White Privilage


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It is but...

Parallel societies aren't our strength...

LIE-beral hypocrites WHINING AS USUAL!

United States abandoned its parallel societies and admitted under pressure from such as Rev Martin Luther King that separate societies were a national shame and should be disposed of! And yet Cdn LIE-berals see personal profit in setting up parallel societies- natives on one side, whites on another, blacks, gays, Muslims and all competing with each other and BEGGING for LIE-beral FAVOURS!

LIE-berals DO SO ENJOY buying votes and displaying SHAMELESS discrimination! A multi cultural society is a paralyzed society with many little groups squabbling over minor details and crumbs that fell off the LIE-beral gravy train!

This is exactly what LIE-berals want! It is why they were so much in support of their electoral reform garbage which would have turned our parliament into a bunch of little tribal groups fighting for every scrap- with nobody able to gain control and shut off the LIE-beral created spending monster! LIE-berals wanted to turn us into Italy- that nation in a perpetual mess that gets a new govt literally with every change of season and NO long term planning is ever done- while the nation goes bankrupt!

And regarding non whites in Cdn society- shall we not discuss Michelle Jean- the Haitian born descendant of slaves? You remember her- appointed as Governor General of Canada by that fiend in human shape- as LIE-berals persist in describing him- named Stephen Harper!

I admit to being unhappy at the time about the choice of a third world princess from a wealthy family for the post- one must be concerned regarding the loyalty to Canada of foreign born persons- they can drift in and then drift on again if the mood takes them! Jean and her hubby settled in Montreal after immigrating from Haiti- and they got quite friendly with SEPARATISTS! So- more suspicion regarding loyalties!

But she grew out of that separatist crap and ended up as G.G.

For those who wonder what my objection to foreign born people holding high Cdn office is- as I have said- a matter of worry about just how loyal they are to Canada- when the chips are down and major trouble is brewing?

I offer two examples: Alphonse Galliano- the Italian born goof at the heart of the LIE-beral Adscam scandal- the biggest rip off of tax payers in the history of Canada- and quite possibly the biggest SINGLE ROBBERY EVER! Over three billion dollars stolen!

Or we can refer to our current federal immigration minister- Somali born Ahmad Hussein - the guy who is leading the LIE-beral quest to BURY us in Muslim immigrants and a wild assortment of third world illegals- if it can walk across our border- LIE-berals want to keep it- in defiance of the wishes of people actually BORN in Canada!

LIE-berals see NO reason why they should not completely change all Cdn values on their whim!

Having said that- I must admit that Michelle Jean served us well as G.G. Some will recall the circumstances: Harper had a minority govt and needed to pass his budget- which the other three parties would vote down and turn into a non confidence vote with their larger numbers.

LIE-berals and their idiot cousins of NDP did not have as many seats as Conservatives so they did a deal with Bloc Quebecois to get the numbers needed to defeat Harper!

Lunatic LIE-berals got Bloc heads to join them by offering the SEPARATISTS- sworn to the destruction of Canada- UNLIMITED VETO POWER over any legislation in Parliament!

Yes- LIE-beral lust for power was so insane that they were willing to give total power to Bloc heads- just so long as a LIE-beral became prime minister over the WRECKAGE!

And Harper prorogued parliament- put it on hold and went to Jean- telling her my budget will shot down but you cannot simply let a LIE-beral/NDP/Bloc head coalition take over! WE Cdns are being tolerant in allowing the separatist Bloc traitors to take their seats in parliament- but it would be insane to turn the ENTIRE govt over to them!

Harper insisted if he lost the non confidence vote then there MUST be an election and the public be allowed to vote on this Bloc insanity! The Bloc is viewed with anger and suspicion everywhere outside Quebec- therefore true democracy DEMANDS that the public be allowed to vote on the LIE-beral proposed madness!

And Jean agreed with Harper! Her reasoning was sound- many Cdns have voted for NDP or LIE-berals but Bloc heads are ONLY popular in a moderate portion of Quebec population and Bloc political goals are clearly against the national interest!

So Jean issued her order: if Harper loses the non confidence vote- then there MUST be an election!

And weasel LIE-berals abandoned their coalition- they had NO desire to face the public with that VILE promise to give separatists total control over Cdn parliament! The Harper budget was passed while hypocrite LIE-berals whined that Harper had somehow cheated by demanding the public be allowed to vote on the shameless LIE-beral deal!

Michelle Jean was viewed with suspicion when she was appointed G.G. but clearly Harper judged her on her character rather than her skin- just as Rev Martin L. King prayed for!

We got good service from her at a vitally important time!

Too bad we cannot say the same for LIE-berals Ahmad Hussein or Galliano!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Criminal are the new slaves?

Do you thank yo massas the last Wednesday of every month?

Yes- in the weird and wacky world of LIE-beral values - criminals ARE the new slaves!

I have said it before that groups like Black Lives Matter and native Idle No More movement might actually get some results if they STOPPED trying to claim its racist every time a cop tries to arrest a CRIMINAL!

LIE-berals want us mesmerized by racial issues while they TRY to hide this stuff:

Here is an article reminding us of how unreliable and insincere LIE-berals are when it comes to maintaining services like health care. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Docs set to expose health-care lies

By Sue-Ann Levy. Published: April 2, 2018. Updated: April 2, 2018 9:01 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA

Concerned Ontario Doctors president Kulvinder Gill says it’s not just that the Liberals stole their campaign hashtag “#Carenotcuts” by transforming it into “#Careorcuts” to fight PC leader Doug Ford.

But as she told me Monday, they’ve “unilaterally stolen” more than $4 billion from front-line health care over the past three years.

(The worst of it is that LIE-beral priorities are BADLY SKEWED! The LIE-beral education budget is rising 50 percent FASTER than the health care budget- this in spite of the fact the number of our kids in school is dropping while the number of aged citizens seeking medical aid is RISING! This is a function of LIE-beral vote buying- teachers are more friendly to LIE-berals than frustrated doctors and nurses! The medical profession does not have the luxury of slacking off as teachers REGULARLY DO!)

( Teachers have become skilled at hiding literacy facts by designating an ever larger number of kids as “learning disabled” and thus not allowed to display their failing ability on literacy tests! Those kids who do write and fail the EQAO literacy tests get a shrug from teachers who tell us it’s the parents fault for not reacting to the kids problems sooner!)

(And teachers ignore the reality that school report cards ARE BAFFLEGAB- designed to protect kids ego while PREVENTING a parent from truly assessing how the kid is doing- and the worse the performance the MORE BAFFLEGAB teachers spout to HIDE the awkward truth! But medical staff have no such excuses- if a cancer patient does not get medication at timely intervals then death- and a lawsuit - is likely- medical professionals are the ONLY govt employees who MUST step along swiftly at work! All other govt employees can shrug and leave things for another day- or another month!)

Gill said it’s her group’s mission to expose the Liberal government’s health-care lies in the days leading up to the June 7 election.

That will start with their press conference at Queen’s Park Tuesday, which will give a report card on the Liberals’ health-care track record compared to the promises Premier Kathleen Wynne made in 2014.

“It’s going to be the truth … not these fabricated headlines Wynne’s government is putting out,” she said

(We all know how reliable LIE-beral promises are! How many Cdns are STILL WAITING for their 15 percent saving on auto insurance- the one LIE-berals promised- and then delivered a fifty percent cut to insurance benefits to accident victims! And who here has saved money on their smart meters that were supposed to help us and instead have simply enabled LIE-berals to hit us with EXTRA HIGH time of use charges! And it was LIE-berals who hit us with the health tax levy that was supposed to save our health care system and is simply another tax gouge- and its one that NO civil servant living in Ontari-owe and working for any level of govt has ever paid- because THEY ARE ENTITLED! Given the LONG LIST of LIE-beral failures- how can we trust anything they now promise during this election time as they spew nonsense like super powered manure spreaders in a desperate effort to save themselves?)

In Ontario, 29,000 doctors have entered their fifth year without a contract.

(LIE-berals would not let teachers go 5 weeks without a contract- because teacher votes are IMPORTANT to LIE-berals!)

“Wynne, the former health minister (Eric Hoskins) and even the current health minister have been great at manipulating facts and trying to convince the public that doctors and health-care providers are the enemy,” she said. “She wants people to think health care is not underfunded but that health-care workers are just not doing their jobs properly.”

(There have been documented cases of people and even babies sent home from Cdn hospitals simply due to lack of beds- and some of these people HAVE DIED! But LIE-berals admit NO FAULT! Whenever possible such disasters are settled out of court- meaning the outraged family is BRIBED and threatened with our money to keep silent about the shameful situations!)

She said patients need to be informed that nothing Wynne has given to buy votes- such as in “free” drugs- is “free” and most of the taxes we are paying towards health care are going to support a wasteful health care bureaucracy in the form of the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs).

(LIE-beral support of LHINS is so twisted that some doctors are simple being paid to CLAIM they are the doctor of choice for Cdns- LIE-berals do not like it that so many Cdns do not have a family doctor so their solution is to PAY selected doctors to CLAIM to be your doc- but as these privileged LIE-beral pals DO NOT work on weekends or evenings- it means sick people CANNOT access “their” doctor in an off hour emergency- so they go to hospital emergency room instead and we pay TWICE for the medical service! It is VERY profitable to be a LIE-beral pal and supporter of LHIN`S that are heavily loaded with LIE-beral friendly bureaucrats pushing papers and doing little! As for other medical people- the rank and file that the public is most likely to come in contact with and actually who do most of the work and who LIE-berals distain- LIE-berals let them suffer!)

“The health-care system is a mess,” she said, predicting if the Liberals are re-elected they will build up even more of a bloated bureaucracy. “What’s happening is health care is being rationed.”

(LIE-berals are working with the standard play book beloved of all third world dictators- that is to put as many people as possible onto the LIE-beral payroll so they will be bought and paid for LOYAL supporters of LIE-beral party- its simply BUYING votes at any price so LIE-berals can cling to power!)

She said surgeons are leaving the province because instead of properly funding doctors and nurses needed to perform surgeries, the “lights are being turned off” in hospital operating rooms.

Gill said the Liberals are also playing a “charade” where shiny new hospitals are being built but the people needed to provide the care in those hospitals are not being properly funded.

(LIE-berals want to avoid an NDP style public relations health care disaster in which multiple floors of hospitals were left silent and empty- no patients, no nurses, no beds- just wasted hospital space gathering dust while waiting for a change of govt and till a new spending model was created! Images of those empty rooms haunted a LOT of sick people who could not get medical aid thanks to NDP Rae Days!)

She said it’s hypocritical of the Wynne Liberals to claim “they care about patients” and they have a commitment to health care when they are “still cutting millions of dollars from patient care.”

Gill said based on the government’s track record, she has no faith that if elected, the Wynne government will implement any of the funding increases announced in last week’s budget.

(Considering how frantically LIE-berals have been LYING about their deficits it seems likely they will not be able to borrow another penny as international bond rating people have already issued warnings about Ontari-owe debt and thus ALL grand LIE-beral plans will collapse into bankruptcy with the red ink partly covered up by the usual welter of LIES and miserable excuses- just like LIE-beral blather over E-health, gas plants, MaRs fiasco, paving scandals, multiple bridge messes, ORNGE and a host of other so called “stretch goals” and related failings!)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
First of its kind report outlines sexual abuse against nearly 1,300 students in Canadian schools over past two decades

More than 700 Canadian school employees committed — or were charged with committing — child sexual abuse against nearly 1,300 children over the past two decades, says a new report from the Canadian Centre for Child Protection released to the Toronto Star.

The first-ever national inventory of sexual assault cases involving employees of kindergarten to Grade 12 schools identified 714 school staffers linked to sexual abuse charges, convictions and disciplinary actions between 1997 and 2017.
“That’s 1,300 victims whose lives have been absolutely damaged,” said Noni Classen, the centre’s director of education. “We know the impact of this type of offence, the betrayal of trust by someone who holds such a privileged position of power for children. The fallout and corrosion of that on their development is devastating. And we know this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Eighty-six per cent of the perpetrators were certified teachers. Educational assistants, student teachers, special-needs assistants, lunch monitors, custodians and school bus drivers made up the remaining 14 per cent. Nearly 140 of the offenders had secondary occupations providing them with added access to children including roles as sports coaches, tutors, community youth workers and guidance counsellors.
In all, the perpetrators were overwhelmingly men — 87 per cent — preying on girls — 75 per cent.
Victim impact statements filed with courts in the cases gathered by researchers reveal “the betrayal of trust and abuse of power” that has “serious, lasting impacts on the victims,” the study reads.
Read more:
Sexually touching a student will now cost Ontario teachers their jobs
The Star has been investigating abuse in schools since 2001
Child porn bust: Anatomy of an international child pornography investigation
“My mind will be forever scarred,” reads a court-filed statement from one survivor. “You took my childhood and my hope for happiness. I went from a child to an adult in a matter of moments and there is no way back.”
Another reads: “Depression has been a large portion of both my child and adult life. It has caused me to self-direct my anger, wreaked havoc on relationships, and hindered my career.”
The range of victims who detail their anguish in court statements cited in the report also includes parents and family members.
“The moment I found out my son was sexually abused by a man we called his teacher, his mentor, but worst of all, our friend, was the day my life was shattered,” wrote one mother of a victim quoted in the report.
The data was gathered from three sets of records — criminal cases, professional disciplinary records and Canadian media reports — detailing allegations and findings of sexual offences.
The authors concede the actual number of teachers disciplined for sexual improprieties is under-reported since disciplinary records are not made public by most teacher regulation bodies across the country.
Only three provincial teacher licensing bodies — in Ontario, B.C. and Saskatchewan — publish disciplinary decisions publicly.
In the other provinces and territories, media reports were the only source of information available to researchers. For example, the media was the sole source of information in 33 per cent of all the cases, including 86 per cent of Manitoba cases, three quarters of the cases in Prince Edward Island, Alberta and Nunavut and around 70 per cent of cases in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.
“It is … troubling the media alone is responsible for providing most information about cases in those provinces that do not publish details about offenders employed or formerly employed in their schools,” the study reads. “Much greater transparency is required.”
Without it, abusive conduct that fails to trigger criminal charges or convictions can remain entirely unreported to the public.
“It is crazy how we cannot get access to information,” said Classen. “This profession involves public trust. It’s mandatory for kids to attend school. In every other profession that involves public trust — doctors, lawyers and others — that disciplinary information is publicly available.”
Nearly three quarters of offenders — 73 per cent — were charged with at least one criminal offence, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual interference and child pornography-related offences. Just over half — 52 per cent — were charged with multiple offences and five per cent were charged with 10 or more offences.
Among those cases is that of former Hamilton teacher Giuseppe Graziano who was convicted twice for sexual offences involving students — in 2013 and 2015 — for offences that included engaging in sexual activities with one student in Graziano’s classroom, his home and a trailer Graziano owned over a three-year period and touching another student’s penis over his pants.
A disciplinary committee of Ontario’s teacher’s college, in a 2016 decision revoking Graziano’s licence, wrote that the teacher, “abused his position of trust and authority in the gravest manner.”
The largest number of charges detailed in the report against any single offender: 95.
That distinction belongs to former Oshawa teacher Jeremy Raymond Pike who was eventually convicted on 10 counts of sexually assaulting eight young boys between the ages of two and 14, which included the recording of child pornography.
Pike restrained the boys’ legs during sexual intercourse and touching, filmed hours of video and snapped thousands of photographs documenting his abuse. He gained the trust of families by becoming a close friend, taking the children on trips to the park and even applying to be a foster parent to young boys.
In a 2008 disciplinary decision revoking Pike’s teaching licence, the Ontario teachers college called his “planned and deliberate” actions “heinous.”
Pike also received the longest sentence measured in the report: 14 years.
In all, 78 per cent of all school employees charged with a criminal offence were convicted through a guilty plea or trial. The remaining 22 per cent were acquitted or had charges stayed or withdrawn.
Half of the guilty verdicts resulted in sentences of less than two years in custody; 21 per cent received sentences of two years or more and 30 per cent received absolute discharges, suspended sentences and jail time as little as one day, according to the findings.
The report also investigates the methods used by offenders to lure their victims.
Seventy per cent of the offenders used “grooming behaviour,” including manipulating children into becoming a “co-operating participant” in the activities to reduce the chances of disclosure, the study found.
“In the time between the inappropriate conduct and sentencing, many of these victims, in their own words, developed a sense of having lost their childhood and an understanding that the relationship was manipulative or exploitative,” the report reads.
Another quarter of offenders used “opportunism” to sexually abuse children — taking advantage of a situation for one-time sexual assaults.
“They did not appear to have a made a concerted effort to build a relationship with the child,” the report reads. “Opportunistic offenders often take less time and have less of an emotional investment than those who groom victims.”
Of all the cases, 10 per cent involved child pornography offences and another three per cent involved child pornography with “contact” offences against children.
The report makes several recommendations to address the risk to students, including better education for school staff about the impacts of sexual abuse on children, higher standards of accountability and transparency when allegations of abuse are raised by students and clarifying teachers’ reporting obligations to ensure concerns are brought to the attention of senior school administrators.

I thought this was mainly a Residential school problem and it rarely happened in mainstream schools, now what?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Why did you think that it was mainly a residential school problem?

Have you been asleep for 20 years?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Poor LIE-berals- ALL their policies are failing and dying a shameful death- picked to pieces by disgusted tax payers!

Too many creeps are protected by civil service unions!

School boards and other govt authorities routinely "pass the trash" as they warn union Hogs about questionable behaviour - and then send them on to other jurisdictions!

WE need only remember Stan Kabal- the guy responsible for the Walkerton Water Tragedy- who managed his job and heavy drinking so poorly that 7 people died and over 100 others were sickened- with LIE-berals not wishing to tell us how many of the 100 have been shoved onto kidney dialysis FOR LIFE thanks to kidney failure brought on by that dirty water Kabal was supposed to be treating!

But dont worry- Kabal has landed on his Hog trotters and now has nice replacement job installing traffic lights! Hogs look after their own!

Or consider this:

Today we have a nice little story out of the Toronto history books and as usual I have added some comments of my own in brackets). On January 15, 2004, Toronto Sun writer Sue-Ann Levy wrote a column about `Absurd` union tactics and I have summarized her column below-lets see what sort of `D`s we get from Hogs this time around:

After SEVEN YEARS of legal wrangling-right up to the supreme Court of Canada, CUPE Local 79 lost its bid to reinstate a male union worker convicted of sex assault on a boy in his supervision.

Toronto Sun writer Sue-Ann Levy told us on January 15, 2004: That a city recreation instructor at the McCormack community centre in Toronto committed a series of sexual assaults over a period of years-starting when the boy was nine years old and ending when he was twelve-due to the worker being ARRESTED for pedophilia!

The worker was tried, convicted, and served his prison sentence. Once released the convicted pedophile made it clear he wanted his old job back but instead the City fired him! For reasons that are obvious to an ordinary person but incomprehensible to a Hog, the City was not willing to let him come back to any City facility that might have kids in it; so CUPE 79 launched a grievance against the City-alleging unjust dismissal.

The grievance went to arbitration and in a decision worthy of Kafka the arbitrator ordered the city to re-hire the worker. The arbitrator wrote this about the case ”the criminal conviction was NOT conclusive proof of the employees guilt....that the employee did not commit the acts alleged”.

The arbitrator ordered the worker re-hired in 1998 and George Monteith was city director of employment law at the time and he is quoted by Levy stating: “we have been in court ever since”. Meaning the matter has been argued through the courts from 1998 up to 2004! Monteith went on to say that THIRTEEN JUDGES at various judicial levels ALL over-ruled the arbitrator. Monteith also claimed that the cost to the city for outside counsel for this case-that is-lawyers not already working on retainer for the city-cost approximately $145,000.00! (I point out there would of course be additional costs-in the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS- for the earlier arbitration efforts.)

Ann Dembinski was CUPE president at the time and “was on holiday” when the final judgement by the Supreme Court was made, but others at CUPE headquarters refused to comment on what they described as a “precedent setting case” as they had not yet reviewed the latest judgement.

City director of employment law George Monteith pointed out that “in fairness, they (meaning the union) have an obligation to provide fair representation to their members”!

(But an ordinary person will ask: at what point does `FAIR` dissolve into insanity? JUST HOW HUGE would be the damages levied against the city if they re-hired a convicted pedophile and he then proceeded to molest ANOTHER child on city property? And just how could city officials look the public in the eyes after allowing such a travesty of justice to occur?)

Levy then obtained this information from Bill Adams, city director of employee and labour relations- that as of January 2004 : ”there are 2,603 union driven grievances under way” and that “some of them involve employees convicted of criminal theft from the city”. But there is some good news-Levy was told by Adams that there were 3120 grievances at the same time period the previous year! (I say a drop from 3120 to 2603 is a nice reduction in the level of union madness!) Adams also explained that it costs $3,000.00 per DAY to fight a grievance at the arbitration stage-with the average `case` running about 12 days-and of course going to court would escalate the costs dramatically!

Adams also admitted that although none of the 2004 grievances were as serious as the pedophile case, he did admit that a number of those 2.603 grievances involved city workers CONVICTED of criminal THEFT of city property.

(I ask: WHY would unions think it would be morally right to FORCE the city to RE-HIRE criminals CONVICTED of theft of city property? Apparently union chiefs like the idea of having a `desperate` work force to manage-in other words the most dedicate and loyal union Hogs are those who cannot survive without the union and who owe the union leaders BIG favours!)

(From all this a cynical tax payer may easily conclude that the convenience of union members trumps any need for public safety/concern for child welfare or respect of tax payers money-but what else can we expect from a pack of Hogs who think they are entitled to the WORLD ON A PLATTER-delivered steaming hot to THEIR gravy train!)

(It will be interesting to see how Hogs `D` this story. Certainly they showed no shame over Walkerton-they insist that it is the fault of Mike Harris in spite of all the pieces of the disaster being put into place LONG before he appeared on the political scene. And of course the province had NO authority over Walkerton water dept or of the local union and Harris certainly had no legal right to fire Stan Kabel as Hogs `d`-mand that he should have.)

(Of course one has to ask if Hogs were so determined that somebody FIRE Stan Kabel then why didn’t they blame LIE-beral Jean Chretien for not stepping in? Why just Harris-and of course we know its because Chretien was a LIE-beral dispensing Hog gravy and Harris had pissed off Hogs by pinching pennies and limiting their gravy!)

(And speaking of Hogs `D`ing things-why don’t we ask just how it was that murderous drunk Stan Kabel KEPT his good union Hog status AFTER the Walkerton disaster and once the furor died down he got ANOTHER nice Hog job in a nearby municipality installing traffic signals! Come on now-which of you Hogs wants to step forward and explain which union executives and which local politicians thought it was a good idea to RE-HIRE Kabel?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Outside the UN ruling and a multi-Billion dollar payout I don't know where I came up with my post
Me either.

We have had decade after decade of revelations of child abuse at Churches

Did you ever hear about the generations of abuse in Newfoundland?

You do read...right?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
NFLD wants in on the Residential school payout from Canada even though they were not apart of Canada at the time

What's the Church have to do with the recent school report?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
what do residential schools have to do with the Christian Brothers in NL?

Your belief that only indian children have been abused is comical, as is most of your white nationalist climate change denial.

At least the parts that aren't nauseating. Which is pretty much all of them.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
So who hasn't been keeping up with the news now?

Lawyers reach $50M settlement in residential schools class-action case

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – Former students of residential schools in Newfoundland and Labrador wept in court Tuesday as lawyers outlined a $50-million compensation deal with the federal government.

The settlement, affecting about 800 class-action members alleging abuse along with cultural losses, was revealed Tuesday as lawyers for both sides were in provincial Supreme Court in St. John’s seeking approval to notify plaintiffs.

Plaintiffs’ lawyer Steven Cooper said former students alive as of Nov. 23, 2006, or their estates if they have died since would be eligible for payments.
Students who lived in school residences for less than five years are eligible for $15,000 in general compensation while those who lived there five years or more are eligible for $20,000.
Abuse compensation payments could be up to $200,000 each and will be based on sworn testimony.

Your belief that only indian children have been abused is comical, as is most of your white nationalist climate change denial.

I never once said this you're implying that I did, the First Canadian rhetoric was that they were the worst sect in Canada over sexual abuse in residential schools, this new discovery blows that theory out of the water IMO

Back to you Hoid

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Twin Moose...

Be careful. If you start making too much sense, Hoid will put you on his 'ignore' list.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
And join the rest of the white nationalist climate change deniers :lol:
Yeah, but it's just a dog-raping, FN hating, advocacy science pusher's list anyway so who the hell cares. :lol:

Yeah. Like y'all are gonna let a non-white to be representative of Canada in anything.
Yep, just a country full of White supremacists. Very, VERY confused ones apparently.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah, but it's just a dog-raping, FN hating, advocacy science pusher's list anyway so who the hell cares. :lol:

Yep, just a country full of White supremacists. Very, VERY confused ones apparently.


Here is a thought about how badly LIE-berals and their less intelligent NDP cousins treat our kids! Consider:

Here is an older article illustrating how sour and silly is all LIE-beral policy- and why Doug Ford is now premier. With some comments of my own in brackets):

New fee for university applicants comes under fire

First posted: Sunday, December 04, 2016 12:44 PM EST | Updated: Sunday, December 04, 2016 12:59 PM EST

Toronto Sun files

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One of the country’s largest school boards is criticizing new fees for Ontario university applicants as an “undue and unfair financial hardship” on many students and their families.

(This complaint by Peel School Board is classic LIE-beral Madness! LIE-berals and NDPers as well, derive virtually ALL their support from civil service union Hogs and that support MUST be paid for with lots of gravy! But Ontari-owe is bankrupt and there is no more gravy so Hogs are now fighting amongst themselves for the scraps- hence the Peel whining!)

Peel District School Board Trustee Stan Cameron, who represents Caledon, said he first learned of the new $50 fee adopted by the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) from a Bolton high school guidance counsellor.

(And senior university staff put LIE-berals on notice in spring 2018 that they expected a FIFTY PERCENT raise in pay- or they would not support LIE-berals any more! Same sort of noise from support staff and other Hogs! LIE-berals offered up 2 percent raises in each of the next 4 years and to Hogs that is CHUMP CHANGE! OSSTF- our high school teachers DEMAND to collect on fifty five billion dollars in LIE-beral pension promises-IOU`s that we do NOT have the money to honour! With EIGHTEEN MORE unions right behind OSSTF- and all wanting hundreds of billions of dollars! So we should look at the new fee as a LIE-beral down payment on the massive gravy grabs Hogs DEMAND of us!)

Cameron said he brought the issue before the board last week, and his motion to send a letter to the OUAC in opposition to the fee was unanimously adopted.

(So what is the biggest beef here- that Peel Board wants our gravy for themselves and are pissed at universities for putting their greed ahead of Peel? And of course Wynne-bag LIE-berals offered up a new funding plan for OSAP- which actually gave a FEW kids more money- but raised fees and costs for the great majority! Typical LIE-berals- bait and switch is their mantra! With other LIE-berals claiming that Our idiot Boy Justin had a plan of his own for funding kids- and where is it? Oh right- more hot air!)

“Not only do I wear a school board trustee hat but I also teach in post-secondary education at Centennial College,” Cameron said. “I have seen students in my classrooms who really struggle financially so I know what that looks like — to come to post-secondary education but not have a whole lot of money.”

(OH the shameless crocodile tears from this hypocrite who has driven the kids- and their parents into poverty by his gravy give away to Hogs in exchange for votes! The reek of greed and hypocrisy is strong here!)

Students who apply to university must pay a base fee of $156 which lets them apply for three university programs.

If students wanted to drop one university and add another, they used to do so without a financial penalty.

But in the 2017 academic year, students must pay $50 every time they make that change.

In contrast, the college application process costs $95 for five program choices within three colleges with unlimited changes at no extra charge.

(You get what you pay for- our low rent community colleges are largely for losers anyway! Think how easily LIE-berals brushed off and insulted Early Childhood Education students - and hired union teacher Hogs when they set up all day kindergarten! There are 7 billion people in the world and it is proof you don’t need a university degree to wipe runny noses and tie shoelaces- unless you are a LIE-beral buying Hog votes with high pay for rather easy work! )

Students must apply to university before receiving a crucial set of marks, many are just 17-years-old, and others find their family circumstances have changed so that they can’t afford to live in residence, Cameron said.

“I think there’s totally that assumption that if you’re applying to university, you come from a family situation that is capable of paying additional money, therefore we will charge you that,” Cameron said.

(I think LIE-berals are too busy collecting gravy and buying votes to bother with how kids will be paying! LIE-berals happily operate our entire govt on credit so why shouldn’t the kids be forced to do the same with their lives?)

OUAC Executive director David Wallace previously told the Sun that students are being encouraged to research their choices up front to avoid the $50 additional charge.

(Oh right- with LIE-berals its always the fault of others when there is anger or frustration! LIE-berals conveniently look the other way when College teachers make grand promises about the fine future their graduates have- and its ALL empty LIE-beral style NONSENSE! The life of a typical college grad bears NO resemblance to the grand promises made to get the kid signed up!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Here is what you said:

"I thought this was mainly a Residential school problem and it rarely happened in mainstream schools, now what?"

How you came to this conclusion is known ony to yourself, as schools all across North America have been suing the various churches since the 1970s.

"The Christian Brothers in Canada more than 300 former pupils alleged physical and sexual abuse at the Mount Cashel Orphanage in Newfoundland. When allegations of physical and sexual abuse started to surface in the late 1980s, the government, police and local church leaders conspired in an unsuccessful cover-up. In Ontario in January 1993 the Christian Brothers reached a financial settlement totaling $23 million with 700 former students who alleged abuse."