What's your opinion on United States Of America?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Friendly as ever, I see.

Oh, I'm sorry...... I didn't realize that positive, politically correct responses were the only ones wanted. Maybe one should be more precise when requesting opinions.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Why? What are we doing to those "poor little baby" seals? They're a source of food and fur. They're also an ecological hazard. Culling them is a good thing.

I quoted this because it deserves to be read again Curio...well said.

:roll:...Easier said then done eh Bar? :lol:

You should know. You are the expert.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
America the greatest nation on earth. What a load of, well wait, they have achieved a milestone as the greatest braggarts in history. They are now poorly educated in mass, many regard them as morally bankrupt and I could go on but for what purpose.
This greatest nation is about to become a financially bankrupt back water, defeated by it own greed. The other problem I have with America is, it could have been the
greatest. and they blew it. I find many of the Americans I have met, are good decent
folks who want the best for their families. There is good and bad about any country
but those who think theirs is the best country on earth are just believing what they
want to, without regard for the facts.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
The U.S. is a land of extremes. It has values that are extremely admirable but at times not upheld. Land of free speech and expression but yet music lyrics are edited for radio play.
Prudish standards for leaders and head of states but land of pornography.
Most civilised standards yet extremely violent crimes.
Land where all man are created equal by law , yet law leans towards money more than truths.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The U.S. is a land of extremes. It has values that are extremely admirable but at times not upheld. Land of free speech and expression but yet music lyrics are edited for radio play.
Prudish standards for leaders and head of states but land of pornography.
Most civilised standards yet extremely violent crimes.
Land where all man are created equal by law , yet law leans towards money more than truths.

Sounds like no better or worse than any other country all of which have their share of "the good, the bad and the ugly".


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
12 pages on what appeared to be a troll... not bad...

Personally, I like the US and I like Americans. I don't see a lot of differences from Canadians when you get down to the make up of the people. I think they have a lot to offer and to brag about, but so does most of the Developed World. We can argue about the relative merits of each compared to the next but I'm no more afraid to be living south of the 49th than I was living north of it.

The biggest contrast I see between the US and Canada is the US doesn't seem to notice the outside world as much, because it is so large, whereas in Canada we're always aware of the friendly giant next door, and watching in case it steps on us by accident. Well that and they don't give the NHL playoffs their due but you can't have everything...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
12 pages on what appeared to be a troll... not bad...

Personally, I like the US and I like Americans. I don't see a lot of differences from Canadians when you get down to the make up of the people. I think they have a lot to offer and to brag about, but so does most of the Developed World. We can argue about the relative merits of each compared to the next but I'm no more afraid to be living south of the 49th than I was living north of it.

The biggest contrast I see between the US and Canada is the US doesn't seem to notice the outside world as much, because it is so large, whereas in Canada we're always aware of the friendly giant next door, and watching in case it steps on us by accident. Well that and they don't give the NHL playoffs their due but you can't have everything...

Right on Wulfie, on every point. On my numerous trips to the U.S. (Pacific Northwest and Nevada) the one thing I did notice was when you turned on the T.V. news Canada was NEVER mentioned unless it was the result of a hockey game or Blue Jays game. But towards me personally, Americans have always been the greatest (but when I travel down there I try to give the impression that I like them and I like being there) I love Canada and I love being Canadian but have to admit some of my fellow countrymen can be a little snobish when it comes to the U.S. and I've never found any Americans (no doubt there are lots) to be that way.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The friendly giant next door is guilty of the supreme crime of war under the Nuremberg statutes. Let's see them make a movie about that, and they will, eventually, of course it will be bull****, but they can't smell the difference between that and candy anyway. When your friend is a giant psychopathic murder machine you are keeping very poor company and will be found guilty by association.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
The American people I have met like Canadians

During the Olympics and Canada put on its' dancing slippers and evening gown I was often asked why I left Canada or "how could you leave that beautiful place?"

I rarely hear anything derogatory about Canada down here and there are many Canadians who spend their winter months here farther south than I am and they are appreciated as a friendly and great group of people to have in the tourism

Sorry it doesn't always work in the reverse, but I think there are enough friendships cross-border not to get too concerned about it any more.

It's also great to have such a close neighbor based on friendship and cooperation
rather than some nations are saddled with.


Electoral Member
Feb 1, 2010
America the greatest nation on earth. What a load of, well wait, they have achieved a milestone as the greatest braggarts in history. They are now poorly educated in mass, many regard them as morally bankrupt and I could go on but for what purpose.
This greatest nation is about to become a financially bankrupt back water, defeated by it own greed. The other problem I have with America is, it could have been the
greatest. and they blew it. I find many of the Americans I have met, are good decent
folks who want the best for their families. There is good and bad about any country
but those who think theirs is the best country on earth are just believing what they
want to, without regard for the facts.

Link: http://hubpages.com/hub/Is-America-the-Greatest-Country-in-the-World

Of course there are lots of ways in which a country can be "great."
It is difficult to imagine rivaling the greatness of either India or China in terms of the breadth and length of cultural and religious history. Surely there is a sense in which these are the two greatest countries in the world.
Even in terms of modern definitions of social justice and fair governance, European countries, certain Asian countries, and parts of the Commonwealth, for example, show equal and perhaps superior "greatness."
Certainly, both Europeans and Canadians scratch their heads at the American attitude both to health insurance and guns.
Similarly, in countless countries across the world post-secondary education is free, both in parts of Europe but also in certain non-democratic nations.
Admittedly the American Revolution kicked off a form of government that was to be echoed in many parts of the world and, unlike in France or Russia, here it did not descend into tyranny after a few short years (or even months!).
But Athens had a form of democracy hundreds of years before Christ, and England had a formal parliamentary charter by the Middle Ages, in the Magna Carta. Similarly, both urbanized and rural societies around the world have had some sort of debate-based government -- it is not wholly an American invention by any means.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Of course there are lots of ways in which a country can be "great."
It is difficult to imagine rivaling the greatness of either India or China in terms of the breadth and length of cultural and religious history. Surely there is a sense in which these are the two greatest countries in the world.
Even in terms of modern definitions of social justice and fair governance, European countries, certain Asian countries, and parts of the Commonwealth, for example, show equal and perhaps superior "greatness."
Certainly, both Europeans and Canadians scratch their heads at the American attitude both to health insurance and guns.
Similarly, in countless countries across the world post-secondary education is free, both in parts of Europe but also in certain non-democratic nations.
Admittedly the American Revolution kicked off a form of government that was to be echoed in many parts of the world and, unlike in France or Russia, here it did not descend into tyranny after a few short years (or even months!).
But Athens had a form of democracy hundreds of years before Christ, and England had a formal parliamentary charter by the Middle Ages, in the Magna Carta. Similarly, both urbanized and rural societies around the world have had some sort of debate-based government -- it is not wholly an American invention by any means.
Boy, there's nothing like plagiarising, is there? You stole that from this place:

Is America the Greatest Country in the World?

Is that why America is the greatest?


Time Out
Apr 26, 2010
I would say the USA provides a better life than some other countries, but it's still not the best it could be. There's still a lot of poor and minorities that have it kind of rough here.

Minorities have it rough here because a lot of people in the USA are still close-minded and mean.
I'd say USA is okay. Country needs to get its act together and stop letting people illegal jump the border and continue to live here. Unemployment is so bad because Americans are constantly losing their job to people from Mexico.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Minorities have it rough here because a lot of people in the USA are still close-minded and mean.
I'd say USA is okay. Country needs to get its act together and stop letting people illegal jump the border and continue to live here. Unemployment is so bad because Americans are constantly losing their job to people from Mexico.
Do you have a big Mexican problem in Mass?