U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Odd thing is hatred spouted for or against barbaric conduct tends to turn people off - thus blinding them to barbaric conduct. You're not part of ANY solution. Your venom is the same thing.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The troops are slated to be taken out at the end of the year, but IMO I should think the Government should push to get them out sooner than that. Election year be damned, the repercussions of this are going to last much longer if they don't get out ASAP.

good post. Love your Avatar. :smile:

(have a nice day)

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Okay guys....at the time of the US (and Canadian) invasion, the lunatic Taliban did not control the entire nation. The somewhat less lunatic Northern Alliance controlled some of the nation........and the US and their allies (Canada) simply took the opportunity to provide the Northern Alliance with some significant air support :), some aid in weapons, and a few tens of thousands of troops.......

Absolutely correct, only Pakistan (well duh they created the Taliban lol ) Saudi Arabia and UAE recognized the Taliban as gov't of Afghanistan. Even the OIC didn't recognize their legitimacy. So yes, there was never an invasion. We picked a side and went in to help.

That's OK, right? I mean Iran's doing the same in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza, and they're cool, right?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
In any war, some soldiers are going to do bad things, even British ones.
British Military in Iraq: A Shocking Legacy. | Dissident Voice

No country is immune, not even Canada. That's why the highest levels must set an example for the lower ranks. Discipline must be strictly enforced (Brits have a good reputation for discipline). Any transgressions must resolved quickly and justly. No country can fight a large scale war without at least a few soldiers pushing the boundaries or crossing lines that should not be crossed. That is expected. Soldiers who gun down women and children for sport and then pissing on their corpses should get more than a slap on the wrist.

Your linkage to killing women/children to pissing on Tlaiban is really strecthing it again. But what can we expect. better. Not a chance in hell of that happening.

Myself I see a huge difference between killing women and children and pissing on Taliban corpses - Pissing on Taliban corpses is a non issue -


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Goober, I've proven you wrong so many times, I've lost count:

On November 19, 2005 in Haditha, U.S. Marines deliberately shot 24 Iraqi civilians including seven children, a toddler, three women and a 76-year-old man in a wheelchair. Sergeant Sanick De la Cruz, who received immunity in return for testimony, testified that he watched Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich shoot five Iraqis who were attempting to surrender. Cruz further testified that both he and Wuterich fired into the bodies of the five after they were dead, and that he had urinated on one of the dead Iraqis.

Haditha killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So not only did a US marine piss on a civilian corpse in Haditha, he also admitted it and got away with it.
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
How would we know if you've proven anyone wrong? You'll hijack any thread to post your twisted ball of hate completely out of context. I was wrong about one thing. Propaganda requires a bit of easily established truth. These furball rages you and OB like posting are just that....

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Karzai Calls for Troops to Withdraw from Afghan Villages

Blowback from the Murder of Civilians Continues to Cause Strain between US, Afghanistan

The chaos in Afghanistan continues to escalate in the aftermath of the recent massacre of 16 Afghanistan civillians by a troubled US soldier. As a result of the incident, Afghani President Hamid Karzai pleaded for the US to pull troops out of Afghan villages and to confine them to US bases.

Karzai Calls for Troops to Withdraw from Afghan Villages | Common Dreams

what part of "get out of Afghanistan" does the stubborn / arrogant USG not understand.??


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Terror, Trauma, and the Endless Afghan War

by Amy Goodman
We may never know what drove a U.S. Army staff sergeant to head out into the Afghan night and allegedly murder at least 16 civilians in their homes, among them nine children and three women. The massacre near Belambai, in Kandahar, Afghanistan, has shocked the world and intensified the calls for an end to the longest war in U.S. history. The attack has been called tragic, which it surely is. But when Afghans attack U.S. forces, they are called “terrorists.” That is, perhaps, the inconsistency at the core of U.S. policy, that democracy can be delivered through the barrel of a gun, that terrorism can be fought by terrorizing a nation.

Terror, Trauma, and the Endless Afghan War | Common Dreams

Some real TRUTHS in above artice. Just as important is the accepting attitude of some that this act is a one off. NOT the case. It has become endemic.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Oh the wonderful world of OB...

Only rivaled in the ways of silly and fantasy, by the wonderful world of Oz.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
So I guess the man that went on a home-invastion style murderous rampage in the middle of the night, slaughtering small children, amongst others, has been protected by the US and will not be prosecuted for his crimes by the people he slaughtered. I wonder what would happen if a US murderer disguised as a soldeir came to Canada and did the same thing ... would the US grab their man and sneak him out of the country so that Canadians could not have justice? I think it's rather disgusting that mass murderers that are born in the US and commit their crimes in foreign countries are protected by their government.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I wonder what would happen if a US murderer disguised as a soldeir came to Canada and did the same thing ... would the US grab their man and sneak him out of the country so that Canadians could not have justice?
He'd be arrested by Canadian authorities, charged, tried and released, sentenced or confined for medical treatment, as the case would require.

I think it's rather disgusting that mass murderers that are born in the US and commit their crimes in foreign countries are protected by their government.
Ya, Canada does the same thing. For military and civilians.