White Privilage


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Too long and boring to read

You really have no point to make in any of your posts do you! And your lack of ability to make any relevant political or legal point suggests you are also "pointless" in other areas of your life as well!

You really have no point to make in any of your posts do you! And your lack of ability to make any relevant political or legal point suggests you are also "pointless" in other areas of your life as well!

Yes....poor Cannuck....he has the personality of a parrot......merely repeating whatever nonsense his LIE-beral Gods tell him to say!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Highlights and a link would be great.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! LIE-berals be FURIOUS at being exposed- as hypocrites- as having muddled understanding of economics- as reverse racists- as being inarticulate anti intellectuals who cannot read a detailed analysis that shreds their foolish polices- as being nothing but greedy gravy train riding Hogs- as people who cannot run a chip truck at a profit, not even if you give them the potatoes for free!

Is it not hilarious that the more Our idiot Boy Justin explains his true values and world view- the WORSE his polling numbers get? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

And now Our idiot Boy Justin has managed to trigger a trade war with United States!

Our idiot Boy has persuaded Trump to hit at Cdn LIE-berals because of their total lack of interest in national security issues that affect both our countries!

Our idiot Boy got elected on a promise to "save the middle class"- and of course 92 percent of Cdns will be paying at leat two grand more per year in taxes by the end of this year- with no knowing what we will be paying by 2019 unless the idiot Boy crawls back to Washignton and admits he is a moron- and will change his ways!

Our idiot Boy has NO plan B! What will he do for money next year? BORROW IT FROM YANKEES who think he is a FOOL who lacks the ability to PAY BACK borrowed money? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Our idiot Boy ran up fifty five billion dollars in deficits in his first 2 years in office- plans to run an 18 billion dollar deficit this 2018 and will be under HUGE pressure to run more deficits in the future UNLESS he crawls back to Rump and apologizes for being an idiot Boy and gets the various trade tariffs lifted!

Before Our idiot Boy was even elected I predicted that he would perform a magic trick for us! YES! I said he would make all our jobs and money DISAPPEAR!

And I said that because he is a FOOL- and does not really understand his trick- that he would NOT be able to reverse the mess he has dumped us into!

So congratulations to all the self centred goofs who voted for Our idiot Boy! If you were half so clever as you claim to be then you would long ago have seen that Our idiot Boy is simply pulling the same damned fool trick that former Ontari-owe premier Bob (BOOB) Rae pulled on us- trying to make us rich with BORROWED MONEY!

Things went so badly for Rae that he was forced to leave the NDP and join the LIE-berals right after they got slammed by voters for that three billion dollar Human Resources Ministry adscam THEFT!

I hope Our idiot Boy Justin saved all his costumes from his India trip- it looks like he will need them as props when he goes back to drama class!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! LIE-berals be FURIOUS at being exposed- as hypocrites- as having muddled understanding of economics- as reverse racists- as being inarticulate anti intellectuals who cannot read a detailed analysis that shreds their foolish polices- as being nothing but greedy gravy train riding Hogs- as people who cannot run a chip truck at a profit, not even if you give them the potatoes for free!

Is it not hilarious that the more Our idiot Boy Justin explains his true values and world view- the WORSE his polling numbers get? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

And now Our idiot Boy Justin has managed to trigger a trade war with United States!

Our idiot Boy has persuaded Trump to hit at Cdn LIE-berals because of their total lack of interest in national security issues that affect both our countries!

Our idiot Boy got elected on a promise to "save the middle class"- and of course 92 percent of Cdns will be paying at leat two grand more per year in taxes by the end of this year- with no knowing what we will be paying by 2019 unless the idiot Boy crawls back to Washignton and admits he is a moron- and will change his ways!

Our idiot Boy has NO plan B! What will he do for money next year? BORROW IT FROM YANKEES who think he is a FOOL who lacks the ability to PAY BACK borrowed money? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Our idiot Boy ran up fifty five billion dollars in deficits in his first 2 years in office- plans to run an 18 billion dollar deficit this 2018 and will be under HUGE pressure to run more deficits in the future UNLESS he crawls back to Rump and apologizes for being an idiot Boy and gets the various trade tariffs lifted!

Before Our idiot Boy was even elected I predicted that he would perform a magic trick for us! YES! I said he would make all our jobs and money DISAPPEAR!

And I said that because he is a FOOL- and does not really understand his trick- that he would NOT be able to reverse the mess he has dumped us into!

So congratulations to all the self centred goofs who voted for Our idiot Boy! If you were half so clever as you claim to be then you would long ago have seen that Our idiot Boy is simply pulling the same damned fool trick that former Ontari-owe premier Bob (BOOB) Rae pulled on us- trying to make us rich with BORROWED MONEY!

Things went so badly for Rae that he was forced to leave the NDP and join the LIE-berals right after they got slammed by voters for that three billion dollar Human Resources Ministry adscam THEFT!

I hope Our idiot Boy Justin saved all his costumes from his India trip- it looks like he will need them as props when he goes back to drama class!
Good work again , too bad all the hard work goes to waste as those who need to read it can’torwon’t .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ASHAMED FOR BEING WHITE? Poster in B.C. schools about ‘white privilege’ draws ire from parents
Canadian Press
More from Canadian Press
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018 7:52 AM EST
A poster campaign at a school district in British Columbia’s Interior aimed at creating conversations about racism and privilege has struck a nerve with some parents.
Schools in the Gold Trail District hung up the posters featuring officials sharing their experiences with racism in January, but a comment about “white privilege” has some parents now questioning the purpose of the campaign.
The poster at the centre of the debate features a photo of district superintendent Teresa Downs next to her quote that reads: “I have unfairly benefited from the colour of my skin. White privilege is not acceptable.”
Kansas Field Allen, whose son is a Grade 9 student at Kumsheen Secondary School in Lytton, said singling out one racial group is a disservice to blended families.
Kumsheen Secondary School in Lytton (Google)
Her husband is Aboriginal, as are their children, and she said since the posters went up, one person told her as a white person she should feel uncomfortable around her family.
She said she’s also heard of at least one child who said they felt ashamed for being white.
“Racism is alive out there and our kids do need to learn about it, but they need to learn about it at an age appropriate level and they don’t need to learn about one race over another,” she said.
“Let’s talk to the students and see if we can do this in a better way, a more accepting way.”
Other posters feature district staff and comment on experiencing and needing to confront racism.
A poster campaign at a B.C. Interior school district aimed at creating a conversation on racism and privilege has struck a nerve with some parents. (CP)
Downs said the campaign fits into ongoing efforts to discuss inequality in schools and her comments about white privilege are a reflection of her own experience.
“We understand that the discussion of race and privilege can make some people feel uncomfortable,” she said in an interview. “But we are also mindful in this district that we cannot have a wholesome conversation about racism without acknowledging that racism results in some groups being privileged.”
The district serves about 1,100 students across rural communities and First Nations territories west of Kamloops. About 60% of students identify as having Indigenous ancestry, Downs said.
For many years, Downs said the district has been tackling issues of racism and colonialism, and has worked to follow recommendations by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
(Kumsheen Secondary)
The poster campaign was inspired by similar billboards created by the City of Saskatoon last year, Downs said, and seen as an important next step from previous efforts within the district to advance discussions about inclusion.
“We work very hard to make the conversation not about individuals but our systems and our societies,” she said.
The posters have gone largely undisputed by students and the community, Downs said. In some schools, students have on their own created “Got privilege?” posters to add to the campaign.
Downs said part of the more recent criticism appears to stem from parents struggling with the term privilege.
Some comments on social media have suggested Downs doesn’t think she’s worked hard to earn her role in the community or is discrediting other white people who do struggle socially or economically, she said.
“I’m not saying that at all,” she said. “The definition of privilege here doesn’t mean high social status but just the acknowledgment that things in our society are at times easier for those who have white skin.”

ASHAMED FOR BEING WHITE: Poster in BC schools draws ire from parents | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Good work again , too bad all the hard work goes to waste as those who need to read it can’torwon’t .

Oh! Such "work" is never wasted! Last time I looked over 700 people have viewed my profile here- such as it is- clearly there ARE A LOT of people reading my stuff- though some will never admit it!

LIE-beral policy is failing in all areas and they have only fake news to defend their miserable selfish choices! The sooner its exposed the better!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Oh! Such "work" is never wasted! Last time I looked over 700 people have viewed my profile here- such as it is- clearly there ARE A LOT of people reading my stuff- though some will never admit it!

LIE-beral policy is failing in all areas and they have only fake news to defend their miserable selfish choices! The sooner its exposed the better!
They just want to know....."Who's that long winded son-of-a-b****!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Oh! Such "work" is never wasted! Last time I looked over 700 people have viewed my profile here- such as it is- clearly there ARE A LOT of people reading my stuff- though some will never admit it!

LIE-beral policy is failing in all areas and they have only fake news to defend their miserable selfish choices! The sooner its exposed the better!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Rex Murphy: The contemptible concept of 'white privilege' is just ugly, angry racism

There is much to choose from this week, including the infantile wailing and moronic ignorance of social-justice hooligans driven crazy mad (Pavlovian response) by Jordan Peterson giving a lecture, by invitation, at Queen’s University. (Three cheers for Queen’s president and the law faculty for inviting Dr. Peterson.)

Then there is Justin Trudeau inviting the fanatically anti-Alberta-oil Bill Nye to Ottawa for a public chat on science, the highlight of which was the signal revelation of the centrality of breastfeeding to the scientific method — delivered by our PM. When baby wails and the milk flows, can Planck’s constant be far behind?

As well: Jaspal Atwal, failed Sikh assassin, holding what he ludicrously called a press conference. The only takeaway: his lawyer is scarier, though not necessarily more competent.

More fertile than them all however was the brisk, chippy, and entitled Twitter blast levelled by Liberal MP and person of colour, Celina Caesar-Chavannes (Whitby, Ont.), at Conservative MP Maxime Bernier (Beauce, Que.).

Bernier had criticized an earlier tweet by Ahmed Hussen in which the Immigration Minister said the federal budget was historic for “racialized Canadians.”

Bernier said he deplored that tweet’s “awful jargon,” the pitch to “racialized” Canadians, and put out a plea for “colour blindness,” character over skin colour. His critics, Bernier said, implied (he was) a racist because “I want to live in a society where everyone is treated equally and not defined by their race.”

The parliamentary pigeons were duly agitated. Instanter, Caesar-Chavannes fired off her Twitter blast:

“… please tell this highly privileged man that the ultimate goal of fighting discrimination is equity & justice and not, as he states … to create a colour-blind society.”

That wasn’t going to boil the kettle, so there followed another, more imperious swipe: “@MaximeBernier … colour blindness as a defence actually contributes to racism. Please check your privilege and be quiet.

Obviously the bird of peace, the white-winged dove, doesn’t nest in Whitby, for when questioned on whether she had the right to tell MPs to shut down, from Caesar-Chavannes’ Twitter HQ came the final salvo:

“Darn right! Especially when the intervention is steeped in ignorance, I absolutely will invite them to keep quiet. Does he have to listen? No. Can I ask? Yes!”

Charming. This is the kind of rational, mild, engaged conversation that emerges from identity politics and its dubious offspring, the twisted notion of white (almost always male) privilege: claims that only the “aggrieved” can speak, or can have knowledge on certain issues; hectoring “out-group” citizens to sit down and take it. It’s all barriers and walls and shouts over the ramparts, with more than a touch of attempted moral extortion: “Hey, you’re not one of our clan – so you have no authority even to talk about this.” It’s the tired grievance, oppression narrative.

White privilege is a contemptible construction. It explicitly invokes skin colour as the only vector of judgment. It insists on “whiteness” as a flaw, a failing, and, as it almost always is, when yoked with “male” is the verbal equivalent of a spit. It is pure stereotype, ugly and angry. It is seen as a necessary term in identity politics, the politics of faction — ethnic, racial and religious.

White privilege is a racist concept on its face, with skin colour as the main determinant of value and truth.

That’s the philosophy behind the member for Whitby’s hard voice and insistent claim of perfect authority.

She is, just as every other MP is, one of the most select and privileged members of Canadian society. There are 36 million plus Canadians, and only 338 at any one time are MPs. It’s an exclusive, privileged club. They make the laws for all the rest, for heaven’s sake.

And within that privileged club, even as a rookie MP, Caesar-Chavannes is one-up on her fellows. She’s been parliamentary secretary to the prime minister himself for nearly two years, and elected from a majority white district. White privilege (or lack of it, whatever it is), hasn’t held her back.

In other words, she is select even among the select. She’s not marginalized, has not been passed over or put down. She’s certainly not gutting cod in a fish plant in Grand Bank or unemployed in Fort Mac — as so many of the really marginalized (of all colours and races) are.

Now, more specifically, if you do buy the white, male privilege cant, here’s a question: What one white male best illustrates the concept, more thoroughly than anyone else ever could, in the whole of the country?

Well, her boss, the prime minister.

He has a patrician name, an inherited status, is the offspring of a prime minister, has family friendships that give access to the world’s great and glorious, from the Khans to the Castros, a trust-fund income, and a network of political connections unexampled in modern Canadian politics. On the white male privilege scale he’s the very distillation and essence, the Platonic ideal.

Justin Trudeau’s white privilege halo has collateral benefits. Under his privileged-plumed wing, a lot of candidates sailed to election victory, possibly even Caesar-Chavannes herself. Does she deplore its advantages when they play to her benefit? Does she chide the prime minister that he so represents what she so deplores? Hold your bets.

To wind things up, I think I’m with Bernier. Individuals are not robots, identical instances of the skin colour they are born with, the sexuality they practice, the religion they hold, or even — I admit this is stretching things when you consider the current Liberal caucus — the party they belong to.

Identity politics atomizes society, dissolves community, reduces a country to subsets of clans, one-dimensional interests, group thinking, and obscures the immense diversity of individual, specific lives and the people who live them.

An MP might have the right to tell another MP to keep quiet, but good manners alone should throttle the urge. Parliament originally was the word for a “bout” or “spell” of speaking. And its meaning now is as a place of speech — speech for all, representing all.

Neither meaning, old or new, comports with telling a member to “keep quiet and check your privilege.”

It is never the place for one member to presume she has the full truth by virtue of identity, her truth and no other; and certainly never a place where one member has the “privilege” — of white or any other colour — of telling another when he can’t or shouldn’t speak.

Rex Murphy: The contemptible concept of ‘white privilege’ is just ugly, angry racism | National Post

Food for thought.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Rex Murphy: The contemptible concept of 'white privilege' is just ugly, angry racism

There is much to choose from this week, including the infantile wailing and moronic ignorance of social-justice hooligans driven crazy mad (Pavlovian response) by Jordan Peterson giving a lecture, by invitation, at Queen’s University. (Three cheers for Queen’s president and the law faculty for inviting Dr. Peterson.)

Then there is Justin Trudeau inviting the fanatically anti-Alberta-oil Bill Nye to Ottawa for a public chat on science, the highlight of which was the signal revelation of the centrality of breastfeeding to the scientific method — delivered by our PM. When baby wails and the milk flows, can Planck’s constant be far behind?

As well: Jaspal Atwal, failed Sikh assassin, holding what he ludicrously called a press conference. The only takeaway: his lawyer is scarier, though not necessarily more competent.

More fertile than them all however was the brisk, chippy, and entitled Twitter blast levelled by Liberal MP and person of colour, Celina Caesar-Chavannes (Whitby, Ont.), at Conservative MP Maxime Bernier (Beauce, Que.).

Bernier had criticized an earlier tweet by Ahmed Hussen in which the Immigration Minister said the federal budget was historic for “racialized Canadians.”

Bernier said he deplored that tweet’s “awful jargon,” the pitch to “racialized” Canadians, and put out a plea for “colour blindness,” character over skin colour. His critics, Bernier said, implied (he was) a racist because “I want to live in a society where everyone is treated equally and not defined by their race.”

The parliamentary pigeons were duly agitated. Instanter, Caesar-Chavannes fired off her Twitter blast:

“… please tell this highly privileged man that the ultimate goal of fighting discrimination is equity & justice and not, as he states … to create a colour-blind society.”

That wasn’t going to boil the kettle, so there followed another, more imperious swipe: “@MaximeBernier … colour blindness as a defence actually contributes to racism. Please check your privilege and be quiet.

Obviously the bird of peace, the white-winged dove, doesn’t nest in Whitby, for when questioned on whether she had the right to tell MPs to shut down, from Caesar-Chavannes’ Twitter HQ came the final salvo:

“Darn right! Especially when the intervention is steeped in ignorance, I absolutely will invite them to keep quiet. Does he have to listen? No. Can I ask? Yes!”

Charming. This is the kind of rational, mild, engaged conversation that emerges from identity politics and its dubious offspring, the twisted notion of white (almost always male) privilege: claims that only the “aggrieved” can speak, or can have knowledge on certain issues; hectoring “out-group” citizens to sit down and take it. It’s all barriers and walls and shouts over the ramparts, with more than a touch of attempted moral extortion: “Hey, you’re not one of our clan – so you have no authority even to talk about this.” It’s the tired grievance, oppression narrative.

White privilege is a contemptible construction. It explicitly invokes skin colour as the only vector of judgment. It insists on “whiteness” as a flaw, a failing, and, as it almost always is, when yoked with “male” is the verbal equivalent of a spit. It is pure stereotype, ugly and angry. It is seen as a necessary term in identity politics, the politics of faction — ethnic, racial and religious.

White privilege is a racist concept on its face, with skin colour as the main determinant of value and truth.

That’s the philosophy behind the member for Whitby’s hard voice and insistent claim of perfect authority.

She is, just as every other MP is, one of the most select and privileged members of Canadian society. There are 36 million plus Canadians, and only 338 at any one time are MPs. It’s an exclusive, privileged club. They make the laws for all the rest, for heaven’s sake.

And within that privileged club, even as a rookie MP, Caesar-Chavannes is one-up on her fellows. She’s been parliamentary secretary to the prime minister himself for nearly two years, and elected from a majority white district. White privilege (or lack of it, whatever it is), hasn’t held her back.

In other words, she is select even among the select. She’s not marginalized, has not been passed over or put down. She’s certainly not gutting cod in a fish plant in Grand Bank or unemployed in Fort Mac — as so many of the really marginalized (of all colours and races) are.

Now, more specifically, if you do buy the white, male privilege cant, here’s a question: What one white male best illustrates the concept, more thoroughly than anyone else ever could, in the whole of the country?

Well, her boss, the prime minister.

He has a patrician name, an inherited status, is the offspring of a prime minister, has family friendships that give access to the world’s great and glorious, from the Khans to the Castros, a trust-fund income, and a network of political connections unexampled in modern Canadian politics. On the white male privilege scale he’s the very distillation and essence, the Platonic ideal.

Justin Trudeau’s white privilege halo has collateral benefits. Under his privileged-plumed wing, a lot of candidates sailed to election victory, possibly even Caesar-Chavannes herself. Does she deplore its advantages when they play to her benefit? Does she chide the prime minister that he so represents what she so deplores? Hold your bets.

To wind things up, I think I’m with Bernier. Individuals are not robots, identical instances of the skin colour they are born with, the sexuality they practice, the religion they hold, or even — I admit this is stretching things when you consider the current Liberal caucus — the party they belong to.

Identity politics atomizes society, dissolves community, reduces a country to subsets of clans, one-dimensional interests, group thinking, and obscures the immense diversity of individual, specific lives and the people who live them.

An MP might have the right to tell another MP to keep quiet, but good manners alone should throttle the urge. Parliament originally was the word for a “bout” or “spell” of speaking. And its meaning now is as a place of speech — speech for all, representing all.

Neither meaning, old or new, comports with telling a member to “keep quiet and check your privilege.”

It is never the place for one member to presume she has the full truth by virtue of identity, her truth and no other; and certainly never a place where one member has the “privilege” — of white or any other colour — of telling another when he can’t or shouldn’t speak.

Rex Murphy: The contemptible concept of ‘white privilege’ is just ugly, angry racism | National Post

Food for thought End quote.

Thank you for that blast at the hypocrite Mp Chavannes! The Whitby riding does normally tend to be fairly Conservative in general- for a number of years it had both a provincial MPP and a federal Mp- JIm Flaherty and wife Christine Elliot.

Sadly- the demise of General Motors has led to desperation in many parts of Durham Region- with several "revisions" of the GM pension plan- which was in the same condition as the other 97 percent of all defined benefit pension plans- with too many former GM workers- many "retired" unwillingly and left to fend for themselves with a fixed income and soaring taxes and other govt costs for water, electricity and auto ins- which is very close to being a necessity in the Region due to limited public transit.

So the point is that desperate people living on fixed incomes and disgusted with rising costs- joined with the usual cabal of greedy civil service union Hogs to elect Chavannes based on promises that LIE-berals would "save the middle class!

And of course now all those fiscally stressed people are REMINDED of why we call them LIE-berals! In the larger national picture 92 percent of Cdns will be paying out over two thousand dollars MORE in taxes as LIE-beral policy fully kicks in! The LIE-beral "rescue" has turned into a deliberate murder by drowning people in MORE TAXES!

And elderly Durham residents were counting on selling their little houses for a nice profit but of course LIE-berals have killed that one to! The new mortgage rules and fiscal "stress test" mandated by LIE-berals and begun in January 2018 has worked to well! House sales down 35 percent and prices down an average of 12 percent- but that average is UNEVEN! Neighbourhoods close to central Toronto saw little dip in prices but the 905 district saw much more than 12 percent price drop- and this sudden price drop puts the retirement plans of many into major jeopardy!

It is LIE-beral madness that creates the problems- they give their Hog allies 2 percent raises because that is what they call the rate of inflation- and they LIE-beral about that! We had a series of water rate increases at 9 peercent for 5 years and then a series of increases at 4 percent!

WE had a series of property tax increases ranging from 2.9 percent up to 25 percent thanks to meddling by MPAC regarding the alleged value of our homes- yet prices are way down this spring- but our taxews will go UP as if nothing has happened!

Electricity prices have been DOUBLED till the entire province raged- and LIE-berals offered us a 25 percent break which mean we are STILL payning nearly the highest rates in North America- with LIE-berals failing to mislead us about pricing and failing to mention that we have the LEAST reliable electrical grid in Canada!

LIE-berals and their tame news media allies are HIDING facts about how many illegals have come here. how many have been through the porous refugee legal process, how many have been accepted and how many have been rejected and sent away! And LIE-berals consider it is none of our business how much it is costing us to allow Our idiot Boy Justin to act like a crazy cat lady- collecting every stray illegal he can find rtill we are over run with them!

The ONLY public acknowledgement LIE-berals make regarding the fiscal pressure they are creating regarding illegals is to tell us "there is an epidemic homeless crisis" and we must drastically increase funding for shelters! LIE-berals do NOT want to tell us how many of those flooding into shelters are illegals! Nor do they want to tell us how many of the new shelter users are middle aged white people whose jobs have disappeared as a result of electricity prices and mad LIE-beral taxes!


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
But overall from the time that Catholic Christianity gained power circa 323 A.C.E they steadily grew into the worlds longest lived & biggest criminal organization.