UN Chief Blames Rich For Global Warming…


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

Reality check: China is by far and away the world’s #1 polluter.
DOHA, Qatar (AP) — The U.N. chief says rich countries are to blame for global warming and should take the lead in forging a worldwide climate pact by 2015.

Ban Ki-moon says it’s a deadline that “must be met.”

Ban told The Associated Press on the sidelines of U.N. climate talks in Qatar on Wednesday that “it’s only fair and reasonable that the developed world should bear most of the responsibility” in fighting climate change.

Ban says the “phenomenon has been caused by the industrialization of the developed world,” whose factories released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere long before the climate effects were known.

Ban is in Doha to push the negotiations to “accelerate the process” of shifting the world to clean energy pathways and helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to global warming.

UN Chief Blames Rich For Global Warming… | Weasel Zippers


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

(From McMartin: Jurassic fart - The end of the beginning)
Letters to the Editor:

“In a major new climate finding, researchers have calculated that dinosaur flatulence could have
put enough methane into the atmosphere to warm the planet.” — Vancouver Sun, May 8.

From: Mrs. A. Brontosaurus.
Occupation: Ruminant.
Address: Humid, Bug-infested Swamp, Pangea.

Dear Editor:
“As a mother of several hundred hatchlings, I feel compelled to write in to you
today to share my thoughts about, and my fears for, our future. Our time here
as the dominant, super-gigantic species on Earth may be coming to an end, no
pun intended. We have only ourselves to blame.

“We now have incontrovertible proof that the Earth is warming, and that this
warming is due exclusively to our excessive lifestyles and unbridled consumption
of, mostly, ferns.

“According to a new study, we dinosaurs pass about 520 million tonnes of methane
annually, or the equivalent of about 706 gallons of gas a day. Think about that. Those
numbers are in themselves obscene, and I am not just talking about the fact that
everything smells like feet now.

“We cannot continue to live in this way and expect life as we know it to remain
the same. Everything we cherish and are accustomed to — the wallowing around
in fetid mudholes, the squashing of things underfoot, the daily panicked stampedes
— all those good times will come to an end because of our own profligacy.

“We have to leave a smaller footprint. We have to consume less. [And gawd knows,
at over 35 tonnes, I, for one, could afford to lose some weight!]

“We have to evolve into something less super-gigantic and lizardy to something more ...
oh, I don’t know ... hairy? and with opposable thumbs? Whatever. I’m only spitballing here.
But surely, if we start talking about this now, we can come up with something by the early
Cenozoic Era. But we have to start now, because our time is running out!”

From: Mr. T. Rex.
Occupation: Your Worst Nightmare.
Address: Wherever I Damn Well Please.

Dear Editor:
“I feel compelled to reply to your earlier correspondent, a Mrs. A. Brontosaurus,
whose letter appeared in yesterday’s paper.

“The tripe she spewed is what I have come to expect from plant-eaters like her,
those sensitive souls who have swallowed the codswallop about global warming
due to — I can’t believe we’re even discussing this seriously — flatulence. Really?
The world ends not with a bang but a whiffle? It is to laugh, not that that’s my thing.

“Is the Earth warming? Possibly, but the figures are inconclusive, and if there is a
rise in temperature, it could be due to factors beyond our control, such as solar
flares, cosmic rays or volcanic activity.

“But from cutting the cheese? Please. Something smells all right, and it’s not coming
out of our asses. It’s coming out of the mouths of credulous herd animals like Mrs.
Brontosaurus, who, if we met in debate, I’m sure I would eat for breakfast. Literally.

“In summation, the odds of our extinction by global warming is as likely as it is by a
giant meteor plowing into the earth and throwing up a winter-inducing layer of
atmospheric dust. Which is to say, zero odds. We dinosaurs have been on
the Earth for 165 million years and we’ll be here for another 165 million years.
Reptiles rule! Especially me.

“P.S.: Please excuse my shaky handwriting. I have difficulty holding a pen, given the size of my arms.”

From: Mr. F. Flintstone.
Occupation: Quarry worker.
Address: Bedrock City.

Dear Editor:
“As a mammal and, evolutionarily speaking, a newcomer to things, I’ve read with
interest the letters to the editor addressing the issue of global warming due to
sauropod flatulence. In most respects, we humans remain bystanders to the
issue — though sometimes, given our stature, we’re standing under the issue,
if you catch my drift.

“But I’d like to say this to our dinosaur friends, including those we humans have
come to rely upon in their capacity as cranes, airplanes, lawn mowers, etc.

“In many respects, we humans have already addressed the issue of global
warming by living in an ecologically responsible manner.

“For example, our output of personally generated methane as compared to
yours is minuscule [though my wife, Wilma, might tell you differently!]. Also,
consider our means of transportation. Our automobiles, propelled by foot,
have zero emissions.

“On the other hand, I look forward to the day when you all turn into oil.
Because when that happens, life is going to be sweet!”

“As ever, yabba-dabba-doo.”



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Some don't believe there is global warming beyond natural causes so rich people
have nothing to do with it. Then again why not blame the rich they are an identifiable
group and as good as any. Really its a case of

"I didn't say it was your fault, I said I am blaming you anyway"

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada & China have vary different climates. Yes, it does get cold in parts
of China; but no part of Canada, to the best of my knowledge, is tropical.

No, I haven't read the LINK above (in a while, though I've seen it before),
but winter has to be factored into the equasion....& no, it's not directly
offset by air conditioning in warmer places.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
More signs that UN is filled with morons.

He could have redeemed himself had he stated the FRAUD of AGW has been concocted by the Global post structural, investment and banking oligarchy (by way of Kyoto carbon credits and undermining of national industrial economies) as part of their mad ambition of global domination. But the UN is just a toadie for that agenda.. so.. what do you expect.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Reality Check: China has 1.5 billion people

ON a per capita basis, Canada produces far more greenhouse gases:
List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canada is #8
China is #72

Of course wealthy people tend to use more energy and therefore produce more greenhouse gasses.

GHG per capita is an irrelevant number. It just means that we have more industry. Also for some obscure reason known only(maybe) to the Climate change crowd we get credited with the GHG emissions of carbon fuels that we export.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reality Check: China has 1.5 billion people

ON a per capita basis, Canada produces far more greenhouse gases:
List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canada is #8
China is #72

What does that matter. The "dying planet" is not checking the per capita.

Good. Just imagine the flak we'd get if Canadian companies were manufacturing here rather than there.

What a great point.

DOHA, Qatar (AP) — The U.N. chief says rich countries are to blame for global warming and should take the lead in forging a worldwide climate pact by 2015.

Once again these conferences aren't doing anything except putting more carbon in the air and using more resources. They are frustrated because Western Nations aren't feeding their greedy appetites for Western cash.

I love hearing their frustrated calls for binding agreements from the West so they can spend our money and it isn't happening. Their frustration is music to my ears.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I blame the Blacks... The Muslims... The Gays... The Christians... The Queen... The President... The SPCA... The WWF before it became RAW... I blame Disco and Dianna Ross... I blame Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Atwood... I blame Beagles and Farting Cows... Annoying dogs that fit in your purse and sex toy manufacturers... I blame Lady Gaga and her meat coat... Farting Cows and Jumping beans... I blame Gerryh and Ron from Regina... I blame CDN Bear and Karries ******... I blame poetry and lack of poetry... I blame Michael J Fox for shaking so much... I blame the Sperminator and the Terminator for being polar opposites...

And those are just the people I can think of...


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Quote: Originally Posted by petros
Good. Just imagine the flak we'd get if Canadian companies were manufacturing here rather than there.
What a great point.
It's the price we paid to save the maple syrup industry from acid rain but now they complain we don't manufacture enough anymore.

Sugar maple seeds are portable. If maple syrup is so important, plant in acid rain free Siberia and bring back the steel, pulp, smelting and chemical industry to Canada.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
GHG per capita is an irrelevant number. It just means that we have more industry. Also for some obscure reason known only(maybe) to the Climate change crowd we get credited with the GHG emissions of carbon fuels that we export.

Why not apply the carbon ghg measure as an expression of emissions per square foot or km?

... Ahhh, that's right; all of Europe and Asia would be top of the emissions ladder based on population and the actual contribution made by that nation.... Can't have that, now can we?

Sugar maple seeds are portable. If maple syrup is so important, plant in acid rain free Siberia and bring back the steel, pulp, smelting and chemical industry to Canada.

Harper ought to apply a ghg tariff/duty on all imports that originate from cheaper labor nations... Justify the tax/tariff to the UN and WTO as a measure to save the planet in that the money will be invested in more eco-friendly mfging plants located in Canada.

That ought to shut-up the UN for a few days


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
GHG per capita is an irrelevant number. It just means that we have more industry.

Really? You think Canada has more industry than China? In 2011, China's industrial output was worth just over $3.4 trillion, while Canada had industrial output worth $495 billion.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Really? You think Canada has more industry than China? In 2011, China's industrial output was worth just over $3.4 trillion, while Canada had industrial output worth $495 billion.
Out of the 3.4 Trillion how much is generated by Canadian and American companies that set up shop in China?