What happened to $37 million in cash from the Clinton Foundation that was supposed to go towards Haiti relief in 2010? – GOVTSLAVES.INFO
Oh my!
Methinks that Clinton isn't quite out of the woods yet.
I wonder how she feels about the Dems poking the bear knowing that she and hers might be heavily exposed.
Poor LIE-berals- trying to distract from the public shame of being reduced to indoctrinating little kids in Toronto- because all the adults LAUGH at them!
LIE-berals whining about Clinton while trying to hide the poison they are spreading in our schools- using OUR tax money against us- and that nasty habit may just be curtailed in the next year or so - as disgraced LIE-beral leaders have their wings clipped!
Here is an article detailing the creeping poison LIE-berals are feeding our kids. With some comments of my own in brackets):
Toronto District School Board chair defends controversial Islamic guidebook
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A letter written by the chair of the Toronto District School Board concerning their controversial Islamic Heritage Month guidebook chastises a national Jewish group and reveals the board was not as eager to tone the guide down as previously thought.
(Gosh- what a surprise that LIE-berals do not want to give up pushing Muslim issues on us! The chosen supporters of LIE-beral party are to be defended at any cost by muddled LIE-berals who think Cdns born here are INFERIOR to those who chose to come here- so says Our idiot Boy Justin!)
On Monday, I reported that the TDSB was temporarily recalling and revising their Islamic Heritage Month guidebook following a complaint from advocacy group B’nai Brith Canada.
The guide, compiled by volunteers but stamped with the TDSB logo, recommends a number of religious intrusions in the classroom ranging from the explaining and reciting of the Muslim greeting “As-salamu alaykum” (peace be upon you) during morning announcements to having children make paper cut-outs of famous mosques.
(As we already know- TDSB staff would be outraged if a Priest showed up with an invite to make cutouts of famous cathedrals! The separation of church and state does NOT apply to Muslims! This is LIE-beral bigotry!)
But it was the guidebook’s definition of the phrase Islamophobia that caused B’nai Brith to send off a complaint, calling it “fear, prejudice, hatred or dislike directed against Islam or Muslims, or towards Islamic politics or culture.”
The Jewish advocacy group in their original press release saw big problems with this: “The TDSB definition, if enforced, could lead to punishment for students or teachers who display ‘dislike’ towards the persecution of LGBTQ people in the Islamic Republic of Iran, harsh restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia, and Palestinian terrorism against Israelis, all of which are examples of ‘Islamic politics’.”
(LIE-berals appear to be working diligently to use Islamophobia as a hammer to silence critics of ANY LIE-beral policy! You can like them or love them but you are NOT permitted to hate them no matter how BADLY wrong they are!)
The board promptly informed B’nai Brith Canada that they’d be temporarily recalling the guide and altering its definition of Islamophobia to align with that of the Ontario Human Rights Code. It was unclear if they’d be addressing the document’s other troubling elements.
(Telling us they will be “aligning with Human Rights code” is an admission they will be adhering to LIE-beral reverse bigotry!)
But a letter from TDSB Chair Robin Pilkey not only suggests there will be no more changes, but that the one change they’ve agreed to was only made begrudgingly.
Pilkey writes about B’nai Brith’s concern with a “small section” of the guide and states that “it is not in any way, shape or form, a directive, nor is it enforceable as a policy would be.”
(No- its NOT official- its just unofficial- like the M-103 motion that is not official- but LIE-berals are working hard to MAKE IT OFFICIAL- just as soon as they think our guard is down! As some people have stated- M103 appears to have been a trial balloon to give LIE-berals feedback on how big they can make it legally!)
She then spends about a third of the letter chastising B’nai Brith over their complaint: “The TDSB welcomes important input from the community and from organizations such as B’nai Brith, however we must say that some of the suggestions made in your letter and subsequent news release are outrageous. To suggest that the TDSB is encouraging students to stay silent about what they experienced in their countries of birth or that the TDSB is somehow banning students and educators from criticizing executions and other human rights abuses around the world is categorically untrue.”
(And WHY should we accept TDSB assurances? Supported as they are by LIE-beral moves to BAN Islamophobia- WITHOUT even bothering to define it! Other than to make it clear that being critical of LIE-berals is COVERED by Islamophobia and WILL bring down the wrath of Human Rights but too often Wrong Commission! The attentive citizen will see an OMINOUS pattern here! )
The 170-page guidebook addresses issues such as women’s rights in Islam in an entirely positive light without acknowledging its challenges and controversies.
(If LIE-beral teachers are so certain of positive female civil rights under Islam then why not make female circumcision legal here? Why the LIE-beral silence about an operation that mutilates little girls for life? And since our legal resources are so limited that SEVEN accused KILLERS were released by LIE-beral hug a thug judges this past summer- without the bother of a trial because LIE-berals could not arrange trials in suitable time periods- WHY THEN should we be concerned about Muslim honour killings of Muslim women who are a disappointment to husband!)
“The TDSB is secular and the curriculum and teaching in schools does not promote any particular religious practice, denomination or sect,” Pilkey said in a separate e-mail to the Toronto Sun, addressing parents’ and educators’ concerns with the guidebook. “At the same time, cultural and creed-based heritage months are celebrations of Canadian diversity.” The goal of the guide, Pilkey explains, is “to create awareness and understanding”.
(That`s odd- I certainly have NEVER of a Jewish Heritage Month before? And what of The Holocaust- no special mention of THAT EITHER! In fact the last time I looked- LIE-berals had pretty much given up teaching WW2 history for fear of offending various groups! So why the big push for Muslims- who just happen to be engaged in a WAR with western values and politics?)
The TDSB’s Islamic Heritage Month Twitter account shows some schools are already into the swing of things, retweeting one North York vice principal’s post about reading a children’s book that discusses Islamophobia..
afurey postmedia
(On the plus side- maybe some of our kids WILL eventually get an HONEST education on Islamophobia? All they will need to do is look at the crap spouted at school and compare it to the violence and mayhem on their tv screens? But LIE-berals are not likely to like the conclusions the kids come too with that? Oh well, that`s what LIE-beral will have their legally enforceable version of M 103 for- to SILENCE DISSENT!)