Trudeau's 4 years of Accomplishments

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Announcing his new plan for getting to net-zero on carbon emissions, Justin Trudeau told Canadians: “If we trust scientists with our health, as we do, then we must also trust their research and their expertise when it comes to other existential threats. And that includes climate change. There is no vaccine against a polluted planet. It’s up to us to act. Because there is a real cost to pollution. We’re paying the price already with record storms, wildfires, floods, and heat waves, which all carry real economic costs and real risks to our health. We chose to get straight to work on cutting pollution.”

We should indeed trust scientific research and expertise, and above all data. But so far, data shows no such existential threats due to climate change.

Has Canada experienced record storms
? No. Environment and Climate Change Canada’s “Engineering Climate Datasets” show no overall increase in rainfall intensities. In Canada’s Changing Climate Report they clearly state, “For Canada as a whole, observational evidence of changes in extreme precipitation amounts, accumulated over periods of a day or less, is lacking.” Has the prime minister bothered to check this basic fact? Apparently not.

Has Canada experienced record wildfires? No. Natural Resources Canada’s Canadian National Fire Database shows the number of fires and the area burned declining in recent decades. A Fraser Institute study shows fire activity peaking in 1989. Ignorantly stating that we have had record wildfires does not change the data. It needlessly panics the public.

Record floods? Yes. Due to records in the number of exposed people and runoff from urban growth, but not bigger storms. A record in insurance premiums, with 2019 personal property premiums approaching four times 1996 values, not surprisingly, results in a record number of flood losses. Effective policies to mitigate flooding must address the true causes, not pet policy goals.

Has Canada experienced record heat waves? Yes. In the 1930s and 1940s. The Climate Research Branch of the Meteorological Service of Canada published these trends in the Journal of Climate and stated, “No consistent trends are found for the higher percentiles of summer daily maximum temperature, indicating little change to the number of extreme hot summer days.The data shows that minimum temperatures have increased, which increases averages, despite no increase in maximum temperatures. Is it time to have running fact checks on Trudeau just like they had on Donald Trump? It seems so.

Before the prime minister gets “straight to work” on economy-toppling policies to combat this existential threat, he should put some trust in scientific data and get his facts straight.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Ummm , Are you getting senile ? Trudeau’s major accomplishment was the ethics violations and he certainly does not have 71 million followers .
So where did the 71 million votes come from? Another planet? :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Almost legalized it. More like put it in the same position as alcohol. Lots of ignorant bureaucraps in charge. Most of the legal weed on the market is bunk.
The one thing that can't be overlooked with any sort of conscience , is there are segments of our society where harm MAY be caused. :)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Either that legal weed is no good or I'm immune to it...
I tried it to help me sleep but it didn't work!
But it was a promise kept . Cannot recall others , no proportional representation, certainly not honest and open , something appears missing in the transparency thing . Like transparency. Budgets sure aren’t balancing themselves .
still waiting for Mentalfloss to list all these promises kept and compare them to the Orangemans .
Wait for Flossy and It' gonna be a long wait
This is the way he thinks


bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
The one thing that can't be overlooked with any sort of conscience , is there are segments of our society where harm MAY be caused. :)
Visit the OCS web site. click on how to get started. pay with a credit card. It has never been easier
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The one thing that can't be overlooked with any sort of conscience , is there are segments of our society where harm MAY be caused. :)
Then they should stay away from it. Or we could make everything that might possibly cause someone harm illegal. Like fast food, alcohol, gambling, driving a car, working......
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
SCOC is compromised they ruled on politics not science or jurisdiction.

They just gave Trudie the Green light to backdoor control of the Oil patch

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled the federal Liberal government's carbon pricing regime is constitutional — a major decision that allows Ottawa to push ahead with its ambitious plan to ensure every province and territory has a price on carbon to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Some provinces, notably Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, have forcefully opposed the carbon tax, arguing natural resources are exclusively provincial jurisdiction under the constitution.

However, Chief Justice Richard Wagner, writing for the majority, said the federal government is free to impose minimum pricing standards because the threat of climate change is so great that it demands a co-ordinated national approach.

He agreed with the federal government that climate change is a truly pressing matter of national concern and it's constitutionally permissible for Ottawa to take the lead on an issue that crosses provincial boundaries.

"Climate change is real. It is caused by greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities, and it poses a grave threat to humanity's future," Wagner wrote.

Wagner found that Ottawa can act under the "peace, order and good government," or POGG, clause of the constitution, which gives the federal government authority to enact laws to deal with issues that concern the entire country.

The POGG clause​

Ottawa has tried to justify constitutionally questionable laws by citing the POGG clause in the past. It has succeeded in few of those cases because the Supreme Court is generally deferential to the division of powers set out in sections 91 and 92 of the Constitution Act, 1867. But in this case, Wagner said invoking POGG is justified......More

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Not sure what Canada accomplished in Afghanistan other than blowing a lot of money.

Should be a lesson there, but there is no one interested in learning it.
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bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Now faster and easier than ever to buy weed or place a bet using your credit card.

Major score for the banking community with charges of 18% and more on unpaid balances.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Rich people have the ability to leave the jurisdiction or keep their cash outside Canada and away from the CRA

I'll take the less taxes. In reality if we eliminated the waste and criminal incompetence in all levels of government we could not only lower taxes but enhance essential services as well.
As for our outdated healthcare system and some other government services there is absolutely no reason why the payer should also be the sole provider and run with government employees.
What is it that people don't understand by saying "tax the rich more". Do they not realize the so-called rich have far more options with what to do with their money than the average Joe? I'm still amazed at how this mantra is still going on.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
What is it that people don't understand by saying "tax the rich more". Do they not realize the so-called rich have far more options with what to do with their money than the average Joe? I'm still amazed at how this mantra is still going on.
The whole "The rich don't pay their fair share" is a canard. I can't speak for Canadian numbers but I do know that in the US just 4% of the taxpayers pay 59% of the income taxes.