White Privilage


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I'm definitely not a Liberal....Haven't voted Liberal since 1975 and Trudeau senior
And your previous post is still too damn long.........
Plus your constant overuse of the capitalised LIE+beral is somewhat childish and Booooring

Oh! TWO LIE-beral bits of Fake News!

Firstly: When you say "I am not a LIE-beral"- even though we readers can see clearly that you do your muddled best to chew at any anti LIE-beral post you see- we hear a LIE-beral fake news sound bite! This sometimes translates into: "I am NOT a LIE-beral- actually I am an NDPer- the less cunning and less intelligent version of a LIE-beral"!

Secondly- calling a spade a fricking shovel- or in this case calling certain people LIE-berals because the LIE-beral shoe is such a wonderfully precise fit- is simply calling things as they are! If you dont like wearing the LIE-beral label then STOP PRODUCING YOUR FAKE NEWS!

I put up a post calling Our idiot Boy Justin a racist and hate monger because of his reaction to the Coulton Boushie trial. I pointed out that Our idiot Boy does not like the verdict rendered in that trial. I pointed out that Our idiot Boy wants to change our laws to make it easier to get native with anti white sentiments onto juries. I said Our idiot Boy is displaying a serous hatred of white people.

And some LIE-beral wrote me back and said that I was wrong and that Our idiot Boy was NOT upset by the verdict and was not going to show preference for native thieves! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! What a maroon!

In light of this LIE-beral madness- I ask: why it is that right after the trial, Our idiot Boy told us he does not want another verdict like the Boushie one and he is going to immediately look at ways to CHANGE how juries are selected? Unless he is deliberately PLANNING to make it easier for native thieves to escape justice?

12 Cdn citizens selected at random- sat and LISTENED to the full testimony and evidence and rendered their verdict! And Our idiot Boy who NEVER set foot in that court room has immediately run off and started looking for ways to make sure the next jury DOES NOT choose using the values and laws as this one did!

Our idiot Boy and the native voters he has BOUGHT think that the rights of a THIEF are more important than the rights of ordinary Cdns!

Our idiot Boy has just essentially told us that native thieves can take what they want and any white person who tries to stop them is a racist!

Coulton Boushie was accidentally shot by a farmer trying to protect his property from an epidemic of drunk and drug addled THIEVES cruising rural roads ! And Our idiot Boy thinks the farmer and any of his supporters are "systemic racists"! And now that public mood is turning against LIE-berals- they are trying to back peddle away from the racist anti white remarks of Our idiot Boy!

Good luck with that! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Civilization is an oxymoron...

No , they gave them , chips pop and welfare . Bingo Friday at seven .


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I'm definitely not a Liberal....Haven't voted Liberal since 1975 and Trudeau senior
And your previous post is still too damn long.........
Plus your constant overuse of the capitalised LIE+beral is somewhat childish and Booooring

But I bet he looks great in panty hose.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
But I bet he looks great in panty hose.
Here is a simple solution to some of the troubles plaguing Toronto Community Housing. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Move seniors out of TCHC

First posted: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 07:51 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 08:50 PM EDT. Toronto Sun.

Too many seniors living in Toronto’s public housing communities feel trapped and afraid. They live surrounded by gangs, guns, drugs, violence, prostitution, endemic crime and unstable neighbours.

For too long, public officials allowed a tiny group of thugs and criminal tenants to terrorize the majority of residents who live in Toronto Community Housing Corp. (TCHC) units. The elderly have been especially vulnerable.

That’s why we welcome a city executive committee decision this week that recommends breaking up TCHC.

The committee recommended council move 28,000 seniors living in 83 senior-designated buildings into a new Seniors Housing and Services agency, independent from TCHC and more directly accountable to City Council.

“This new entity would have a laser-like focus on serving seniors and begin a crucial alignment of all of our services to a rapidly growing seniors’ population,” was how it was described by Mayor John Tory.

There’s no question seniors in public housing are poorly served now. And there’s no question breaking apart TCHC will be a massive, challenging and expensive undertaking.

(But concentrating all the bad apples in one basket and all the frail old seniors in another will make for easier living for old folks. But it will cause friction between govt and unions as nobody will want to staff the buildings housing thugs, drug addicts and prostitutes! With the added problem that the public will get a more clear look at the kind of people that our LIE-beral govt is spending so much money on- with such small results! A lot of Cdns are disgusted that govt is supplying safe injection sites so hard core addicts can get high quicker and easier.)

(Govt tells us that the safe injection sites are better for the community but we think they lie! Govt talks about nurses encouraging addicts to get help but what manner of advice and persuasion works on an addict focused on that next fix-right now- with some LIE-berals do- gooder nattering way off in the background- at huge cost! Some Cdns think that tough love might be a better and cheaper addiction control measure-watching the guy next to you convulsing and dying with the needle loaded with poison still stuck in the arm might just sober up the addicts nearby?)

TCHC is Canada’s largest public housing landlord. It houses 110,000 tenants in 58,500 units but has a long list of woes, including a $1.6-billion repair backlog. The agency has a 90,000-person long, multi-year waiting list for social housing, is owed millions in tenant arrears and has hundreds of uninhabitable units. TCHC is also teetering on long-term financial disaster, a “dire” and “untenable” future papered with million-dollar deficits and billions worth of unfunded needs.

It’s a mess that’s been decades in the making, one that was downloaded onto the city by Queen’s Park and has only gotten worse since.

(Oh lets get it straight- Toronto City Hall Hogs were delighted to get all those apartment buildings so cheap with the help of Queens Park! The buildings were pretty much extorted from private sector landlords by a combination of rent controls and tax increases! Silly Hall socialists were delighted to offer up all those apartment units at bargain rates in exchange for votes! Its just too bad a cabal of idiot politicians never considered the decaying condition of the buildings. They also neglected to consider the effects of almost unregulated immigration as LIE-berals bought ethnic votes by letting in any person capable of marking an `X` beside a LIE-beral name on a ballot at election time- regardless of ability to be self supporting in our grossly indebted economy!)

(Toronto `leaders` are so desperate to cling to power that they believe it is unfair not to let undocumented- meaning ILLEGALS vote for them in elections! Our bankrupt school system has decided that they will accept any and all children without any questions or documents and to hell with the unfunded cost! But teachers who have decided we must be generous this way also expect they will continue getting THEIR shipments of gravy! We can go short but NEVER them! That is how it is with LIE-berals- they are most generous with things they do NOT OWN and Margaret Thatcher said it best with this: “the trouble with LIE-berals is that they eventually run out of other peoples money”!)

But it doesn’t matter who’s to blame. The public is sick of that game.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has stepped up and promised billions for social housing nationally, including expected money for TCHC repairs.

(Yeah and much of the promised Trudope money will NOT show up unless LIE-berals win another election in 2019! Its typical LIE-beral bait and bribe while the buildings rot to the point they cannot be repaired and must be torn down!)

City Council could take a critical step forward by supporting a separate social housing agency for seniors, and by tackling other reforms needed to fix TCHC.

That just leaves Kathleen Wynne’s provincial Liberals, who have so far failed to do more to help with repairs.

(And of course the new LIE-beral Housing minister has just come out slamming the city for deliberately under funding affordable housing! The pot calling the kettle black! There is plenty of blame to go around! From federal govt who lets in too many unsuitable immigration failures, provincial govt that encourages civil service Hog greed in exchange for votes- to the municipal leaders with their insane sanctuary city crap they and we cannot afford!)

All three levels of government have an opportunity to fix a real, chronic and meaningful problem.

We hope all three will get it right.

(Not a hope for that as all three govts desperately need more gravy to buy the continued Hog support that they need to cling to power at any price!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LEVY: Check your white privilege at the door, Missy
Sue-Ann Levy
More from Sue-Ann Levy
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018 8:16 PM EDT
Ryerson University Campus in downtown Toronto, Ont. on Tuesday July 4, 2017. Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network
Just when you thought the affairs of an institute of higher learning couldn’t get more absurd, comes this soon-to-be-held event at Ryerson University, aka Social Justice U.
On May 9, Ryerson will hold the first ever in Canada White Privilege conference, the focus of which will be: “Are Canadians too polite? Addressing global perspectivies on white privilege and oppression in Canada and beyond.”
I have no idea what is meant by ” too polite” in this particular context, although I would venture to say that far too many Canadians bend over backwards to be too polite — that is, politically correct — and opt to endure this sort of narishkeit (Yiddish for nonsense) without speaking out.
According to the Social Justice U website, the three-day conference will address a “socio-political system that distributes power, privilege and benefits unequally among groups in societies and countries in our world.”
Apparently, those of us white folk who are allegedly “privileged” have difficulty seeing that we are “born with access to power and the resources that go with that power.” Or so says the conference narrative.
The conference is being hosted by Social Justice U’s Office of the v-p of equity and community inclusion — an office that is touted as “proudly diverse and intentionally inclusive.”
Am I missing something or do the social justice warriors at Ryerson U’s equity and inclusion office fail to see the humour/irony of claiming they are “intentionally inclusive” as they prepare to host a conference that is sure to isolate, disparage and generally treat the white male with disdain and the furthest thing from an equitable member of today’s society? Just sayin’.
(One wonders how they would view a white female like myself, gay and Jewish. Am I oppressed or privileged or half and half? Are white females even welcome to attend the conference?)
In an effort to get answers to six questions, I contacted the office’s director of communications, Dayo Kefentse. She informed me in a voicemail message 15 minutes before she departed at 3 p.m. that she’d be happy to respond to my questions but couldn’t do so until the end of the day on Friday.
Ryerson’s main public affairs team — Johanna Vandermaas, Elise Cotter and Zandra Alexander — didn’t acknowledge my e-mail request.
Oh my, how privileged of me to expect to have an answer on a timely basis, one befitting the deadlines of a daily newspaper.
Still, I can predict the shrieking cries of the self-righteous indignation that will come from the conference speakers who will no doubt use all the appropriate trendy buzz words to wail about their plight: Racialization, oppression, intersectionality, white superiority, colonialism, blah, blah and more blah.
I’m particularly impressed by the stellar cast of keynote speakers promised, including the notorious rebel in search of a black cause, Desmond Cole and Rinaldo Walcott, director of the Women and Gender Studies Institute at OISE, who has in the past vociferously supported Black Lives Matter-Toronto and the ban on police participation in the Toronto Pride parade.
But no social justice/leftist conference on white privilege would be complete without the token defender of the allegedly oppressed Palestinians. Cue keynote speaker Adrien Wing, an associate dean at the University of Iowa, who has been an advisor to the Palestinian Legislative Council and has written papers comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and another calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Palestine and Israel.
(For heaven’s sake, where did Ryerson find these characters?)
As ridiculous as all of this might sound — the social justice warriors truly have become caricatures of themselves — the real question is what business does an institution have hosting such a conference?
After all, Ryerson/Social Justice U has no problem accepting donations from privileged white people to keep it going and growing. Just go on their $1-million-plus donor page and see the names of the allegedly privileged listed, most of them white.
But that kind of hypocrisy is evidently lost on the “intentionally inclusive” and “proudly diverse” equity office.
I can’t say I’m the least bit surprised.
LEVY: Check your white privilege at the door, Missy | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
LEVY: Check your white privilege at the door, Missy
Sue-Ann Levy
More from Sue-Ann Levy
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018 8:16 PM EDT
Ryerson University Campus in downtown Toronto, Ont. on Tuesday July 4, 2017. Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network
Just when you thought the affairs of an institute of higher learning couldn’t get more absurd, comes this soon-to-be-held event at Ryerson University, aka Social Justice U.
On May 9, Ryerson will hold the first ever in Canada White Privilege conference, the focus of which will be: “Are Canadians too polite? Addressing global perspectivies on white privilege and oppression in Canada and beyond.”
I have no idea what is meant by ” too polite” in this particular context, although I would venture to say that far too many Canadians bend over backwards to be too polite — that is, politically correct — and opt to endure this sort of narishkeit (Yiddish for nonsense) without speaking out.
According to the Social Justice U website, the three-day conference will address a “socio-political system that distributes power, privilege and benefits unequally among groups in societies and countries in our world.”
Apparently, those of us white folk who are allegedly “privileged” have difficulty seeing that we are “born with access to power and the resources that go with that power.” Or so says the conference narrative.
The conference is being hosted by Social Justice U’s Office of the v-p of equity and community inclusion — an office that is touted as “proudly diverse and intentionally inclusive.”
Am I missing something or do the social justice warriors at Ryerson U’s equity and inclusion office fail to see the humour/irony of claiming they are “intentionally inclusive” as they prepare to host a conference that is sure to isolate, disparage and generally treat the white male with disdain and the furthest thing from an equitable member of today’s society? Just sayin’.
(One wonders how they would view a white female like myself, gay and Jewish. Am I oppressed or privileged or half and half? Are white females even welcome to attend the conference?)
In an effort to get answers to six questions, I contacted the office’s director of communications, Dayo Kefentse. She informed me in a voicemail message 15 minutes before she departed at 3 p.m. that she’d be happy to respond to my questions but couldn’t do so until the end of the day on Friday.
Ryerson’s main public affairs team — Johanna Vandermaas, Elise Cotter and Zandra Alexander — didn’t acknowledge my e-mail request.
Oh my, how privileged of me to expect to have an answer on a timely basis, one befitting the deadlines of a daily newspaper.
Still, I can predict the shrieking cries of the self-righteous indignation that will come from the conference speakers who will no doubt use all the appropriate trendy buzz words to wail about their plight: Racialization, oppression, intersectionality, white superiority, colonialism, blah, blah and more blah.
I’m particularly impressed by the stellar cast of keynote speakers promised, including the notorious rebel in search of a black cause, Desmond Cole and Rinaldo Walcott, director of the Women and Gender Studies Institute at OISE, who has in the past vociferously supported Black Lives Matter-Toronto and the ban on police participation in the Toronto Pride parade.
But no social justice/leftist conference on white privilege would be complete without the token defender of the allegedly oppressed Palestinians. Cue keynote speaker Adrien Wing, an associate dean at the University of Iowa, who has been an advisor to the Palestinian Legislative Council and has written papers comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and another calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Palestine and Israel.
(For heaven’s sake, where did Ryerson find these characters?)
As ridiculous as all of this might sound — the social justice warriors truly have become caricatures of themselves — the real question is what business does an institution have hosting such a conference?
After all, Ryerson/Social Justice U has no problem accepting donations from privileged white people to keep it going and growing. Just go on their $1-million-plus donor page and see the names of the allegedly privileged listed, most of them white.
But that kind of hypocrisy is evidently lost on the “intentionally inclusive” and “proudly diverse” equity office.
I can’t say I’m the least bit surprised.
LEVY: Check your white privilege at the door, Missy | Toronto Sun

Yeah- I saw that Levy article when it came out yesterday! On the plus side- it is a sure sign of LIE-beral panic that they are working themselves into such a FRENZY!

LIE-berals thought the battle was almost won when they got Wynne-bag and Our idiot Boy elected Thought they had it made when they took over all those "corrupted disciplines" that Professor Jordan Peterson told us about. Thought they had ridden out the political storm at Laurier U. over that Lindsey Shepherd business.

But now there is a new set of storms sweeping in- professor Mehta at Acadia U. in New Brunswick is stirring up exactly the same kind of debate as Peterson does! And the public is growing DISGUSTED with the antics of radicals and their LIE-beral enablers!

If an election were held tomorrow BOTH Our idiot Boy and Wynne-bag would be GONE! And there is serious debate about the chances for John Tory to survive! It just depends who decies they want his job!

And of course Toronto is a haven for LIE-berals so if Wynne-bag LIE-berals get thoroughly crushed in the next election- Toronto MAY get nervous about a too thorough beating getting laid on LIE-berals and may decide after all to keep Tory- just to keep Conservatives a little bit humble!

But ALL rests on the shoulders of the silent majority- that 55 plus percent of Cdns who NEVER VOTE- BUT who may just be pissed enough to come out in huge numbers and teach LIE-berals and their Hog allies a serious lesson in manners!

In WW2- field marshal Erwin Rommel told his people that the first day of the allied invasion would be "The Longest Day" for germany- thr fste of the country hung on one day!

For Canada and for LIE-berals - June 7 2018 is election day and it is the Longest Political Day for all of us! There will be other battles- municipal elections in October and the federal election in 2019 but WE CAN get our country back!

Utterly panicked LIE-berals are on a major offensive trying to shore up their policies and propaganda but sadly ALL is in disgrace - at every level of govt!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LEVY: Kids invited to white privilege boot camp
Sue-Ann Levy
More from Sue-Ann Levy
April 10, 2018
April 10, 2018 9:17 PM EDT
Ryerson University Campus in downtown Toronto, Ont. on Tuesday July 4, 2017. Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun
Now I’ve heard everything.
It seems organizers of the upcoming White Privilege conference at Ryerson/Social Justice U are not merely content to convince adults that white people are worthy of contempt.
They are also offering a special one-day boot camp for students as young as 11 where they will be coached (indoctrinated) on how to “dismantle white supremacy, white privilege and other forms of oppression.”
I repeat: This is in addition to the three-day conference for adults that will address a “socio-political system that distributes power, privilege and benefits unequally among groups in societies.”
Indeed folks. I can’t make this up.
The equity engineers in the office of Ryerson’s vice-president, equity and community inclusion plan to hold a one-day institute for Grade 6-12 students to explore critical topics like diversity, social justice, colonization and oppression.
According to the documents promoting the boot camp, students who attend will be taught, in a “safe space,” of course, how to SNAP — SEE the many manifestations of white supremacy; NAME white supremacy and white privilege; ACT to dismantle white supremacy and PROCEED as leaders to plant seeds of change.
Sticking with the seeds analogy, methinks the equity engineers at ole Social Justice U are trying to germinate the next generation of social justice warriors/snowflakes.
But seriously, these equity engineers are truly becoming a caricature of themselves.
Equity and community inclusion spokesman Dayo Kefentse confirmed 200 students have signed up so far for the three institutes (divided according to age) which run on May 9, prior to the actual three-day white privilege conference for adults.
If one day of indoctrination is not enough, there is also a special two-day special youth conference which will allow students “more time for in-depth and internal reflection of white privilege.”
Defentse says it is their hope that the youth will come away from the institutes with an understanding of “different forms of privilege and oppression” and will learn ways to treat people in a “fair anti-oppressive” manner.
Indeed, the indoctrination comes at a bargain basement price — $19 for students attending the one day boot camp and $29 if they want to further their exploration of white supremacy the following two days. Attendance includes lunch and snacks each day with a halal/vegetarian/vegan/nut-free/gluten-free menu if one so chooses.
Be still my politically-correct heart.
It strikes me that by focussing on “white supremacy,” the program for youth is at odds with the ultimate goal of the Ryerson’s equity engineers — namely to build an “equitable and inclusive society.”
But Defentse countered that all of us “experience some form of privilege” and youth — even 11-year-olds — will acquire practical tools for “navigating difficult and other emotional conversations.”
Asked what business Ryerson/Social Justice U has holding such a conference (especially when they have so many donors one would classify as privilege white people), Kefentse said Ryerson does not shy away from “difficult issues.
“Instead we are making an effort to create safe, ethical spaces to have respectful and honest conversations in the spirit of open dialogue,” she said.
Sigh. Never mind oppressed. I’m feeling depressed at the inanity of it all.
LEVY: Kids invited to white privilege boot camp | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Right....so do they have communist governments or colored royalty on that list of oppressors?
Guess they ought to go hump dirty snowbanks then.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
What happened to $37 million in cash from the Clinton Foundation that was supposed to go towards Haiti relief in 2010? – GOVTSLAVES.INFO

Oh my!

Methinks that Clinton isn't quite out of the woods yet.

I wonder how she feels about the Dems poking the bear knowing that she and hers might be heavily exposed.

Poor LIE-berals- trying to distract from the public shame of being reduced to indoctrinating little kids in Toronto- because all the adults LAUGH at them!

LIE-berals whining about Clinton while trying to hide the poison they are spreading in our schools- using OUR tax money against us- and that nasty habit may just be curtailed in the next year or so - as disgraced LIE-beral leaders have their wings clipped!

Here is an article detailing the creeping poison LIE-berals are feeding our kids. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Toronto District School Board chair defends controversial Islamic guidebook


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Toronto school board recalls, revises controversial Islamic guidebook
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A letter written by the chair of the Toronto District School Board concerning their controversial Islamic Heritage Month guidebook chastises a national Jewish group and reveals the board was not as eager to tone the guide down as previously thought.

(Gosh- what a surprise that LIE-berals do not want to give up pushing Muslim issues on us! The chosen supporters of LIE-beral party are to be defended at any cost by muddled LIE-berals who think Cdns born here are INFERIOR to those who chose to come here- so says Our idiot Boy Justin!)

On Monday, I reported that the TDSB was temporarily recalling and revising their Islamic Heritage Month guidebook following a complaint from advocacy group B’nai Brith Canada.

The guide, compiled by volunteers but stamped with the TDSB logo, recommends a number of religious intrusions in the classroom ranging from the explaining and reciting of the Muslim greeting “As-salamu alaykum” (peace be upon you) during morning announcements to having children make paper cut-outs of famous mosques.

(As we already know- TDSB staff would be outraged if a Priest showed up with an invite to make cutouts of famous cathedrals! The separation of church and state does NOT apply to Muslims! This is LIE-beral bigotry!)

But it was the guidebook’s definition of the phrase Islamophobia that caused B’nai Brith to send off a complaint, calling it “fear, prejudice, hatred or dislike directed against Islam or Muslims, or towards Islamic politics or culture.”

The Jewish advocacy group in their original press release saw big problems with this: “The TDSB definition, if enforced, could lead to punishment for students or teachers who display ‘dislike’ towards the persecution of LGBTQ people in the Islamic Republic of Iran, harsh restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia, and Palestinian terrorism against Israelis, all of which are examples of ‘Islamic politics’.”

(LIE-berals appear to be working diligently to use Islamophobia as a hammer to silence critics of ANY LIE-beral policy! You can like them or love them but you are NOT permitted to hate them no matter how BADLY wrong they are!)

The board promptly informed B’nai Brith Canada that they’d be temporarily recalling the guide and altering its definition of Islamophobia to align with that of the Ontario Human Rights Code. It was unclear if they’d be addressing the document’s other troubling elements.

(Telling us they will be “aligning with Human Rights code” is an admission they will be adhering to LIE-beral reverse bigotry!)

But a letter from TDSB Chair Robin Pilkey not only suggests there will be no more changes, but that the one change they’ve agreed to was only made begrudgingly.

Pilkey writes about B’nai Brith’s concern with a “small section” of the guide and states that “it is not in any way, shape or form, a directive, nor is it enforceable as a policy would be.”

(No- its NOT official- its just unofficial- like the M-103 motion that is not official- but LIE-berals are working hard to MAKE IT OFFICIAL- just as soon as they think our guard is down! As some people have stated- M103 appears to have been a trial balloon to give LIE-berals feedback on how big they can make it legally!)

She then spends about a third of the letter chastising B’nai Brith over their complaint: “The TDSB welcomes important input from the community and from organizations such as B’nai Brith, however we must say that some of the suggestions made in your letter and subsequent news release are outrageous. To suggest that the TDSB is encouraging students to stay silent about what they experienced in their countries of birth or that the TDSB is somehow banning students and educators from criticizing executions and other human rights abuses around the world is categorically untrue.”

(And WHY should we accept TDSB assurances? Supported as they are by LIE-beral moves to BAN Islamophobia- WITHOUT even bothering to define it! Other than to make it clear that being critical of LIE-berals is COVERED by Islamophobia and WILL bring down the wrath of Human Rights but too often Wrong Commission! The attentive citizen will see an OMINOUS pattern here! )

The 170-page guidebook addresses issues such as women’s rights in Islam in an entirely positive light without acknowledging its challenges and controversies.

(If LIE-beral teachers are so certain of positive female civil rights under Islam then why not make female circumcision legal here? Why the LIE-beral silence about an operation that mutilates little girls for life? And since our legal resources are so limited that SEVEN accused KILLERS were released by LIE-beral hug a thug judges this past summer- without the bother of a trial because LIE-berals could not arrange trials in suitable time periods- WHY THEN should we be concerned about Muslim honour killings of Muslim women who are a disappointment to husband!)

“The TDSB is secular and the curriculum and teaching in schools does not promote any particular religious practice, denomination or sect,” Pilkey said in a separate e-mail to the Toronto Sun, addressing parents’ and educators’ concerns with the guidebook. “At the same time, cultural and creed-based heritage months are celebrations of Canadian diversity.” The goal of the guide, Pilkey explains, is “to create awareness and understanding”.

(That`s odd- I certainly have NEVER of a Jewish Heritage Month before? And what of The Holocaust- no special mention of THAT EITHER! In fact the last time I looked- LIE-berals had pretty much given up teaching WW2 history for fear of offending various groups! So why the big push for Muslims- who just happen to be engaged in a WAR with western values and politics?)

The TDSB’s Islamic Heritage Month Twitter account shows some schools are already into the swing of things, retweeting one North York vice principal’s post about reading a children’s book that discusses Islamophobia..

afurey postmedia

(On the plus side- maybe some of our kids WILL eventually get an HONEST education on Islamophobia? All they will need to do is look at the crap spouted at school and compare it to the violence and mayhem on their tv screens? But LIE-berals are not likely to like the conclusions the kids come too with that? Oh well, that`s what LIE-beral will have their legally enforceable version of M 103 for- to SILENCE DISSENT!)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Well, THAT ought to get Trump off the hook ... somehow ... even if they are unconnected ... could be ...

Oh right- its the CANADIAN content forum and you want to distract us from outrageous Cdn LIE-beral behaviour with whines about Trump! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Good luck with that!

Here is an article illustrating the Fake News LIE-berals routinely offer about our economy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Canada adds 32,300 jobs; jobless rate 5.8 per cent in March 2018.

Canadian Press. By Andy Blatchford.

OTTAWA - The economy delivered 32,300 net new jobs last month as Canada generated a rush of full-time work that helped keep the national unemployment rate at its record low.

Statistics Canada said Friday the jobless rate stayed at 5.8 per cent in March for a second-consecutive month — and for the third time since December — to match its lowest mark since the agency started measuring the indicator in 1976. The only other time the rate slipped to this level was 2007.

The March gains were driven by a surge in full-time work. The labour-market survey showed the workforce added 68,300 full-time positions, while the number of part-time jobs decreased by 35,900.

However, the data also reveal that 19,600 of the new employee positions were created in the public sector. By comparison, the number of private-sector workers declined by 7,000.

(IN other words the number of LIE-beral parasites feed on the already debt wounded private sector is INCREASING! Civil service union Hog greed is so huge that LIE-berals MUST borrow huge sums to keep the Hog gravy train fully supplied! We cannot afford the number of Hogs we have now without incurring insane debts and yet LIE-berals are trying to claim benefit from hiring MORE Hogs! And we know what work those new Hogs will be doing- LIE-berals have told us they will be hiring new labour relations inspectors and tax assessors to find and punish small biz that is struggling to survive and looking for ways around the massive property tax hits they have taken and are seeking ways to reduce the minimum wage hit LIE-berals have dumped on us in hope of buying support from the desperate and weak minded in time for the June 2018 election!)

(And there is added LIE-beral dis-information to consider- it was Jean Chretien who changed our labour law calculation method- under old law you needed minimum 40 hours work per week to be counted as fully employed- yet now you need only have 28 hours per week to be fully employed - shameless LIE-berals are counting part time McJobs as full time to make employment numbers and gravy for civil service union Hogs look better!)

Average hourly wage growth, which has been under close scrutiny by the Bank of Canada ahead of interest-rate decisions, strengthened in March to 3.3 per cent, up from 3.1 per cent the previous month.

(Yes- its that nice ripple effect that LIE-berals wanted- bosses recognize that if the least useful workers get a raise then moral will suffer unless superior staff also get more! And LIE-berals can then use this politically created “inflation” as justification for giving Hogs even more gravy! Its all a LIE-beral Ponzi scheme designed to BUY Hog votes at any price!)

The central bank, which will make its next rate announcement later this month, has repeatedly highlighted wage growth as a key indicator. Wage growth has been moving upwards since it bottomed out at 0.5 per cent in April 2017.

(IN other words- that older 0.5 percent is economic reality and the newer 3.1 percent wage increase is the result of selfish LIE-beral fiscal machinations!)

Central Canada saw the biggest job gains in March as the two largest provinces — Ontario and Quebec — each added more than 10,000 net new positions.

Quebec gained 16,000 net new jobs, including 28,600 full-time positions, while Ontario added 10,600 net new jobs, including 16,300 full-time positions.

For Ontario, however, the gain only represented a 0.1 per cent increase compared to the previous month. Quebec saw growth of 0.4 per cent.

(Thanks mostly to immigration, the Cdn population and economy are growing by 2-3 percent per year- so there MUST be some growth in jobs- to bad- as illustrated above- the majority of jobs are for PARASITES in LIE-beral clothing! While at the same time older and decent jobs in private sector get killed off and replaced with McJob garbage!)

By percentage, Saskatchewan and Alberta each saw solid monthly growth. Saskatchewan's labour force expanded 0.7 per cent, while Alberta's grew 0.4 per cent.

((In other words- prairie provinces are beginning to recover as oil and gas prices rise- its nothing to do with LIE-beral policy!)

The youth unemployment rate dipped last month to 10.9 per cent, down from 11.1 per cent in February, following a net gain of 17,700 new jobs.

(WE have seen what kids think of LIE-beral job policy as they scorned Our idiot Boy Justin in some town hall meetings- forcing LIE-berals to start vetting who gets in so as to avoid more embarrassing questions from angry voters!)

By industry, goods-producing sectors added 21,700 positions, mostly in construction. Services sectors created 10,600 jobs, with the bulk of the increase coming from new positions in public administration.

(Lost in the haze of LIE-beral job “news” is the ugly reality that the new jobs generally offer lower pay, less consistent hours, cheaper benefits and too often are short term and contract crap that people do out of desperation and which they will dump if anything better comes along! LIE-berals lump their union Hog gravy in with pay scores for private sector and this makes general wage reports look better! Take out the Hog pay and hiring and the real job news looks sick!)

Compared with 12 months earlier, the national workforce grew 1.6 per cent following the creation of 296,200 jobs — with the entire increase fuelled by 335,200 new full-time positions.

But the latest numbers still suggest there are signs that Canada's red-hot labour market could be starting to cool down, as widely expected.

(LIE-beral policy that is based on borrowed money can only carry us so far- LIE-berals are getting perilously close to the debt wall that will hit us HARD! Its why LIE-berals did not spend as much deficit funding in 2017 as planned- bankers and tax payers were growing restive over LIE-beral WASTE! )

Statistics Canada said employment declined by about 40,000 jobs over the first three months of 2018 for a decline of 0.2 per cent.

(And there is the reality- jobs down 0.2 percent and private sector wage increases LOST in a welter of new LIE-beral taxes! But all is right with the world as Hogs are doing fine- too bad about the real world suffering created by all that LIE-beral greed!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Quilted Northern Rustic Weave | Artisanal Toilet Paper


You should talk to somebody about your fetish for toilet paper....perhaps your obsession is a subconscious desire to clean up FILTHY LIE-beral policy?

Here is a reminder of the CRAP at the centre of LIE-beral policy:

Here is a nice story to illustrate how the LIE-beral version of a just and open society operates! With some comments of my own added in brackets):

Liberals withholding key info from financial accountability officer

The Canadian Press. First posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 04:24 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 04:26 PM EDT. (Antonella Artuso/Toronto Sun)

Liberals attacking Ontario’s watchdogs
Libs stonewall financial watchdog
Premier Wynne’s debt monster
Ontario debt to soar by $50 billion over four years: FAO
Ontario Liberals accused of blocking financial accountability officer

TORONTO - Ontario's budget watchdog says the Liberal government is still withholding key information he needs to do his job.

Financial accountability officer Stephen LeClair says his office made six information requests of government ministries and agencies in its first year of operation, but received only four partial answers.

LeClair says ministries too frequently cite a cabinet confidentiality exemption that he believes does not apply to forecasts of future government revenue and spending, and make it more costly and difficult to do his duties.

He says it's difficult to know if a bill is a good idea without having access to the government's forecasts of its impact, or to know if there are areas of uncertainty that his office should point out to MPPs.

(One has only to read th recent post: “How Stupid” which described various levels of Alberta govts threatening to sue each other thanks to numbskull behaviour of NDP dork Rachel Notley to realize govt NEEDS all the information it can get to make sensible choices!)

LeClair made similar complaints about being refused government information when he released a report last fall into the Liberals' plans to privatize Hydro One.

(Any citizen with half a brain will have to ask what logic persuaded LIE-berals that they could sell 15 percent of Ont Hydro and then CLOSE the BOOKS COMPLETELY to public scrutiny! WHAT ARE they hiding in there?)

The Progressive Conservatives say they wonder what the Liberals are hiding by refusing to co-operate with the financial accountability officer, while the New Democrats say the government clearly has a problem with independent oversight.

(The major LIE-beral problem with public oversight is their need to supply civil service Hogs with gobs of gravy-WITHOUT the public realizing that it is Hog greed that is ruining the economy! LIE-berals CANNOT get elected without Hog support and so they will bankrupt us to ensure the gravy flows as they need it to!)

"The Liberal government has tried to undermine the auditor general, they've fought with the ombudsman and they are refusing to give the FAO the information he needs to do his job," said NDP finance critic Catherine Fife.

(It was LIE-berals who HIRED auditor Bonnie Lysyk away from Manitoba Hdyro and then turned on her when she exposed the scale of LIE-beral electricity price gouging. LIE-berals called her incompetent to make such judgements-and ignored questions about why THEY hired her if she was so ill-informed? Did they THINK she would be too dumb to find the skeletons in LIE-beral electrical closets? Or did they simply assume she could be bullied into silence?)

"A premier that's so focused on keeping secrets clearly isn't interested in what's best for Ontario families."

(Oh I have to say Ontari-owe premier McWynnty is VERY interested in families-the ones who VOTE for her that is-all others can go to bankrupt, semi employed or unemployed, heaped with debt, LIE-beral Hell-also known as private sector Canada!)

The Liberals agreed to create the financial accountability office to get the NDP's support for the 2013 Ontario budget when they were in a minority and needed votes from another party to avoid triggering an election campaign.

(Isn’t that just typical-the financial accountability office is now exposed as just another LIE-beral political creation that was forced on them and now they don’t want it, wont listen to it, have NO use for it and don’t dare kill it off for fear of losing votes! Just like the Human Rights-but too often wrong-Commission! Or the various civil rights `awards` that are fueling poisonous trouble makers like Black Lives Matter! LIE-beral policy makers have all the integrity and dedication to truth of a hard line communist reporting on a `show trial` in Moscow at the height of the Cold War! And that is what we are fighting-a Cold War to salvage something of our economy from LIE-berals and their grossly entitled Hog allies!)