UN Urged To Declare Canada's Treatment Of Aboriginals 'Genocide'


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Your logic is false anyway. Canada as a govt and institution had the death penalty for a long time. Does that make the institution financially responsible for wrongful death since we no longer have the death penalty?

It should be, yes. That is one of the reasons I am against the death penalty to begin with. I dont want to wind up with blood on my hands. If the state kills someone in my name with my money and that person happens to be innocent, there would be blood on my hands and on everyone else who paid into that system. If a person is murdered the killer should pay a price for it, if a person is wrongfully imprisoned or murdered by the state, the state should pay a price for it as well. If any of the individuals involved whether it be judges, jurors, prosecutors or other citizens who could have prevented the miscarriage of justice and didnt they also as individuals should pay for what they did.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
This is not obvious. There are an awful lot of people in here talking, and only the one with a massive chip on his shoulder about first nations seems to have come to this 'obvious conclusion'.
Then please enlighten me. Where am I wrong? You stated the indians want acknowledgement and apology and the truth about history in the books. Well I am quite willing to give all that a million times over. Not good enough to settle it though is it? Yes it becomes obvious that when all the conditions are met and things still aren't considered over and settled until money is paid then it is about money. How can it not be? Everything else requested is offered freely yet still no end to the matter without the cash. That makes it pretty simple and obvious to me so go ahead and explain where I am wrong.
The charges don't all predate 1931.
Fair enough. They do all predate me having any say in govt or how it handled the situation though and they certainly all predate my kids having anything to do with it.
And, once again the term genocide does not apply only if you successfully wiped out a whole race. Otherwise, there never would have ever been any genocides.
Fine. Genocide does not require an entire race to be eliminated. So if the white man was attempting genocide for the last 400 years why are there so many peace treaties? Why do billions a year get paid to indians? Is it not logical to think that with superior manpower and firepower they could have easily done the job completely if that was the goal. Is it not logical to think nothing would be paid and no treaties would have been made if it was the goal to exterminate the race?

Do I have a chip on my shoulder over this? You bet I do!!! Why? Because ever since my parents moved me here in 1974 it is all I have heard. 'Poor hard-done-by indians', treated so badly. Well guess what. Most of the people who did all that stuff are long gone along most of the victims. So fine, lets make all those left alive who were in a residential school a settlement offer and end it all, but no, not good enough, We are supposed to pay everyone of that entire race, even those too young to have been in one of the schools and those that were never sent there. WTF? Why does a 20 year old indian deserve payment for things that happened before they were born? Why do I have a problem with all this?


Jan 6, 2007
Then please enlighten me. Where am I wrong? You stated the indians want acknowledgement and apology and the truth about history in the books. Well I am quite willing to give all that a million times over. Not good enough to settle it though is it?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is, actually, part of the settlement for the residential schools. Their finding that it was genocide IS part of an existing settlement that is over and done with. But, you're so busy imagining natives with their hands out, that I doubt you'll care about that fact.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Yup, that is all it is about.... your money:

Money - Pink Floyd HD (Studio Version) - YouTube

In the end with lawyers involved it is always about money. Our government wrongly imprisoned thousands of Japanese Canadians and stole their property during WW2. We all know that but those of us that were not born then giving millions of dollars to others that were not even born then does nothing good in the long run.
Like Nick I am not about to apologize for something that happened before I was born and I resent paying for it as well. Not to be confused with living up to contracts that were made and are still in effect. I think many people confuse the two, perhaps deliberately.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
In the end with lawyers involved it is always about money. Our government wrongly imprisoned thousands of Japanese Canadians and stole their property during WW2. We all know that but those of us that were not born then giving millions of dollars to others that were not even born then does nothing good in the long run.
Like Nick I am not about to apologize for something that happened before I was born and I resent paying for it as well. Not to be confused with living up to contracts that were made and are still in effect. I think many people confuse the two, perhaps deliberately.

You're only 17 years old?


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Once the pay out is made... is that the end of it? Let's say a final compensation is made (along with another apology of course) then the issue is resolved? No more special treatment etc.?

That ain't the way it works. Nope. Never ends.

White people may have to give up their access to cabins and lakefront because of the Algonquin land claims. They might be able to keep them, just not get to them.

............only fair, eh.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
According to my wife sometimes not even that.
What we were discussing goes back well over 100 years.

But not just over a 100 years ago. Last residential school closed in the ninties, sterilizations were still occurring in the seventies. All within my lifetime. Certainly with living victims of those abuses still with us.

ETA: You also have to be aware that should there be some arbitrary cut off, you don't think government would simply wait it out until they die so as not to have to take any responsibility?

Once the pay out is made... is that the end of it? Let's say a final compensation is made (along with another apology of course) then the issue is resolved? No more special treatment etc.?

Answer this question. If the government/society came into your home when your boys were young, ripped them away from you and stuck them into an institution where they suffered abuse, neglect and spent the remainder of their lives with severe emotional and mental and substance problems because of it, then acted like nothing happend for 30 or 40 years, would there be such a thing as enough of an apology?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is, actually, part of the settlement for the residential schools. Their finding that it was genocide IS part of an existing settlement that is over and done with. But, you're so busy imagining natives with their hands out, that I doubt you'll care about that fact.

Well if there is a settlement what is all the fuss over? What else is required? I dont get it. How can there be an agreement but it isnt over and done with?

in the end with lawyers involved it is always about money. Our government wrongly imprisoned thousands of japanese canadians and stole their property during ww2. we all know that but those of us that were not born then giving millions of dollars to others that were not even born then does nothing good in the long run.
like nick i am not about to apologize for something that happened before i was born and i resent paying for it as well. Not to be confused with living up to contracts that were made and are still in effect. I think many people confuse the two, perhaps deliberately.


Answer this question. If the government/society came into your home when your boys were young, ripped them away from you and stuck them into an institution where they suffered abuse, neglect and spent the remainder of their lives with severe emotional and mental and substance problems because of it, then acted like nothing happend for 30 or 40 years, would there be such a thing as enough of an apology?
No. But money ain't gonna change it or make it better either so that just appears as greed. So what's the solution?

Remember of course if I forgive you for doing me wrong it isn't to make you feel better it is to make me feel better.

Yes there should be a cut off. If you weren't alive or it didn't happen to you then you get nothing. It should also be that whatever is given should only come from those who were of legal age when it happened. Make a special extra tax for them. At least you then bave those responsible paying the true victims. That is equitable and fair don't you think?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The government and country are responsible. Both still exist. The individuals involved in making the decisions are no longer there but the institutions themselves are still responsible. This isnt anything new. You can look at any issue involving money. Tax dollars the government gets from me no doubt goes to some things the government did when I was a small child or before I was even born. The government of today is increasing the debt which will not be paid off by those currently in government and likely wont be paid in their lifetimes. That just the way it works for countries. Hell, Germany didnt finish paying WW1 reparations til just a few years ago. The vast majority of the money collected was from people who had no involvement in that war at all. Sure, we can call it unfair and not like it but thats the way it is and I doubt that is going to change any time soon.
Excuse me for asking, but how old are you WLDB?

My point exactly. The people who were responsible aren't alive any more, at least no many are.
True, but the gov't they worked for is still here, and still responsible.

These are the same institutions that pay out billions a year to the indians. Maybe we should ask for all that back and then talk about a settlement for damages.
Sure, and we'll take all the land and resources back too.

What part of trade don't you get?

Your logic is false anyway.
No it isn't.

Canada as a govt and institution had the death penalty for a long time. Does that make the institution financially responsible for wrongful death since we no longer have the death penalty?
No, but it would be considered a wrongful execution, and the gov't on the hook, just as they are for wrongful convictions.

Does it make me financially responsible for those put to death under the law at that time? Of course not.
Of course not, it makes the gov't financially responsible.

That would just be silly right?
Only in your world.

So what is different about this situation? What happened was legal in Canada at the time.
No, actually fraud, theft, murder, and sexual assault were not legal.

That doesn't make it better but nobody broke any laws especially me and my kids.
Actually they did.

[/quote]If you want to open up things that were done long ago and set them against today's laws well then best be prepared to pay 90% tax rates for a few thousand years to pay off all those who were wronged and their heirs.[/QUOTE]They were illegal then, are you ready to pay?

Then please enlighten me. Where am I wrong?
The list of where you're right is shorter and will take far less time to type.


Fair enough. They do all predate me having any say in govt or how it handled the situation though and they certainly all predate my kids having anything to do with it.
But you and your kids are living off the results of that criminal act. Therefore you get to pay...

I really like that part, lol.

Fine. Genocide does not require an entire race to be eliminated. So if the white man was attempting genocide for the last 400 years why are there so many peace treaties?
One predates the other. Can you figure out which?

Why do billions a year get paid to indians?
Compensation for the land and resources you are enjoying today.

Do I have a chip on my shoulder over this? You bet I do!!! Why?
I'm gunna go with, because you're ignorant.

We are supposed to pay everyone of that entire race, even those too young to have been in one of the schools and those that were never sent there. WTF?
You aren't paying anyone that wasn't in a residential school.

Why does a 20 year old indian deserve payment for things that happened before they were born?
If you're referring to residential school, they don't. And know of none that are.

If you're referring to funding, that's compensation for the land and resources you enjoy now.

Why do I have a problem with all this?
Because I just had to correct a large part of your ignorance for the umpteenth time.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Excuse me for asking, but how old are you WLDB?

True, but the gov't they worked for is still here, and still responsible.

Sure, and we'll take all the land and resources back too.

What part of trade don't you get?

No it isn't.

No, but it would be considered a wrongful execution, and the gov't on the hook, just as they are for wrongful convictions.

Of course not, it makes the gov't financially responsible.

Only in your world.

No, actually fraud, theft, murder, and sexual assault were not legal.

Actually they did.

If you want to open up things that were done long ago and set them against today's laws well then best be prepared to pay 90% tax rates for a few thousand years to pay off all those who were wronged and their heirs. They were illegal then, are you ready to pay?

The list of where you're right is shorter and will take far less time to type.


But you and your kids are living off the results of that criminal act. Therefore you get to pay...

I really like that part, lol.

One predates the other. Can you figure out which?

Compensation for the land and resources you are enjoying today.

I'm gunna go with, because you're ignorant.

You aren't paying anyone that wasn't in a residential school.

If you're referring to residential school, they don't. And know of none that are.

If you're referring to funding, that's compensation for the land and resources you enjoy now.

Because I just had to correct a large part of your ignorance for the umpteenth time.

You are just greedy and lazy and want money. Other than that you are full of ****. Times change as do people and countries and laws. You and your bretheren are the only ones who seem to believe you can live in the past. You want to have your cake and eat it too. That simple. Time for you to get over the butt hurt from your ancestors selling you down the river. What you gonna do if we canadians just say no and cut off your gravy train? I am certainly ready to do that. Fuk you and your brothers...I own just as much of this planet as you and dont need to pay you or get your permission to have my piece.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Thank you.

I'll try and take it easy on you, so as to not upset you so much you forget how to use the quote function...

You are just greedy and lazy and want money.
No, I work for a living, as an independent contract welder. But i do want money, which is why I work.

Other than that you are full of ****.
That must be why time and time again, I've poked huge holes in the idiotic nonsense you post, complete with facts.

Times change as do people and countries and laws.
I agree. But I can actually pull up legal statutes that will show, fraud, theft, murder and sexual assault were illegal at the time they were being used against a specific portion of the population, in an attempt to rid the country of the "Indian question".

You and your bretheren are the only ones who seem to believe you can live in the past.
That's probably why me and my brethren have educations, homes, families, jobs and so on.

You want to have your cake and eat it too.
Ummm, no. That would be you. You who wants to live off the land that was bartered, and consume the resources that were bartered, but end the negotiated and court upheld contracts that make compensation to us, the original title holders.

That simple.
Well I agree, it was a simple thought, which in all likelihood, is why it was wrong.

Time for you to get over the butt hurt from your ancestors selling you down the river.
I'm not butt hurt, nor did my ancestors sell me down a river.

I would suggest you broaden your knowledge of Native history in Canada.

What you gonna do if we canadians just say no and cut off your gravy train?
If you illegally break the contracts there will likely be a revolt.

I am certainly ready to do that.
I know. Like most uneducated and ignorant people you think might makes right and that what little education you have on a subject, is all there is.

Fuk you and your brothers...
No thank you, you're not our type.

I own just as much of this planet as you and dont need to pay you or get your permission to have my piece.
LOL, you really are funny when you get all upset and angry.


Jan 6, 2007
Well if there is a settlement what is all the fuss over?

Truth and reconciliation. It's hard to reconcile your history if you won't admit what it is. The point of the truth and reconciliation commission is to properly document what happened, not to write the churches' version, the governments' version, or the version of people who think that if they acknowledge reality, someone will knock them off their privileged little pedestals.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
But not just over a 100 years ago. Last residential school closed in the ninties, sterilizations were still occurring in the seventies. All within my lifetime. Certainly with living victims of those abuses still with us.

ETA: You also have to be aware that should there be some arbitrary cut off, you don't think government would simply wait it out until they die so as not to have to take any responsibility?

Answer this question. If the government/society came into your home when your boys were young, ripped them away from you and stuck them into an institution where they suffered abuse, neglect and spent the remainder of their lives with severe emotional and mental and substance problems because of it, then acted like nothing happend for 30 or 40 years, would there be such a thing as enough of an apology?

We were mostly discussing land claims and I thought that the residential school thing was settled at least as far as who is getting what and an official apology.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Truth and reconciliation. It's hard to reconcile your history if you won't admit what it is. The point of the truth and reconciliation commission is to properly document what happened, not to write the churches' version, the governments' version, or the version of people who think that if they acknowledge reality, someone will knock them off their privileged little pedestals.

Just let me be sure here. They want the truth right. Would the truth happen to be the native's version?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
We were mostly discussing land claims and I thought that the residential school thing was settled at least as far as who is getting what and an official apology.

Land claims? I think that's the other thread. This thread is about the UN decreeing what was done to First Nations peoples as genocide.

There was only one person talking about it being all about money.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Just let me be sure here. They want the truth right. Would the truth happen to be the native's version?

The Truth has been confirmed in cases that went as high as Prov Supreme Courts- Not sure about if it went to the SCoC.
Again, Canada committed Genocide.

Those that were complicit in this are old now, some are still around. Perhaps the question should be why they were not charged.

Convention on Genocide


Key Provisions

The convention defines genocide as any act committed with the idea of destroying in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. This includes such acts as:

Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting conditions calculated to physically destroy the group (the whole group or even part of the group)
Forcefully transferring children of the group to another group

The convention declares that there is no immunity from being prosecuted for committing genocide: those found guilty of genocide will be punished for their crime, regardless of whether they are or were legally constituted ruler, public officials, or private individuals.

According to this convention, anyone charged with genocide will be put on trial by either:

a competent court of the country where the act was committed; or
an international court that has jurisdiction over the people and crimes concerned.


Jan 6, 2007
We were mostly discussing land claims and I thought that the residential school thing was settled at least as far as who is getting what and an official apology.

The residential school settlement included the formation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Their inquiries, hearings, and interviews over the last few years, have been part of the settlement, and their findings have been a motivating factor in the resurgence of the debate over whether we call a spade a spade, or keep pretending it wasn't quite a spade, because the Germans were worse.