White Privilage


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
That's what it is.

The entire world cannot handle the twit list truth.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Flossy, I found this on the Internet. It's about you and your friends. You aren't going to like it, but I hope that you pay attention. The bottom line is that your attempts to be cool are going to fail you. Heck, they have already failed. Watch and learn.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yep, just like the Winter Olympics, Whites win most of the Medals.

When it comes to doing the heavy lifting and outstanding performances, look to the Whites to get'er done eh!!

Good job excluding the Summer Olympics, basketball, baseball, NFL and CFL football, and soccer from your consideration.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
I still can't understand why everyone is going so hard on race in the forum lately. You know a topic here and there is normal but you guys are taking some of this way to personally. You guys should know each other by now... Its not like you havent been talking about the same thing for the last 5+ years.

The only race you guys are in is to see who gives who a heart attack first...

Go outside you old geezers. Get some fresh air.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I still can't understand why everyone is going so hard on race in the forum lately. You know a topic here and there is normal but you guys are taking some of this way to personally. You guys should know each other by now... Its not like you havent been talking about the same thing for the last 5+ years.

The only race you guys are in is to see who gives who a heart attack first...

Go outside you old geezers. Get some fresh air.

Why, you young whippersnapper! I'll limp over there and thrash you with my cane!

After my nap.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Good job excluding the Summer Olympics, basketball, baseball, NFL and CFL football, and soccer from your consideration.

So you agree then that colored folk can't even handle winter weather.
I just wonder how you would expect the coloreds folk to stay warm if it wasn't for the hard work of the Whites?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So you agree then that colored folk can't even handle winter weather.
Where did I agree that? A quote will do nicely.

Or just admit that you're delusional as well as retarded.

I just wonder how you would expect the coloreds folk to stay warm if it wasn't for the hard work of the Whites?
What work do you do that keeps non-white folks warm?

Here's a hint: having the same general skin shade as people who do good or important things doesn't work to your credit. Any more than the fact that the majority of the Canadian army is white would make you a soldier.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015


ABC News silent after more than 30,000 calls over 'View' star Joy Behar's 'anti-Christian bigotry'

ABC has received at least 30,000 calls since the Media Research Center began a campaign to hold “View” co-hosts accountable for spewing “anti-Christian bigotry,” but it doesn’t look like the network plans to take action.

Co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar mocked Vice President Pence’s Christian faith earlier this month on "The View," and MRC President Brent Bozell published an open letter to ABC News calling for an apology.

ABC had received 30,588 calls as of Wednesday morning, and angry viewers have also reached out to the chat show's advertisers, including Clorox, Gerber, Oreo and Home Advisor. The advertisers have received no fewer than 6,000 calls, according to the MRC.

The MRC, which says it's “America’s leading media watchdog in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias,” posted contact information for 14 of the ABC News program’s advertisers as well as the president of ABC.

“I am sure the advertisers of ‘The View’ will be just as appalled as I am about the anti-Christian remarks made on the show,” Bozell wrote.
ABC News silent after more than 30,000 calls over 'View' star Joy Behar's 'anti-Christian bigotry' | Fox News


House Member
May 18, 2010
Here's a hint: having the same general skin shade as people who do good or important things doesn't work to your credit. Any more than the fact that the majority of the Canadian army is white would make you a soldier.
Wtf?? It must be way past your bedtime, this makes no sense at all. Maybe try again in the morning, and if that doesn't help, just call your friendly undertaker.

Almost all worthy armies are White.
The others only make war


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I still can't understand why everyone is going so hard on race in the forum lately.

Is it surprising that a small group of climate change deniers are also white nationalists?

makes perfect sense to me.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is it surprising that a small group of climate change deniers are also white nationalists?

makes perfect sense to me.

Here is an article illustrating that LIE-berals seem quite happy about deliberately poisoning our legal system with their bigotry. With some comments of my own in brackets):

After Boushie case, are we headed for Gladue 2.0?

By Lorne Gunter. Published: February 13, 2018. Updated: February 13, 2018 4:09 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

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(And what is Gladue? What this means is that, for an Aboriginal offender, a restorative justice process may be more appropriate for you than a jail term. Such processes focus on healing those affected by the criminal act, including the offender, and so are more in line with traditional Aboriginal justice. Also, a restorative justice approach will often allow for a solution with no jail time, which helps reduce the drastic over-representation of Aboriginals in Canadian jails.

(Gosh- there is ample historical evidence that Mohawks were the most militant tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy at the time of the French arrival in Canada. And we know that plains Indians from various tribes routinely fought and stole horses and women from each other. And natives often follow the concept of blood money that should be paid to the family of a victim- as is often done in various places and cultures around the world. BUT ONLY LIE-berals seem hypocritical enough to measure the scale of the blood money based on how many natives may be in jail at any one time? This IS what LIE-berals mean by “over representation of natives in jail! This is in spite of factual evidence that given a choice between a fine or jail- the native offender much more often choses jail than the whites do!)

In the spring of 2016, when the sexual assault trial of former CBC host Jian Ghomeshi failed to produce the verdict the Trudeau government wanted, the government decided to change the law to make it even harder for men to defend themselves against rape allegations.

(Rape is accepted as a serious crime in Canada. But to change the law based on the ugly reality that a couple of twinkies could not keep their half baked story straight in court- with obvious sings of collusion and bewildering messages to Ghomeshi thanking him for a nice evening- at the time Ghomeshi was alleged to have been assaulting the 2 women is an abuse of the legal system and huge display of hypocrisy on the part if LIE-berals far more interested in buying votes than in maintaining an honest legal system!)

Canada at the time already had one of the toughest “rape shields” in the world – a set of laws and judicial precedents that made it difficult to raise a woman’s past sexual behaviour in court, thereby making it harder for a defendant to establish the alleged victim had given consent.

I wouldn’t trust Ghomeshi around my wife or daughter, but that’s not the point.

Because his defence lawyers had used his accusers’ emails and texts to expose serious inconsistencies between the accusers’ post-attack behaviour towards Ghomeshi and the claims they were making to police and prosecutors, the Trudeau Liberals changed Canadian law to make it very difficult to introduce an alleged victim’s electronic communications “of a sexual nature” or “for a sexual purpose.” This made it even harder than it had been for an accused to establish he had reasonable grounds to believe the alleged victim had consented.

(And yet LIE-berals have NO PROBLEM using electronic communications to convict people of a host of other crimes? Why the duplicity- or is it vote buying?)

The underlying message of the amendments was: Due process and reasonable doubt are unimportant next to social justice for women. Therefore, it’s justifiable to stack the deck to make sure that when men are accused, they are found guilty.

(So it IS LIE-beral vote buying and SCREW justice and fair play!)

Now in the wake of the Gerald Stanley verdict in Saskatchewan, are we headed for a similar Liberal deck-stacking against those accused of crimes against Indigenous people?

Since Stanley’s acquittal in the tragic shooting death of a young Cree man named Colten Boushie, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can’t stop talking and tweeting about how Indigenous Canadians deserve better from our justice system.

(Natives decry the lack of a single native on the jury- but is this evidence of racism? I say NO! For one thing, convicted felons are BARRED from jury duty- which lets out a lot of natives! For another thing- holding a gross political bias- as too many natives do- also bars you from jury duty! Hundreds of people were called to the Stanley jury selection process and both lawyers- one for prosecutor and one for defence went through the crowd seeking the most fair minded and logical people they could find- so the jury could answer a simple question: did Stanley murder Boushie? Or was it an accident brought on by Boushie himself while trying to ROB Stanley?)

(The jury- a dozen typical Cdns listened to ALL the evidence and all the witnesses and decreed the shooting was an accident! But now- Our idiot Boy Justin- who was never in the court and did not hear any evidence wants to hang Stanley and any others like him that end up in court in future- out to dry! LIE-berals display a level of shameless racist values that would embarrass a Civil War slave owner! The Ku Klux Klan is more honest about its true values than a LIE-beral! Our idiot Boy wants to poison our legal system and order us to pretend he is a noble seeker after truth and justice! He does not wish to be seen as what he is- a publicity hound and shameless self promoter!)

Trudeau insists he is not commenting specifically about the Stanley case, but he has met with Boushie’s family and promised them reforms. That sounds like a political threat for the justice system: Give us the verdicts we want or we’ll change the law so cases must come to the conclusions we want.

So, then, are we headed for Gladue 2.0?

Ever since a 1999 Supreme Court decision known as R v Gladue, judges sentencing convicted Indigenous criminals are required to take the defendant’s Indigenous heritage into account – not just his or her specific life events, but the general experience of Indigenous people in Canada.

Indigenous convicts are to receive as little prison time as possible. And, whenever possible, they are to be sentenced to alternatives, such as healing lodges.

(Yes- an old Sun news article from 20 years ago- told us of 2 burglars- one white and one native. With the white guy getting 3 years in jail and his native partner offering apologies to those he robbed and then he went back to the Reserve to hang out with friends and family and enjoy some time in a “sweat lodge”! LIE-beral justice is based on a lie!)

Are we now going to see this same principle extended beyond the sentencing of Indigenous criminals to the prosecution of non-Indigenous people accused of committing crimes against Indigenous Canadians? Are non-Indigenous Canadians now to be denied a full defence in court – the way men accused of sexual assault are?

Let’s be very clear about one thing: The biggest danger to young Indigenous men is other young Indigenous men, not middle-aged Saskatchewan farmers.

Indigenous people are more than three times as likely as non-Indigenous people to be victims of violent crime. However, in at least 70% of those cases (and possibly more), their attackers are other Indigenous people.

(Just another dirty little secret that LIE-bwerals do not want us asking about their native proteges- whose votes LIE-berals have bought with racist discrimination!)

And as for the claim that the Stanley jury was biased because it contained no Indigenous jurors, so, therefore, the Criminal Code should be amended to eliminate the defence’s right to automatically exclude jurors, remember that can cut both ways.

Just as defence lawyers can use peremptory rules to exclude jurors they believe might be sympathetic to victims – such as Indigenous jurors may have been in this case – so too can prosecutors and defence lawyers use the rules to keep out bigots and hardline jurors who might be biased the other way when the defendant is Indigenous.

(Oh don’t worry- if LIE-berals are bold enough to go forward with their biased legal changes to benefit natives like Boushie- LIE-berals will probably also be smart enough to leave various loopholes for their ethnic friends! Each court case allows LIE-berals to fine tune their bias a little more finely!)

(LIE-berals certainly would not want a Ku Klux Klan memeber sitting in judgement on a black thief! Nor would LIE-berals want a Jew sitting in judgement on a Muslim who was accused of a hate crime against a synagogue! I am not sure LIE-berals have really considered just how many loopholes they may need if they pursue this policy to a logical- at least logical for LIE-berals- conclusion! A LIE-beral defines long term planning as thinking on Thursday about events that may occur the next Monday! Stuff that may happen a year from now might as well be located in another dimension as far as LIE-beral planners are concerned!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Cannuck has his stupid stamp out..saves him typing cramps in his thumbs

Here is what to expect in the future from white privilege:

Racist South African Political Leader Julius Malema: “Go After the White Man… We Are Cutting the Throat of Whiteness”

The South African Parliament voted to confiscate land from white farmers without payment last week.

On Sunday night Julius Malema called on his followers to go after the white man and cut the throat of whiteness.

Julius Malema: Go after a white man… We are cutting the throat of whiteness.”
Racist South African Political Leader Julius Malema: "Go After the White Man... We Are Cutting the Throat of Whiteness"

LOL, now that's REAL RACISM against immigrants...