WE really need to get rid of this guy


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
Most Canadians live a fairly good life , go to work have taxes deducted at source and only pay attention to take home . Once and only until they can no longer pay the bills and feed the family will they worry about politics .
Much of that seems to be talked about now.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I'm still wondering why his approval rating is so high? I would have thought he'd be at LEAST the level of Biden since he's following Biden's policies. Obviously, people aren't paying attention. Huh, who knew?

Come the next election, no doubt the lying and fake Canadian bought off media will once again be fixing the numbers to make it appear as though the Marxist turd is winning in the poll numbers game, and they will be praising the turd and make it appear as though the turd is gawd's gift to mankind and the saviour of Chanukistan. Our Canadian media is controlled by the globalists cabal and Marxists like the turd.

You wrote that the turd has the disapproval of 51% of Canadians and 51% have a negative view of the turd. So where do the other 49% stand? it would look to me like the turd has enough bimbos on his side to maybe win the next election. A majority or maybe a minority government in the making once again? I do not trust this Marxist federal liberal government or the Marxist Canadian liberal media to try and fix the next election in the turds favor as I believe that they did aid the Marxist turd in the last election to win. Hey, we never know, eh? :unsure:


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Most Canadians live a fairly good life , go to work have taxes deducted at source and only pay attention to take home . Once and only until they can no longer pay the bills and feed the family will they worry about politics .

But by then it may be too late to be able to do anything about it. Gawd only knows as to what this Marxist baboon in Ottawa has in store for us all. The turd still has three more years to go. That is enough time for the Marxist pro globalist turd to turn Canada into a WEF third world Marxist dictatorship hell hole by then.

The turd has shown us all that he can freeze anyone from being able to access their bank accounts if he so chooses to do so. We are pretty much not living in a free country any longer. Canada is pretty much going communist. I still have to fill out an ARRCAN app to be able to return back to Canada without having to fear any fines or quarantine forced on me. This is not the old freedom loving Canada we once knew. This is the new normal Canada as they called it now where you pretty much have no rights and freedoms anymore. The rights and freedoms that you will be able to have are the rights and freedoms that the Marxist baboon in Ottawa will allow us to have. this is nothing to laugh at any longer. It is getting seriously dangerous out there for our rights and freedoms in Canada today. (n)
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
But by then it may be too late to be able to do anything about it. Gawd only knows as to what this Marxist baboon in Ottawa has in store for us all. The turd still has three more years to go. That is enough time for the Marxist pro globalist turd to turn Canada into a WEF third world Marxist dictatorship hell hole by then.

The turd has shown us all that he can freeze anyone from being able to access their bank accounts if he so chooses to do so. We are pretty much not living in a free country any longer. Canada is pretty much going communist. I still have to fill out an ARRCAN app to be able to return back to Canada without having to fear any fines or quarantine forced on me. This is not the old freedom loving Canada we once knew. This is the new normal Canada as they called it now where you pretty much have no rights and freedoms anymore. The rights and freedoms that you will be able to have are the rights and freedoms that the Marxist baboon in Ottawa will allow us to have. this is nothing to laugh at any longer. It is getting seriously dangerous out there for our rights and freedoms in Canada today. (n)
To bad , I got to and still am living in the richest society , in the time when society is at its richest ever . F—k politics I am still eating steak tonight .
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
To bad , I got to and still am living in the richest society , in the time when society is at its richest ever . F—k politics I am still eating steak tonight .

Yah, you are right. Phuk the other guy and gal. I want to make it all about me now. It will be steak tonight for me also. The poor people can eat bugs. Just saying. :cool:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Even people like myself who, “occasionally“ criticize the present government are united in praise of their unquestioned strengths and virtues. On some things they are really good. Efficiency, for example. Once they decide to overlook something, it’s overlooked. They waste no time whatsoever on second thoughts.

A less stalwart and confident government having obviously decided that the epic clog-up at Pearson airport, earning rare headlines as “the worst in all the world” wasn’t — you know — really, a big problem, might have had distracting second thoughts. Might have changed their minds and set about a full-bore, all-speed-ahead, we’re-on-this-and-nothing-is-going-to-stop-us till it’s fixed.

And that would have meant a loss of needed energy and focus on the more important stuff. Plastic picnic forks would have slipped under the radar, two billion unplanted trees would be even more unplanted, and goodness knows if it would ever have occurred to them to introduce the ArriveCan app, which even as I write is being toasted by enthusiastic travellers in every arrival airport lounge in Canada.

Pick a course and stay with it is their motto, and do they ever live up to it. Monitoring fertilizer of western farmers, another great example. Ottawa is an expert on fertilizer. Even with the House of Commons shut down, its production of it is a marvel. On this subject they made up their minds, and with that efficiency I am commending, skipped all consultation with the relevant agricultural ministers, and ploughed it through.

On what is dubiously termed “anti-hate” they are at their most efficient. Liberals might be purblind mice on some subjects but they are eagle-eyed when it comes to hate-thought, hate-speech and in their conviction that Canada is a burrow of “systemic racism.” And so when they move on this they move with a cheetah’s impulsion.

Canadian Heritage knows the danger when it feels it, and it was Canadian Heritage, under Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen, who doled out $133,800 to a group called Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC), to, as the Canadian Press put it, “build an anti-racism strategy” for Canadian broadcasting. On “anti-racism” no government has ever been as efficient as the current one. They, as the great cat poem states “search it here, they search it there, they search it everywhere.”

Efficiency of this kind has its perils. And it is to Quillette’s Jonathan Kay to whom all credit must go for alerting everyone else to one of the largest perils, in what I will kindly call “over-efficient” anti-racism and anti-hate evangelism. It can end up producing more than it finds.

Take the case of Laith Marouf, to whom Minister Hussen directed those funds. Mr. Marouf, as Kay has documented from his Twitter account, has a pungent style: “You know all those loud mouthed bags of human feces, aka the Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate Palestine and they have to go back to where they come from, they will return to being low voiced bitches of their Christian/Secular White Supremacist Masters.”

Just the voice you want from an “anti-hate” specialist. (I wonder what he thinks of the Catholic Rosary.) “Low voiced bitches” has that real “fight hurtful language wherever you find it” tone. Though for real love-infused sweetness I don’t think you can top “loud mouthed bags of human feces.”

Canadian Heritage really knows how to hunt out the very best “anti-hate” virtuosos. Compliments of Kay again we find the government-financed Mr. Marouf reflecting on PM Trudeau, Canada, and (if I may) one of its most endearing citizens, Irwin Cotler.

How’s this from the sweetheart and sweeter mouth of an “anti-hate” specialist. “The Jewish White Supremacist Summit hosted by Apartheid Canada PM, Justin Trudeau, was the brainchild of Irwin Cotler, the Grand Wizard of Zionism in this colony. Notice that he looks like a dick without makeup, as he spews his bullshit.” If this isn’t an ode to Inclusion and Diversity, I know nothing about odes.

Minister of Diversity and Inclusion Hussen, meantime, a full week after Kay gave this warped social warrior some attention, now tells Canada he is looking into the matter. To quote a brilliant tweet: “What’s to look into?”

Well there is one thing to look into. And that is how your department with its overwhelming commitment to anti-racism managed to find and fund a sewer-source of what exactly your department was set up to fight. If Mr. Kay, who doesn’t have the resources of a whole government department can search Twitter, how did you possibly come to hire this man? Who said Yes? Who examined CMAC? Or is all you require in such matters that someone merely says they are “anti hate” and the words alone are enough. Efficiency again.

One more post from this Mother Teresa of kindness and anti-racism: “I have a motto: life is too short for shoe laces, or for entertaining Jewish White Supremacists with anything but a bullet to the head.”

Here’s another motto: A ferocious commitment to virtue-signalling should exercise the brain more than the mouth. And while I’m at it, campaigns against anti-hate could do with a lot of self-examination.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Well it took just over a decade to recover from the first trudeau's bad spending. He put Canada in such a spiral there was actually talk about declaring bankruptcy. But we did recover eventually.

This time may take a little longer. The first trudeau screwed us but he wasn't completly incompetent. This one is. HE decides what sounds good to him and his inter-sectional woke friends and then just declares that without any thought to what harm it may do or how it's going to be achieved. His underlings and beurocrats don't want anything to do with it so it gets passed around and completely screwed up. the end results are horrible.

We have literally doubled our national debt in 7 years. Productivity is at an all time low compared to other countries. We are no longer a top attraction for investment. Our skills training is lacking. And worse - we've just hit the dreaded 'boomer bubble' that they've been predicting for the last 30 years where the boomers who are retiring represent an oversized hunk of our population, and will now be drawing pensions and consuming health care resources at a huge rate that the rest of the population will have a brutal time keeping up with.

The world banks are saying we're expected to underperform for the next 40 years and unfortunately that's probably not far from the truth. Even if PP gets in three years from now it'll be a decade or two for us to truly get back on our feet as a top performer.

But - as the saying goes, how old will we be in 20 years if we DON'T start fixing things now - same as if we do. So we might as well get to it and start the hard work of rebuilding, starting with getting PP elected and getting rid of that destroyer of nations Trudeau.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Well, we got rid of our disaster, Britain got rid of its disaster, y'all's turn.

True Dope jumped the shark a while back.

Standard disclaimer that this is just an opinion from somebody who neither has nor wants a say in it. Just a view from abroad.

Don't call me "a broad."
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Well, we got rid of our disaster, Britain got rid of its disaster, y'all's turn.
Well Britian's wasn't much of a disaster, he actually did decent. Lets face it, what he resigned for wouldn't even be a blip here in north america, we do worse than that daily. :)

And i'm afraid the US is suffering from back to back disasters at this point.

I do hope we turn a leaf soon. Sure, generally speaking Conservatives tend to think that liberal leaders are 'bad' and vice versa, but this transcends that and party lines - this guy is an unmitigated disaster.
True Dope jumped the shark a while back.
Yeah, I think history would remember him more kindly if he lost after his first term.
Standard disclaimer that this is just an opinion from somebody who neither has nor wants a say in it. Just a view from abroad.
Of course but such opinions are often very valuable. Sometimes one can't see the forest for the trees, it's good to have a 10,000 ft outside view.
Don't call me "a broad."
Shirley, you don't mean that. :ROFLMAO:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well, we got rid of our disaster, Britain got rid of its disaster, y'all's turn.

True Dope jumped the shark a while back.

Standard disclaimer that this is just an opinion from somebody who neither has nor wants a say in it. Just a view from abroad.

Don't call me "a broad."
….Jumped an ecologically friendly biodegradable gender neutral sharks who’s pronouns are they, zim, & zoom.