SCOC is compromised they ruled on politics not science or jurisdiction.
They just gave Trudie the Green light to backdoor control of the Oil patch
In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled the federal Liberal government's carbon pricing regime is constitutional — a major decision that allows Ottawa to push ahead with its ambitious plan to ensure every province and territory has a price on carbon to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Some provinces, notably Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, have forcefully opposed the carbon tax, arguing natural resources are exclusively provincial jurisdiction under the constitution.
However, Chief Justice Richard Wagner, writing for the majority, said the federal government is free to impose minimum pricing standards because the threat of climate change is so great that it demands a co-ordinated national approach.
He agreed with the federal government that climate change is a truly pressing matter of national concern and it's constitutionally permissible for Ottawa to take the lead on an issue that crosses provincial boundaries.
"Climate change is real. It is caused by greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities, and it poses a grave threat to humanity's future," Wagner wrote.
Wagner found that Ottawa can act under the "peace, order and good government," or POGG, clause of the constitution, which gives the federal government authority to enact laws to deal with issues that concern the entire country.
The POGG clause
Ottawa has tried to justify constitutionally questionable laws by citing the POGG clause in the past. It has succeeded in few of those cases because the Supreme Court is generally deferential to the division of powers set out in sections 91 and 92 of the Constitution Act, 1867. But in this case, Wagner said invoking POGG is justified......More