Trudeau. Is he an idiot or what?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Should we include the title Savant to Mr. Trudeau's name?

Not on your life! "Idiot savant" is a term given to a retard who is gifted in one endeavour or an expert at one particular thing, quite often they don't have the brains to talk but they are geniuses on a musical instrument or sometimes they are able to multiply 10 digit numbers and have an answer in 2 seconds. Our Pretty Boy has no such abilities!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Not on your life! "Idiot savant" is a term given to a retard who is gifted in one endeavour or an expert at one particular thing, quite often they don't have the brains to talk but they are geniuses on a musical instrument or sometimes they are able to multiply 10 digit numbers and have an answer in 2 seconds. Our Pretty Boy has no such abilities!

Wow...... just wow.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I would have thought you would have known that, Ger!

Your choice of words, little man. Your choice of words.

I can see that you would refer to my autistic nephew as a "retard", and if you did it in front of me I'd have to put you in the hospital.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
So....having aspergers, I can refer to myself or anyone else as a retard
perfect! ( my illness is physical and has mental symptoms, but with real retards, it's a choice )

The point isn't that Trudie is a "tard", the point is the backroom people running him are not.
and he is the perfect smoke screen for them.

Take a look at the dictator for life over in china ( with their hundred million dead without guns ) if you want to know where the backroom boys would like to take us.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Your choice of words, little man. Your choice of words.

I can see that you would refer to my autistic nephew as a "retard", and if you did it in front of me I'd have to put you in the hospital.

Simmer down Gerry, I was just using a word that seems to have taken on a new meaning in the past 30 or 40 years, I could have used any of a number of words, which also someone would probably take offense to. I could have said "compromised", who knows how that would be accepted? When I was a kid "retarded" simply meant delayed with no negative connotations! It was often used as an automotive term as in "the spark is retarded". I doubt very much if I would EVER refer to an autistic person specifically as retarded. I usually reserve it for whackos like Putz!:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Not on your life! "Idiot savant" is a term given to a retard who is gifted in one endeavour or an expert at one particular thing, quite often they don't have the brains to talk but they are geniuses on a musical instrument or sometimes they are able to multiply 10 digit numbers and have an answer in 2 seconds. Our Pretty Boy has no such abilities!

Pathetic. Just pathetic.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I doubt very much if I would EVER refer to an autistic person specifically as retarded. I usually reserve it for whackos like Putz!:)

You just did, shyte head. Many of those with Savant syndrome have autism. So, yes, you called my nephew a "retard".

Maybe you should do some research, or have one of your smarter grandchildren do it for you, on the history of the word "retard" and why it is considered so offensive now.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

You just did, shyte head. Many of those with Savant syndrome have autism. So, yes, you called my nephew a "retard".

Maybe you should do some research, or have one of your smarter grandchildren do it for you, on the history of the word "retard" and why it is considered so offensive now.
Maybe you should relax and not take offence when none is intended . We are sorry for your nephew’s condition .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

You just did, shyte head. Many of those with Savant syndrome have autism. So, yes, you called my nephew a "retard".

Maybe you should do some research, or have one of your smarter grandchildren do it for you, on the history of the word "retard" and why it is considered so offensive now.

Calm down Gerry, you are talking through your hat. Calling people offensive names doesn't enhance your credibility. :lol: P.S. I wasn't aware you have a nephew much less one with autism.

Some reading for you Gerry, to educate yourself and also to let you know none of this was anything I thought up so here's a chance to upgrade your knowledge so you don't end up being a putz.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Calm down Gerry, you are talking through your hat. Calling people offensive names doesn't enhance your credibility. :lol: P.S. I wasn't aware you have a nephew much less one with autism.

Some reading for you Gerry, to educate yourself and also to let you know none of this was anything I thought up so here's a chance to upgrade your knowledge so you don't end up being a putz.

Hey, fu ckwad, you notice that no where in that article does it state "retard" or does it say "quite often they don't have the brains to talk."

Maybe take your own advice, only I would have someone else read it and explain it to you since I don't really think you have the mental capacity to understand on your own.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hey, fu ckwad, you notice that no where in that article does it state "retard" or does it say "quite often they don't have the brains to talk."

Maybe take your own advice, only I would have someone else read it and explain it to you since I don't really think you have the mental capacity to understand on your own.

You can either reply to me in a civil manner or just f**k right off. I don't have to take any shit from an Asshole like you. I've explained to you a dozen times "I disagree" is good enough and I have no trouble understanding it. You've got me convinced that you want to continue through life being an Asshole, so go your best lick. Just leave me alone.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Like I said: keep yer eye on the ball

SUBVERTING PARLIAMENT: Trudeau Liberals Caught Trying To Create $7 BILLION ‘Slush Fund’ To Escape House Of Commons Oversight

The Trudeau government is seeking to create a fund that will let them spend billions of our tax dollars now, without anyone knowing how it was spent until after the 2019 election.
The Trudeau Liberals have been caught trying to establish a $7 BILLION ‘slush fund,’ that would subvert the Parliamentary budget process.

As explained by Conservative Finance Critic Pierre Poilievre and Conservative MP Kelly McCauley, the fund would let the Liberals have a $7 billion stash of taxpayer dollars that they could spend without any accountability between now and the next federal election, without having to explain where that money would be spent until after the 2019 campaign.

This totally goes against how Parliament is supposed to work, because the government is mandated by law to show where every dollar is going in the budget estimates process. That’s basically the entire reason we have a Parliament in the first place, so those who represent the people vote on whether or not to approve how the government is spending our money.

If those representatives don’t know where the money is going, then they can’t do their jobs, and we aren’t a democracy

ought to keep an eye on this story here
just to see...