS Jun 29, 2021 6:50 PM EST

Egyptian migrant beaten by Pride Parade attendees thought he was going to die

"When I saw the blood in my cap and I was bleeding from my nose, I thought I was going to bleed to death," the vendor said.

65-year-old Egyptian immigrant Nader Hassaneen came out of retirement from being a street vendor back on Sunday, to help a friend of his son. The food cart worker was severely beaten at some time before 11 pm Sunday evening, on the grounds of an accusation by a "Pride Parade" crowd that he made a hateful slur, according to the New York Post.

"I would never do that. I don't have a problem with them, I know it was their parade. It was their day. They came out to have fun and enjoy themselves," Hassaneen said.....More

Yeah, assholes and shitheads happen in all groups. Just like the people who beat this guy. If he didn't say anything, they should be charged for what they did.

That's if he didn't say anything.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Funfact - no it's not and you're fearmongering, but...
Yes, it is and you're in denial. Critical Race Theory blames Whitey for ALL of the world's ills and evils.

Critical Race Theory says I'm a racist JUST because of my skin colour.

Critical Race Theory blames the evil White patriarchy for Black people who have amounted to f*ck all yet refuses to acknowledge the MANY successful Black people in North America and ignores the many White people who have amounted to f*ck all. Gee, who do they get to blame for being failures?

CRT states the entirety of the Western World is systemically racist, despite the mound of evidence that it is by and large NOT systemically racist.

CRT suggests that every White person alive today, especially straight White males, are somehow responsible for slavery, colonization, racism and imperialism. Ya know, despite the fact those things were long in existence well before European domination.

CRT also gives licence for minorities to steal from White people with impunity. And don't try to play dumb about that one. There are several Democrat run states with Democrat D.A.s that have stated publicly that they will no longer be prosecuting "non-violent" crimes. So basically anything goes as long as no one is assaulted or killed. Oh wait, the video I posted above shows that assault is okay too, as long as the victim, I mean "racial oppressor", is White. There are Democrats in the US who have literally stated that Black people have the right to steal from White people because White people owe them and we have insurance anyway.
And then they admonish us by stating that our stuff isn't worth killing someone over. Well f*ck that, tell the criminal scum that other people's stuff isn't worth getting killed over.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yeah, assholes and shitheads happen in all groups. Just like the people who beat this guy. If he didn't say anything, they should be charged for what they did.

That's if he didn't say anything.
Maybe he did. And maybe the ALT-left assholes misheard or misunderstood what he said because of his accent and decided as per usual that assault is a perfectly acceptable response to being "offended".


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
CRT suggests that every White person alive today, especially straight White males, are somehow responsible for slavery, colonization, racism and imperialism. Ya know, despite the fact those things were long in existence well before European domination.

All that does is shores up the misbeliefs of superiority.

All that whites did to get ahead was the management of, application of and sharing of knowledge.

Why is that a sin?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Hard labour/death camps - Nazi Germany; just for existing.

Not hard labour, but jailed or charged just for being gay.

Capitol punishment just for gay acts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_for_homosexuality
Got off pretty easy compared to being a Ukrainian under Hitler's rules

Understanding the Ukrainians in WWII Part 3. Of German plans and German collaborators.

But despite posing as liberators from the starvation and misery inflicted by “Godless” or “Jewish” Bolshevism, as Nazi propaganda put it, Hitler’s planners also used starvation as a weapon, killings millions of designated “racial enemies” the Slavs, including Ukrainians. On August 11 1939, Hitler told Carl Burckhardt that he needed control of Ukraine so that “no one can starve us out as they did in the last war.” In Nazi genocidal thinking, keeping the Germans at home fed would come at the complete expense of the peoples of Eastern Europe. Discussing what the possibility of starving millions of Ukrainians meant, armaments specialist Hans Laykauf wrote on December 2 1941:

Scooping off the agricultural surplus in the Ukraine for the purpose of feeding the Reich is therefore only feasible if traffic in the interior of the Ukraine is diminished to a minimum. The attempt will be made to achieve this:
  1. by annihilation of superfluous eaters (Jews, population of the Ukrainian big cities, which like Kyiv do not receive any supplies at all);
  2. by extreme reduction of the rations allocated to the Ukrainians in the remaining cities;
  3. by decrease of the food of the farming population. […]
When we shoot the Jews to death, allow the POWs to die, expose considerable portions of the urban population to starvation and in the upcoming year also lose a part of the rural population to hunger, the question remains to be answered: who is actually supposed to produce economic values? [6]
Under the Generalplan Ost, the German master-plan for colonisation of the East of Europe, 65% of the inhabitants of western Ukraine would either be starved to death or scheduled to be deported to Siberia.
Regardless of Laykauf’s short term thinking, in the long run the answer to his question was going to be the Germans themselves. The very concepts of “Ukraine” as a state and “Ukrainian” as a people were going to be eliminated, and the territory of Ukraine, like the territory of Russia was going to become Lebensraum – Germanised and colonised “Living Space” for the German volk. To this end, under German rule the Ukrainian lands were going to be partitioned, the largest portion of which (with over 17 million inhabitants) came in the form of a civil administrative territory approved by Hitler on August 21 1941 designed to oversee the Germanification of most of Western Ukraine and including territory outside of Ukraine’s contemporary borders – The Reichskommissariat Ukraine. It was to be headed by Erich Koch, a man who is on record as having stated, “If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.” [7]

And when the forced laborers were returned to Russia under the surrender repatriation agreement Stalin sent them off to Siberia to never be heard from again

And people TODAY are still being charged with crimes, being harassed, killed, exiled from their homes, denied rights, just for being 'on the spectrum'. There are kids, right now, being kicked out of homes for being gay, or beaten up for being gay (even if it's not true, if they just 'look' it) and there are trans people dying for being trans.

So their lives don't mean jack because their situation isn't exactly like Ukrainian lives?

"Isolation": Donetsk's Torture Prison - Foreign Policy Blogs

In 2017-2019, he was incarcerated in the Donetsk "Isolation" torture prison before being freed in a prisoners' exchange. Since 2020, he has worked as an Expert on the occupied Donbas territories at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv. Andreas Umland is general editor of the ibidem Press book series "Soviet and Post-Soviet ...
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yes, it is and you're in denial. Critical Race Theory blames Whitey for ALL of the world's ills and evils.

Critical Race Theory says I'm a racist JUST because of my skin colour.

Critical Race Theory blames the evil White patriarchy for Black people who have amounted to f*ck all yet refuses to acknowledge the MANY successful Black people in North America and ignores the many White people who have amounted to f*ck all. Gee, who do they get to blame for being failures?

CRT states the entirety of the Western World is systemically racist, despite the mound of evidence that it is by and large NOT systemically racist.

CRT suggests that every White person alive today, especially straight White males, are somehow responsible for slavery, colonization, racism and imperialism. Ya know, despite the fact those things were long in existence well before European domination.

CRT also gives licence for minorities to steal from White people with impunity. And don't try to play dumb about that one. There are several Democrat run states with Democrat D.A.s that have stated publicly that they will no longer be prosecuting "non-violent" crimes. So basically anything goes as long as no one is assaulted or killed. Oh wait, the video I posted above shows that assault is okay too, as long as the victim, I mean "racial oppressor", is White. There are Democrats in the US who have literally stated that Black people have the right to steal from White people because White people owe them and we have insurance anyway.
And then they admonish us by stating that our stuff isn't worth killing someone over. Well f*ck that, tell the criminal scum that other people's stuff isn't worth getting killed over.
Have you ever read CRT?

Or just right-wingers telling you what's in CRT?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Have you ever read CRT?

Or just right-wingers telling you what's in CRT?
I know what it is. And it's from that the rest of the shit flows. Critically examining US law as it intersects with issues of race is a joke. Voter ID laws affect ALL poor people equally. If you can't afford official ID you don't get a free pass just because you ain't Black. There also sure don't seem to be any laws preventing People of Colour from attaining Office. Nor is it the domain of govt to create laws forcing private companies to hire and promote based on racial quotas.
And as I stated previously, several Democrat run states with Democrat D.A.s have publicly stated they will no longer prosecute "non-violent crimes", the catalyst for that call being the death of George Floyd.
I will contend that the justice system is one area that certainly needs a hard look into when it comes to outcomes for Black people.

But if you really wanna know who's getting the shaft, it's Black women. The basically get f*cked over from all directions.
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Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
I would agree with you but then we'd both be wrong and stupid. Capitalism is an inherent human right. The thing is, you're such a programmed little drone you mistake 20th capitalism for actual capitalism. The garbage that's been passed of as capitalism for the last 75 years or so is actually an insult to everything real capitalism stands for,
Capitalism is neither inherently good or bad. It's just is. Look, on paper communism is the purest form of govt, However in practice it's been an unmitigated disaster for every country that's gone that route. Why? Because people are the problem. Newsflash: Human are inherently flawed therefore anything they create will be inherently flawed.
When Churchill stated that "Democracy is the worst form of govt, except for every other form of govt" it was a tacit admissions that all systems of governing suck. Democracies suck a little less only because there are supposedly checks and balances to "prevent" things like dictatorships.
But when you program a bunch of commie drones right from day 1, well they don't care about those checks and balances because communism is like cool and shit.

Commies like using things like democracy and freedom as their clarion call while demonizing all those they oppose because it gets the suckers who don't know three fifths of f*ck all about history to go along with it. I can guarantee you, if the previous president hadn't been Trump and just an actual Republican who wasn't a f*cking worthless RINO, the Democrats would have pulled much of the same shit. Just like Socks McGroper up here accusing everyone who opposes his hugely irresponsible policies of engaging in the politics of division when that asshole is the champion of the politics of division.

You simply can't educate schizophrenic, alcoholic mongrels regrettably.
This is a person who thinks China invented COVID in a lab after all.
A person who quotes Churchill, a vile, genocidal racist no better than Hitler.
A person who thinks communism is attractive to many because "it's CoOl And ShiT" , unlike many 'capitalist supporters' who are basically zombified by shiny things, hate the poor, and live in their own privileged bubble. Communism couldn't be attractive because poverty is astronomical under capitalism and only worsening in the wealthiest countries. No that couldn't be it.
Fuck off, smash your head into a concrete brick a couple times it could actually help you as a form of lobotomy.